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Volume 1 Anchang City God Chapter 307 Intimidation

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    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "If I, Baiyun Temple, can assist the True Dragon to reach the top, the gain will be more than a million? But the City God" &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspQingxu was overjoyed at first, then frowned deeply.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspCompared to Song Yu's victory over the enemy and his invincibility, the spiritual world was even more shocked by Fang Ming's leaked achievements.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTaishangdao took action with all his strength. Five real people and five treasures formed a large formation. There was also the Dream Immortal who was eyeing him. Throughout the ages, any real person who encountered him would be destined to die!  !  !  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHowever, Fang Ming still broke through the formation, killed five real people in a row, and seized two treasures. The strength represented by Qingxu just thinking about it completely extinguished any thoughts of competing with Fang Ming. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Fortunately, at that time, my Baiyunguan and Song Gong were connected and could not escape, and Taishang Dao did not find the old Dao. Otherwise, it is hard to say what will happen now" Qingxu was filled with fear after thinking about it.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAfter the sacrifice to heaven was completed, Song Yu returned to Wu Palace surrounded by hundreds of officials.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspIn the main hall, Song Yu sat on a golden chair and accepted the worship of everyone. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "My king is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!!!" This has been rehearsed before, and now it feels very smooth.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "All nobles, please stand up!!!" Song Yu raised his hands and asked all officials to stand up, and then ordered "Proclaim!!"  This queen, first of all, ennobled several harems and family members, and prepared gold seals and ribbons. Because several wives had just given birth and could not travel far, they were quickly sent to Jianye. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThen, the officials will be rewarded. The most important thing is to promote the Sixth Division to the Sixth Department, and the chief officer will also have a third grade.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspBasically, everyone has been promoted to one and a half levels, and everyone is happy. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspBut just when the festive atmosphere in the city has not passed.  Song Yu then launched another war.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNot only did he post a recruitment notice, he also moved new soldiers from Wuzhou to Jiangling in a steady stream. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that the King of Wu was about to send troops to completely monopolize the south and half of the world.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "The 100,000-strong army of the lonely king conquered Jingbei. The damage was minimal and the morale was high. The 100,000 new soldiers in the rear were also trained. At this time, King Shi was dead, and Jiaozhou had always been leaderless. This is a good opportunity!"  When Yu conquered Xiangyang, because Shi Longjie and Longcheng reduced their forces and hoped to use the strong city of Xiangyang to defend, there were not many soldiers left to guard other prefectures, and basically the army arrived.  Even if they surrender, even if they attack the city, the damage will be minimal. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWhen we arrived in Xiangyang, because of Song Yu's fire attack strategy, he defeated the enemy without a fight and without spending a single soldier. This morale was cultivated.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNow that Yizhou and Jiaozhou are empty, it is a good opportunity to make progress!  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Ye Hongyan! I order you to be the fourth-grade Zhongwu General. Lead an army of fifty thousand and attack Jiaozhou. Luo Bin will be the fourth-grade Xuanwei General. Be your deputy general!!!" "Promise!" Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin came out  Line up to salute.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAt the moment when the order was issued, the clouds above the two people changed again, and a light green air hung down, filling the two people's luck. With the help of the green air, Ye Hongyan's destiny continued to emit bright light.  The red tiger roars and is about to take shape!  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Li Dazhuang! I have appointed you as a fourth-grade Zhongwu general. Together with Meng Che, the commander-in-chief of Huhe and the navy, we will lead 50,000 troops. Go up from Yiling and attack Yizhou!!!"  People also come out to salute, and each has his or her own destiny.  & nbsp  However, these two people are both top-ranking people in the Divine Stick Temple. They have always been humble and often ostracized. Now that they have reached a high position, the people below naturally have their own thoughts. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? &nbsp  & nbsp  Expand the recruitment to deal with the subsequent northern forces.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAt the end of November, after Song Yu became king, he immediately sent two armies to conquer Yizhou and Jiaozhou, and he personally sat in Jiangling, and his plansIn the south, the ambition to make progress in the world is clearly revealed.  & nbsp  The Shu region immediately revolted against the tyranny. In this chaotic situation, Li Dazhuang's Wu army attacked the city and plundered the territory, advancing with great success, and the situation was excellent.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAs for Jiaozhou, there are many miasmas and the like, and there are not many common people. The dragon energy is weak, and there is not yet a hidden dragon. Various small princes are divided into separate regimes, which is not orthodox. Although I heard the news from King Wu, and in  With the support of caring people, they immediately formed an alliance to resist the invasion of King Wu, but they were just a mob. How could they be Chihu's opponent?  Although he was able to hold back Ye Hongyan for a while, it was obvious that he was losing. Ye Hongyan worked steadily and achieved good results frequently.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Lord! According to the intelligence, Song Yu's unification of the south is already unstoppable!!!" Cheng Buyou said slowly, with a bitter look on his face. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHad he known that the King of Wu was so powerful, he would have sold himself to join him a long time ago. Unfortunately, he had already decided to rule as the king and his subjects were connected, but he could not escape. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp He made great achievements last time, and then worked hard in many ways. Finally, he was appreciated by Yuan Zong, and now he is a first-rate confidant.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "If I had known this, I would have led an army of 100,000 people that day, and went to the south first to destroy this owl! Alas I regret listening to the rumors that day and missing the opportunity!!!" Yuan Zong, Duke of Qin, sighed.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "My lord! It's not too late to mend the situation. Now Song Yu has not completely established the south, and in the four states of Wu, Jing, Yi, and Jiao, except for Wuzhou, which is slightly better, Jingzhou has suffered several wars, and everyone has been devastated.  The state is experiencing constant famines, and the tyrant Shi Longjie's bones are exposed in the wild. In Jiaozhou, various ethnic groups live together, with few people and a lot of miasma. These three states have been destroyed. In fact, the four states in the south have the most at this time.  But with the power of the two northern states, we still have a chance!" As a counselor, Cheng Buyou couldn't help but persuade him as he couldn't undermine his confidence.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAlthough this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is also consistent with common sense. In troubled times and wars, the people suffered a lot. At this time, the population of the four southern states was at least 50% less than the previous peace!  The strength is greatly reduced, and the war potential is also reduced!  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspIt¡¯s a pity that the situation in the south is like this, and the situation in the north is not much better!  Peasants are constantly revolting, killing us like weeds in the spring breeze. It is even more miserable than in the south!  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspBut needless to say, this is what Confucius meant by deleting the Spring and Autumn Period. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "That's right! In your opinion, what should I do now?" Yuan Zong's eyes lit up, but his face didn't show it, and he asked lightly. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "From the perspective of my subordinates, there is only one thing that the lord has to do now, which is to become the king!!!" Cheng Buyou said slowly.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Proclaim yourself king???" Yuan Zong was a little moved, "Someone has mentioned this to me before, but the army has suffered a new defeat, and Song Yu has risen from the south. If he loses his status as a leader at this time, then  " &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "It's the same thing now!" Cheng Buyou shook his head: "Now the whole south is about to change hands, and the world is fiercely contested. Who still remembers the Daqian royal family?  It is destiny to replace the queen. The Lord has not seen Song Yu in the south. He claims to be a queen, and his strength is getting stronger day by day. "&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp" Cheng Buyou advised.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Sir, you are right!" Yuan Zong walked around slowly for a few times and finally made up his mind!  !  !  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspGuanzhong, in Chang'an City, in the imperial palace.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspBig beads of sweat rolled down the little emperor's face, and Mu Ran woke up from his sleep.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Your Majesty?" "Your Majesty?"  Although the emperor is still young, he is very independent.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe imperial chariot arrived at the Queen Mother's palace. At this time, the Queen Mother had already heard the report. Even though it was night, she hurriedly came out and asked: "My son, you came here late at night, is there something wrong?"  Crying, "My son dreamed that the late emperor and the empress dowager came to warn him, saying that it was Yuan Zong" &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "My son, be silent!!!" The empress dowager's face changed drastically. Yuan Zong controlled the government and supported the young emperor to ascend to the throne. Now the palace  Among them, the guards are all made by Yuan Zong, how can they say something rude and cause trouble?  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspBut the Queen Mother's own face also turned pale. Although the late emperor and the Queen Mother were said to have died of illness, they actually died at the hands of Yuan Zong. Now the ancestors are warning, could it be The Queen Mother's body is shaking and she no longer dares to think  ¡­????? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "The Duke of Qin has arrived!" At this time, a voice came, and the Queen Mother shook her hand and dropped the tea cup on the ground. The little emperor hurriedly threw himself into the Queen Mother's arms, showing that he was extremely frightened.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspDong dong dong!  !  !  Yuan Zong came to the court in armor, followed by murderous guards.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Qinwhat's the matter with the Duke of Qin?" The Queen Mother said with courage.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAlthough he knew that the entire palace had changed hands a long time ago, Yuan Zong's intrusion into the palace late at night was really unseemly, and he brought soldiers with him, which frightened the Queen Mother even more!  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "It's nothing, I just have a decree, please give me the emperor's approval!" Yuan Zong said with a smile, and looked at the panicked woman without being polite. ?? &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "What's going on! The Ai family and the emperor will all check it out!" At this time, life and death were at stake, and what else could the Queen Mother say.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Okay! Then please use your seal!" Yuan Zong waved his hand, and there was an attendant behind him, holding the written imperial edict, and came to the Queen Mother.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "This" Although the Queen Mother knew that nothing good would happen, she couldn't help but be shocked when she unfolded the imperial edict.  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThis imperial edict is to ennoble the Duke of Qin Yuan Zong as the King of Qin. Daqian inherits the ancient system, and his surname is not king, but Yuan Zong does this brazenly, which is already the rhythm of usurping power and seizing the throne!  !  !  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAlthough it is not abdication of the throne, it is not far away!  !  !  &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Master Yuan! Are you so unwilling to let us orphans and widowed mothers go" The Queen Mother's eyes turned red and she burst into tears. Although the little emperor was smart, he was still a child after all, so he started crying.  (To be continued) &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspps: The new book "The Warlock of the Witch World" has been uploaded. I hope everyone will support it!  !  ! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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