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Text Chapter 615: The illusion of traveling through time and space

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    It gets dark very early in winter. Although Kyushu is located at the southernmost tip of Japan, the sunshine hours in winter are longer than other places. However, as Qing Shuilan put away the tableware used by the two, the sky outside the window gradually became darker.  It became dark.  "Is it already dark? I'm so bored, what should I do?" Uesugi Maki looked at the sky outside and felt a little depressed.  The place of trial is a rural place, so naturally it cannot be compared with Tokyo. If this were still in Tokyo, no matter what you do, you can easily kill the time at night, and you won¡¯t have nothing to do.  But here in the trial area, once it gets dark, the entire trial area becomes completely quiet. Not to mention places like bars and KTVs, there doesn¡¯t even seem to be a tavern where you can drink.  Of course, there are many otakus in Tokyo who don¡¯t go out at night and just stay at home playing games and so on. But even otakus can go out to convenience stores to buy bento at any time when they are hungry at night.  But here in the trial area, let alone a 24-hour convenience store, Uesugi Maki didn¡¯t seem to even see a canteen.  As for staying at home playing games or surfing the Internet?  Sorry, the temporary room for the two of them in front of me doesn't even have a TV, let alone a computer.  And it¡¯s not just the temporary rooms. It is estimated that the other rooms will not be equipped with computers, because even if they are equipped with computers, it is meaningless. There is no Internet connection here in the trial place.  This is why Uesugi Maki clearly brought a laptop, but she still cried out that she was bored.  Of course, there are not all electrical appliances here, at least there are lights.  So when it got dark, all the two of them could do was turn on the only light and stare in a daze.  "Ah, it's so boring. Why is there no Internet here? What a mistake. If I had known, I would have installed some games on the computer!" Uesugi Maki said, rolling on the bed with her head in her arms.  "Hey, that's my bed, your room is next door." Aoba couldn't help but complain.  "It's just a matter of lying down, brother Aoba, don't be so stingy! You can do it without the Internet." Uesugi Maki said to Aoba while lying on the bed.  "Okay, if you don't want to go online, just don't go online! It's just a good time to experience the life of human beings before they entered the Internet age." Qingye sat at the table with a calm look.  He said while drinking tea.  "Speaking of it, Brother Aoba, you are really awesome. Children of your age are usually more dependent on the Internet than me, right? I didn't expect you to be so calm." Uesugi Maki said hello  He looked at Qingye with a powerful look.  "Maki-sister, did you hear it? The sound of insects outside the window? It's obviously winter, but it seems to be very warm here in Kyushu." Aoba said, but he didn't answer the question.  "Yes, it is warmer here in Kyushu than in Tokyo. There are even insects chirping at night during this season." Uesugi Maki nodded in agreement.  "It's more than that. What is that outside?" Qingye pointed at the open door and said.  "Outside! Fireflies?" Uesugi Maki's eyes suddenly lit up.  "Yes. Don't you think it's interesting to be able to hear the chirping of insects and even see fireflies in this season?" Aoba said with a smile.  "Brother Aoba, when you say that, it seems true." Uesugi Maki nodded after thinking for a while.  "So, there is not just one interesting thing in life. Even without the Internet, aren't there still so many interesting things to listen to and watch? Why be so persistent." Qingye took advantage of the situation and said words of persuasion.  "I understand, I completely understand what you said, brother Aoba! But I understand, but I can't do it! No matter how nice the buzzing of insects is outside, all I want to do now is surf the Internet!" Uesugi Maki was full of joy.  Said the bed rolling.  "Well, it seems that my persuasion failed." Facing Uesugi Maki in such a state.  Aoba could only shrug his shoulders and admit defeat.  So Aoba realized that he was not able to comfort Uesugi Maki with just a few words. He shook his head and ignored the matter, but continued to drink tea quietly.  As for Uesugi Maki, who was rolling around on the bed and yelling about wanting to go online, after a while, Aoba ignored her at all.  Also because I felt bored, I stopped.  "Okay, I'm going back to my room to sleep." Uesugi Maki, who finished rolling on Aoba's bed, jumped up from the bed and walked towards the door.  "Are you going to bed so early?" Aoba looked at Uesugi Maki's back and said with a smile.  "What else can I do if I don't sleep? There is no hair here, I?Sleep, good night.  "Uesugi Maki muttered dissatisfiedly, then turned around and entered the room next door, and then there was the sound of the door closing. "Okay, good night.  "Aoye shrugged and said. "Just like that, Uesugi Maki went back to the room to sleep. After drinking tea, Aoye was also ready to rest. Speaking of which, Aoba hundreds of years ago always rested at sunset. As a result, because  After being reincarnated in a modern metropolis, it has been a long time since I felt the feeling of resting at sunset. So today, Qingye lay on the bed early for the first time in a long time, and fell asleep after a while. Who knows what happened today.  , Qingye, who rarely dreams, quickly fell into a dream. "My beloved, come on, what do you think of this Guigui Palace I built for you?  "Wearing a bright yellow brocade robe embroidered with a golden dragon, the man stretched out his hand to lead an enchanting woman with a voluptuous figure and a charming face, walking in a palace. "Zhegui Palace?  How did Your Majesty come up with this name?  "A happy smile appeared on the face of the Qingguo woman, and she looked at the man lovingly and said. "In the legend, isn't there a laurel tree in front of Chang'e's Guanghan Palace?  I just thought about it, my beloved concubine's beauty is enough to put Chang'e to shame, so the palace where my beloved concubine lives will naturally make the osmanthus trees in front of Guanghan Palace bow their heads.  "The man looked at the woman with eyes full of love and said. "Your Majesty really loves to joke, I am not as good as your Majesty said.  "The Qingguo woman said with a smile clearly in her eyes. So the two of them walked together, walking through the splendid palace, and across the flower-filled garden, and soon came to a gorgeous bedroom. "Come on, come on.  Come, dear concubine, come and see this.  "The man led the Qingguo woman to the table facing the bedroom door. But when he looked at the table, there was a red silk dress, covering something whose shape could not be seen clearly. "Your Majesty,  What's this?  "The Qingguo woman naturally became curious. "My beloved concubine, please take a look.  "While the man was speaking, he had already lifted up the red silk. Immediately, an extremely gorgeous phoenix crown appeared on the table. However, on top of this phoenix crown, where the pearl should have been inlaid in the center,  There is a space as big as a fist. "Your Majesty, this is it?"  "The Qingguo woman was stunned, holding the man's hand with some excitement and asked. "My dear concubine, I heard that Zhu Chongba has a priceless night pearl in his hand. After I defeat him, I will put the pearl inlaid in it.  On top of this phoenix crown.  Then how about using this phoenix crown to marry you as the queen?  "The man looked at the woman lovingly and said. "Your Majesty.  "The Qingguo woman was speechless at this time. Her eyes were full of tears. She just looked at the man until tears fell from the corners of her eyes. "There was a sudden sound. Qingye sat up from the bed all of a sudden. "  After being stunned for a while, he got up and got out of bed. He opened the door and stepped out. He continued to stare blankly at the incomplete moon in the sky. After a while, he let out a long sigh, "Can this be a postscript?"  ?  "Qingye continued to be in a daze. Until he noticed that the corners of his eyes were getting cold, he stretched out his finger and scratched it gently. Then he flicked his hand, and a drop of water flew out and landed on the grass in the yard. " Qingye  I took another deep breath and calmed down. I just wanted to go back to sleep. But I couldn't fall asleep. "Well, let's go and see if this is the same place as in my memory."  It's really the same, and what the hell is going on.  "Qingye nodded to himself, then closed the door, left the courtyard, and walked towards the depths of the Zhelui Palace. Although the Zhelui Palace in front of him is just a replica, it is the same as what Aoye remembers.  The Zhelui Palace is almost the same. Even if there are some differences, it is probably due to the constant modifications in the hundreds of years since it was built. Therefore, Qingye continued to explore some places in the Zhelui Palace according to the memories of his previous life.  People who live there can detect the strong aura from a distance, but with Aoba's ability, it is still very easy for Aoba to remain undetected by everyone.  Under such circumstances, we have already explored most of the Zhelui Palace, whether it is the now empty school building, the dormitories where the students rest, and the places where the staff rest. You can confirm these through the breath of Qingye.  There are everyone among the students, even non-humans. In other words, in addition to humans, there are also many monsters and so on who are also studying here. I really don¡¯t know the humans here.How do youkai get together and live in peace? Aoba doesn't think that the way he and others interact with youkai like Nekomata Mei and others is normal.  ¡°At least as far as Aoba knows, the mutual hostility between monsters and humans is still very serious. This can also be seen from the dormitory accommodation here. Monsters and humans live in separate dormitories.  If you want monsters to get along closely with humans, unless you are raised by monsters like Kamishiro Natsuki, her Crow Tengu uncle, and White Wolf uncle, both parties will naturally have a strong bond.  Or just like Aoba and others treat Nekomata Mei, long-term sincere relationship will also make the relationship slowly get better.  But for the school in the trial land in front of us, it is difficult to do this. The students who entered the trial land from the outside for various reasons have long been infected with the hostility between humans and monsters from the outside world, so even if  Even after entering a place of trial, it is difficult to become intimate.  In this way, Aoye turned left and right in Zurigui Palace, and soon a familiar place appeared in front of Aoye.  So after a pause, Qingye stood on the spot, looking blankly at the familiar courtyard in front of him, in a daze.  It wasn¡¯t until a moment later that Qingye slowly walked towards the yard.  Feeling the energy entrenched around the yard, Qingye gently stretched out his hand, and the golden runes in his hand continued to pour out. After a while, Qingye successfully broke a gap in the barrier around the yard.  So Aoba opened the courtyard door and stepped into this courtyard that was still familiar to Aoba even after six hundred years.  Although the original courtyard was destroyed by war six hundred years ago, the courtyard that looked exactly the same still gave Qingye the illusion of traveling through time and space.  Just like that, Qingye walked into this familiar courtyard with an inexplicable mood, a little excited and a little panicked.  The familiar flowers and plants, the familiar stone table and benches, the carved Go board on the stone table, and even the marks I accidentally made with a knife on the corners of the board are all exactly the same, as clear as if I was still here yesterday.  It was like chatting and laughing with my beloved concubine while playing chess.  Qingye brushed his palms on the stone table, raised his head and looked at the room with the open door in front of him, which was the bedroom of his beloved concubine in his previous life.  So Qingye took a deep breath and walked in with an excited mood. He didn't know what was waiting for him inside, but at this moment, Qingye felt the most unbelievable since he awakened the memory of his previous life.  The moment is also the most anticipated moment.  Just like that, Qingye entered the dark bedroom. With the help of the moonlight, Qingye could clearly see that there was no modern facilities in this bedroom, not even electric lights. Everything was exactly the same as before.  It looks like that era.  So Qingye stretched out his hand, and small flames floated out from his palm and shot out around, lighting up the candles on several lampstands around him.  Qingye looked at the lampstands that were in the same position as before, then turned to look at the invisible object covered by a piece of red silk on the table facing the door.  So Qingye took a deep breath again, and with an even more excited mood than before, but also full of apprehension, he stretched out his hand towards the piece of red silk.  When his fingers touched the red silk, feeling the tips of his fingers trembling slightly, Qingye took another deep breath and then lifted up the red silk.  Sure enough, inside was the phoenix crown that Aoba was very familiar with.  And under the surrounding candlelight, the light reflected from the extremely gorgeous phoenix crown shot to the surroundings from the table.  However, Qingye didn't care at all whether the reflected light was dazzling. He just stared at the phoenix crown in front of him, and a huge wave was stirred in his mind.  (To be continued.)
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