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Text Chapter 556 Busy preparations

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    After taking over the task of decorating the haunted house from Ishihara Yuma, Aoba didn't start in a hurry. Instead, he returned to the classroom as leisurely as ever and continued to start the afternoon class.  So it was until school was over in the afternoon. Aoba, who was carrying out club activities as usual, and Ryukaze Ryuzouji came to the club activity room again.  So Ishihara Yuma, who also came to the club activity room after school, finally couldn't help it.  "Aoba, what do you think about the layout of the haunted house? The school festival is about to begin." Ishihara Yuma couldn't help but ask.  "Didn't you say that the decoration of the haunted house has been handed over to me? Then just wait for the good news." Aoba patted Ishihara Yuma on the shoulder, with an expression that believed that I was right.  "But, the day after tomorrow is the school festival, why don't we start decorating it now?" Ishihara Yuma couldn't help but asked.  "Well, I want to start decorating now, but I also need something! Of course, if you want to come in person, I don't mind." Qingye said with an expression on his face, "I'm very generous, I'll leave it to you."  .  "No, I just expressed my concern. Come on, I'm optimistic about you." The original worry on Ishihara Yuma's face immediately disappeared, replaced by a confident expression.  "Don't worry, you guy. I'm going to buy the materials tonight and the decoration will be ready tomorrow." Qingye shook his head helplessly and said.  "That's great, then we still have work to do, so let's go first! I'll leave everything to you." Ishihara Yuma raised his thumb at Aoba, nodded heavily, and made a  I said with a look that I believe in you.  "Aoba, come on!" Ito Yuuto rushed forward and hugged Aoba's shoulders.  "That's right, everything is left to you." Inoue Anji showed a big smile, and his teeth seemed to be shining.  "You guys, get out of here! Why do you have the nerve to say all the work to me?" Aoba slapped each of the three of them and said.  So the three people left happily.  In this way, only Aoba and Ryuuzouji Liangfeng were left in the club activity room.  "Okay, then it's time to buy the materials needed for the haunted house, but where should I buy them?" Qingye sat on the chair and became a little worried.  "You don't remember that there seems to be a commercial street not far away? Can you buy it there?" Liangfeng of Ryuzoji Temple suggested.  "Yes. It seems that we can only go there now. By the way, Ryuzoji-san, do you want to go back first? I can just buy it by myself." Aoba looked at Ryuzoji Liangfeng and said.  "After all, I am also a member of the Supernatural Detective Agency. Of course I have to contribute at times like this." Ryuuzouji Liangfeng shook his head and said.  "That's it. Thank you Ryuzoji-san. Let's go to the shopping street." Aoba said and walked out of the club activity room first.  "So, do Uesugi-san have any ideas about how to decorate the haunted house?" Ryukaze from Ryuzoji Temple asked Aoba about his thoughts halfway.  "Now that I have a simple idea, what do you think about using illusions?" Aoba suggested.  "Illusion? Are Uesugi-san planning to use illusion to create a haunted house?" Ryuuzouji Liangfeng said with a frown.  "I have this idea. We can first use some simple boards to build some partitions in the club activity room. Then use illusions inside." Aoba pointed his chin with one hand and expressed his idea.  "This is a good idea. It can save a lot of fine work. In fact, compared to building partitions and the like, those fine jobs are the most time-consuming." Ryuzoji Liangfeng nodded in agreement.  "Haha, it seems you think so too, so let's do it." Qingye nodded happily.  At the same time, the two of them had also arrived at a commercial street not far from the private Qingchuan University.  At this moment, this commercial street is filled with students wearing school uniforms. They are basically students from the private Qingchuan University. Judging from the things these students are holding in their hands, we know that they  They are all here to do shopping for the school festival.  "School Festival. What carefree students there are!" Aoba said with a smile on his face as he looked at the students passing by.  "It's as if you're not a student, Uesugi-kun." Ryuzoji Ryofeng unexpectedly started to complain.  "That's right. Speaking of which, I am also a student, but I always feel like I am out of tune with them, even though I have tried my best to blend in." Qingye smiled bitterly and shook his head.  "It's normal. Don't say it's you. Even I often feel that I'm different from him.?Out of place.  "Ryuzuosi Liangfeng said sympathetically at this time. "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. It's better to buy some boards quickly and go back to make partitions!  "Qingye smiled and did not discuss this topic. He walked towards a nearby store that sold various boards. The reason why boards are needed to make partitions is actually to separate the indoor part of the club activities, leaving only one exit.  There is an entrance to allow people who enter the haunted house to follow the route divided by the board. They first enter through the entrance and finally exit through the exit. What they encounter along the way are naturally the ghosts in the haunted house, but they are just ordinary.  The ghosts in the haunted house are all fake, but the Paranormal Detective Agency has real ghosts to use, so it is inherently much better than the ordinary haunted house. But even if there are real ghosts, you still need an atmosphere to scare people.  , just like a ghost appearing in a dark slaughterhouse, it will definitely be scary, but if the ghost appears in an amusement park in broad daylight, it will not be so scary, and may even be regarded as fake. So Qingye.  All that needs to be arranged is the background of the haunted house. At least there cannot be nothing in the activity room and just let the ghost out in broad daylight to scare people. That way, basically no one will be scared. ※One, two, three, four, that*s all.  It*s eight boards, which should be enough!  Then some more black cloth, that kind of curtain.  "Qingye picked what he needed in the store and quickly selected it. "Is this all right?  "Ryuzouji Liangfeng looked at Aoba's final selection. There were only two things in total, the board and the black curtain. The board was held with one arm, and the curtain was also carried with one hand. Even if it was finished. "That's right.  , this is enough.  "Qingye said as he finished paying the bill and walked out of the store. "Let me get some for you!  "Ryuzoji Liangfeng said, going to get the plate held under Qingye's arm. "Wait a minute, just come and get this.  Let me take this one!  "Qingye said, handing the curtain to Ryuuzouji Liangfeng, still holding the board and saying. "Are you being chauvinistic?  "Ryuzuoji Liangfeng raised his eyebrows and said. "No, I just don't want to be pointed out!  "Aoye looked around and said. "At this moment, because there are already many students from the private Harukawa High School coming to the shopping street to buy things needed for the school festival, so naturally many people are interested in Aoba and Ryuzoji Ryofaze.  Very familiar. All kinds of attention was paid to her. After all, Ry迂zoji Ry身kaze was a famous beautiful girl in the school. There were real and fake scandals between her and Aoba since the day Ry迂zoji Ry身kaze transferred to school.  It has never happened before, so Aoba has long been used to being stared at with envy and jealousy when he and Ryuuzouji Ryofeng walk together. But this does not mean that Aoba likes to be pointed out, but he does.  Holding a curtain and letting a girl hold a heavy board is obviously something that will make people point and look down upon her. ※Well, I didn*t expect you to care about other people*s eyes.  "Ryuzoji Liangfeng looked around, and in the end he only took the curtain, and still let Aoba hold the board. "Not caring about other people's eyes does not mean that you have to deliberately do things that will be regarded as rubbish.  "Aoye said with a smile. In this way, the two of them returned to the club complex building of the private Qingchuan High School, and returned to the club activity room of the Supernatural Detective Agency. Aoye put the board in his hand against the wall, and at the same time, Ryuzoji cool breeze  He also put down the curtain in his hand. "Then what should we do next?"  "Ryuzoji Liangfeng asked. "The next step is of course to go to the cute cat cafe, and then it's time to start work.  "Qingye looked at the time and said. "Cute cat cafe?  Isn*t it time to start decorating the haunted house?  "Ryuzoji Ryofeng was stunned for a moment and said in confusion. "As for the haunted house, we can just decorate it tomorrow night. The day after tomorrow is the school festival.  No need to rush. No need to rush.  "Aoba smiled and waved his hand and said. "The day after tomorrow is the school festival, and the decoration will only start tomorrow night?  Can you catch up?  Although using illusions will reduce the workload, it is impossible to do it in one night!  "Ryuzoji Liangfeng frowned and looked at Qingye and said. "Don't worry, it'll be enough.  Come on, let's go to the cute cat cafe.  "Qingye said nonchalantly, and then walked out of the club activity room first. "Well, I hope you know what you are doing.  "Ryuzouji Liangfeng took a deep look at Aoye, and then followed Aoye out of the club activity room. It was obvious that she had made a decision. "Of course, I know exactly what I am doing.  So don*t worry!  "Aoye smiled and closed the door of the club activity room, turned around and walked towards the stairwell. Ryuuzouji Liangfeng followed Aoye, and the two were about to leave the club complex.He went upstairs and left school.  And at this moment.  Except for the Supernatural Detective Agency, most of the clubs located in the club complex are still busy.  But she is rarely busy with club activities, and is basically busy with activities during the school festival.  For example, inside and outside the club activity room of the judo club, there are tall and sturdy men wearing maid uniforms. Each of them is tall and thick, but wearing a maid uniform, decorating his or her club activity room.  It seems that they are planning to open a cross-dressing maid cafe, but there is no need to wear maid uniforms from now on!  Anyway, when Aoba and Ryuzoji Ry身feng passed by, Ryuzoji Ry身feng looked at them as if they were looking at something dirty.  There are also some clubs that not only decorate their club activity rooms, but even the section of the corridor belonging to their club activity rooms is decorated with flowers. I don*t know what kind of activities they are going to hold, but it looks better than a supernatural detective.  That*s all social intention.  It was in this atmosphere that Aoba and Ry迂zoji Ry身faze left the club complex.  However, on the way out of the club building to the school gate, there are also various students busy. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? They simply took things outside because there was not enough space in the classroom, but more often it was the students who were preparing to set up stalls on the playground and were busy busying themselves with the stalls they were assigned.  In this way, with the whole school working in full swing, Aoba and Ryukaze Ry迂zoji left the school and walked towards the tram stop.  Today, Aoba and Ryuzouji Ryofeng left school much later than usual, so they avoided the peak hours after get off work and school. Therefore, there were very few people waiting for the bus at the tram station, and there were also few people on the same tram. There were very few. Although there were still no seats, it was not overcrowded, so the cool breeze of Ryuzoji Temple today did not require Aoba to hold up a space for her.  Facing the relatively loose tram, Ryuzoji Ryofeng and Aoba breathed a sigh of relief and quickly arrived at the destination station.  After getting off the car and following the road they walked every day, Aoba and Ry迂zoji Ry身faze arrived at the cute cat cafe.  "Welcome to the cute cat cafe." Aoba pushed the door open and was the first to hear Nekomata Mei's usual greeting.  "Good afternoon, Mei-chan! And everyone." Aoba smiled and greeted everyone in the cafe.  Yes, everyone in the cute cat cafe is here at this moment, not only the sisters Fubuki Senjougahara and Mai Senjougahara, as well as Sanou Natsu, but also Shigure and Kohinata.  At this moment, Shigure, Kohinata, and Senjougahara Mai were sitting around a table playing handheld games. Of course, Senjougahara Mai and Shigure were teaching Hinata how to play, and the three little guys were so engrossed in the game that they suddenly  He didn't even notice Aoba's arrival.  "So it's Aoba-kun and Ryofaze-chan, good afternoon." Nekomata Mei greeted with a smile, and then continued to feed the cat.  "Aoba-sama, Ryuzoji-san, good afternoon." Senjougahara Fubuki, who had already changed into a maid outfit, also said hello.  "Good afternoon, Aoba-kun, Ryuzoji-san, why are you here so late today? Did something happen on the road?" Sanou Xia, who had also changed into a maid outfit long ago, asked while saying hello.  "Nothing happened on the way. It's just because of the school festival that will be held the day after tomorrow, so I was dragged into becoming a young man by that guy Yuma." Aoba said with a helpless shrug.  "School Festival? Is it about the haunted house in the Supernatural Detective Agency?" Xia Sanno suddenly understood what was going on.  "Yes, those guys were said to be very busy at work, so they left the preparations for the haunted house to me." Aoba said with a wry smile as he walked towards his seat behind the bar.  (~^~)
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