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Volume 1 Earth Martial Arts Chapter 66 Let¡¯s go together

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    Just watch the flesh and blood of Shi Yongse's entire body disappear in an instant, and his head is shaped like a skull, as if he has been sucked into the body by a vampire.  But his hands became huge, three times their original size, and he slapped the ground with both palms, bang!  The concrete floor within a ten-foot radius was cracked, small gravels flew around the palms, and the cement under the palms had already turned into fly ash.  With the help of this powerful counter-shock force, his body suddenly lifted up, his hands suddenly encircled each other in mid-air, he grabbed his legs suddenly, and stuffed his bald head under his crotch. His whole body formed a huge sphere, and the ball quickly followed the force of the counter-shock.  Rotating, covered by the yellow monk's robe, Shi Yongse was like a big yellow ball, hitting Wang Yue's head.  The highest state in yoga - the unity of nature and man. Ancient people believed that the sky is round, so they twisted all parts of the human body into round shapes and then rotated them to achieve the goal of forgetting the two things and me and becoming completely natural, thus achieving the goal of heaven and man.  Oneness.  Yongse's hand exploded with all the strength he had in his body, and he reluctantly used the "Unity of Heaven and Man". The momentum of "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell" made Wang Yue feel a little chilled.  At this moment, the Muslims and the Christian saints also came to their senses, black and white rays of light flashed, and besieged them again.  Cheng Shanming's Gangjin bullet still has one second of cooling time, and this second is the second that determines life and death.  "Chopping bullets with a knife? I've never tried it before!" At this moment, not far away, Wang Chao, who had not yet taken action, was surprised.  "Mr. Wang, there is too much noise here, how about we go to the roof of the car and play?" The GOD leader straightened up and appeared on the roof of the off-road vehicle that Wang Yue drove over.  The surface area of ??the entire car roof is only about two square meters, which is definitely impossible for ordinary boxers to use.  But for their level of immortality, the location is no longer important, they can stretch freely anywhere. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? Once you have the shadow of losing in your heart, there is only one way to defeat if you continue to fight.  "It's the same up to that point. You are no match for me." Wang Chao exhaled softly and said almost arrogantly.  Wang Chao stepped in, and when he saw him again, he was already in front of the windshield of the off-road vehicle.  This step caused all four wheels of the entire off-road vehicle to twist and deform. Once it was launched, it launched the extremely ferocious trick "Heaven-shaking Seal".  At the same time, his movement coordination was also extremely fierce. Qilin's toes grabbed and moved, his feet planted and moved forward. Tons of power immediately rose from his feet. The wheels were flattened, and the car body fell directly to the ground. Wang Yue's heart was in  Wow, this is a specially customized new Wrangler off-road vehicle. It¡¯s the only one in the world, and tens of millions are gone.  This hand's "Heaven-shaking Seal" contains the power of nine oxen and two tigers, dragons, cranes, and bears. The wind is blowing everywhere, with unparalleled violent and explosive power. The whole person is like a curtain, directly covering GOD  Head away from the leader.  Whether it is "power" or "power", Wang Chao has reached an unprecedented peak state.  The leader of GOD felt like a bright mirror in his heart, secretly thinking, "As expected, he took the violent route." However, he did not retreat or dodge. He raised his head, and the energy in his whole body was mobilized in an instant, and the force penetrated his hair, and the iron sheet of the roof under his feet stepped out.  After seeing the marks of his feet, he breathed fiercely, and his whole body suddenly grew taller and bigger like Wang Chao. Seemingly casual, he stepped forward, raised one elbow, and fiercely held Wang Chao down from his head.  The "Heaven-shaking Seal".  Bang!  There was a loud noise, like thunder in the sky.  The fist and elbow collided.  After leaving Wang Yue, no one had dared to hit the "Tianshaoyin" that could kill an elephant. He was restrained by the leader of GOD. However, the ceiling under his feet was still roughly intact. This is enough to prove that he did not  The strength is unloaded on the off-road vehicle, and it depends entirely on one's own strength. From the first encounter, it can be seen that the two are indeed equally powerful.  The entire arms of Wang Chao and GOD leader became pitch black, with a slight green light glowing in them. This is the effect that can be achieved by fusing Qi and blood. The green light is the thick veins in their arms, but obviously, the blue veins,  Muscles and qi and blood have long been integrated into one body, making them indistinguishable from each other.  But the difference is that the GOD leader's skin pores are more delicate and smooth, and there is no body hair at all.  Although Wang Chao's body has no body hair, his skin is not as smooth as that of the GOD leader. Even Tang Zichen, who is a woman, must be inferior. Perhaps only his younger brother Wang Yue's skin can match it.  "You are indeed following the path of Taoism. Your qigong is so advanced that it can subdue a white tiger?" Wang Chao couldn't help but admire him.  He has never cultivated qi, but Wang Yue has cultivated qi, so he still knows qigong very well. In his impression, only Wang Yue has reached this level, and Wu Quannan, the top master of Wudang Mountain who is also a master of qi cultivation, has achieved this level.  We are still far from this step.  People often say "subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger". Although there is a title specifically referring to Arhat, at the same time?can express a state of Kung Fu.  Among them, Fuhu, also known as Jiangbaihu, means that people who practice qigong practice qi to transform into gods, and use qi to lock the essence, qi, and blood of the whole body without leaking at all, so that all body hair falls and no longer grows, so that the whole body becomes healthy.  The blood energy is stably mixed without any leakage, to the point where the blood is like mercury slurry. This is also a method of Qigong blood transfusion.  After the GOD leader caught it, he turned his elbow outwards in a "sticky elbow posture" and pushed Wang Chao's hand away. At the same time, he stepped forward and punched Wang Chao's throat directly!  If Wang Chao's previous attacks were overwhelming, then GOD's attack was equivalent to breaking new ground.  An instant!  Wang Chao fell into a dangerous crisis.  A strong sense of danger began to rise in Wang Chao's heart. This was also the first sense of crisis he had encountered since his mastery of kung fu.  Although his younger brother Wang Yue can bring him a crisis, he always knows in his heart that the other party will not kill him, so the sense of crisis is not that strong. However, the person in front of him definitely has the intention and strength to kill him. The situation is another  A scene.  The energy and blood in Wang Chao's whole body began to burn at this moment, and his whole body seemed to become faster and faster. He withdrew his fist, turned and swung it to the left, blocked the punch to the throat, twisted his body and split his wrist, without missing a beat.  It hit the GOD leader's wrist. When his fist was still two inches away from Wang Chao, he encountered this horizontal blow and couldn't get in at all!  It was chopped sideways.  After chopping off his fist, Wang Chao's front foot landed naturally, and then he kicked hard with his hind leg. The entire off-road vehicle was crushed by his kick. The front and rear seats were twisted and deformed, and it was completely scrapped.  Then he kicked forward, his body suddenly took half a step forward, his shoulders protruded, and he hit the man in the hat hard, and he hit him with his body!  This impact explosively raised the power to its peak, and even a small dinosaur could be knocked over and fell to the ground.  The leader of GOD also felt the fatal danger. Facing the collision, he moved sideways. In the small area of ????the roof of the car, his body shadow swayed slightly, and he avoided Wang Chao's head-on collision within a hair's breadth.  This speed is so fast that only Wang Yue's Yu Bu can match it, and even Wang Chao's Qilin Bu can't match it.  Yu Bu can take forty-nine steps and return to the original place in half a minute.  This time, GOD seemed to be just shaking. In fact, just like Yu Bu, the person had actually escaped the impact, but the shadow was still in place, and the speed had exceeded the limit of human vision, so it seemed that he had not moved.  Wang Chao has already experienced this kind of speed from his younger brother. Although his speed is not that fast, he is definitely not slow. The GOD leader can deceive experts below the level of good, but he can't hide from Wang Chao's eyes.  When his figure was shaking, Wang Chao had already stopped the impact, turned around with his steps, pressed down hard with his hands, flicked his fingers, and hit the ground with the wind. The iron windows of the car were rattled by the wind.  There was a loud bang, and Wang Chao seemed to lose weight in an instant. Thanks to the strong wind, he managed not to fall off the roof of the car, but floated back a foot. He moved to the right side of the GOD leader, reached out with a claw, hooked him, and took out the opponent's hand.  Waist eyes.  "Huh? What kind of movement is this." The GOD leader was also surprised by this identity.  This move is based on the last step of the forty-nine steps of Yu's steps in Wang Yue's version of "The Swallow Returns to the Nest". Wang Chao integrated it and learned it flexibly.  Although the GOD leader was surprised by this move, he would never be easily caught by Wang Chao's claws. Under the extreme operation, he twisted his waist slightly, threw his shoulders, and threw one arm. The whole arm was hard and straight, like a golden hoop.  The stick hit Wang Chao's paw diagonally.  Wang Chao raised his claws to avoid the sharp edge of the attack, and penetrated the tendons with force, hooking his nails inward and digging into the big tendons of the opponent's arm.  GOD's shoulders relaxed, he sank down hard, he recovered his energy and blood, and his strength turned into softness. His elbow dropped downwards, just in time for Wang Chao's claws to hook into the air.  One move missed, and he was immediately faced with a counterattack, and the seemingly weak and weak hands immediately wrapped around him again.  "It turned out to be a combination of Tongbei Fist and Tai Chi Silk Hand." Wang Chao's heart sank and he was secretly surprised.  Tongbei Quan and Tai Chi both have soft strength. The person in front of me actually combined the two boxing techniques into one, and practiced the Silk Binding Jin in it to the point of being extremely soft. It is even more flexible than the previous two boxing techniques.  There are so many, reaching an unprecedented state, and being able to transform from rigidity to softness in just an instant. This kind of talent and creativity is simply terrifying.  Wang Chaozhou was not going to give up. He suddenly twitched his hand, his body shook, his feet rotated, and his hands also rotated, just like spinning when knitting a sweater, stirring outwards along with the opponent's entanglement.  This is the "big draw" in Baguazhang.  Within a second, the two of them put their hands on each other and started beating each other. They made at least ten strong gestures, but neither of them could make the other lose his or her center of gravity.  If it were anyone else, let alone the tenth level of strength, with just a slight touch, the opponent would have lost their center of gravity and fell out. A master of Gangjin could only carry the ninth level of strength at most, but now no one can do anything about him.  After a fight, both of them understood that the person in front of them was not inferior to them in terms of fighting style or strength.??A master of Gangjin can't do more than a few moves under their full power, but it is absolutely impossible for someone of the same level to defeat the opponent in three moves or two.  People often say that the king does not want to see the king, and the two kings do not want to see each other. This refers to this tacit understanding.  But if they meet, it will be a fight to the death.  For both of them, there is no way out now.  As Wang Yue said before, only strength can win.  Give up pulling out your hands, step out, your hands are blue, and the "Heaven-shaking Seal" is used again.  "Take me and see how long you can hold it!" Wang Chao said crazily, his blood boiling like a boiled lobster.  ¡­ Looking from the roof of the off-road vehicle, Ba Liming and the two masters at the peak of Danjin also started.  Wu Yunlong glanced at Liu Mubai, his eyes flashed, and Liu Mubai nodded. At their level, they could understand many meanings without speaking.  The two of them had besieged Wang Chao before, and had practiced cooperation with each other before. Naturally, there would not be much problem in joining forces to fight against the enemy. However, Wu Yunlong did not understand Ba Li Mingde's strength, so he hinted to Liu Mubai to inquire.  Obviously, for masters of their level, the only masters in the world worthy of their joint efforts are Wang Chao and Wang Yue. Even Yan Yuanyi may not be able to survive under their joint efforts.  Liu Mubai nodded, he had explained the problem and it was worth taking action.  At this moment, Ba Liming stared at the expressions of the two of them, flashing a sneer.  Suddenly, Wu and Liu felt that the ground under their feet began to shake. "Be careful!" Wu Yunlong's Tingjin strength as the "number one master in Ouchi" was perfectly reflected, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by an extremely powerful aura.  , this kind of breath is like substance, which can make people sticky and directly suffocate the two of them.  This is exactly the "shi" that Ba Liming understood from the Wang brothers after he recovered from his injury. If his previous understanding of "shi" was 1, then it is at least 3 now.  This exponential understanding opened a new door for him in martial arts, that is, the "power" of martial arts. Between heaven and earth, there is only martial arts.  PS: I have been very busy before the Chinese New Year, so I will update when I have time.
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