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Volume 1 Return to the Great Voyage Chapter 235 [Battle!  ¡¿

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    The night on Shannan Island was very peaceful, and there was no sign of an imminent war. The entire Shannan Island was also peaceful, no different from usual, except that the number of torches was slightly less than the previous two days.  ¡ª¡ª23wx- Li Si stood on the deck of the Paradise, staring quietly at the peaceful Shannan Island. The enemies on the island were still very smart and did not cause any major abnormalities. If there were not spies on them,  In the middle, I really didn¡¯t know that they were going to break through tonight.  "However, there are spies over there, and I think there should be some among the people here!!" Li Si turned around and looked at the other ships around Shannan Island. Around Li Si's Dragon God Fleet, no ship was approaching.  Everyone subconsciously vacated Li Si's Dragon God fleet.  "Now the people on the island can no longer hold on. Even if there are spies on the outside, they just turn the sneak attack into an encounter. In the end, it is still a matter of strength between the two sides. Whichever side is stronger will be the final winner.  Which way!" Li Si nodded and said to himself.  Although the island has only been besieged for a few days, according to the information provided by Princess Aniangya of Shannan Kingdom, on the day when the joint forces of Zhongshan Kingdom and Japan captured the Shannan King's Palace, there was probably no fresh water on the island, and there was no water for two days.  , there must be a lot of people making trouble, but they can still suppress it now, so they don't cause any big trouble, but they won't last long.  During these three days, Li Si also intercepted two transport ships, most of which were filled with fresh water. It must have been on the day of the capture that King Shang Bazhi of the Zhongshan Kingdom ordered people to transport supplies to Shannan Island, but  , Li Si came relatively quickly, and blocked Shannan Island before the opponent's transport ship returned. In the past few days, more and more players have arrived, surrounding the entire Shannan Island.  Completely cutting off the opponent's supply.  "Master! I'm ready. When will we land?" Warren walked up to Li Si fully armed and asked.  "Wait a little longer and see clearly the direction of their breakout before landing!" Li Si looked at Warren and the fifty black knights behind Warren and said.  If you rush to the island without knowing the direction of the opponent's breakout, it will be ruined if you encounter the opponent's main force. The number of people in the fleet is too small, and there are even fewer black knights. Li Si has to be careful.  "Yes! Master!" Warren responded.  Standing quietly on the right side of Li Si, he also watched the movements on the island.  The moon is not very bright today, and the entire sea is dark under the night. A knight has just come to report the time. It is almost midnight, but there is still no movement on the island.  "The other party is really calm!" Li Si said while looking at Shannan Island, which was motionless. However, he had just finished speaking.  I heard a torch suddenly light up on the north side of Shannan Island, and then, a loud shouting of killing came.  "We really chose to break out from the north!" Li Si secretly thought, and then told Warren: "Warren. Take people to the island, be careful not to fight forcefully, your purpose this time is to enter the palace. Find the mountain  The seal of the King of the South! "I understand, Master!" Warren nodded.  "Well, be careful!" Li Si patted Warren on the shoulder.  Warren nodded vigorously, then took the Black Knight onto the small boat and rowed towards Shannan Island.  Li Si watched Warren rowing towards Shannan Island, then turned around and ordered: "Weigh anchor, sail to the battle site, and order all ships to fire freely!" "Yes! Sir!" With the melodious and heroic horn sound, the entire dragon  The divine fleet sailed towards the north of Shannan Island.  Wu Aiguo had said before when he came that the enemy's breakout direction must be from the north, and the enemy chose to break out in the north. One thing that Li Si didn't understand was that the port of Shannan Island was in the east, and all the enemy's ships were anchored in the port.  , Moreover, Li Si did not choose to destroy their ship. How could they break through without a ship?  "However, now the opponent has really broken through from the north. Li Si really can't imagine how long the opponent's head is. Without a boat, wouldn't it be a target on the vast sea?  Soon, Li Si's Dragon God fleet left the port on the east side of Shannan Island. Not long after the fleet left the port, Li Si inadvertently looked back. An idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and this idea shocked Li Si.  Covered in cold sweat.  "No! You are making trouble in the east and attacking in the west! Why didn't I think of such a simple truth?" Li Si slapped his forehead in annoyance. It has been too smooth since his rebirth, which made Li Si feel wrong.  "The rest of the ships continue to sail back! The Paradise returns to the port!" Li Si shouted directly to the messenger, waving the sword and staff in his hand, and the Paradise returned directly to the port of Shannan Island upside down.  "Kill!" It's in Li Si's paradiseWhen the ship just returned, there was a sudden cry of killing coming from the direction of Shannan Island Port, and there were torches everywhere in the port.  "Warren!" Li Si shouted out loud. Just now when he realized the opponent's strategy, Li Si was worried about whether something would happen to Warren. The direction of Warren's landing happened to be the direction of the port of Shannan Island, "Warren, you  Don¡¯t go to the island!¡± Now Li Si could only hope that Warren had not yet landed on the island, and he also spent his faith to accelerate the Paradise and drove frantically towards the port of Shannan Island.  Soon, the Paradise approached the port. With the help of night vision, Li Si saw the situation at the port. The entire port was now in chaos. Here, it was not only Warren who landed with the Black Knight, but also many players.  They also chose to go to the island from here, and many players chose to board the enemy's ship directly, preparing to drive the ship away.  These ships are indeed not in Li Si's eyes, but for these players who fight all day long, these ships are already very good. Many players are thinking about these ships, especially now Li Si  The fleet has left. It seems that they have no intention of capturing these ships. Many players are hoping to grab one.  Therefore, in the current port, after the enemies on the island rushed in, the place was already in a mess, and Warren could not be seen at all. Li Si anxiously looked at the port with his binoculars, but did not find Warren. Li Si could not find Warren at all.  Don't dare to fire at the dock.  "Have you seen your executive officer?" Li Si asked loudly to the knights with telescopes around him while looking through the binoculars.  ¡°No, sir!¡± ¡°Nothing found!¡± ¡­ The words of the knights made Li Si¡¯s heart sink, and Li Si looked anxiously with a telescope.  However, nothing was found, "It shouldn't be, it's impossible to be killed in such a short time!" "Sir! I saw the executive officer's ship!" A white knight suddenly shouted.  "Where?" Li Si asked hurriedly.  "It's in the valley outside the dock!" the white knight said, pointing in one direction. Li Si hurriedly picked up the telescope and looked there. Sure enough, the small boats Warren and the others took when they landed were parked there, but, there  But there was no one left.  Li Si took a telescope and searched around the valley for a long time, but found nothing.  Behind that valley is a relatively high mountain. If people climb over there, they will not be able to see it from Li Si's side. Warren chose a good place to land, but it made Li Si unable to accurately know their movements.  .  "They should be on the island!" Li Si estimated that the fifty black knights were not ordinary soldiers. Even if they encountered the enemy, they would not be wiped out in such a short period of time.  Li Si is still very confident in his knights, especially since Warren is still with him. Warren's force value is quite high, even if he can't beat them.  He should be able to escape after all.  Li Si looked at the dock several times again and found no sign of Warren. However, there were too many enemies on the dock.  The players on the Patriot Association are almost unable to resist. The players of the Patriot Association have suffered too much loss in the past few months, and they continue to die.  Let their levels and attributes be severely degraded.  This is because of the special nature of Voyage itself. Low-level players can also attack and kill high-level players. It is not like the previous games where players with high attributes and high levels crush everything. However, the game is after all  In games, even in reality, the one with more people will definitely have the advantage.  Players organized by the entire Patriot Association surrounded the entire Shannan Island. There were players summoned by the Patriot Association in every direction of Shannan Island, in order to stop the enemy for a while when the enemy broke through.  Other players will have time to assemble.  However, tonight, the enemy's trick of attacking east and west has plunged the entire Patriot Association players into chaos. The north of Shannan Island is the area with the largest concentration of players, and the battle at the beginning of tonight did break out there.  As soon as the battle began, most of the players began to surround the north of Shannan Island.  There is also a small number of players who are arranged to land from the island, and then fight all the way to the battle site, flanking the enemy from both sides. On the dock area, players to the east who are arranged to land from the land to flank the enemy will encounter  When we arrived at the enemy's main force, at first due to the large number of people and confusion, the enemy made little progress. However, now, there are fewer and fewer players on the east side, and the players on the port side are basically being killed.  "Can't wait any longer!" Li Si gritted his teeth and found no sign of Warren. Although Li Si was still a little uneasy, thinking about it, Warren and the others probably didn'tEnemies are encountered.  The shouts of killing at the port gradually subsided. If Warren really encountered the enemy here, then he must have been killed by the enemy. Li Si waved his arm fiercely: "Aim at the ships in the port and fire!"  boom!  The artillery on the Paradise began to roar, and the scorching bombs hit the ships in the port. The ships in the port were basically small ships and could not withstand the bombardment of Li Si's artillery. At this time  , many enemies have climbed onto the ship and are preparing to sail away from this place.  Boom boom boom!  The bombardment of a row of Paradise's artillery achieved considerable results. The debris and impact caused by the explosion of the shells caused heavy losses to the enemies who hurriedly climbed onto the ship and prepared to break out and escape.  However, Li Si's Paradise only had so many people. When faced with such a huge population base of the enemy, it seemed very powerless. A row of shells only caused the enemy to lose a small part of its troops, and even more so.  Many enemies fled in all directions on ships.  "I want to run away!" Li Si waved the sword stick in his hand, and the bow of the Paradise turned towards the dock area, slamming into the ship coming out of the dock.  Click!  Click!  "Ah! Yachudie!" "Dead, dead!" Accompanied by the cries of Japanese players and Japanese aboriginal soldiers, Li Si's Paradise hit the opponent's ship group hard, Paradise  The huge hull of the No. 1 was absolutely invincible in this kind of battle. Coupled with the unique power system of the No. 1 Paradise, Li Si had always felt this way.  With the power navigation method of Paradise, even if it is stranded, it can be pulled out. Of course, the premise is that the paddle of Paradise is really hard enough.  "Wow wow wow wow" There seemed to be a commander among the people on the other side, and he was speaking Japanese. Li Si was proficient in several foreign languages ??in his previous life, but he never learned Japanese well, although as the saying goes.  Know yourself and your enemy and you will win any battle. However, perhaps due to the origin of Japanese, Li Si was completely unable to learn Japanese fluently, so he never learned it.  Fortunately, there are people who understand Japanese around Princess Aniangya of Shannan Kingdom. After their translation, Li Si can understand what the other party is saying.  "Our samurai of the Empire of Japan are invincible. Charge me, throw the rope, climb up, kill the enemy, and seize the big ship. My Majesty, the Emperor of the Empire of Japan, needs such a ship to match his identity!" commanded the other party!  The official's words were perfectly translated by Princess Anianya's translator.  "Want to get on the ship?" Li Si sneered, and saw that the other party had already begun to throw ropes thinking about the Paradise. Tuk-tuk-tuk, more than a dozen hook ropes were hung on the bulwarks of the Paradise.  The enemy has to climb up the rope.  "Hmph! Want to come up? No way!" Li Si raised the scepter in his hand, and the Paradise buzzed into action and retreated towards the rear.  "Ah!" "Ah!" followed by several shouts of "Ah!"  And then there¡¯s Tong Tong Tong!  The sound of hitting the deck of the Paradise, and finally the sound of falling into the water, many enemies who were about to grab the rope to climb up, were pushed back by the Paradise, and the rope that was originally tied to their ship broke the place where the rope was tied.  As if they were being wound up, they bounced straight towards the cabin deck of the Paradise.  With quick eyes and quick hands, he released the rope in a hurry to avoid a serious collision. However, many enemies who clung to the rope were violently raped on the hull and deck of the Paradise, causing their heads to be broken.  Blood flow, broken bones and broken muscles.  Li Si continued to sneer, and the bow of the Paradise turned slightly in one direction, sparing the group of enemy ships that had been hit just now, and rammed into another group of ships that were about to leave from the side. Click, click, and another wave of ships shattered.  With the sound of cracking, those ships once again blocked the port for a while under the impact of the Paradise.  The Paradise retreated again and deflected. Another section of the ship was knocked down and blocked the port. After such a period of delay, many ships were also sent from the north of Shannan Island to rush towards Li Si. Wu Aiguo  They also knew that they had been fooled by the enemy. After almost wiping out the enemies on the north side of Shannan Island, they allocated their forces to support the enemy's main attack on the port.  "Aiguo, do you think they can't resist it?" Wu Aiguo stood on the mast of his ship. Next to him was his deputy and his good friend in real life. What happened on the east side of Shannan Island  After the battle, he was worried that Li Si's fleet in the east would not be able to withstand the opponent's attack.  "Don't worry about that. It won't matter even if the enemy escapes. With so many people, we can't afford to lose them if they are wasted!" Wu Aiguo looked at the direction of Li Si's fleet and said a little helplessly: "You  I also know that after so long, these players have followedWe didn't get any benefit at all, but actually lost a lot. If this continues, the people we managed to pull together will be separated!  " "But, that's the direction where the enemy's main force breaks out!  " "I know, but I believe that the man named Moore can withstand it!  "Wu Aiguo waved his hand, "Our goal now is to eliminate the enemies here as soon as possible, then pass over the island and attack the enemy from the enemy's rear!  " "Then shall we use our trump card now?  "The man asked tentatively. "No!  , now is not the time, if we use it now, we will be very difficult when facing the enemy's main force later!  "Wu Aiguo immediately rejected the other party's proposal. "Let our people retreat a little. I'll say hello to the ships that were sent over and let them bombard the island a few more rounds!  "After Wu Aiguo finished speaking, he got off the mast, walked towards the stern of the ship, and negotiated with Li Si's ships behind their ship. "Boom, boom, boom!" After a while, I saw the ships on Wu Aiguo's side cheering.  A passage was opened, and the ships of the Dragon God Fleet clapped at each other, passing through the passage one by one, and poured a row of cannonballs on the enemies on the island. "Blow the horn!"  General attack!  "Wu Aiguo yelled and ordered as soon as the bombardment was completed. "Woo¡ª¡ª" The horn sounded, and all the ships moved towards the island shore. Each player took advantage of the enemy's suppression.  He rushed to Shannan Island and fought with the enemy on land. "Kill!"  "Wu Aiguo also took the lead. In this regard, he had the courage and courage. He personally led the players to kill several times. It was because of this that he attracted a large group of players to follow him. "Kill!  Destroy all enemies!  Wu Aiguo shouted: "As long as this battle is won, we can establish our own guild here and have our own station. Are you excited?"  "    "real?  "    "real?  " "Can we establish a guild?" Wu Aiguo's voice made the surrounding players overjoyed, and they all asked. "This news is absolutely true. It was said by the admiral of the fleet himself, but the premise is that we  The battle was won!  "Wu Aiguo looked at the surprised and dazed players around him, and suddenly shouted: "Then what are we waiting for?  Kill!  " "Kill!  " "Kill!  " Players' morale instantly increased and they started to attack the remaining enemies on the island. (To be continued)
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