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Text Chapter 29 A small gain

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    According to the battlefield rules of the same industry, all trophies often need to be handed over to the public first, and then distributed according to their respective contributions. In this process, the royal family of Nohan and the direct lords of the soldiers will enrich themselves as a reward for leading the battle.  Of course, this ratio is much smaller than that of the navy's superiors and subordinates. After all, the importance and emotions of grassroots soldiers in land battles are much more important than in naval battles.  Of course, it is not unreasonable for them to obtain these benefits. After all, without them, there would be no well-organized army.  If one person wants to make a difference on the battlefield, it is an impossible task for most professionals.  Not to mention the supplies and various logistical support along the way, which is also a huge expense.  But this situation is not certain. If a powerful kitchen knife completes an independent kill, you can choose one of the props on the target as your trophy.  Even though this is just one of them, the limited options are very real.  Although the vast majority of front-line combat forces have insufficient knowledge of rare objects, it is not easy to identify their true value through knowledge.  However, these rare items have often been used by opponents during battles, so many practical props can still be recognized at first sight.  At the very least, it can ensure that you get a rare item without harvesting any useless waste, and the spoils distributed after the war will not be affected by this.  Of course, Barrett¡¯s level of identification of strange objects is much higher than that of ordinary warriors.  Therefore, the few rare items he chose are naturally considered to be worth the money.  Frost Plague Sling: This +1 cold sling can throw enchanted stones with cold damage. From this point of view alone, it is quite practical. Of course, compared with shooting weapons such as bows and arrows, the sling itself has the authority to  Its scope of use becomes somewhat narrow.  It is true that the sling has the advantages of being easy to carry, simple to use and quick to switch.  But its range has become its biggest weakness.  The shooting range of the longbow is less than half, so this weapon may have some use in adventure and street fighting, but in the field, it may be blind.  As for the ability of magic snowball, it is a small bright spot. Although its damage is not high and not fatal, the fatigue effect of no saving throw and no spell resistance is still quite good.  Of course, the fatigue effect is not like further exhaustion, which can make it difficult for the affected person to even move.  But it is enough to affect the enemy's combat effectiveness.  Overall, this is a magic weapon that can be used in the right place. According to the alchemist, its sales price can reach between 9,500 and 10,000 gold coins.  It can be said that this rare item alone is almost worth the price of admission.  "It's a pity that the corpse skin shield that follows seems a bit embarrassing. After all, a human zombie under his control is not a very reliable combat power.  And not everyone likes to hang out with the undead.  Not to mention that after this strange object is damaged, it will need to use the corpse of a medium-sized humanoid creature to repair it, which immediately discourages many users who were originally interested.  So the real value of this thing is just the ordinary enchanted light steel shield effect.  If you insist on selling it based on its actual value of 2,300 gold coins, 80% of it can only be blamed on Barrett's hands.  As for Barrett, who had no users in the team, other than handing it over to the family in exchange for merit, he really couldn't find any other suitable option. An 80% discount was better than a big dive.  As for the dragon bone prophecy lottery that can increase the probability of success in prophecy, it is a special and special item.  It's not difficult to sell for a good price if you can find the right buyer.  After all, for special spellcasters who are good at prophecy, Mei Duo's 1% chance of success in prophecy is worth striving for.  As for the enhancement of the saving throw, it is just the icing on the cake.  Although getting a +3 luck bonus to one of Fortitude, Reflex, and Will is a good strengthening effect, but if this effect occurs randomly every day, then things are not as wonderful as they seem.  Because each individual has different requirements for saving throw enhancements, the random results make their effectiveness very unreliable.  If you happen to encounter that the saving throw you need is not strengthened, the feeling will definitely be extremely depressing.  But even so, the estimated value of the dragon bone prophecy is between 6500-7000 gold coins, which shows how valuable the previous enhanced prophecy is.  As for the Whistle of the Last Call, it is a powerful prop that helps riders summon their mounts. Although it has a 1-mile distance limit, it does not have much impact on the battlefield.  For example, summoning a mount when completing a stealth operation and planning to retreat, or summoning foot power in the city, etc. are all good choices.  Especially in Nohan¡¯s army, there are definitely a lot of knights or riders who are interested in this rare object, so it is not difficult to sell it for 6000-6500 gold coins.  Of course this is just those alchemyThe technician's speculation is that the specific results will depend on whether there is a suitable buyer.  Otherwise, there wouldn¡¯t be so many unsold items in the auction house.  "Although the frost plague sling is the most expensive thing, I can still use it to some extent. So I can keep it for the time being. It seems that the corpse skin shield can only be handed over to the family. The remaining two pieces can be sold as soon as possible.  , I will exchange the funds for the rare items I need." Although it has only been a few minutes since the official valuation, Barrett has already made a decision on whether to keep these rare items.  Seemingly hearing Barrett's words, the alchemist immediately said, "Mr. Bolum, if you don't need that corpse skin shield, you can sell it to me. I happen to have an experiment that I may need to refer to.  Technology." "Are you a zombie?" Barrett looked at the alchemist in front of him with some confusion.  After all, in previous contacts, Barrett did not see that he actually chose such a research direction.  As a group that studies alchemy, these alternative spellcasters have many academic routes.  Among them, the so-called zombies discovered how to turn corpses into simulated creatures. Many zombies and necromancers worked together to explore the mysteries between life and death.  The biggest difference between him and ordinary alchemists is that he can obtain secondary spells such as manipulating corpses, evoking undead, and evoking advanced undead.  However, when using these alchemical formulas, he will not drink the potion, but inject the potion into the corpse he intends to activate, which will awaken an uncontrollable undead creature after an hour.  This can only create corporeal undead.  What are the considerations of ¡®Mr. Wal¡¯ s scholaring Haron ¡¯s tour?  If it is about security, does it mean that the Kingdom of Lucia might actually attack Nohan's traveling knights?  Or is it to ensure the combat effectiveness of the principality and prepare for a war that may occur at any time?  No matter which one it is, now it's time for Norhan to recall the traveling knights from abroad.  But it seems that there is nothing wrong with Bolum. The older people have already completed the process, and the new generation is also in the country.  ¡¯ Qiaoji suddenly felt that he seemed to be thinking too much, because in his capacity he was not able to participate in the game at that level.  Now let us turn our attention back to the big tent of the camp.  Duke Nohan, who heard the Gothic knight's guess, sat on the antique walnut chair on his left.  At the same time, the cloak opened to both sides, revealing the hunting jacket underneath that was made of inexplicable leather.  Touching the smooth armrest of the chair, he asked: "According to you, this ferocious tiger only arrived at the hunting ground in recent days, and it is most likely caused by human factors. So as this safety work  "The person in charge, please tell me who are the people who would carry out such behavior." "I'm wondering if it's the people who caused the attack in Ashwood Town before. After all, they have precedents and motives, and they also have enough knowledge.  Strength. They are definitely the biggest suspects who want to cause panic in our country. Regardless of whether this ferocious tiger attack causes casualties, it will have a very negative impact on our principality.  For them, creating chaos is enough to achieve their goal, because the chaos and panic caused by the nobles is far more terrifying than that of the civilians." The Gothic Knight held his breath and said what he was thinking, although the words may be different.  It's not very fluent but the meaning is almost very clear.  This time¡¯s words seemed to have taken him a lot of effort to come to the conclusion.  When the last word was spoken, he let out a long breath under the combined effect of his own and external pressure.  Duke Nohan was very surprised that his subordinate could have such a guess.  Although he knew from past contacts and intelligence from spies that Gothic knights had a certain tendency and accumulation of knowledge.  But he never thought that this knight who was inconspicuous in the past could have such rational thoughts and good logical thinking.  In a sense, the logical thinking and thinking methods of ordinary people in this world cannot be compared with the world before Georgie traveled through.  After all, the direction of development is completely different. ? Technology on Earth can enable humans to gain great power.  It distinguishes humans from ordinary beasts and eventually reaches the top of the food chain.  Therefore, a series of abilities related to logical thinking, spatial imagination, etc. in that world have achieved unprecedented development.  At the same time, large-scale popular education and a culturally rich environment have fully developed the overall IQ of human beings.  As long as ordinary people there can go to college and travel through time, they have the potential to become mages.  But it¡¯s hard to say where the limit is.  And in this world, it can be said that it belongs to the cultivation civilization!  The individual differences among intelligent creatures have become so powerful thatIt has reached the point of causing qualitative change.  In this world, the improvement of one's own strength is the mainstream, and the scientific mage lineage is only one of the systems.  And it is not the one that occupies the most important position. It is conceivable that the difference in this aspect is still very big.  "The Gothic knight has never shown his talent in this area before, so this sudden situation surprised Duke Nohan.  "Now that you have such an idea, what do you think we should do next?" Duke Nohan asked.  I heard that the Duke did not directly issue orders to the commander as before, but asked for his own opinion.  The Gothic Knight didn't know that his opportunity had come. Of course, whether he could seize such an opportunity would depend on his own performance.  "Your Highness, as far as I'm concerned, it's too late to arrest those who are behind the scenes. They can actually avoid our intelligence network and complete their current layout. So there is no reason to stay here now and they will be punished by us.  The captured place." The Gothic Knight first gave some explanations and then expressed his opinion, "So I think the main task now is to step up the inspection of the hunting grounds, even if the garrison is mobilized, at the same time, it will be in wartime.  We must strengthen the security of the hunting ground and ensure the normal conduct of the autumn hunting. ""Okay! Just do what you say and don't let me down." Duke Nohan waved his hand.  It's time to go out.  After being affirmed, the Gothic knight saluted and left the tent with an excited look.  "What do you think of him?" Duke Nohan said to himself after the Gothic knight left.  At this time, a voice came from behind him: "We still have to wait and see, but judging from the current performance, it has the value of training. Although I don't know if it can reach the level of the father and son of the Bolum family, but it is also  It¡¯s a good subsidy!¡± Duke Nohan sighed and said, ¡°Yes! If you put the burden on Ai Luoke, he will have to be exhausted. But as long as he can bear it, he will be exhausted.  Our Garfield family will compensate him twice as much in the next few years." Hurry up!  If it drags on any longer, Qiaoji will be in a hurry.  "Craig complained in a hurry. Seeing Craig leading the way, he turned around and danced his hands and feet to complain. But no matter what expression he made, he could not give people a serious feeling. On the contrary, he was  It¡¯s more like a child acting cutely. Thomas, who was riding on a big dog after Craig, said: ¡°I can¡¯t get up soon!  Didn't you see that those people behind were carrying something?  How can it be the same speed as you traveling lightly?  Besides, they are just ordinary people, there is no way they can keep up with you, a knight squire!  "Looking carefully at the group of people behind, Thomas found the strong men who came to carry the tiger carcass. Although there was a flatbed cart pulled by two mules, most of them couldn't sit in it in order to catch up with Craig.  In the car. (To be continued.)
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