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Text Chapter 10 Crazy shopping

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    The Bolum family's operation efficiency is very high. In just a few days, the data on the corpses of the hundred-armed giant was compiled.  The total profit of 220,000 gold coins was placed in front of Barrett. This was the result of losses due to improper storage, otherwise the price would have risen by another five to ten percent.  And how to spend such a large amount of money has indeed given players a headache for a while.  But soon the list of items from the family immediately attracted everyone's attention.  Immediately afterwards, Clematis's tycoon was at full strength, and a large amount of credits were thrown at Barrett.  The lucky headband priced at 7,800 gold coins was first picked up by him. The colorful headband and colorful beaded tassels heralded good luck.  The wearer gains a luck bonus of 1 on all saving throws.  At the same time, any ability or item that gives the wearer a luck bonus, such as Divine Grace Prayer, or an ability that provides luck to the wearer, such as the witch's blessing witchcraft, the small lucky divine power of the divine luck field, etc., can be additionally continued.  time.  However, abilities with no duration limit, such as lucky stones, are not affected by this headband.  As a priest, Clematis has many spells that affect luck, so getting this headband can still play a certain role.  In a battle, this difference may determine the outcome.  Then the rich man who was not short of money once again chose a rare item on his head. This was the crown of the high priest that almost all high-level priests wanted. Even at the internal price of the Bolum family, it cost 18,000 gold coins.  .  This gorgeous crown is only effective for divine spellcasters.  The wearer gains a 5 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks and Knowledge (religion) checks.  Once per day, with a command, the wearer can pose a question to the deity he worships as the spell 'theosophy'.  Once per week, with a command, the wearer can touch a creature to forgive her past sins as the atonement spell.  It can be said that this is a completely non-combat prop, and its main function is in daily affairs.  ¡®Theosophy¡¯ can ask the gods for help when encountering problems, while ¡®atonement¡¯ can be used to save certain ¡®fallen¡¯ who are forced to do things against their will.  And as Clematis¡¯s identity as the priest of the ¡®goddess of wealth and commerce¡¯, exchanging the two for money is not prohibited.  If it lasts forever, it's not even impossible to get back the money.  Of course, if you wear such a gadget during battle, it will undoubtedly be very eye-catching.  If you get caught in a fire, you can only consider yourself unlucky.  In addition to the above two head props, Clematis¡¯s third purchase is still on his head.  At the same time, this item is also closely related to her identity as a priest of the 'Goddess of Wealth and Commerce'.  Scrooge Mask This wooden mask depicts a miser with a sunken face and an upturned nose.  The mask gives the wearer a keen sense of smell, but he can only smell coins and gems.  Each gem has a unique scent to the wearer, granting a 5 competence bonus on Appraisal checks when determining the gem's price.  The price of 3000 gold coins is actually not that expensive, but the enhancement it brings is really annoying.  If it weren't for Clematis' identity, I'm afraid no one would actually spend money to buy this thing.  What¡¯s more important is that the Miser¡¯s Mask and the High Priest¡¯s Crown are head items, while the Lucky Head is a headgear item. The latter can work together with either of the former two.  But the first two absolutely cannot work together.  Purchasing rare items of the same location in order to cope with different events can only be done by a real rich man like Clematis.  Next, Clematis bought a pair of medical gloves. These white gloves, which cost only 2,500 gold coins, carried symbols of healing and faith on their backs.  Grants the wearer a 5 competence bonus on Heal checks.  Using it, Clematis will become more advantageous in the subsequent medical operations.  "It's a pity that this wealthy lady's purchasing trip has ended here. It's not that she has insufficient purchasing funds, but that in the list produced by the Bolum family, she can no longer find a place that can allow her to produce and purchase goods.  This is not to say that the Bolum family¡¯s collection does not have a large number of items. In fact, the number of items on the list is still quite large.  But the Bolum family is not a church organization after all, and the number of magical spellcasters in the family is relatively small, so the number of rare objects related to them is also relatively small.  In addition, Clematis had spent money to buy rare items several times before, and he originally had a lot of equipment.  This further limited the scope of purchases. Then without saying a word, Rierli used the team's contribution to buy Lalu a pair of infuriating headbands. Don't look at the price of this thing, which is only about 5,400 gold coins.  .  But it is still very cost-effective for monks who use Qi.  This headband helps the wearer use gas more efficiently.  When the wearer consumes ki to gain additional effectsAt this time, the additional attack's hit bonus is 1 intrinsic bonus. If the wearer's attack was made with a chi weapon, the additional attack's hit bonus is 2 intrinsic bonuses instead of 1.  In addition, the wearer is also immune to all effects that hinder the operation of Qi abilities, such as the ninja's Ninja Technique: Cloud Piercer.  For Lalu, whose main weapon is the Scorpion Sickle, it is indeed a useful rare item that can help.  ¡°Then the dwarf also took out the little private money he had saved after repaying the loan, and bought a 2,000 gold coin soft cushion hat through Barrett.  The hat hangs down on the head.  It protects the wearer from devastating blows.  Once per day, when the wearer is struck by a critical blow, the wearer uses one intention to convert the additional damage from the critical hit into bruises.  Of course this item has no effect if the wearer is immune to bruises.  For an anvil with rough skin and thick flesh, it is difficult for the average attack from a professional of the same level to have any effect on him.  But the threat of a heavy blow is still greater.  However, the frequency of heavy hits is not high, only a few times a day.  The stability will naturally be greatly increased through this prop.  If the priest-related rare items are rare, the rare items that the True Master can use are even more like finding a needle in a haystack.  Fortunately, the Bolum family's inventory was indeed amazing, and they finally found a kit for Claudia that she could use.  One of the components is called an anatomy doll, which is like a child's puppet, but with the most important organs of the human body painted on the outside.  By dripping a small amount of living blood onto the doll, the owner can establish a spiritual link between the doll and the victim (i.e. the person who provided the blood).  If the victim has spell resistance, the spell resistance must be overcome in order for the mind link to occur.  ??Then through a ritual, the holder can play with things such as twisting and needle-pricking dolls, which will cause the victim to be sickened for several seconds and suffer 1 point of negative energy damage, plus 1 point of precision damage for each sneak attack ability level the holder has.  Each time the victim is affected, he or she can make a Will save to end the mental link.  Of course, once the doll is linked to a specific creature, it cannot be linked to other creatures, but after the link is broken, the holder can rebuild the spiritual link by using more of the victim's blood.  For most people, this rare item is useless. After all, the enemy's blood is not so easy to obtain.  Therefore, his price within the family was only 1,000 gold coins, which was cheaper than basic weapon enchantment. ????????????????????? However, once it is combined with the Cursed Pen and is used by a true name master, the true name can be directly used to activate the effect of dissecting the doll.  Although the behavior of curse killing may not be on the table, it can still have good results under certain specific conditions.  Although the halfling rogue in the team was drooling over the sniper goggles, he was short of money and could only blame himself for giving up.  This stack of spherical lenses fixed by a belt allows the wearer to carry out sneak attacks at any distance, instead of the 30-foot sneak attack distance limit.  When the wearer makes a sneak attack within 30 feet, he gains a 2 circumstance bonus on damage for each level of sneak attack.  For noodles taking the sniper route, it is almost as good as a rider seeing a famous horse.  Unfortunately, the price of this thing is also not cheap at 20,000 gold coins, which is not what he, a leisurely underground civil servant, can afford.  In addition to the above equipment, the two rich people also purchased several consumables. Three of the 'attractive golden apples' were quoted at 400 gold coins and were taken away.  This enchanted apple appears to be made of solid gold.  When thrown, it attracts the attention of the nearest hostile creature within 20 feet.  He must succeed on a Will save or be paralyzed as if affected by a hold human spell, while his attention is entirely on the golden apple.  If he succeeds on his Will saving throw, he immediately realizes that he is affected by the apple's magic and that the apple is not gold.  While he is attracted to golden apples, he takes a -2 penalty on Perception checks.  The golden apple can only be used once.  Whether it is attracting the enemy's attention when sneaking or disrupting the enemy's rhythm during combat, it has a good effect.  Of course, the actual effect of those 'attractive golden apples' can only be said to be average. The following belemnite stones are obviously more expensive, but as many as 8 were bought because of their practicality.  If there were no quantity restrictions when purchasing, the two wealthy people would purchase more.  These small silver cubes worth 600 gold coins can be activated by throwing. The user needs to throw it to a location within 50 feet.  For the next 30 seconds after being thrown, the cube will float above the point of impact, 5 feet above the ground.  Any small projectiles or thrown weapons such as arrows, shurikens, throwing bottles, and bullets that pass through adjacent squares of the cube will automatically deflect and hit the represent their attack on the target.  The cube has 5 health points and 8 hardness.  If the belemnite is touched by a creature or has less than or equal to 0 health, it will fall to the ground and be destroyed.  I¡¯ll make up for it tomorrow. ¡®It seems like I should call Isadore over first and ask!  After all, no one knows the secrets here better than he, the Thunderbird himself.  But let me restore myself to my best condition first. The most important sacrifice to Isadore is my mental power and the aura formed by my body.  It seems like there is no way to feed it in its current state!  "Feeling that the timing was wrong, Georgie lay back on the bed and prepared to take a nap. Because he was preparing for the next ceremony, it was necessary to ensure sufficient physical strength and energy. As for whether it would be like before.  In the dream, Qiaoji thought that it would not happen tonight. He couldn't explain why, but there was a feeling that told Qiaoji that this would not happen again today.  He even believes that this is his own whim. In this idealistic world, it is not a mistake to trust one's own feelings. In fact, Qiaoji has hesitated a few times in the past and didn't know how to choose.  I tried following my own feelings. Later, I found that the final success rate of this approach is quite high. Otherwise, Qiaoji would not follow his feelings when he encounters things that are difficult to judge at the moment.  Just like what Qiaoji had felt before, he did not fall into a dream during the next hour or so of sleep. After waking up after more than an hour of supplementary sleep, Qiaoji felt as if he had been in a dream before.  It has no impact on him at all. In fact, with Qiaoji¡¯s current physique, not sleeping for three days and three nights may not affect his daily activities. Otherwise, during the war, there would be no way to obtain it.  You have enough rest time. You can't discuss it with the enemy. It's too late now. Let's all rest. We can fight again when we have enough energy. Perhaps night battles were very rare in ancient times before Qiaoji's time travel.  At that time, ordinary soldiers basically suffered from night blindness due to lack of nutrition. At that time, it could be said that there were only one unit that could actually participate in night attacks. This is why although there were many classic battles that attacked camps at night,  But this approach is not common. Raising troops is much more difficult than training them. But in this world, the situation is much more complicated. Not only some nocturnal creatures, but also ordinary people¡¯s night vision ability is different from that of the regular army in the 20th century.  Almost. Even if the opponent has enough manpower, it is not impossible to fight on the battlefield from morning to night, so the ability to continue fighting has become a must.  . )
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