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Text Chapter 3 Pyrrhic Victory

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    Taking advantage of the short space created by the flames, Bolum and his party, who had been overwhelmed by Lucia's cavalry, finally had the opportunity to adjust their tactics.  The caravan guards who were originally carrying crossbows picked up the spears beside them and joined the ranks of the pike team without saying a word.  Thanks to the military service and militia system implemented by the Bolum Territory for more than 200 years, the guards of the Bolum Caravan are basically composed of veterans and a small number of elite reserves.  This makes their overall strength stronger than ordinary mercenary groups and adventurers.  In addition, they often participated in joint training with the regular troops of the Bolum Territory, which resulted in such skilled cooperation.  If it were replaced by ordinary mercenary groups and adventurers, let alone such cooperation.  It is not easy to maintain the previous level when facing Lucia's champion cavalry. It is the first time to face that overwhelming array of adventurers and mercenaries. No matter how strong you are mentally,  There will also be fluctuations.  If they didn't know that they couldn't outrun the cavalry, they might even collapse first.  In this regard, the mercenaries have some experience because they have more or less participated in land disputes between nobles.  So the performance tends to be relatively good.  But even they have never faced the Lucia Champion Cavalry Regiment. Lucia officials will not use their trump card on these people.  At this time, Anvil did not retreat together like ordinary shield swordsmen, but relied on its strong anti-strike ability to stay close behind the gun forest.  Once a Lucian soldier broke through the hail of gunfire and arrows, the dwarf stone hero rushed forward to block the attack without saying a word.  After several rounds of rescue operations, the outstanding anvil walked a lot at night and finally encountered a ghost.  After a flash of cold light, Anvil felt an overwhelming force coming from his adamantine shield.  Even though the celestial earth element under his feet was almost one with the anvil, it couldn't stop him from being knocked away like a baseball.  The dwarf's sturdy body and the heavy armor of the anvil weigh more than 200 pounds.  The 'baseball' immediately turned into a 'bowling ball' after it hit the ground.  During the roll, he knocked down several more Bolum gunners.  "Poof" When Anvil finally spit out the broken grass in his mouth and got up, he saw a scene that broke his heart. The heavenly earth element he summoned collapsed under the enemy's giant axe.  The stone, which was broken into several pieces, quickly integrated with the body beneath its feet after it fell to the ground.  It's like they never appeared.  "No!" When Anvil shouted this, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.  The dusty beard was also dyed dark red.  This is not only heartache, but also because the death of the earth element in the heaven also caused him to be hit hard.  Once the Stone Hero's Celestial Earth Elemental dies, he will not be able to summon another Celestial Earth Elemental for the next 30 days, or until he levels up in the Stone Hero profession.  At the same time, during this 30-day period, the celestial earth elemental suffers a 1-point penalty on attack and damage rolls.  But before the enemy officer who chopped off the anvil could be proud for a second, the same fate befell him.  I saw the long sword in Knight Baputi's hand flowing with light, and the guy in front of me turned into a shooting star in the sky with his weapons.  This guy who was knocked away was like a boulder thrown from a catapult in the middle of Boreham's leading formation.  There was a rumble when it landed, gravel, dirt, and dust flying all over the sky, and a huge earthquake on the ground.  Lucia was the unlucky guy who was killed by this human bomb. I really don¡¯t know how to express the injustice.  Similarly, in the sky of this battlefield, knights from different countries are also facing each other with swords.  Extraordinary mounts, exquisite and sturdy armor, and powerful knights.  If the fight on the ground is a fight between street gangsters, then here it is a fight between almost martial arts masters.  It can be said that it is the difference between lower Liba people and Yangchun Baixue.  But even the knights who were more conservative in battles in the past were fighting with their lives at this time. In other words, the two knights from the Bolum Territory were fighting with their lives regardless of their own safety.  This desperate fighting style immediately caused the Lucia Knights, who clearly had the numerical advantage, to fall back.  The battle on the ground changed dramatically after the addition of Knight Baputi.  Not only was Knight Baputi able to withstand the entire front by himself, but more importantly, his appearance was like a sea-fixing needle, instantly restoring the already shaky morale of Bolum officers and soldiers to their best condition.  At this time, Clematis also completed his second prayer after the war, and sang a hymn that resonated with him.  Although the degree of enhancement is not high even if the two are added together, the range covered by this spell is indeed not small, and it is not as effective as ordinary group spells.There is no limit on the number of people.  ¡°If one or two strong men on this battlefield cannot achieve a qualitative change, it is better to strengthen the entire group in a targeted manner, which will have a more obvious effect.  Therefore, Claudia could only create fog for the medical station in the core carriage at this time to increase the difficulty for the enemy to attack here.  Even though Noodles who had used up the 'Enemy-Breaking Arrow' in his hand could successfully snipe Lucia's officers, it was hard to say whether they would be killed with one hit. The opponents often relied on their strong vitality to resist the crossbow's attack.  Shoot, then withdraw from the first sequence of the battle and rush to treat the wound.  Catboy, who was not suitable for this kind of fighting, stayed by Barrett's side and paid attention to his safety.  At this time, Barrett's carriage had become a medical station in the army, and soldiers who were injured but not yet killed were brought back here for treatment.  The increase in the number of people makes Barrett's security work more and more difficult because enemy killers may also use this environment to sneak in and attack.  Suddenly, two more arcs appeared in the sky, and then a black spot became bigger and bigger among the completely shattered clouds.  The corpse that fell from the sky and the armor were completely mixed into a piece of "mysterious meat" after landing.  Having lost one of their companions, the Knights of Lucia had no intention of fighting anymore. They retreated towards the east while resisting the attack of the Knights of Bolum.  And these Boham aerial players did not pursue them with all their strength. While maintaining pressure on them, they once again sent a knight straight to the ground.  With the addition of the second battlefield meat grinder, the advantage that Lucia's champion rider had barely maintained was completely gone.  Under the charge of the other two knights, he immediately collapsed.  After holding on for less than a quarter of an hour, they finally couldn't bear the huge casualties and completely collapsed, leaving corpses everywhere.  "Knights again? And it doesn't seem like they just arrived. Instead, they seem to have been lurking aside for a long time, waiting for the opportunity to burst out and hurt people." Rielle, who witnessed the whole scene, muttered subconsciously.  arrive.  Clematis, who was not far from her, heard these words clearly with his super high perception: "Since several knights were so nervous when they retreated, it is impossible for them not to ask for help from the territory.  The reinforcements that just appeared were not unexpected. " "But even we know this, so there's no reason why Lucia didn't know it! It's really hard for the knights they sent to be driven away so easily.  It's a bit beyond my expectation." Rielle frowned, unable to figure this out.  "I'm not the commander of Lucia's operation. How would I know what they were thinking when they fell to the ground." Clematis shrugged and took out the bandages to take care of the wounded.  While the two ladies were talking, those Bolum people who could still do manual labor began to clean up the battlefield.  It takes a lot of time and effort to collect loot or clean up corpses.  Four hours later, the land that had experienced a fierce battle was still a mess. The piles of charred corpses looked like a low pyramid from a distance.  Different from the ordinary smell of corpses, the air was filled with the smell of burnt animal protein. The jackals in the wilderness were constantly digging for something among the piles of corpses.  According to Eastern metaphysics, these densely piled corpses will make this place extremely full of yin energy from now on.  According to the theories of the mages in the Western Continent, a large number of souls leaving the body and the natural decay of corpses will form a strong accumulation of negative energy.  If you just leave it alone, it will be quite easy to spawn a few zombies from this pile of corpses.  The most serious situation may result in the formation of spirit entities such as wronged souls. Even in this world, there are still many people who have no faith.  Not to mention if there is a wizard who is proficient in the undead school, a priest who has the field of death or some evil gods or devil believers appear here.  It won't be long before a show of demons dancing around will take place in the Kingdom of Cruze.  If things continue like this, it won¡¯t take too long for the situation in the Kingdom of Cruze to become more than just a war between the original Kingdom of Lucia, the Principality of Cruze, and the Kingdom of Norhan.  Maybe a fourth party force will emerge from it, and the final result may even turn a large area of ??the Cruze Kingdom into a dead land.  This is not alarmist. Just like in the ancient times of the Celestial Dynasty, in troubled times, various cults that were originally hidden underground sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain.  The main reason for this is that the old order has been broken, but the new order has not yet been established to give them the external soil for survival.  At the same time, the uneasy hearts of the common people in troubled times also need spiritual sustenance. The two are similar.Firewood and fire hit it off instantly!  What¡¯s more, in this Western Continent where supernatural abilities are obvious to all, whether it¡¯s a demon or an evil god, blood sacrifice is the fastest way for believers to gain power.  For those who are unable to protect themselves in troubled times, or who have serious personal grievances, this is the 'best' way for them to change their destiny from now on.  Therefore, no matter how powerful the church of the good camp is in the Western Continent, it strictly guards against such things, pursues them, and intercepts them.  But after all, there is no way to kill them all in their bud.  Even the use of prophecy spells will not be of much use here. To put it another way, as a certain big shot put it, 'it can only be calculated according to the will of heaven, but not the people's hearts.  ¡¯ Maybe as long as there is substantial injustice and class in this world, even if they don¡¯t exist on the surface, things will still happen.  What¡¯s more important is that the current Cruze Kingdom does indeed have a fourth-party force that has been visible for a hundred years.  Those dark elves who have not been completely driven underground are a real threat from beginning to end.  What's more, those black-skinned ones who lack a bottom line have many precedents of joint operations with lower planes.  Judging from past experience, after the fierce battle between the two countries, large areas of territory turned into ghosts under the control of some thoughtful people. This is not just a coincidence in the history of the Western Continent.  So now, whether it is the corpses of our enemy or ours, the victor will deal with them specially.  Of course, if it is in peacetime, it is best for a person with status to invite a priest to purify the corpse, so as to completely block the way for others to disturb the peace of the deceased.  Those who are not so particular will also buy some holy water from the temple, which can also make some low-level necromancers sigh.  But on the battlefield, oil and torches are the cheapest and most effective ways to deal with them. However, burning the corpses of former comrades often fails to pass the emotional level. If not done well, this will have a very serious impact on morale.  blow.  Of course, there is a huge difference in how to deal with your comrades and the enemy you just met at war.  Fortunately, for the Bolum Territory, which appears to be wealthy outside, it is not impossible that the dead comrades would be carefully collected, sprinkled with holy water, and subjected to certain embalming treatments before being transported back to the territory for burial. However, they are still in the  During the escape, it was impossible to take those corpses with them on the road.  So I had to cremate and put them in an urn as before.  Because of the serious attrition, the cleaning work of the entire battlefield lasted for 6 hours before it was completely completed.  The sun, which was still high in the sky, was gradually setting at this time.  The officers and soldiers of Bolum, who had experienced a hard battle, were simply unable to continue traveling through the night.  After staying away from the blood-stained earth, they set up camp again.  In this battle, the main force of the Boreham Rangers had basically lost their combat capabilities, and the Boreham caravan accompanying the team also suffered heavy losses.  If you don't return to the territory to replenish your rest, you won't be able to undertake any tasks.  (~^~)
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