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Text Chapter 182 Mythical Fighter

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    Although Barrett used his 'Legendary Martial Arts' to successfully deal with the Hundred-Armed Titan before it could cause further damage.  But this big guy demolished a wall of Brereton City in a short period of time, and also destroyed several internal buildings.  If you usually cause such a bit of damage like a hundred -armed giant, it is really a thing worthy of playing with each other.  However, now that the war is approaching, this situation has pronounced Brereton City's death sentence.  Not to mention the main building that has been reduced to ruins, the collapsed city wall alone cannot be repaired in a short time.  In front of Lucia's army, a city without a city wall would be completely undefended.  Street fighting is indeed cruel, but it is undoubtedly a very disadvantageous thing for the defenders to enter this stage at the beginning.  The Cruze Kingdom initially chose Brereton City as an important node because it wanted to turn it into a solid fortress.  Relying on the complete defense facilities to hold back the Lucians, they exchanged smaller losses for huge casualties of the Lucians.  Use this to buy yourself more time.  However, the destruction of the Hundred-Armed Giant directly caused the wishful thinking of the senior officials of the Cruze Kingdom to fail.  Although Brereton City was still under the control of the Lucians at this time, it had lost its original strategic value.  Unless the Kingdom of Cruze is using a lot of magic to repair it regardless of the cost, the Kingdom of Lucia will not encounter too many setbacks in its westward expansion.  Although the cost of summoning the hundred-armed giant will not be too low, it is not a big deal compared to exchanging strategic initiative.  But the premise of all this is that the hundred-armed giant was attracted by something as guessed.  If it had really signed an agreement with the legendary spell caster of the Kingdom of Lucia, it would probably be a loss-making deal.  And Barrett¡¯s current situation has already shown that the Cruze Kingdom does not intend to use supernatural effects such as the ¡®Earth Lyre¡¯ to repair Brereton City before the Lucia Kingdom launches an offensive.  After discovering that something was wrong, the defenders, who had already suffered losses, chose to retreat before receiving military orders.  Naturally, outsiders such as the Boreham Rangers chose to evacuate immediately.  Otherwise, two knights should have escorted Barrett back to the territory first, and the remaining members were slowly attracting Lucianism near Brelton City. After that night's performance, Barrett's precious value  It has been exposed.  Several knights obviously understood the need to ensure his safety.  Listening to Knight Baptist¡¯s explanation, Barrett also had a rough understanding of everything that happened after he lost consciousness.  At the same time, Knight Baputi did not ask what ability Barrett activated that night to deal with the Hundred-Armed Giant. Although the knights all knew that the last thing that took effect was the 'Legendary Spell', Barrett's ability activated the 'Legendary Spell' at a distance.  'It's still far too early.  How to cross that obstacle is the key to the matter and the secret worth studying.  "Okay! Seeing how hard you are talking, I won't bother you anymore." Knight Baptist didn't forget to turn around and say something when he turned to leave, "I made such a big noise this time.  I don¡¯t think the Earl will allow you to leave the territory in a short time.¡± ¡°Yes! But there is nothing you can do about it at that time!¡± The Earl will understand even though he can¡¯t move his head.  expression.  Knight Baptist, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped: "Would the Earl understand? It's better for you to explain it to him yourself! This card was turned over too early, and I'm afraid it completely disrupted the Earl.  Plan. "Although it is only a short-term burst of three axes, it can be regarded as a legendary combat power after all.  In the Western Continent, it can still determine the outcome of a battle.  An ability like this, if it has not been exposed before, is indeed qualified to be used as a trump card.  If exposed in this way in advance, it's no wonder that Knight Baptist thought that the earl would be furious.  As Knight Baptist left, the caravan fell into silence again.  Undisturbed, Barrett returned his attention to his choice of a mythical path.  After such a long period of fighting and understanding, Barrett took the lead in ruling out the Guardian option and focused his attention on the remaining fighters and commanders.  As a fighter, his role is to fight the enemy.  Using destructive melee power, a fighter can crush enemies before they have the chance to harm themselves or their allies.  Few possess skill with weapons that rivals the Brawler, or equals his ability to wield prodigious feats of strength.  Fighter abilities allow them to contain enemies, move across the battlefield with ease, and challenge large numbers of enemies at once.  Others in the party can count on you, the fighter, to dominate any close combat in which they participate.  Although members of almost any profession can become a fighter,Classes that specialize in melee combat¡ªbarbarians, knights, warriors, monks, paladins, and rangers¡ªwill find the abilities of this path the most attractive and useful.  However, even magic warriors or thieves can find excellent ways to strengthen their abilities in the way of a fighter.  And once he becomes the commander, his ability can inspire non-mythical and non-mythic allies, making them equally powerful.  In a team, the Commander can protect allies and push them to perform more heroic actions.  The commander's power will always allow him to lead his party, help his companions, and fight against their enemies.  Bards, knights, clerics, inquisitors, and paladins will find many useful abilities in the Way of the Commander.  In fact, almost any character who can help others - before and after war - will also find that there are many valuable abilities in the way of leadership that can help them achieve noble causes.  And every time a level is gained in the Way of the Warrior, the warrior will receive 5 bonus health points.  These hit points stack and have no effect on your Hit Dice or other abilities.  Whenever he gains a level in the Way of the Commander, the bonus health he receives becomes 4 points.  ¡®If it¡¯s an adventure or a small team fight, the fighter¡¯s ability is indeed more powerful.  But if you are in a war, the commander's power is stronger.  ¡¯ In the past, Barrett would have chosen a fighter without saying a word, but now he is hesitant.  Individual or team, this is indeed a big question.  Barrett spent a lot of time thinking about this matter, but in the end he sighed: "The range of effect of the commander's ability is still too small. Even if it is very consistent with most White Crow-style abilities, it can  After all, the path I took was biased towards steel soul and iron heart.¡± After a series of twists and turns, Barrett finally turned his attention to the mythical path of a fighter. Of course, this was somewhat inconsistent with Barrett¡¯s unwillingness to do so.  Consuming resurrection stones has something to do with it. The fighter's survivability will obviously be higher.  As Barrett made his choice, he immediately gained the level 2 Mythic Fighter ability.  At the same time, a series of related mythological path abilities were also obtained.  In addition to the 10 points of HP enhancement, the remaining abilities are also gratifying enough.  The first is the immortality of the brave: whenever a mythical character's health points fall below 0 points, he can automatically stabilize without making a Constitution check.  If he has abilities that allow him to take actions while below 0 hit points, he still loses hit points for taking actions, as described by those abilities.  In addition, although the bleeding damage will still cause it to lose health points when its health points are lower than 0.  But he does not die until his total negative hit points are equal to or greater than twice his Constitution score.  This ability greatly enhances the ability of mythical characters to escape death. Secondly, the power of myth: mythical characters can use the source of power to accomplish amazing deeds or cheat fate.  This power can be used in many different abilities.  You can use mythic power a number of times per day equal to 3 + twice his mythic tier (level 1 is 5 times/day, level 2 is 7 times/day, and so on).  This number is the maximum value of the mythical power of the mythical character.  If there is a power that allows him to restore his mythic power, he cannot make it exceed this value.  This is the basis for mythical characters to activate their own special states. The most common one is to use it in conjunction with the surge of divine power: mythical characters can awaken the power of mythology in their bodies to overcome various challenges.  You can expend one use of mythic power to make a check from 1 to 6, and add the result to any check you just made.  This ability changes the result of the check.  The size of the die bonus granted by using this ability increases to 1-8 at 4th level, to 1-10 at 7th level, and finally to 1-12 at 10th level.  This allows mythical characters to erupt into powerful effects that are clearly inconsistent with their own abilities when encountering situations they cannot resist.  Creating one jaw-dropping miracle after another may be the reason why myths are myths!  The last magical initiative: Starting from the second level, the reaction speed of the mythical character is increased, the specific range is the same as his mythical level Xiangguang.  In addition, a mythic character can spend one use of mythic power to gain an additional haste effect that round.  Get more action in a short amount of time.  However, no more than one additional action can be obtained in this way within 6 seconds.  What is an incredible move? Miraculous first attack is it.  I don¡¯t know how many ordinary people died due to this sudden change.  In addition, Barrett also received 2 attribute points that can be freely chosen.  Barrett, who had already chosen a route, added strength without saying a word. At this point, Barrett's strength, excluding equipment and spells, had reached 25 points.  When a mythical character reaches level 2, an attribute of his choice permanently increases by 2 points.  In the 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10thlevel, another attribute of his choice is permanently increased by 2 points; this can be the attribute he has already chosen to increase, or it can be a different attribute.  In addition to the fixed abilities, Barrett also gained mythic feats at the level 1 mythic ability: choose 1 mythic feat or non-mythic feat as a bonus feat.  Mythic characters must meet the prerequisites for the feat as normal.  He gains another mythic feat at 3rd level and every two levels thereafter.  Tomorrow, the old defense area of ??the Kliangston family will become the exercise ground for Knights such as Joshi and other knights during the day.  And because it can basically be said to be a high-end combat power, not many necessary buildings have been demolished.  The fire-proof leather that was removed was also used in other parts, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.  Except for a certain little girl who was having trouble, I could really say hello, me, hello, everyone.  As for why it was Qiaoji and the other five, of course it was because there were no extra manpower in other territories!  Generally speaking, the team of each territory consists of a knight with his own heir, or if there is no heir, he will bring an apprentice with sufficient strength.  As for their powerful followers, they are generally responsible for logistics work.  Unless it is a critical moment of life and death, these guys will not directly participate in the battle.  To be honest, it's hard to say whether this kind of rule that seems very stupid to Qiaoji is a tacit understanding between countries or a psychology of taking care of ordinary soldiers and middle- and lower-level officers.  Qiaoji and others gained the right to kill everyone on this section of the city wall.  Of course, in order to make the opponent continue to invest manpower, several people chose to let the opponent climb the city wall before attacking.  If we don't let the opponent see some hope of breaking through the defense line, it will be bad if the barbarians shrink back.  Of course, to a certain extent, it is to cover up the fact that those soft-legged shrimps are no longer here.  When several people were communicating with each other with their own eyes.  The barbarian's palm appeared again between the arrow stacks at the top of the city.  Green, who was holding a thin stabbing sword at the back, waved his hand and drew a sword flower and said: "Don't try to climb on me again, I'll stare at you! Didn't you notice that those barbarians have climbed up?" The long sword flew across the air, and suddenly  There were scattered stars and bits of blue light scattered down.  The next second, the steel sword glowing with blue light was aimed at the barbarian who had just revealed his upper body and beheaded him without hesitation.  On this battlefield that belongs to Qiaoji, whenever this long sword is raised, it has shown its sharp edge in the ordinary, like a giant waterfall and evil waves, hanging from nine days away, roaring and pouring down!  Looking at the continuous storm-like attacks in front of him, Crispian asked aloud: "Georgie, do you have any grudge against these barbarians? If you work so hard, be careful because you may not have enough energy!" (~^~)
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