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Text Chapter 160: Riding in the Wilderness

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    "Clang!" The collision between the dagger and the dagger determined the outcome in an instant.  Barrett's dagger was cut off by the attacker's dagger. The opponent only adjusted his arm slightly before stabbing Barrett's armpit unabated. That was the weak link in the fine gold breastplate.  , this is the price that must be paid in order to be able to use both arms flexibly.  Although Barrett has quite a lot of precious equipment, this spare and rarely used dagger is the most common product produced by the assembly line in Boreham Arsenal.  Therefore, he immediately became a victim in the collision with the enemy.  Although he had been mentally prepared in advance, Barrett's pupils shrank slightly after seeing that scene: "It looks like he is going to prepare an eternal fine gold next."  The dagger.  Otherwise, it will be troublesome next time you encounter this situation.  ¡¯ Faced with this potentially life-threatening attack, Barrett became highly focused.  Barrett, who really didn't want to expose his flying ability so early, had to move dangerously. As Barrett's fingers turned, the attacker's dagger stopped in mid-air as if it hit something.  With his head down, Barrett used the force field cube created by the 'Force Field Ring' to successfully block the path of the opponent's dagger.  This tangible but immaterial energy field cannot be broken through by ordinary means. No matter how hard the attacker tries, he cannot break through this line of defense.  But this force field block is just a small cube.  After the attacker failed to fight hard, he moved his arms and quickly crossed the invisible force field border to find a new attack route.  However, Barrett took this opportunity to press the body of the 'Phantom Pony' with his free hand, and then used this power to kick the opponent's arm holding the dagger.  It is normal for the arms to be unable to hold the thighs, not to mention that Barrett, who has a favorable body shape, has a greater advantage in this regard.  So this time the fight ended with Barrett's victory, and the attacker was kicked completely off balance.  After a sound of "Bang!", the attacker fell to the ground, but just as Barrett turned over with one hand on the ground, the guy rolled into the shadow and then merged with the shadow and disappeared from all the riders.  before.  Apparently seeing that the situation was not going well, they gave up the resistance and chose to escape.  Although Barrett was entangled by this sudden attacker for a long time, he missed the battle with the Lucia cavalry.  But this time, the soldiers led by Bolum had a considerable advantage at the beginning of the battle, so that even without Barrett's participation, the battle ended without any suspense.  After killing or dispersing Lucia's cavalry, the experienced Bolum Rangers began to clean up the battlefield quickly.  And one of their team captains also rode to Barrett's side: "How are you, Mr. Bolum? You're not injured, right?" "It's okay! It's okay! Although the action is a bit ugly, they want to  It's too early to hurt me." After standing up, Barrett patted his armor and cleaned away the weeds and dirt stuck to his body.  The cavalry captain found out that Barrett could still joke, and he was relieved at this time.  He turned around and looked at his busy teammates: "Those Lucians have been too crazy these days. Don't they care about the lives of these cavalry at all?" As a soldier, the cavalry captain understands that they are a branch of the army.  The training cost is much higher than that of ordinary infantry.  So when the Lucians put their precious cavalry into this war of attrition with an astonishing loss ratio, the young rider found it difficult to accept it for a while.  "Don't take Bolum's training method as the norm. Otherwise, why wouldn't you have such a big advantage when facing your peers?" Barrett smiled and glanced at the aborigine in front of him, "And those, those  The Lucians seem to have found a new pasture in the east, so their training costs for ordinary cavalry are much lower than ours. "The population of Bolum territory is limited, and it is impossible to maintain too large a standing army.  So they can only adopt the policy of elite troops.  Fortunately, the gap between individuals in this world can be greatly widened. After investing a lot of time and money, the territory still reaped sweet fruits, although the price/performance ratio seems a bit low.  But for Bolum, being able to use money to solve human problems is a great deal.  In contrast, the Kingdom of Lucia has another completely opposite style of behavior.  Under the guidance of the core idea of ????human sea tactics, the opponent's ability to bear losses is by no means something ordinary Bolum soldiers can understand.  Even the relatively valuable cavalry can be sacrificed at will if they feel necessary.  Of course, this is also related to the eastern prairie that Barrett just mentioned.  Even if the Kingdom of Lucia returns to the Western Continent,Such a vast land and abundant resources, no matter how large the population is.  However, the large amount of money required for cavalry training cannot be reduced too much.  Although the individual investment is not very large, when combined with their huge number, it is also an astonishing astronomical figure.  ¡°But after the prairie was established, the Lucians not only gained a piece of pasture.  More importantly, they conquered the nomadic peoples who had lived on this land for generations.  However, due to the special geographical environment of the Lucia Kingdom, the population is sparse, and the central government's jurisdictional capacity is limited. Unlike some centralized countries or some wealthy feudal countries, it can completely melt and swallow up dissident forces in society.  These factors force the Kingdom of Lucia to adopt a tolerant policy towards the residents of the prairie. Otherwise, relying solely on the stick at hand, these guys who live in the grass and come and go like the wind will definitely cause great harm to the rule of the Kingdom of Lucia.  trouble.  By paying salaries, enfeoffing land, etc., Lucia bribed and won over the elders and clan chiefs among the nomads, and then drove and tricked them into serving as pawns to guard the frontiers in order to consolidate their rule and carry out invasion and expansion.  Of course, those nomads were not without gains. They were exempted from labor and taxes, and received a certain salary and a considerable amount of land.  What's more important is that they have an autonomous organization composed of freely elected leaders, centurions, and captains. In a sense, they can be regarded as a semi-autonomous mercenary group.  Precisely because of the addition of these grassland herdsmen who are good at riding and shooting, the source of ordinary riders in the Kingdom of Lucia has been greatly expanded, so they can naturally use them much more casually.  Use numerical superiority to wear down or contain the enemy and create favorable conditions for your true purpose.  "If this is the case, the actual situation is very unfavorable to us." The cavalry captain couldn't help but sigh after listening to Barrett's explanation.  As mentioned before, the resources that the Bolum Territory can invest in the Cruze Kingdom are quite limited.  Although the territory had been informed of the situation before the operation, it was not easy for the more than 200 Rangers to obtain reinforcements from the territory.  Although the battles near Camplin City in the past few days have won one after another, these cavalry from Bolum also paid a certain price.  No matter how good the battle loss ratio is, it cannot change the fact that it has attrition.  Even if the Lucians suffered greater losses in this regard, they could afford it but Bolum's branch of the army could not afford it.  Barrett was already prepared for this.  He understood that as time went by, the situation in front of the Aboriginal cavalry involved in the operation would become more and more difficult.  Naturally, we need to prepare in advance in order to avoid being tongue-tied when asked: "You don't need to be too careful about this. We are not trying to eliminate the Lucians in front of us. We are just delaying their siege progress.  That¡¯s all. If nothing can be done, we won¡¯t fight head-on.¡± While Barrett was talking to the aboriginal captain, the remaining rangers also completed cleaning up the battlefield.  Before the escaped Lucian cavalry came to call in the larger troops, a group of cavalry who had just experienced the battle immediately turned their horses and chose to retreat.  In the following days, the rangers from the Bolum Territory frequently fought against their counterparts in the Kingdom of Lucia.  Also in order to prevent the enemy from concentrating its forces for retaliation, their camps had to change locations every day.  Even so, it is still necessary to use illusions to deceive the falcons in the sky.  The collision of war horses, blood, and metal.  Two armies with different stances came and went on this land, but neither of the warring parties asked much about the original owner of the land.  Unfortunately, as time went by, those Lucians became more and more familiar with the battle with the Bolum Cavalry, and several times the opponent almost ended up with the tail of the cavalry regiment.  As a result, the Bolum Cavalry Regiment, which did not want to confront the opponent head-on, had to become more careful. After spending all its energy in this aspect, it seemed somewhat powerless to accept the Lucian siege operations.  But for those Lucians, the presence of Bolum's cavalry has had a great impact on them.  In order to prevent the elusive Bolum cavalry from causing trouble during the siege, Lucia had to expend a large number of cavalry to contain their actions.  This invisibly reduced the amount of force that could be invested in siege.  More importantly, even though huge manpower and material resources were invested, the Bolum cavalry still caused great trouble to the Lucians.  After confirming that Lucia's side could not break through the defense line during the siege, Barrett and others immediately set their sights on Lucia's baggage train.  "Thousands of troops gathered in this wilderness to capture the city of Camplin, and every day they ate and chewed one"??Small numbers.  The food reserves alone are not enough for them to last for a few days.  Therefore, the transport teams that trek from the occupied areas every day determine to a large extent the combat effectiveness of the Lucians. Destruction logistics has always been a very important link in tactics.  Will be added tomorrow. These four giant crossbows were fixed on the forecastle and stern of the battleship respectively. During the previous shooting training in the coastal waters, these giant crossbows fired giant arrows as thick as spears or stone bullets as big as grapefruits into hundreds of targets.  Outside the yard.  Although it is not that there are more powerful ballistas, even the teak spliced ??deck cannot withstand the reaction force of those big guys.  As for the inferior ballistae, there are also a lot of them equipped under the canvas.  In addition, for combat considerations, this ship also built head and tail forts on the forecastle and stern, with parapet arrow stacks for easy combat.  The thick fir parapet clad with copper on the outside can also ensure its own protective capabilities.  Of course, the cost of building one ship is tens of thousands of gold coins plus the cost of modification after being captured by Bolum.  This is completely a naval warfare machine built with money.  Unlike her sisters in the south, the sea conditions in the North are more complicated and harsh under the moody mentality of the Queen of the Deep.  Therefore, this ship uses the Northland's unique "tower jointing" method to stack the ship's boards, and the surface always shows a rough taste.  In the south, the "flat joint" method of jointing and flattening the seams is usually used. The smooth surface is relatively more beautiful. Of course, some people say that it also reflects the superficiality and glitz of those guys.  As for why this warship, which was originally manufactured by the Southern Commercial Republic, used northern manufacturing techniques.  This is not to carry out missions in the north, but the ship plates stacked by the "tower connection" method are stronger and more suitable for use on battleships.  The Merchant Republic, which is famous for its use, still knows how to be flexible in this regard.  And just judging from the ship shape, the Karak ship type is not the original species of Northland shipbuilding.  ¡°Then in the Bolum territory, the biggest modification he underwent was to replace the old rudder paddle with a stern rudder plate.  Later, a watertight cabin was separated with oak wood in the lower cabin to enhance its sinking resistance.  The young man on the watchtower is observing the surrounding sea with a telescope in his hand.  He sat in the observation cabin on the main mast, carefully using the tools in his hands.  Because he knew the price of this thing, it might be worth several years of his salary.  Suddenly he discovered a faint black spot on the horizon. After getting closer, he noticed the flag of the DiKabujia Chamber of Commerce flying on the mast.  Yes, this is the pirate ship in the information, and it is the possible secret line they are looking for.  Raise the flag!  Get ready to fight!  Alexa Copsey excitedly gave the order, and his order was immediately and faithfully executed. The main mast raised a black pirate to hide from others, while the foremast was a "Ready to Fight" signal flag.  . (To be continued.)
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