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Text Chapter 198 Robbery of both good and evil

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    After the seal was successful, Su Chen gasped and swayed all over. The group sealing technique just now almost drained the magic power in his body - that is, bioelectricity, which made him almost faint due to electrolyte imbalance in his body.  , fortunately he was in good health and managed to hold on in the end.  After sealing all the soldiers, the next thing to deal with is the members of the special forces. However, Su Chen has not sealed everyone. White Ghost and the Baroness will soon come to snatch the nanobug warheads. Su Chen still needs to borrow a few more  The members of Alpha Squad are here to put on a good show.  After nightfall, the entire base was already empty. All valuable things had been packed away by Su Chen. Except for those fixed large items that could not be taken away, even the mice in the base that were clean had to starve to death.  Soon, Su Chen discovered the herdsmen living in the desert through the surveillance system, knowing that the White Ghost and the others were about to appear.  After the rumbling sound of drilling, the White Ghost, Baroness Anna and eight Cobra soldiers appeared.  It has to be said that there are so many high-tech products in the Special Forces series, especially for military use. Su Chen can¡¯t put it down almost every one of them and wants to pack them all up and take them back.  Take the Mole, the hole-drilling machine that White Ghost, Anna and others ride on, as an example. You can never find such an advanced machine in reality, and something is wrong.  "It seems too quiet here. Where have all the people gone?" After coming out of the drilling machine, White Ghost immediately noticed the problem.  Anna checked the instrument in her hand and quickly found the location of the nanobug warhead. "The box is right there. Are you going to find someone here. Or do you want to go get the box with me first?" White Ghost thought for a while.  .  Finally decided to get the box first.  Just as they were heading to General Hawke's office, Su Chen quietly appeared next to the three Cobra soldiers who were in charge of staying behind.  Hearing three soft sounds of "bang bang bang", the three soldiers fell softly to the ground and were quickly sealed by Su Chen.  After dealing with these three people, Su Chen packed up ten drilling machines, put them into capsules, and then entered the invisible state again.  At the same time, Bai Ghost and Anna finally realized something was wrong.  Such a large base was actually empty, and the entire base was empty. It didn't look like a military base at all, but rather like a tomb that had been abandoned for a long time.  The two of them stood still in unison.  The pretender Zatan was still whistling nonchalantly, as if he didn't take this situation to heart, "Don't worry, you'll find out what's going on when you find the box." These three people actually had some thoughts in their hearts.  It was embarrassing, but no one wanted to just give up and leave. After all, the nanobug warheads were too important. As for the other four Cobra soldiers, it didn't matter.  They were originally puppets without fear and only obeyed the instructions of their superiors.  The group of people moved toward the location where the warhead was installed uneasily.  The further they went, the stronger the ominous omen in their hearts became.  Until they came to the door of General Hawke's office, White Ghost kicked the door open, only to find that the box containing the nano-warhead was placed on the desk, but the box was open and there was nothing inside.  "It seems that someone is one step ahead of us!" Bai Ghost's face looked a little ugly.  The Baroness disagreed with him, "You mean the special forces have gone after the person who took the lead? How is this possible!" Several people filed in, crowding the small office, but White Ghost suddenly  Turning around, his face changed drastically and he said, "Why is there one person missing?" Zatan and Anna looked back and saw, right?  There were four soldiers who came with them just now, but now there are only three left.  Anna¡¯s heart skipped a beat and she immediately started to contact the three people left behind, only to find that they could no longer be contacted.  Zatan still looked as if nothing had happened, "It seems this is a trap, specially set for us." "Shut up!" Anna shouted dissatisfied, and then turned her eyes to the white ghost, "What should we do now?  " "Leave here immediately. I'm afraid the special forces people didn't leave, but were captured!" The white ghost's face became increasingly ugly, and the three of them rushed out, followed closely by the three Cobra soldiers.  back.  When they returned to the location of the drilling rig, they found it was deserted.  "Damn! What the hell, what is going on?" Anna shouted angrily, "What should we do now? How do we leave?" At this moment, the entire base suddenly fell into darkness.    White Phantom pulled out his knife and looked around with a wary look, "Interesting, it seems someone wants to play a game with us" Ah¡ª¡ª!  A scream came, and the person who made the sound was a Cobra soldier. Before White Ghost and others could react, there was another scream soon, but they couldn't see anything, not even White Ghost, who had keen senses.  .  When the last remaining Cobra soldier screamed, the white ghost seemed to have suddenly caught the trajectory of something, and suddenly turned around and struck behind him.  There was just a crisp sound of "clang", and the huge reaction force made White Phantom almost drop the knife in his hand. There were bursts of tearing pain from his tiger's mouth. The gap in strength made White Phantom immediately want to retreat.  Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away.  "Wait, stop! Do you want to leave us here?" the Baroness shouted, "Zatan, follow him quickly! Zatan, where have you been?" It was at this moment that Anna suddenly  It was discovered that Zatan had disappeared at some point, and there was no one around her except herself.  At the same time, there was a muffled groan not far away, and Anna could hear it clearly. It was clearly the voice of the white ghost.  "Did he also be plotted?" Anna took a deep breath and pulled out the pulse gun on her leg. While trying to suppress the fear in her heart, she quietly listened to the movements around her. As long as there was the slightest movement, she would  Shoot without ceremony.  Boom!  boom!  boom!  The huge power of the pulse gun is undoubtedly revealed.  The surrounding area was quickly beaten to pieces by her.  Just then.  Anna suddenly felt her eyes light up, and there was another call from the base.  But at the same time, Anna found that her arm was grabbed and unable to move.  "Hi! Honey, would you like a kiss?" Su Chen removed the weapon from Anna's hand three times.  But this thorny rose obviously didn't want to give up. Although Su Chen was holding the back of her hand and couldn't move it, she still had two long legs.  I saw Anna's knees thrust upwards. If Su Chen hadn't dodged quickly, his balls would have been broken.  But Anna was immediately pushed to the ground by Su Chen.  "You are so naughty. Who told you to do this? If I become a eunuch, won't you have to live with a eunuch for the rest of your life?" Su Chen teased Anna with a playful smile, making her angry and ashamed.  die.  "Who are you?" Anna did not ask where White Ghost and Zatan had gone. There was almost no doubt about it. She snorted coldly and said: "Stop dreaming, I won't tell you anything!" "  I didn't expect you to take the initiative to tell me." Su Chen chuckled, snapped his fingers, and then saw Anna closing her eyes involuntarily, a few seconds later.  When she opened her eyes again, her expression was blank.  "." "Okay" That's it.  The Cobra dispatch team was completely wiped out, and even the core characters White Ghost, Anna and Zatan were each controlled by Su Chen.  Anna and Su Chen left in the individual aircraft. Because Su Chen had disguised himself as a white ghost, the aircraft that met him outside the desert did not suspect that he was there, allowing him to easily board the aircraft.  When he arrived at the Cobra aircraft, Su Chen took the opportunity to control the two pilots, and the aircraft became his toy.  The next schedule is very simple. If the plot in the movie is followed, White Ghost and Anna will go to France to launch a warhead and finally destroy the Eiffel Tower. Zatan will return to the North Pole and accept the transformation of his facial features by nanobugs.  But with Su Chen here, their schedule had to change.  Under Su Chen¡¯s control, Anna and McColin reported the situation, using the excuse of ¡°heavy losses.¡± Only she and Zatan survived, while White Ghost was killed by his brother Snake Eyes.  McColin was very angry about this. White Ghost was an indispensable member of Cobra at this stage. His death was a huge loss. It was unrealistic to expect Anna to go to France alone, so McColin decided to let her take the warhead.  Bring it back first and launch the four warheads directly with intercontinental missiles.  This result was exactly what Su Chen wanted. He disguised himself as Zatan, rode in this advanced aircraft, and flew all the way to the North Pole. It only took less than three hours to land on this ice and snow continent.  middle.  After getting off the plane, Su Chen, who had already disguised himself as Zatan, pretended to be seriously injured. With Anna's support, he entered the elevator entrance under the polar ice cap and entered the underground base through the elevator rope.  In addition to Mecolin, Anna¡¯s brother Rex, Cobra Commander, came to greet him.  "Take him to the medical room immediately!" After seeing "Zhao""" Covered in blood and unconscious, the commander decided to take this opportunity to directly inject him with nanoworms. "Anna, what on earth is going on?"  "McCollin is still a little confused. He has obviously planned something, but now such an accident has happened. Even Cobra's most powerful assassin, White Ghost, has paid for it. Such a result really makes him unable to understand.  At this time, Anna rolled her eyes "just right" and fainted. This was also Su Chen's request to her, so the two of them were sent to the medical room together. Because Su Chen looked exactly the same as Zatan, so who.  He didn't expect that they were two people, but the moment he entered the medical room, Su Chen suddenly got angry and grabbed the Cobra soldiers on both sides with both hands. With a little force, he broke the necks of the two men.  At the same time, Anna woke up from her "coma", pulled out the pulse gun, and pointed the gun at McColin and her brother Rick. "Anna!  Are you crazy?  "Bang bang two shots, Anna first eliminated the two soldiers behind her, so there were only four people left in the medical room. "No, he is not crazy, I am crazy.  "Su Chen chuckled and lifted the camouflage technique on himself. "Mycolin and the commander were dumbfounded as they watched a living person transform into another person. This method of transformation is more convenient than nanoworms.  More important things. This person is not Zatan at all! "From now on.  I have the final say here.  "Su Chen smiled slightly. "As long as he can control Maikelin and the commander. This entire base will be used by him, and these Cobra soldiers are very easy to use, mainly because they have all received injections of nanoworms. In addition to retaining  They are conscious and their self-consciousness is completely under the control of the commander. There is no need to worry about their betrayal or resistance. ¡°Who are you?  "McColin and the commander looked at each other, and they were extremely shocked. If these two people had read the online article, they would definitely shout loudly in their hearts: This is not scientific at all! Isn't that how the script was written? How could it be?  The reason for robbing the villain? ¡°Who am I?  This is a good question!  "Su Chen snapped his fingers, "Since you are all the best among scum and the lunatic among madmen, I can reveal a little secret to you. I am not from this world Don't get me wrong, I am also a human being.  , the difference is that I come from another world, and you - especially you, Rex!  I know your past very well.  "You know me?"  "The commander played by Jonzef is wearing a mask, so you can't see much expression on his face. But his eyes are flickering, which is obviously caused by agitation. "Don't try to play tricks.  "Su Chen pointed at him. He wagged his fingers twice more, "I don't believe you haven't noticed until now. Your sister Anna didn't react at all when she heard your name. Aren't you surprised?  " "It's very strange.  Ricks said with a gloomy face, "The nanoworm program in her body is running normally. It seems that you used other methods to control her."  " "If the answer is correct, one point will be added!  "Su Chen snapped his fingers again, "NowRix, please inject Mycolin with the nanoworms you specially designed for him, and then swear allegiance to me.  " "Why do you think I will listen to you?  "The commander asked back. Su Chen glanced at him sideways, "Because you have no choice. Unless you want to become a walking zombie like Anna, you have to listen to me.  "The real behind-the-scenes ruler of Cobra is in a dilemma at this time. It is undoubtedly a joke to ask him to swear allegiance. Even the top of Cobra's head, Mycolin, is actually just a puppet. As a scientific madman with great ambitions,  Commander will never give in to others. ¡°I knew you wouldn¡¯t agree so readily!  "Su Chen sneered and cast a bewitchment spell on the commander. "Anna's brother Rex is a genius, but his mental resistance is not that high. He was hit on the spot, and he became more honest after that.  He actually followed Su Chen's instructions and took out a tube of red injection from a box. But just as he was about to inject Mccolin, he was stopped by Su Chen. "I don't want to waste such a precious injection."  On him.  "Su Chen glanced at McCollin who was in a daze, and regardless of whether he was frightened or not, he also cast a bewitchment spell on him. "What we have to do next is a matter of course. With two  Following the order of the supreme commander, the entire base began to get busy. First, everyone was summoned in the name of the commander. The reason was to review the troops. Seriously speaking, the strength of Cobra is not inferior to that of the special forces.Based on the scale of this base, if it were placed in the real world, it would be impossible to build it without billions or even tens of billions of dollars.  Correspondingly, there is abundant manpower. Such a large base cannot operate without a small number of people. Therefore, there are more than 3,000 people in the entire underwater base, which is more than the number of people in the special forces base.  After that, it was still packing, taking apart everything in the base and packing it into capsules. Except for the base itself, which could not be packed, Su Chen did not want to leave even a screw.  Such a large workload was naturally not something he could complete alone, so the Cobra soldiers came in handy. These hard-working soldiers received the capsules from Su Chen in batches, and then began to sweep the entire base.  "Compared to Su Chen's previous packing of the special forces base, this time it was much easier. Not only the equipment in the base, but also the military technology information, including weapons and equipment including submarines.  Relying on the many capsules he had on hand, Su Chen made a pot of soup without any ceremony.  The packing work lasted a whole day, and with the concerted efforts of thousands of people, the entire base was basically wiped out, including the Night Raven supersonic fighter that was very similar to the Talon fighter.  Su Chen still continued his previous style here. Cobra¡¯s base was so clean that even a mouse could starve to death.  Of course, not all places have been put into capsules. For example, the medical room is still functioning, and there are only a few people left in the base at this time.  In fact, Su Chen is also very optimistic about Cobra's plan, using Zatan to impersonate the President of the United States and take the opportunity to dominate the world - of course, if it were him, he would definitely not be so free to do this.  Dominating the world is meaningless to Su Chen. What he really wants to see is to take this opportunity to turn the world into a source of raw materials for him to speed up the construction of the second green card.  So Zatan was released from the vial again. Compared with Cobra Commander, Zatan was undoubtedly a very sensible person. He didn't even need Su Chen to threaten him, so he happily submitted his petition and promised to be there.  After replacing the President of the United States, he will do his best to serve Su Chen, but Su Chen is not a fool and cannot trust Zatan so easily, so some necessary measures must still be implemented, such as the nanoworm injection invented by the commander.  Stuff controls him pretty well.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! PS: Some people always say that there is no main line. The main line is to build the No. 2 Green Card World first.
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