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Text Chapter 733: Forge City and Airship

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    readx; Through the teleportation array in Zakop City, Ruan Chi and Rebaluna successfully went to a human country close to the dwarf territory, and then got on a carriage crossing the border under the arrangement of Ernstow.  At noon the next day, a steel city appeared in front of Ruan Chi.  System: You discovered Forge City.  On the carriage, Ernstow introduced to Ruan Chi: "The Forge City is a larger city fortress in the Camoranesi Province in the northwest of the dwarves. It is built on the mountains and spans the throat of the Kesi Mountains. The buildings in the entire city are huge.  Part of it is made of refined black stone, which has extremely high resistance to magic. Although it is far from the legendary forbidden magic stone, it is still very easy to deal with magic attacks in ordinary small wars. " Originally, this guy only needed it.  It was enough to help open the teleportation array, but along the way, Ensto enthusiastically said that he could help Ruan Chi. Not only did he open up joints with other Penglai Pavilion branches that had teleportation arrays, but the airships on the dwarf side also had a chance.  He prepares all the teams single-handedly.  Ernstow worked so hard to win the favor of Ruan Chi, the inspector. Ruan Chi was happy to succeed and allowed him to follow him.  "The northwest of Forge City is the territory of the blood elves? Are we going to take an airship from here?" Looking at the huge fortress outside the carriage, Ruan Chi was only concerned about when he could go to the Dragon Clan.  "Yes, the other side of the Forge City is the territory of the blood elves. You only need to take an airship to reach the Blood Shadow City in five days or three days. At that time, you will need to take a motorcade to cross the Sunset Desert. Soon you will be there.  Can we reach the Dragon Clan¡¯s territory?¡± ¡°Will the blood elves allow our airship to enter?¡± Ruan Chi blinked and asked curiously.  Generally speaking, border areas like this will be heavily guarded. Moreover, blood elves and dwarves are two races belonging to different camps, so the border area between them should be heavily guarded.  Ruan Chi looked far away, and sure enough he saw the thirty-meter-high wall of the Forge City, with black gun barrels installed on it. These gun barrels were all magic crystal cannons studied by the dwarves.  Ernstow explained: "Blood elves are different from dwarves. They like to live in underground cities, so it is impossible for them to build military fortresses on the Keth Mountains. And they don't seem to value the concept of territory as much as other races."  "What do you mean?" Ruan Chi wanted to ask more, and Ensto was about to answer. Rebaruna, who had not spoken yet, said coldly: "That's because the blood elves are all shady guys who like to steal other people's things.  , in the eyes of the blood elves, everything worth snatching in this world belongs to them. Therefore, the blood elves who are accustomed to looting have a very vague concept of territory, and these guys have an indifferent attitude towards others entering their territory.  , but on the contrary. The blood elves also take it as a matter of course when they enter other people's territories. " "Ms. Rebaruna is right. The territory of the blood elves is the smallest among the nine major races in the Miracle Continent.  "The territory of their territory is only one-twentieth of the human race, which is also caused by their character," Ernstow added.  Ruan Chi opened the system map, and sure enough he saw that the territory of the blood elves was almost huddled in a corner of the southwest corner of the Miracle Continent. It was sandwiched between the dwarf territory and the dragon territory. There were no resources except the boundless sea of ??misery to the south.  Probably because there are no resources, the blood elves are looting everywhere.  I remember that when Rachel mentioned blood elves before, she did not hide her disgust on her face. Rachel said that apart from adventurers and assassins, the only professions that blood elves like are bandits.  Most of the leaders of the large-scale thieves groups that appeared in the human race were blood elves.  Ruan Chi has not seen many blood elves. The only blood elf in his impression that he has ever fought against is the gray killer who works for the Platinum Consortium.  ¡­ Because there was already a branch of Penglai Pavilion in the Casting City, the airship was well prepared when Ruan Chi arrived at the terminal building.  A branch manager from the local Forge City had been waiting for a long time.  "This must be the Inspector. Hello, I am the director of the Penglai Pavilion Forge City branch. My name is Owen Grudil." The director of Forge City is a dwarf.  As soon as he saw Ruan Chi, he greeted him warmly.  Ruan Chi nodded and looked at the terminal building in front of him curiously. Ruan Chi came to the dwarf territory only a handful of times. When he saw this airship terminal building today, he couldn't help but be amazed.  The entire terminal building, like most of the buildings in Casting City, is made of black stone.  The hollow design of the dome prevents direct sunlight from entering.  The interior is designed without stone pillars, making the entire terminal look very spacious.   This bold architectural style is comparable to the modern architecture of the earth. The technology of the dwarves once again exceeded Ruan Chi's imagination.  According to Owen, the dwarf, this airship terminal is actually a military facility of the dwarves, and ordinary people are not allowed to use it.  However, because Penglai Pavilion is so famous and has a lot of trade relations with the dwarves, after Owen established the relationship, the lord of Forge City was willing to provide an airship to Ruan Chi.  Under the leadership of Owen, Ruan Chi and others left the terminal building and came to a very huge apron, where Ruan Chi could see a dozen huge airships parked there.  Ruan Chi has seen airships, a flying tool developed by dwarves, before. At that time, he saw such airships throwing "garbage" from the sky in the Trickster Wasteland in Oberdo, the Forgotten Country.  According to Owen, the cost of building one such airship is about 300,000 to 400,000 gold coins. Each time it flies, a large amount of magic cores are consumed.  "The biggest trade between our Penglai Pavilion and the dwarves is the business of selling magic cores. The number of magic cores we supply to the dwarves every year is as high as 60 tons" Along the way, Owen also dutifully explained to Ruan Chi the operations of the branch under his jurisdiction.  From the situation, it seemed that, like Ernstow, he really regarded Ruan Chi as an inspector sent down from above to conduct an inspection.  In fact, Ruan Chi did not know that Owen and Ernstow not only regarded Ruan Chi as an ordinary inspector, but also regarded Ruan Chi as a real high-level executive of Penglai Pavilion.  Penglai Pavilion was originally controlled by the Huaxia people from behind, but because there were so few Chinese people, there were not many purebred Chinese people like Li Yinong who came to Miracle Continent to personally manage Penglai Pavilion.  Therefore, Penglai Pavilion, which occupies the nine-city branch, hires local talents like Owen and Ernstow to serve as supervisors. Chinese people with black hair and yellow skin like Ruan Chi generally only work at the headquarters.  Hold important positions.  When the two met Ruan Chi.  The first reaction was that Ruan Chi must be a senior executive at the Penglai Pavilion headquarters, so he worked so hard to fawn over him, hoping that one day he would be transferred to the headquarters.  Ruan Chi didn¡¯t know what the two of them were thinking. His eyes were now on those airships.  Although this kind of airship does not fly very fast, one advantage of it is that anyone can control it to fly into the sky with a little training.  In addition, and most importantly, the airship can carry a large number of people at one time.  If one day a war breaks out and comes to Dreamland Town and they need to flee, Ruan Chi can also let Rachel and the others escape in such an airship.  Ruan Chi is now considering whether to immediately spend money to buy an airship and go back to prepare for future troubles.  Of course, Ruan Chi was just thinking about it and didn't really want to buy it right away.  It's not that Ruan Chi is short of money, but that Ruan Chi believes that special means of transportation like airships should be relatively rare in the Miracle Continent, and the dwarfs shouldn't be able to sell them easily.  "Sir Inspector, we can go up now." Owen's voice came from unknown time.  Ruan Chi looked up at one of the airships and saw a long ladder lowered onto it at some point.  The shape of the airship consists of a hull, a power unit, a tail fin and a pod. It looks similar to a hot air balloon on Earth, but the airship is larger in shape.  Through the long ladder, Ruan Chi walked to the cabin inside and sat down. The space inside the airship was larger than expected, similar to the cabin of an airplane, and there was a long and narrow bridge outside.  "Boom!" Not long after Ruan Chi had sat down, a noise of propellers was heard. Ruan Chi had heard this sound from afar before.  Now that I'm sitting in the cabin, the sound is even more deafening. This is probably a flaw in the design of the airship, as the sound insulation effect is very poor.  As the airship slowly took off, Ruan Chi saw the Forge City under his feet.  This huge fortress lies almost in the middle of the entire Keth Mountains, isolating the territory of the dwarves from the territory of the blood elves.  System: You have entered the blood elf territory.  Soon after the airship took off, Ruan Chi quickly received a prompt from the system. Through the glass windows on both sides of the seat, Ruan Chi saw a yellow rocky land under the Kesi Mountains.  Similar to the blood elf city that passed along the coastline of the Bitter Sea, the blood elf territory here is almost all barren rocky land.  There is no grass growing on it, let alone the farmer's crops. Ruan Chi can't even see any signs of life.  After the chaotic camp where the blood elves belonged to was defeated in the Third War of the Throne, the blood elves were driven to the most desolate southwestern part of the continent along with their boss dragons, except that the sea monsters could continue to live in the deep sea without being harassed.  This kind of place is even worse than the north where the orcs live, and the dragons are already very domineering. The blood elves areThe unlucky allies can only shrink to such a small territory and live in dark dungeons all year round.  The flying speed of the airship is not very fast. When the weather is clear and the field of vision is wide, the fastest flying speed is only 80 kilometers per hour, which is much slower than Ruan Chi flying in the air using Gaia's war energy.  In desperation, Ruan Chi had no choice but to sit in the cabin and take a nap. He also opened the system menu and turned on the music playback function to pass the time.  The music sounded directly in Ruan Chi¡¯s head, and other people couldn¡¯t hear it. It could just be used to buffer the noisy propeller sound of the airship in his ears.  Unknowingly, Ruan Chi fell asleep amidst the long music. When he woke up, he found that Rebaluna beside him was gone, but he was covered with a towel.  Pulling off the towel, Ruan Chi stood up from the seat. At this moment, the cab door suddenly opened and Ernstow walked out.  "Is the inspector awake?" Ernstow asked happily.  "Yes." Ruan Chi nodded, yawned again, and then asked: "What time is it now? Where has the airship flown to?" "Returning to the Inspection Envoy, the sun has just set, and our current location is  The southeastern part of the Blood Elf territory, close to the Balisai Wasteland on the southern coastline of the Bitter Sea. "The coastline of the Bitter Sea?" Ruan Chi was startled, and then looked outside the window. Sure enough, the sky had darkened, but due to the light and distance.  Ruan Chi couldn't see anything about the problem.  "My Lord Inspector, are you hungry now? I'll order someone to prepare food for you right away." Ernstow said again at this time.  In addition to their few passengers, the airship also has two captains responsible for driving the airship and three dwarf logistics attendants.  Ruan Chi has a systematic shielding function and naturally he will not feel hungry, but if he is not hungry, others will be hungry. When they fell asleep just now, Ernstow and Owen did not dare to disturb Ruan Chi, which led to them and other people on the airship.  Have you had dinner yet?  Ruan Chi waved his hand and said: "Go get something to eat." Ernstow quickly smiled and said: "Yes, I will order someone to prepare it right now." As soon as Ernstow left, Ruan Chi walked outside the bridge of the airship.  As he walked, Ruan Chi saw Rebaluna's back.  Although the airship was not flying very fast, at an altitude of several thousand meters, the wind outside the bridge was still very strong. Rebaluna stood leaning against the fence of the bridge, and the strong wind blew her golden hair away.  The thin black gauze skirt clung to her delicate body, outlining her charming curves.  Ruan Chi was also blown by the wind and could barely open his eyes. When he walked to Rebaluna while holding on to the fence, he had to open his throat and say loudly to her: "What are you doing standing here?" Rebaluna's veil didn't know.  When she pulled it off, her originally beautiful face was completely ruined by two ferocious scars. She stared in a certain direction with her cold eyes, as if she couldn't hear Ruan Chi's words.  Ruan Chi looked in the direction she was looking, but because he couldn't see anything in the dark night sky, he felt bored. Ruan Chi withdrew his gaze, put a hand on Rebaluna's forehead, and joked after a while: "  It's so windy here, be careful of catching a cold. " "" Rebaluna still kept her gaze fixed, and after a long time she opened her lips and said, "Do you know how anxious I am now?"  "Are you so anxious?" Ruan Chi certainly knew what Rebaluna was anxious about, and said angrily: "Even if I ask you to return to Longxia right now, it won't change the fact that your son was injured by the assassin." "At least.  , I can stay by his side." In the messy wind, Rebaluna's voice was erratic and vague.  (To be continued.)?¡­
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