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Text Chapter 711: Brother¡¯s pet is finally back.

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    readx; After settling in, Ruan Chi brought Rebaluna in again, and made up a story that she was an adventurer and had joined the 38 Women¡¯s Adventure Group.  Although Rebaruna looked stinky, she still concealed her identity as a dragon according to Ruan Chi's wishes.  But Rachel looked at her with sympathy when she learned that Rebaluna was dragged into the adventure group by Ruan Chi.  "Why does that big-breasted elf woman always look at me with a strange look in her eyes? What does she mean? Also, what is the 38th Women's Adventure Group? I never said I wanted to join this kind of organization." It feels like this.  Seeing Rachel's gaze, Rebaluna pulled Ruan Chi aside and asked.  "This is what the elf means to welcome friends. Didn't you see how friendly her eyes are? As for the adventure group, it is used to conceal your identity." Ruan Chi said seriously.  "Are you lying?" Rebaluna obviously didn't believe it.  "Sister, you have been pressed by the Panlong Stone for too long. The times now are completely different from those thousands of years ago. There are many things you don't know. Get used to it slowly." Ruan Chi said earnestly.  "Really?" Although Rebaluna was still doubtful, what Ruan Chi said made sense. She had been sealed for too long and felt a little out of touch with the outside world.  "I still have something to do. If you have nothing to do, just walk around and get used to it." Ruan Chi said, ignoring Rebaruna and left.  According to Nana¡¯s wishes, Shalis arranged for the residents of the dream town to go to the destroyed town in batches to pack up their belongings, and then take them back to the outside world.  Although the entire town was almost destroyed, it was still very peaceful outside the Dreamland Plain, and it didn't look dangerous at all.  Dream Town was originally just a subspace, and the medium of entry was a fishing rod owned by Nana. When Ruan Chi came outside and saw the fishing rod, the surface was already covered with cracks, and it looked like it would break at any time.  Now that the town has been destroyed, Nana thinks it is too dangerous to continue living there.  Because once the unstable subspace collapses, it will be as dangerous as forbidden spell-level magic.  In the next few days, Ruan Chi and Shalis were busy moving the residents of Dream Town to other places.  Although the Dreamland Plain is very large, it is a wild map after all.  There are a lot of monsters living everywhere, and it is not easy to find a suitable environment for living.  Fortunately, Deep Blue was of great help in this regard. Through Deep Blue's radar scanning function, Ruan Chi quickly successfully found a place where such large monsters were not infested.  That place is located in the middle reaches of the Dreamland River, only 2.30 kilometers away from the nearest human town.  It is quite convenient to purchase supplies and come back.  In order to rebuild the Dream Town, the residents of the town cut down a large amount of wood nearby. In addition to building houses, they also used it to build fences to enclose a small area within a radius.  In addition to wood, Ruan Chi also led a group of people to move some rocks from a nearby wilderness and used tools to cut them into pieces of suitable size.  As the saying goes, strength is greater when there are more people. This famous saying is also applicable to the alien continent. It took less than half a month for a small town to rise on the bank of the Dreamland River.     today.  As the lord of Dreamland, Nana also came out to inspect the town's reconstruction work. Along the way, many residents said hello to the lord and gave many gifts.  "Now everyone knows that you are the Lord of Dreams, and it seems that you are quite popular." Ruan Chi looked at Nana holding a lot of gifts in her hands and couldn't help but tease.  "I have been hiding my identity before because I was afraid of this. The last time the Holy See of Psalms attacked, I had to show up, and my identity was exposed." Nana couldn't help but smile bitterly after putting all the gifts into the storage space.  .  "After all, you built this town with your own hands. You have sheltered them for so many years, and it's time to meet these residents," Ruan Chi said.  Mentioning the town he built with his own hands, Nana showed a trace of memory on her face, and said slowly: "My original purpose of establishing the dream town was just to cover up the underground ruins. But one day, I accidentally  I rescued a fugitive politician and learned from his mouth that he and his family fled to a nearby town because they were wronged and hunted. I felt soft and arranged for him and his family to live in a small town.  , and somehow the news spread. Over time, many people who were persecuted came to me for help. As a result, the town became full of people. In desperation, I established the town.  "You are afraid of trouble, so you hide yourself so that the residents of the town don't know that you are the dream realm."???  " Ruan Chi took over the words. "I didn't want to be a lord in the first place. It's just that there is such a big group of people now, and I can't just leave them alone.  "Nana said with a headache. "Okay, everyone can't do it even if they want to be the lord that everyone loves, so you can continue to be the leader. Maybe the residents of the town will build a portrait for you that day and enshrine it.  " Ruan Chi smiled. "I don't care.  "Nana said angrily. "As they walked, the two of them walked up to a temporary sentry tower built of stone and wood. After all, this is the outside world. It is different from subspace. When building a town in such a wild place, in addition to precautions,  In addition to ordinary monster attacks, it is also necessary to prevent other human factors. After all, according to the division of the map, the Dreamland Plain is within the jurisdiction of the Free Federation. Building a town here will easily attract the attention of the human nobles.  There is nothing worth considering for those nobles, but there are always some idle people in this world who will come to make trouble, so general fortifications and small towns still need to be built. ¡°By the way, why not create a new one.  Space, in this case, we don't need to build so many guard towers. If a noble really wants to build this town and says it is an illegal building and needs to be bulldozed, it will be troublesome.  Ruan Chi asked a little puzzled. "Do you think it is so easy to create a subspace?"  When I opened up that subspace, do you know how much effort I put into it?  "Nana said. "So this is difficult?  "Speaking of Kia space, Ruan Chi is indeed not very clear, but if you think about it carefully, it is really not that easy to build an underground palace space as big as the underground palace of Cursed Island. "Although Dreamland Town is not as huge as the underground palace of Cursed Island, according to the  Nana said that creating a subspace seems to be very laborious. "Creating space involves a lot of power at the level of laws. It can only be opened up by entering the legendary realm. If it weren't for my current body, I haven't recovered yet.  , will naturally recreate a subspace to settle the residents of the town.  "Nana explained. "Your body hasn't recovered yet?  Ruan Chi heard what Nana said. He was a little surprised and asked: "What do you mean by that?"  Are you not at your peak now?  " Nana smiled mysteriously: "Who told you that I am at my peak now?  " Ruan Chi was about to ask, but at this moment, Shalis suddenly ran over and said, "Teacher Ruan Chi.  Someone outside said they are looking for you.  " "Looking for me?  "Ruan Chi was stunned for a moment. He didn't know many people here, so why did someone suddenly come to him? Could it be Aofu, but that's not right. Aofu should be in Penglai at this time. It's impossible to come back so soon.  With doubts, Ruan Chi followed Shalis outside the town, and saw a panic-looking man standing there. Ruan Chi was sure that he didn't know this man at all. "Can you see me for anything?"  Ruan Chi walked up to the man and asked. "Are you Mr. Ruan Chi?"  "The man glanced at Ruan Chi and asked in an uncertain tone. "I am.  " Ruan Chi nodded. "That's great, Mr. Ruan Chi, I've been looking for you for a long time.  "When the man heard that Ruan Chi was the person he was looking for, he showed a very happy expression. "I'm sorry, I really miss not knowing you.  " "It doesn't matter, actually I don't know you either.  " "" Feeling that he had said the wrong thing, the man said awkwardly: "Mr. Ruan Chi.  In fact, I was entrusted to find you. The person who really wants to find you is somewhere else.  " Ruan Chi then took a serious look at the man in front of him. He was in his thirties, burly, and looked like an adventurer. " Sure enough, the man introduced himself: "Mr. Ruan Chi, my name is Kuite. I am an adventurer."  An adventurer, I came to you on a commission. Could you please come with me?  Nana, who walked out with Ruan Chi, asked at this time: "Do you want me to go with you?"  Ruan Chi thought for a while. He shook his head and said, "No, I can go alone. You should stay and direct the reconstruction of the town."  " With that said, Ruan Chi got on the carriage prepared by Kuite. Half an hour later. Kuite personally drove the carriage to a forest 4 or 5 kilometers away from the town. He got off from there, and then  Said to Ruan Chi: "Mr. Ruan Chi, here we are.  " Ruan Chi jumped off the carriage and looked at the surrounding environment. He found that there were few people here and it was very quiet. In particular, the unique chirping of insects and birds in the forest seemed not to be heard. "Ruan Chi also noticed that the adventurer named Kuite had been sweating on his face since just now, and he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Are you so hot?" "No yes!" Kuite wiped his forehead.  beads of sweat, with a panicked expression.  "Hey, there's something wrong with you no matter how you look at it. Are you hiding something from me?" Ruan Chi put on a stern expression and threatened.  "That's no, I'm just responsible for leading the way. I I'm leaving!" Quit didn't know what he was doing. He suddenly shouted in reaction, and then ran away crawling and rolling, not even the carriage.  No more.  "Inexplicable guy." Ruan Chi muttered, not intending to catch up. This adventurer Ruan Chi had already used reconnaissance skills to detect him, and he was just a passerby with a very low level.  Just when Ruan Chi was about to go into the forest to take a look, without warning, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the sunlight above his head seemed to be blocked by something.  Ruan Chi looked up, but before he could see clearly what it was, a loud "boom" sounded in his ears, and there was a violent vibration under his feet.  By the time he reacted, a black monster that was five stories high was already lying in front of him.  When Ruan Chi took a few steps back to see the monster clearly, he couldn't help but raised his forehead and said, "Why did a dragon suddenly appear?" That's right, the monster that suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Ruan Chi was a giant dragon.  , the whole body is covered with a layer of black scales, and its identity is the black dragon, the king of melee combat among dragons.  The black dragon's eyes were fixed on Ruan Chi on the ground. A buzzing sound came from its mouth, "Are you the kid named Ruan Chi?" "Are you looking for me?" Ruan Chi crossed his arms.  Chest Road.  "That's right, I'm looking for you!" As soon as the black dragon finished speaking, it opened a bloody mouth and spit out a mouthful of hot dragon breath.  "Boom!" The place where Ruan Chi stood and the surrounding trees were instantly destroyed by the high-temperature dragon flame.  "Hmph, you weak ant, this is the price for bullying my sister." Looking at the forest surrounded by fire, Black Dragon said in a cold tone.  "Let me ask you this, who is your sister?" Ruan Chi's voice suddenly sounded from behind Heilong. Heilong was shocked. When he looked back, he saw Ruan Chi suspended in mid-air, with red arrogance shining on his body.  "Red fighting spirit? God-level knight?" Black Dragon cried out, but soon squinted his eyes and said solemnly: "No, Wen Lailite said that your strength is only king-level at most, how can you be god-level?"  ? " "What kind of king level, god level, I" Ruan Chi was mid-sentence when he suddenly noticed a familiar name mentioned in Heilong's words, and asked quickly: "Did you just say Wen Lailite?  It's the same person I'm thinking of, ah no, the same dragon, right? " "Yes, mine is Wen Lailit's brother. My name is Taiben Lit, and I'm here to avenge my sister." The black dragon roared.  With a sound, the huge body suddenly flew up and rushed towards Ruan Chi.  "Hey, wait, I have something to say." Ruan Chi said while dodging.  "I don't have anything to say, just wait and see." This guy named Tai Benlit seemed to have lost his mind, his eyes were red and he blew out another breath of dragon breath.  "Boom!" "It's really troublesome. It seems like we need to let it calm down first." Just when Ruan Chi was considering whether to kill the black dragon in front of him who claimed to be Wen Lailite's brother, there was another burst of air not far away.  From the corner of Ruan Chi's eyes, he caught a glimpse of an equally huge black shadow flying over and slamming into the furious Tai Benlit.  "Bang!" Taibenlit let out a scream, and the whole person (dragon?) fell onto a nearby hill. His huge body and the weight of thousands of tons crushed half of the hill.  "Brother Idiot, who asked you to meddle in other people's business?" Ruan Chi was still thinking about what was going on when a familiar voice came to his ears. When he turned around, he saw a head smaller than Tai Benlit.  The black dragon No. 1 landed on the ground.  Ruan Chi just glanced at the name on the black dragon's head, and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Xiao Wen, you are Xiao Wen!" That's right, the black dragon that hit Tai Benlit was Ruan Chi's long-lost friend.  The woman ah, it's the pet that has been gone for a long time, Winner.  Ruan Chi himself was a little touched when he suddenly saw Wen Lailite. His pet was finally back.  (To be continued.)?¡­
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