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Text Chapter 648 The belated beast fighting performance

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    Others don¡¯t know it, but Paul is very aware of Alibaba¡¯s strength. It turns out that Alibaba is actually a beast-fighting warrior secretly trained by the Zaun Chamber of Commerce. The Zaun Chamber of Commerce knows very well how strong Alibaba is and what level of monsters he can challenge.  , not to mention Paul as the prince.  Paul originally did not intend to bet money on the third beast-fighting show. After all, Alibaba was bound to win in that beast-fighting show. The odds were too low and there was no profit at all.  But after hearing what Clarisse said, Paul decided to change his mind, pulled her and whispered, "Listen, bet all my money on Alibaba." In fact, although Paul brought it this time for the sake of face,  The gambling capital is 1.25 million, but he is not a fool. This 1.25 million is not his private money, a large part of it is actually public money.  Paul must not lose this money. Once he loses it and lets his father, President Zu An, know about it, even Paul cannot bear the consequences.  When he saw that Ruan Chi was able to take out so much gambling capital at once, Paul was actually a little worried, but since he was risking his face, Paul couldn't retreat, so he had to bite the bullet and get the money.  "Okay now, this kid is just a bumpkin. As long as I bet my money on Alibaba, the money will be safe. When the time comes, I win the bet and I can get rid of that kid" The more Paul thought about it, the more he thought it was.  Such a thing happened, so he shouted to Cloris, "Go and make arrangements immediately." "Yes!" Cloris did not dare to disobey Paul's order, took Paul's 500,000 memory card, and then went to the outside  Go to the dedicated room of the gambling bureau.  Paul did not go to the Colosseum immediately, but walked to the rest area of ??the Colosseum players. Just in case, he wanted to personally give instructions to Alibaba.  Let him win this battle without reservation.  ¡­ ¡°Why hasn¡¯t it started yet? Don¡¯t you want to do it anymore?¡± ¡°Hey, we paid the admission fee, so hurry up and start!¡± At this time, in the auditorium of the Colosseum.  Those in the audience were very emotional because of Paul's command.  Except for the opening beast-fighting performance, the other three official performances have not yet started, and the audience, who were impatient to wait, began to get mad.  Amidst the curses from the audience, a middle-aged man who looked like a host climbed onto the podium and spoke using a device blessed with wind magic, "Sorry, I'm sorry, everyone. Due to some personal reasons, the performance was delayed for an hour.  Therefore, we at the Colosseum would like to apologize. However, after adjustments, the problem has been solved. Next, we will present the most exciting beast fighting performance to everyone! "Although it is a little late, but after a burst of salutes!  After the sound, the audience in the auditorium still applauded enthusiastically.  Ruan Chi, who was sitting in the super VIP room, also saw that the first beast fighting performance in the Colosseum was about to begin.  There are still passages on both sides, the iron door on one side is opened, and the first person to enter is the beast-fighting warriors of this beast-fighting performance.  A big man with a bear-like chest and back, a body like a mountain of meat, and wearing iron armor.  Unlike the almost suicidal beast-fighting performance at the opening, this performance was a formal performance. The participants in the beast-fighting were no longer ragged slaves, but a fully armed human warrior.  "Porcupine! Porcupine!" There was a cheer in the audience, shouting the nickname of this beast-fighting warrior. Obviously, this big man is quite famous in the circle of beast-fighting.  "Porcupine! Tyson Lorecka. Senior warrior rank. He is also a C-level adventurer. Didn't you expect that such a person would also participate in the animal fighting show?" Cecilia opened a booklet, which said that it will be held today.  List of contestants for the animal fighting show.  He read, "It's been a year and a half since his debut, and his past challenge record was 20 wins and 6 losses. Today, the target of the battle is the third-level Warcraft Wind Python, and the odds are 1 to 256." "It seems that many people are betting on him to succeed in the challenge.  "Irene came closer, took a look at the odds in the brochure and said.  "The odds of this porcupine used to be around 1:3, but today it jumped to 1:256, which proves that many people have bet money on him, which has lowered the odds." Eva analyzed.  The three women were discussing, but Ruan Chi, a layman, suddenly asked a very simple question, "What is considered a successful challenge?" Although Cecilia rolled her eyes at him, she still explained in detail, "Officially  The battle of beasts is actually similar to the battle of beasts at the beginning, that is, as long as the beast warriors kill the monsters or beasts sent before the hourglass ends, the challenge of the beast warriors will be considered successful. On the contrary, if the beast warriors are killed, they will fail.  The opening time is different. If the hourglass ends and the Beast Fighting Warrior and the Warcraft are still alive at the same time, then the Fighting Beast Warrior's challenge will be considered failed and both parties will leave the field at the same time.In other words, the monster to be challenged must be killed to be successful?  " Ruan Chi touched his chin and suddenly showed a meaningful smile. "That's understandable.  "Cecilia nodded. "Actually, in addition to the single-player beast fighting mode, there is also the group beast fighting mode, which is a group of people forming a team to challenge one or more powerful monsters at the same time.  "Irene then added. "How do you know this?  Ruan Chi blinked and asked. "When we came in, we got it at the door."  "Irene stuck out her tongue, shook a book called "Guide to Watching Beasts" in her hand and said. "Dang!  " With the sound of another gong, the belated animal fighting performance officially began, and Ruan Chi focused his attention on the Colosseum again. I saw the bottom of the circular pit, and the iron door on the other side rose.  Then, a python as thick as a bucket was slowly released from the open iron cage. The python's head was triangular in shape, and its body was covered with a layer of green scales and circles of faint silver streaks. It looked very strange.  There is momentum. This kind of monster, called the Wind Python, lives deep in the forest between the human realm and the Elf Forest. It is very rare in number, but its combat power is very strong. The porcupine here hammered its chest.  He roared very powerfully. The weapon he used was a heavy battle axe. When he swung it, it made a roaring sound, and his momentum was even more astonishing. The wind python is a fast-moving magical beast, the porcupine.  Knowing that he needed to seize the opportunity, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the wind python that had just climbed out of the iron cage. "Fighting Slash!"  "The porcupine's first attack was a very ordinary fighting spirit slash. I saw a flash of yellow light on his body, and an air blade with earth attributes directly hit the wind python. "Hiss!  " A gash was ripped open in the body of the wind python. It grunted in pain, and its body of more than twenty meters long twisted violently. Its thick tail slapped the ground, and the wall of the Colosseum made a "pop!"  After successfully injuring the wind python, Porcupine felt that he had a good start and decided to kill the opponent in one go, so he roared again and charged forward with a layer of khaki fighting spirit.  porcupine!  " There were many voices cheering for the porcupine in the audience. It was obvious that these people were betting money on the porcupine. As long as the porcupine could defeat the wind python, they could make a lot of money. " However,  Things went so smoothly. When the porcupine rushed in front of the wind python and was about to attack, a strong wind suddenly blew with the wind python as the center, blowing away the porcupine's body weighing more than 300 kilograms.  Python's wind magic, storm barrier!  Cecilia lost her voice. The porcupine was blown up by the strong wind and couldn't stand up for a moment. But at this time, in the billowing smoke, the wind python had turned into a green lightning. It instantly wrapped around the porcupine's fat body.  . This kind of entangling skill can basically be used by all snake-like monsters. The porcupine's body is completely entangled, and it can't even move its hands and feet, let alone fight back. "Fuck, break away!  " Some spectators became anxious when they saw this situation, and shouted with red eyes. "But it is not easy to break away from a snake as big as the wind python and tremble? Although the porcupine tried its best to suck the milk, it was still deadlocked.  And as time went by, Porcupine gradually felt that it was a little difficult to breathe, and the veins all over his body were congested, and he looked like he was going to be choked. ¡°It¡¯s over!  " Some experienced spectators saw this scene. They had already begun to make wailing sounds. The most pitiful one was the porcupine. He could not even speak now, and was eventually strangled to death by the wind python. Until he was released.  Not only was the porcupine's fat carcass, which was like a mountain of meat, completely deformed, but it also shrunk in size. It is estimated that the internal organs and bones were all broken. The winner, the wind python, ate the porcupine's carcass on the spot.  Another burst of boos broke out: ¡°I didn¡¯t expect him to lose!  " Cecilia covered her mouth and was a little unbelievable. Porcupine felt that her strength shouldn't be so bad. Why did she lose suddenly? Not only that, she also lost her own life. " Ruan Chi didn't care about this at all.  The result of the game was that he was sitting there drowsily, yawning continuously, as if he was about to fall asleep. For Ruan Chi, this kind of low-level battle was really nothing to see, so he just looked at it twice and felt nothing.  "Ruan Chi, look at Miss Claus."??Which side did you bet on?  "Eva remembered that Ruan Chi gave 200,000 to Claus to arrange the bet, so she was very concerned about the result. Ruan Chi thought for a while, then opened a parchment in his hand.  The voucher that Ruis got back had Ruan Chi's bet written on it. However, when Ruan Chi opened it, it turned out that Claris had made the wrong bet. She bet 100,000 gold coins on the porcupine, and the result was all.  After losing money, Erin and Eva were devastated when they saw this result. They felt that such a large amount of money just went to the sea and would never come back. As the one who lost the money, Ruan Chi didn't care at all.  Instead, he smiled and said, ¡°Aren¡¯t there two more games?  No need to be so disappointed.  " "There are two more games?  I'm afraid that by the time those two games are over, all your money will be gone. If you still believe in that woman, don't you know she is Paul's?  Cecilia said with contempt. Cecilia believed that Ruan Chi gave the money to Claris for betting because of lust, so she looked down on Ruan Chi's behavior. In the face of Cecilia's contempt  Ruan Chi just smiled and did not explain. What a coincidence that the next game was a group mode of fighting beasts. A team of three beast fighting warriors appeared. Their professions were swordsmen and archers.  and Magician. ¡°Pretty good configuration, standard monster-fighting mode.  " Ruan Chi saw the team configuration and nodded seriously. "This is useful. They are all novices, and their strength is very poor. The strongest swordsman seems to only have an intermediate swordsman rank, and the other two are juniors.  .  "Cecilia took the booklet and read again, "The three of them have only participated in less than 10 beast fights for half a year since their debut, with a record of 2 wins and 7 losses. Today's odds are 734 to 1.  As for the objects they challenged today, two level two monsters, the Stuck Terror Beast, the odds were 1 to 15, which was completely incomparable.  " "It seems that the analysis makes sense," Ruan Chi stroked his chin and smiled. "In short, your money is destined to be wasted. You see, the woman named Claris bet you that they can defeat this.  The two stuck terrifying beasts are said to be able to survive more than two dozen people.  ¡± The group mode has more betting directions than the individual mode. You can bet on winning or losing, or on the number of people alive after the hourglass ends. Of course, the odds will also change depending on the direction of the bet. Ruan Chi opened the  Looking at the parchment, it turned out that it was exactly what Cecilia said. Clausius bet that this group could succeed in the challenge and that more than two of them would survive. The odds were 1:46. According to Cecilia¡¯s  According to the analysis, if the challenge is changed to fail and two people survive, although the odds are only 1:15, they will not lose money. In this regard, Ruan Chi still shrugged indifferently. Regarding the first two games.  He didn't care about winning or losing in the beast-fighting performance, and the result had little impact on him in the end. However, what Ruan Chi and Cecilia didn't expect was that this promising beast-fighting group ended up having a minor disaster.  A small upset. At the end of the hourglass, the three members of this group defeated two stuck monsters. Although one person was seriously injured and fell into coma, according to the rules, the three of them survived at the same time.  Ruan Chi was stunned for a moment, obviously a little unexpected. "Wow, that's a big surprise. The ratio is 1:46. After deducting the handling fee, you will earn at least 300,000 yuan. Ruan Chi, you are prosperous."  "Compared to Ruan Chi, the two girls Irene and Eva were even more excited. "It's just shit luck.  "Cecilia curled her lips and said. "The second show is over, followed by a short intermission. After a song and dance performance is over, the real highlight will be officially staged. "Everyone, just wait, let us welcome the last beast of the day.  Warrior, Alibaba Reeves!  "With the host's passionate introduction, the third beast-fighting warrior Alibaba Reeves slowly walked onto the stage. Different from the previous two beast-fighting performances, a deafening cheer sounded like an overwhelming wave. Among them,  The ones shouting particularly enthusiastically were the female audience members. Even the three girls around Ruan Chi were no exception. When Alibaba appeared, Cecilia and the other three also made piercing screams.  Rubbing his ears, he looked at the beast-fighting warrior named Alibaba a little speechlessly, and soon understood why he was so popular (To be continued)
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