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Volume 1 Chapter 417 Allowed to travel

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    "Congratulations, you won the award in Venice. ¡÷," Wang Anping toasted to Shen Zhenghui. Because Liu Xin and Fukuda Mitsumi were also present, Wang Anping tried to show restraint.  Shen Zhenghui waved his hand, "No need to congratulate, you are just here to support me. Others will naturally give you this face. Besides, what's the point of this special award? If you want to get it, get a formal award." "Are you interested in getting a formal award?  "?" Mitsumi Fukuda asked, and she looked at Liu Xin, "Your wife has won more official awards than you. The most popular director award is simply funny, that is, the Europeans were attracted by your Mary  Fans of Su¡¯s TV series are fascinated, otherwise, you will be waiting for the Europeans to protest against Venice¡¯s immorality!¡± ¡°It is true that I am not as good as my wife in the cartoon, but I am still a behind-the-scenes hero!  I also have a share of her military medals!" Liu Xin just smiled.  ¡°That¡¯s my share, too,¡± Mitsumi Fukuda said immediately.  Wang Anping looked at Fukuda Mitsumi, who had a good relationship with Shen Zhenghui and Liu Xin, with slightly jealous eyes, and at the same time, she felt more and more strange in her heart.  Shen Zhenghui returned to China after finishing her work in Europe. Then, by various coincidences, she appeared at this private party organized by Shen Zhenghui's wife Liu Xin.  The presence of Fukuda Mitsumi is one of the reasons why Wang Anping dared to come. If it was just Liu Xin's invitation, she wouldn't come!  No one present knew why Mitsumi Fukuda joined in the fun, but maybe this was her hobby, and she was wondering why Tomoaki Aonuma couldn't come.  "So why don't you bring your little lover with you?" Fukuda Mitsumi asked unabashedly.  "Little lover?" Wang Anping narrowed her eyes.  "Yes, I also want to meet Chen Wei!" Liu Xin also added, "I have never seen her in person, which is really a pity." She sighed, "She is very popular this time."  There was a rising tone in her tone, "It's more popular in Japan than Tomoaki Aonuma." Wang Anping was more confused. From Liu Xin's indifferent tone, she couldn't grasp the focus of this woman's concern, so she also gave her doubtful eyes.  past.  "You women" Shen Zhenghui shook his head, "Chen Wei and I have nothing to do with each other. I am also surprised that she can take this role well. She has grown a lot this time." "Yes, Metropolis Shikoku  Of course it's great." Mitsumi Fukuda pouted, "Angela Mason said that Columbia wants to use her as the heroine in its next movie." "What is Columbia's next movie?" Shen Zhenghui couldn't help but wonder.  "She feels that Columbia has spent too much energy on the "Magic Apprentice" series, so while working hard to complete the prequel to "Magic Apprentice", she wants to restart "Spider-Man"." "Are you kidding me?" Shen Zhenghui said  Incredible expression on face.  "Can "Spider-Man" tolerate a yellow woman?" "Yes, especially when starting "Spider-Man", we must discuss it with Sony," Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head, "So when you can't start "Spider-Man"  , Angela Mason is going to use "The Green Hornet" instead." She spread her hands and said, "Tomoaki Aonuma needs a young girl to take over her role, and now it seems that Chen Wei is just right." Shen Zhenghui.  Touching his nose, he was not sure if this was some kind of strange sarcasm from Mitsumi Fukuda.  "She is your contracted actor. You can make your decision after consulting her." "Don't I also need to consult you for your opinion?" Mitsumi Fukuda explained.  "I heard that your next film will be a TV series. Aren't you going to continue using her as the heroine?" Shen Zhenghui touched his chin. At this time, Wang Anping coughed, "By the way, Zhenghui," she said.  "If Mr. Liu asked me to hand it to you, the relevant departments have already approved your shooting plan." "Is the plan ready?" Now it was Liu Xin and Fukuda Mitsumi's turn to be surprised, "Your script has been reviewed.  ?¡± ¡°Yes, it¡¯s such a long script! How can these gentlemen endure it?¡± Shen Zhenghui responded, ¡°Or will they think it¡¯s okay when the time comes?  I'm caught in the details and banned from broadcasting, right?" Wang Anping smiled, "How is that possible," she explained, "This has been reported to the bosses, and they are also very concerned about this matter and think it is very meaningful.  "She snorted again, "If you ask Xiao Liu to do this, it's just a process. He's really worried right now!" "What's your next TV series? Is it a time-traveling one?  Liu Xin asked.  "Of course, this is an example of the Internet trend in reality.To reflect, I am riding the wave and adding fuel to the fire by the way.  Shen Zhenghui responded, then he looked at Wang Anping and said, "People like Mr. Liu must use it, otherwise they will gain weight."  " Wang Anping continued to snort, "It's an advantage for him.  " "Forget it, he is also very anxious, and his father is about to be ignored.  " "It's still very early!  "Wang Anping replied. "I haven't congratulated An Ran on becoming mayor yet. He will be promoted to secretary in two years, right?  " "Who knows?  The hope is great, but who knows what the situation will be in two years," Wang Anping paused, "But this is also the result of my father's retirement.  " "Your dad hasn't completely retired yet!  It's just a change of job.  " "Yes, I have changed to the vase position!  Wang Anping pouted, "But An Ran is lucky enough to be able to hold a full-time job. You know, that person is still the deputy secretary!"  " "He has accumulated a lot of experience and worked step by step from the grassroots level," Shen Zhenghui licked his lips, "You must know that he started from the countryside.  Wang Anping looked like she wanted to laugh but had to hold it back, and finally said in a low voice, "Is he considered a grassroots person?"  "However, considering that Liu Xin and Fukuda Mitsumi were around, he finally held back, "It's his good luck, but he didn't suffer any setbacks. It's hard to say whether doing things too smoothly will be harmful to him in the future.  " Such a topic made Fukuda Mitsumi thoughtful, but Liu Xin felt very bored. She rolled her eyes and finally couldn't help asking, "Didn't I hear that radio and television are not allowed to shoot time-travel dramas and overhead dramas?  ?  " "The internal regulations have been revised.  Wang Anping responded lightly. She glanced at Shen Zhenghui and said, "Director Shen opened this road. Radio and Television used administrative orders to block this road. There are always complaints about the situation in the country. In addition, Director Shen has a special liking for time-travel plots."  .  The results were so good around the world that the central government decided to tentatively open a back door.  " "So only Director Shen can film a time-travel drama?  "Mitsumi Fukuda blinked and asked with some suspicion. "If there is a guarantee of export and the script passes review, filming can begin.  Wang Anping curled her lips and said to Shen Zhenghui, "Your ATV also played a role in fueling the flames here. The radio and television co-productions between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places also recognized it and regarded it as an export."  " Shen Zhenghui snorted twice. He rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, "Is this considered succumbing to economic pressure?  " "The main reason is that the money you make is so scary," Wang Anping said, "the copyright broadcast fees for "War Begins 1938", the network broadcast fees, and then the distribution of ordinary films, Pandora discs, etc.  Therefore, from the beginning, radio and television were less open about foreign themes. Several Japanese time-travel TV series were co-produced with China.  "At this point, she also glanced at Fukuda Mitsumi. "It's not enough to just talk about foreign countries. Doesn't this encourage everyone to invest in making foreign films instead of domestic films?  The ratings of "War Begins 1938" are too scary.  So the country also opened its doors, but it is not allowed to film time-travel dramas after 1921, change history and allow national leaders to appear.  "Red Dawn" is an isolated case." She squinted her eyes, "Have you planned it? "Red Dawn" is becoming more and more popular because of this ban.  ¡± It is indeed true. Because of this exception, the reputation of "Red Dawn" has become more and more popular. Hongmao has entered the ranks of big capitalists with the copyright of the novel. He has lived a life of food and clothing, and is not so enthusiastic about writing other novels.  "How do I know.  "Shen Zhenghui spread his hands. "But this is easier to handle, because my next TV series has nothing to do with 1921.  " "What is the theme?  Have you fallen in love with that internet writer again?  "Mitsumi Fukuda raised her eyebrows. Liu Xin also showed a curious look, "Angela Mason thought you would shoot Lan Jing's new work. You must know that the novels "Magic Thief" and "Magic Warrior" are also very popular in the United States.  It is so popular that many companies are thinking about adapting it into movies, but without you, they are very hesitant.  " "Eight movies are enough," Shen Zhenghui waved his hands quickly, "If I continue to make eight movies of the same type, I won't be able to stand it anymore.  " "So you just changed the subject?  Mitsumi Fukuda asked, "What TV series are you planning to film this time?"  "The Chronicle of Lucky Stars in the Warring States Period"?  " "Isn't that a new project of Dahe Drama?  "Shen Zhenghui asked, "If you shoot a Japanese drama, the audience will be too small.  " "I will welcome you to Japan to film a time-travel drama after 1921," Mitsumi Fukuda snorted, ""Red Dawn" has made Japanese audiences look forward to your new TV series, but it is a pity that it is not in "War 1938"  Japanese characters.  ¡± ¡°You really don¡¯t know what to say. Of course Shen Zhenghui knows what most Japanese people think of him.¡±??, although he has many crazy fans in Japan, in the hearts of Japanese girls, "War 1938" is also a magical drama.  "What I am going to shoot this time is a Chinese costume drama. Of course, it is time-travel. You can guess the dynasty." Shen Zhenghui said.  Wang Anping smiled and said nothing.  "You know, there's no need to say it," Shen Zhenghui turned to look at Fukuda Guangmei and Liu Xin, "You guys take a guess!" "Is it a clear wear?" Liu Xin asked tentatively, "I remember you  Shen Zhenghui helped publish several Qing Dynasty books. Shen Zhenghui felt that he had been hit in the chest, and said somewhat depressedly, "The Qing Dynasty and modern history are too close. Photographing the early Qing Dynasty easily involves ethnic issues, while filming the late Qing Dynasty involves recent times."  Modern history, the mid-Qing Dynasty is too disgusting." He drooped his eyelids, "I came to film a TV series about women wearing clean clothes. Don't you think the style doesn't match?" Liu Xin laughed twice.  "Do you want to photograph the Ming Dynasty?" Mitsumi Fukuda tilted his head, "Don't you really like the book "Ming" written by a drunkard? How about the "Guide"? " "You know it quite well!" Shen Zhenghui  Somewhat surprised, "You still have time to read novels?" "I'm familiar with the list of Chinese online novels published by Kadokawa Shoten." Mitsumi Fukuda said, "After all, I have done a lot of work, I think you should choose  An adaptation of a novel that is more likely to be adulterated." Shen Zhenghui pondered for a moment, "Your idea is correct. In a sense, showing a modern person is actually a propaganda for the usefulness of the modern ideas he possesses.  , But it depends on the trade-off, as far as I'm concerned," he smiled, "The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life." "So it's the Ming Dynasty or the Song Dynasty?" Fukuda Mitsumi asked, "The ancient dynasty is obviously the best background.  Putting aside the Yuan and Qing dynasties that can easily cause ethnic issues, those are the two dynasties. "Yes, it's the Song Dynasty." Shen Zhenghui nodded.  ""Guidebook"?" "You guessed it wrong," Shen Zhenghui pursed his lips, "This novel has not been finished yet, but the written part is already long enough and exciting enough, as far as I'm concerned  "In general," Shen Zhenghui shook his finger, "This time there is much more preparation work than the last two TV series." ""New Song"?" Liu Xin called out.  "Definitely not!" Fukuda Mitsumi denied this statement and looked at Wang Anping.  "Why?" Shen Zhenghui looked at Fukuda Mitsumi with interest.  ¡°Because it¡¯s not funny enough,¡± she said.  Wang Anping opened her mouth at Shen Zhenghui's signal, "It's "Ze Zhi Tian Xia"." She introduced.  Mitsumi Fukuda couldn't help curling her lips, "So," she asked, "What will you do if your government continues to insist on not being able to travel through time and space? Do you have a backup plan?" "This is really a problem,"  Shen Zhenghui said, "It's really hard for me to find a serious work that can withstand my bad taste. If that's the case," he rolled his eyes, "do you think I went to talk to David Stern about filming a movie?  How about a TV series called "Path of Glory"? "This is of course a joke, but if TV series cannot be filmed in China, Shen Zhenghui may really become hot-headed, as if he was tortured in Venice.  It is not necessarily a TV series that he may make into a TV series written by Wei Feng. In that case, it will be crazily pursued by a group of cult fans, especially Japanese fans, who will definitely be moved to tears.  Fortunately, Radio and Television saved Shen Zhenghui this time, and he would not say this.  (To be continued)
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