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Volume 1 Chapter 414 What is nationalism?

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    There are inherent reasons why Europe became the birthplace of the two world wars. It would take days and nights to elaborate on the economic, political, national and other reasons one by one, so I will skip it.  Not to mention the reasons, you can see just by looking at the impact of these two wars. The two cruel wars made Europeans self-doubt, self-examine, and then castrate many things in their own thinking, no matter what the reason.  But this kind of castration is not complete. In other words, whether it is the internal environment or the external environment, Europe is no longer an isolated island. They are in the world, and this country actually has many big and normal countries.  From the end of World War I to the outbreak of World War II, the intervening twenty years were called the twenty years of truce, not the twenty years of peace. So how did conflicts accumulate during these twenty years?  , even going back to how the First World War broke out is a very meaningful academic question.  After World War II, Europeans had already made a certain separation between New Europe and Old Europe in a sense. When they faced the threat of the Cold War after the war, they did not think about their own system in theory.  From Shen Zhenghui's perspective, we have to lament that the postwar European reflection trend has gone astray in a sense due to considerations of confrontation with the Soviet Union or influence from the Soviet Union.  When European philosophers, the most intellectual ones, reflect on war only on topics such as the brainwashing of ordinary people by a centralized system and the discussion that existentialism is a kind of humanism, we have to say that they have gone completely astray.  .  In a sense, Europeans have never faced up to and summarized their biggest lesson since World War I and World War II.  Practical issues considered from a realist perspective.  Of course, they no longer have the ability to deal with this problem. After 1945, the world was dominated by two superpowers. This is the most realistic reality.  So, fundamentally speaking, there is something missing in the European brains, which is also the sequela of suffering.  Sequelae of stress response.  In fact, the Chinese have the same sequelae, but the Chinese can afford to make mistakes and have enough time to think.  Because of this.  The TV series "War of 1938" is essentially a Mary Sue TV series. Apart from the Virgin Complex, nationalistic feelings, and human nature in the face of suffering and terror that the author shows throughout the story, there is almost nothing.  Something more profound.  Of course, in Shen Zhenghui's eyes.  There is still a clue to something profound, and that is how the Chinese who traveled through time and became a German gradually moved closer to the Nazis ideologically. Of course, he was not a pure Nazi, but in a sense, he psychologically identified with the Yuan Dynasty.  The idea of ??defending the motherland first and revitalizing Germany is very revealing.  Although as a time traveler, he knew the outcome of World War II and therefore did not agree with the war of aggression, this can only be said to be cheating after he knew the historical answer.  Naturally, Shen Zhenghui will not explain this in the TV series. He does not need to leave such a clue to make the people of Europe panic. Everyone only needs to see what they want to see, under the powerful aura of this heroine.  .  A conscientious German officer who had been to China and could speak Chinese fell deeply in love with her. He stayed with her and provided all conveniences for her saintly behavior. At the same time, his insidious and vicious  A good gay friend of the SS set up various obstacles to the heroine more or less because of friendship. Maybe it was out of good intentions, maybe out of malice, but it can be seen that his gay love for his comrades in the Wehrmacht made him stand out in front of the heroine.  I adopted a restrained attitude towards the heroine, otherwise she would have been made into a soap.  Of course, Shen Zhenghui also left enough clues in the TV series for the audience to confirm that this German Wehrmacht officer is also a time traveler, which is the version of the novel published overseas by Crazy Diuzi.  The description that directly explained the identity of the time traveler was also deleted, so European audiences would mistakenly think that this was a true story that happened during World War II. The luck of this woman was like that of the lucky Jew, Shen Zhenghui himself.  I almost forgot the name of this movie.  He first fled to the Soviet Union. After the Great Patriotic War, he was captured by the Germans, so he pretended to be a German and acted as a Russian translator for the German army. When he was acting as a translator, the German army captured Stalin's son, and then he was drafted into the German army.  He wanted to surrender to the Soviet army on the battlefield, but ended up rushing to the Soviet army's position. The Soviet army surrendered to him instead. After his meritorious service on the battlefield, he finally ushered in the liberated Soviet army in Germany.  Such a life is simply a legend, and dear Miss Qin Tian also has the halo of the protagonist, and finally ended up with the German police officer.  In this regard, she is much luckier than the French woman in "Hiroshima Mon Amour", and she was not shaved.  The officers of the Wehrmacht and the SS are naturally good-looking men who can attract enough female audiences to scream, but this alone is not enough.  Shen Zhenghui tried his best to follow the settings of the novel during filming.?Truely restores the cruelty of the German army and the resistance and tragic suffering of the people in the occupied areas. This is the most attractive part of Mad Diuzi's novel and attracts European audiences. The Polish people themselves saw their predecessors being hanged one by one.  Dying in the squares of Warsaw, university professors and students faced death with generosity.  Shen Zhenghui did not choose to deliberately sensationalize. He handled these scenes even a little coldly. The generosity of the victims and the patriotism in words were expressed in life and death. European freshmen were affected when faced with this kind of scenes.  The shock was no less than when they saw Avatar, although the content of the shock was different.  See your own people from a foreigner's perspective, and then your own people will understand your own people from this foreigner's perspective.  This feeling of passing a level makes people pour more emotions into it.  It's as if the Chinese gained not only foreigners' impressions of their own nation from Edgar Slow, Smedley, or Jack Belden, but also foreigners' emotions toward our nation.  This kind of emotion is far better than those self-playing dramas.  Especially under the control of Shen Zhenghui's strict visual level, these grim shots often stimulate the locals' nationalist sentiments more than loud shouting and fighting.  All performances are restrained, heavy, and serious. At this time, Mary Sue is not a kind of emotional satisfaction, but only provides a visual interface, allowing everyone to feel the concentrated emotions through this filter.  .  The hesitation, sadness, perseverance and struggle shown by the little people in the wheel of history are just the emotional material of the protagonist who has the aura of the protagonist.  Of course, even with such a high level of film and television quality and effects, if it cannot affect the audience emotionally at the beginning, it will be nothing more than a cruel and brutal war movie.  But the young freshmen in Europe obviously followed this trick, when Chopin¡¯s music resounded throughout Poland.  Not only the Poles, but also the British, French, Czechs watching the TV series also had a certain feeling of empathy, and even the Germans.  Contemporary Germans will also feel ashamed of the Germans during World War II. Wehrmacht officers are like beacons that illuminate their hearts.  They watched the villain of this TV series as if they were watching someone unrelated. All the viewers were immersed in the story with such a huge historical background, projecting their own emotions onto the heroine, or so to speak.  .  As a foreign heroine, she projects her compassion and kindness onto all viewers watching the TV series, allowing them to feel their own sublimation.  Even white people who are blind to face recognition have Chen Wei¡¯s figure deeply imprinted in their minds.  In addition to those martyrs who died generously to resist the Germans, the old French ladies and women who warmly protected the murdered Jews with love in such a cruel environment, and the surrendered French policemen also attracted the attention of the audience.  Emotional resonance.  In the grand historical background, what the audience needs is such a kind of catharsis of personal emotions in the grand background, and their ordinary sympathy has never been able to be vented.  So it has to be imposed on refugees, cats, and dogs in Africa and the Middle East. They love people far away but are not willing to love their neighbors.  But compatriots who are more than seventy years away from them are obviously more capable of making them pour sympathetic eyes and tears than pagans who are far away in space, not to mention that there is a sense of destruction in the context of the country's demise.  So, in Europe, in the United States, among Jewish audiences.  "War 1938" broke the barriers of cultural isolation at once. Even the sympathy of a Chinese girl was a treasure for these people. They vented their emotions through this TV series.  Substitute your own emotions, and gain your own sublimation through such substitution.  Even the Germans are like this, Europeans think with the same minds and speak with the same mouths, nothing more than war and Hitler are so terrible, so cherish peace.  Stay away from war.  The description of a Jewish child having to escape into a peaceful mosque in order to survive scratched the itch of many people. It is simply political correctness in another sense.  However, there are pig teammates in this world. Some people from the Jews and the Peace Sect have criticized this plot. Many people are a little confused. This is obviously the greatest praise for the two religions. How can they criticize it?  However, Shen Zhenghui satisfied his bad taste. European viewers may also be able to see the reflection of this TV series. Although it is not mentioned on the surface, if they dig deeper into the various details hidden in this TV series, they will  You can understand the irony hidden in this TV series.  However, no matter how much they promote it, this TV series cannot be proven to be such a work.  Just like "Bright Sword", if you think about and compare history repeatedly, you may be able to dig deeper and find out that this is a typical TV series with a collection of jokes, but in essence it is a TV series that is so dark that it can fly, but ordinary  People will not understand this, but will find it real and profound, especially beautiful.  ThenIn the same way, "War 1938" is a TV series that is also true, profound, beautiful, and has a deeper hidden negative side. However, to understand such negative sides, we must dig out the hidden details of the TV series. Chinese audiences are more hopeful.  , it is difficult for foreign audiences, because the original novels they see have been modified.  Moreover, not only the TV series itself, but also the implications of the TV series must be understood against reality. When old Europe has to face the cruel reality they must face, they will rethink the historical lessons they have learned.  , it is definitely not a topic about totalitarianism leading to the collective madness of the people.  The influence of "War 1938" is growing in Europe and even the world as episodes are played. Shen Zhenghui has obviously re-opened such a new market.  As a result, many European countries were preparing to make movies and TV series that reflected the World War II period. How many of these were serious movies and TV series, and how many were dramas with European characteristics? It was a matter of opinion.  This time, the influence of "War 1938" has obviously exceeded that of "Red Dawn", probably because this theme is closer to the preferences of Western countries.  Not only is it released on the Internet, TV stations in various countries have also applied for the copyright to rebroadcast it. The British and Americans are particularly enthusiastic about this. The British are enthusiastic and probably want to take advantage of this opportunity to follow the trend. Of course, the TV stations want to  Ratings, nothing can be accomplished.  When it was impossible to block and eliminate the influence of Shen Zhenghui's online platform, the TV station chose to follow up and get a share of the pie.  As for the United States, Shen Zhenghui is not sure whether Americans who lack historical literacy are also interested in historical dramas, or whether the Jews are using this TV series to clear their ground and watch TV series and movies about World War II until others are responsible for the war, and the Jews  Responsible for the misery.  This TV series from a female perspective has given and attracted enough sympathy scores to the Jews from the perspective of tragedy. Shen Zhenghui didn't know if this was the Jews repaying themselves.  Because soon, film and television companies contacted him and were interested in his next TV series and movies.  The Israeli national television also bought the copyright, re-dubbed and screened it according to its own ideas, and spared no effort to promote it. This seems to illustrate some problems. Although the protagonist is not a Jew, the German SS officer finally escaped punishment and was only killed.  He was treated leniently as an ordinary officer and could still enjoy the rest of his life.  To a Jew, this is incredible.  (To be continued.) PS: I wiped it, and it was over in just one second.
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