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Volume 1 Chapter 409 Changes in Situation

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    What Mitsumi Fukuda and the leaders talked about was definitely not limited to what she and Shen Zhenghui said. Currently, the biggest headache for TG is the import of Japanese culture. After Kasuga hooked up with Shen Zhenghui, the relationship between China and Japan  The cultural exchanges between the two countries are extremely frequent, and the total economic volume is also relatively large.  For a long time, the Chinese side did not pay enough attention to this issue. It was not until Pandora came out that they were shocked to find that Kasuga Pictures had already been deploying in China. Now, with the help of Pandora, it has become a big player.  Even though Pandora's various industries are joint ventures between several parties, Chinese local capital is also involved. However, China has to accept such a severe reality. In terms of cultural export, China does have shortcomings.  Of course, as China's economic strength increases, Chinese culture will slowly rise with the support of economic strength. However, China's history and current situation determine that the position of the departments in charge of culture is worrying. Therefore, in their  Under the guidance, cultural development is also a big issue.  Even if a genius like Shen Zhenghui emerges and can sweep the world by himself, if we carefully analyze and consider the form of the cultural industry China faces, we still have to lament that China's own position is very embarrassing. The industries that are the pillars are basically controlled.  Those in the hands of foreigners or related to foreigners, such as Shen Zhenghui, are the most typical examples. In addition, Liu Xin, a genius in the animation industry, has also been classified as a Japanese comprador camp.  It's okay for local directors who have been trained in their own country to be in trouble, but when it comes to international markets, the box office is a tragedy.  Anything that can improve at the box office is the result of Kasuga and Shen Zhenghui's investment.  Another problem is that the distribution channels are completely controlled by the two giants Kasuga and Shen Zhenghui. They rely on their influence in Hollywood to distribute to the world.  Chinese film and television forces cannot avoid them if they want to enter the international market.  Even if someone has this ambition and hopes to explore their own overseas distribution channels, they don't have the energy and time.  Moreover.  The current situation is that the Pandora format is completely monopolized in the hands of this group of people. With this monopoly, Shen Zhenghui, Fukuda Mitsumi, Nick Anderson and Angela Mason can almost make troubles in Hollywood at will.  The current situation is unfavorable to China¡¯s local film and television industry.  What is even more frustrating is that through the Pandora format, Mitsumi Fukuda and Shen Zhenghui indirectly control the Chinese film and television industry through China Film and Television. They control the import and export channels of Chinese film and television, and most of the import and export of film and television distribution will go through them.  Channels, thus accelerating the birth of this huge monopoly monster.  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the existence of such a monster is extremely detrimental to China's own film and television development. However, the reality is that Kasuga, Pandora and Columbia have cultivated a group of comprador classes in China who cooperate with them. These Chinese film and television circles  For their own benefit, land predators tie themselves to these monopoly companies, follow the monopolist's baton actions, and also obtain high profits.  Of course, if we just look at the data, the Chinese almost believe in national rejuvenation.  At least in terms of culture, national rejuvenation has been achieved. The export volume of China¡¯s cultural products and copyrights has increased year by year, becoming a new economic growth point for import and export. Of course, it must also be noted that the import volume of cultural products and copyrights has also slowed down.  Rising steadily, the Chinese market also accommodates a large number of Japanese and Hollywood cultural products.  The vast majority of imported and exported goods either pass through the Kasuga Pictures group of companies, or are directly or indirectly related to the Kasuga Pictures group of companies.  If we analyze strictly according to the content of the products, we can find that this huge amount is almost generated by each other among these companies.  Huge amounts of capital flow between these companies like a snowball.  Any bureaucrat with a sense of responsibility and keen insight will understand what is going on after reading the specific reports on the data. They also know that continuing to develop like this is not a good thing for the Chinese entertainment industry itself. However, given the current situation, even if the government  I want to reverse this situation.  Or it may not be enough to promote the development of the entertainment industry. This is because: 1. The global situation of the current economic crisis has not changed. Under various debt crises, global demand is shrinking. At this time  Only the demand from the entertainment industry is expanding.  Furthermore, the development of Pandora and its affiliates clearly proves this point. Suppressing this industry, even suppressing these monopoly companies, is not conducive to the overall economic data.  This is why the United States and the European Union made loud noises but little rain in the antitrust litigation, and ultimately did not take harsh action against Pandora, turning a blind eye to the fact that Nick Anderson can continue to control the Pandora helmet production company; 2. Pandora and Kasuga Pictures  A monopoly has been formed, and no company can compete with them in this field. If suppressed, domestic companies themselves will not be able to break the monopoly technically and fill the market share, which will be counterproductive.??will cause market turmoil.  You must know that even the flow of capital between several companies supports tens of thousands of employees, and more companies indirectly rely on them for food. If it is not handled well and causes turmoil, it will be even worse for the economy.  .  3. Some domestic forces have formed a community of interests with these external forces. In particular, Shen Zhenghui, a Chinese who has gained sufficient status, is really difficult to deal with. No matter what he does, he seems to be at a disadvantage in terms of public opinion, especially  After Shen Zhenghui filmed the TV series "Red Dawn", whether it was good or bad for him, it seemed that it was not an appropriate way to deal with it.  The central government's current attitude is to keep no attention, no clicks, and no comments. It has secretly released several dogs to test the wind direction and catch Frisbees.  There is a big difference in public opinion between domestic and international people, and between the people and the government, which puts the central government in a dilemma.  Of course, even if there are such reasons and circumstances, this does not mean that the central government will always adopt an appeasement attitude.  How to fight without breaking is a superb political skill. Whether facing Nick Anderson or Mitsumi Fukuda, the attitude of the core leadership is clear and will not suppress, but it will also crack down on certain places.  For a while, some benefits must be released, but enough benefits must be obtained. In the end, a domestic replacement company must be cultivated. If this is not possible, at least one must cultivate technical strength in his own name.  So when Mitsumi Fukuda met with the big guys in Pingjing.  This is the situation we are facing. China is willing to make some concessions in some places and give up some markets, but it must adhere to principles in some aspects.  This is not only reflected in the fact that the Chinese side must account for 51% of the shares in the joint venture, but also in other aspects, such as technology, patents, and standards, all must be opened to the Chinese side.  Of course, Mitsumi Fukuda and Nick Anderson are definitely not the kind of people who do whatever they say.  They have their own considerations. Both of them are proficient in business and politics, and they also understand what cards they have in their hands that make government bosses afraid.  Both Mitsumi Fukuda and Nick Anderson strive to maintain their monopoly on key joints and make concessions in other insignificant areas. Although they do not expect to maintain their monopoly forever, they always try to extend this time. Compared to Nick.  Anderson and Mitsumi Fukuda have a better understanding and understanding of the virtues of Chinese bureaucrats. She has greatly regressed in places that are superficially glamorous, and buried nails in places that are related to actual interests.  Dig mines, or refuse to give an inch.  The negotiating bureaucrats only saw the obvious interests of Mitsumi Fukuda, so driven by greed, they took the bait without hesitation.  Nick Anderson has gradually become less concerned about the revenue from the helmet, otherwise, he will not license the technology. He knows that Pandora¡¯s way of making money in the future will be more in software, whether it is movies, games, or other hardware.  The market size will be in the future when hardware develops rapidly.  Although it will continue to expand, it is still a very limited market compared to software, and the Pandora helmet itself is already leading enough.  It has natural advantages in connecting with software.  For companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple, it may not be too late for them to catch up if they fall behind. After all, software standards and many software black technologies are still in the hands of Nick Anderson. When necessary, he can let other companies'  Helmet replacements have been out of fashion as soon as they came out.  Nick Anderson¡¯s big step back is that he can get more.  Mitsumi Fukuda's big step back is obviously to hand over more power to the Chinese, but she has not lost her monopoly position. In the field of culture, Chinese exports basically involve everything Japan does.  There is no way around her, but she can choose partners for her products to enter China.  Leaders have won the right to use technology and autonomy from Mitsumi Fukuda, but expecting Chinese cultural workers to make good use of these powers seems to be wishful thinking on the part of superiors.  In the eyes of many people, if he could easily succeed in China's film and television field, Shen Zhenghui would not have started his career in Japan.  A group of young people have been holding in their anger for a long time, and as a result, everything they do is restricted, and the atmosphere in their own circles is not good. After holding it in for a long time, they either lose their energy or become paranoid. Basically, the previous generation is out of touch with the times.  Now, the younger generation is a little too ambitious, and they are dazzled by Shen Zhenghui's achievements. As far as the entire system is concerned, everyone who sees Shen Zhenghui's success thinks that he has a good eye for selecting books, and they are not aware of Shen Zhenghui's technical accumulation. Of course,  , Shen Zhenghui's accumulation of technology is more like opening a plug-in.  The works of others in the circle were also consumed indiscriminately by the audience who were in their prime. For a while, everyone felt that the Internet was a big gold mine. The reason why everyone was unsuccessful before was because they did not fully tap the gold mine of the Internet.  mine.  After carefully studying the two forerunners, Shen Zhenghui and ATV, a large number of time-travel, overhead, Mary Sue and Jack Su TV series were put on the TV station, and all of a sudden everyone was in chaos.  The development of the Internet is closely related to the times. In a sense, the Internet?It is indeed several positions ahead of the level of screenwriters in reality.  Therefore, TV series adapted from various online novels immediately hit the audience's g-spot, which has been verified by online novels.  The addition of bat continued to promote this wave of film and television innovation, until the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television warned that historical time-travel dramas were not allowed to be filmed for the time being. However, this did not trouble the clever screenwriters at all. They did not say that the protagonist was a time-travel drama.  , the General Administration cannot use history books to say that the protagonist does not exist in the world.  Or an imaginary theme is put into a real background, and the imaginary dynasty becomes the real Qing Dynasty, the emperor becomes Yongzheng, and the protagonist becomes a concubine with a Manchu name, placing the intrigues in the harem against a real background.  Just as wonderful.  The publicity department and the film and television industry are also paying attention to Shen Zhenghui's movements. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the order of the publicity department is obviously aimed at Shen Zhenghui. Although it uses the reality of thunder dramas as an excuse, it still fundamentally restricts the continued production of "Red"  "Dawn" is a TV series that makes people feel depressed after watching it. How Shen Zhenghui will react has naturally become the focus of the publicity department and the film and television industry.  The publicity department wants to know if he will obey, and the film and television industry wants to know how he copes.  The spin-off films of "Red Dawn", "Dr. Holmes vs. Fu Manchu" and "The Legend of Maoshan Monster Killer" have revived the craze for "The Legend of Maoshan Monster Killer" to appear on the Internet.  The U.S. government responded to Shen Zhenghui's provocation with a somewhat helpless tone, but they generously said that this was completely artistic nonsense. In view of the freedom of speech respected by the government, the government would not take any measures against Director Shen Zhenghui. The current  The U.S. government advocates ethnic integration and firmly opposes racial discrimination.  Hollywood and the United States still welcome director Shen Zhenghui.  ¡°Perhaps the Americans¡¯ statement is just to antagonize the Chinese people and the Chinese government.  But it is obvious that Shen Zhenghui benefited from it, but this may be because there has been enough time between the first release of "The Legend of Maoshan Killing Monsters" for Americans to build up their psychology to face its impact.  Shen Zhenghui did not disappoint everyone who expected him. After the finale of the last episode of "Red Dawn", he immediately announced his work plan.  People in the film and television circles around the world were stunned by Shen Zhenghui's speed. The TV series that was originally expected to be released in 2014 ended in 2013, and then this guy announced the name of the new TV series "War in 1938".  Everyone who hears this name is a little stunned: Are you planning to film World War II?  Only the readers in Jinjiang were so happy that Crazy Diuzi was going to become a god!  (To be continued.)
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