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Volume 1 Chapter 407 Using novel OOXX is a great invention

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    It has to be said that great men are sometimes great men.  A long time ago, when Shen Zhenghui was still young and naive, he had a bad feeling about "literary prison" and the like. By the way, he didn't think highly of some crimes committed during the revolutionary period.  But after experiencing the impact of the information tide on the Internet, I have to admit that great men are great men after all, and some things like "literary prison" are indeed something that some people desperately try to die on.  We should not think too highly of the moral integrity of some people, and there are a lot of nonsense written in black and white in newspapers, magazines, and books.  When you see the chaos in China in the Internet age, you will know why the chairman said: Anyone who is counter-revolutionary must first create public opinion.  The decade of River Crab can be said to be a decade in which intellectuals have made rapid progress with the help of new tools.  No matter that the information age develops too fast and society changes too fast, it is obvious that their speech has a general advantage.  But this is an era of accelerated turmoil and information transmission too fast. Even ordinary people, after being deceived and fooled time and time again, having to pay attention to the reality of the situation, and then being slapped in the face, will also start to criticize those who like to sensationalize.  Spreading rumors among conscientious people creates widespread suspicion.  So, as the great Marx said: it is not so much to accuse him (the bourgeoisie) of producing the proletariat as to say that it produced the revolutionary proletariat.  For Gongzhi, a certain analogy can be made. Rather than saying that it produced Wumao, it would be better to say that it gave birth to Ziganwu.  Now, "Red Dawn" is the pinnacle of Qianwu.  It promotes the concept of revolution, democratic methods, and scientific beliefs. It demonstrates the legitimacy of the current regime from another wonderful perspective, including Chiang Kai-shek, who is highly respected by fruit fans and public intellectuals, and the Empire of Japan, which is worshiped by Jingri.  , the American dad who was kneeling and licking the cents made a lot of fun.  It mixes the story of online time-travel novels with entertainment, but what it shows is not an ordinary YY work.  Even though it has a huge golden finger (some comments have already said that it is a golden thigh, or a golden elephant leg), given that the subject matter and background of this story are so unique, whether it is told in a serious or non-serious manner,  Discuss or discredit this TV series.  It's all a thankless task.  Young people are attracted by the theme of the story, the exquisite details, and the excellent production. At the same time, they use this TV series to express their patriotic feelings. In this way, the "Red Dawn" TV series is like a feast.  Moreover, correspondingly, foreign friends living in "water-born" foreign countries also saw the shadow of their own country's situation in this TV series. They had no intention of seriously discussing China's history, so this TV series successfully became  Serious topics can be discussed in a non-serious manner.  The Japanese have to worship.  While they were still hesitant about time-travel themes, China's bold delusion had already broken through the restrictions of the strait, directly inserted into the main island of Japan, and ruthlessly interfered with the Japanese revolution as soon as it took action.  Although the Japanese talk about Shen Zhenghui's disdain, the young people are still deeply influenced by him in their hearts.  The "Taisho Restoration" thing simply stunned them. The people of District 11 were not as bold as in the cartoons.  They realized with some annoyance that the Chinese people's imagination had surpassed theirs, so not only the TV series "Red Dawn", but also the novel "Red Dawn" became popular in Japan.  The right wing loudly declares that books on this subject are trash, but Japan¡¯s otakus are trying to draw imagination from their enemies.  Over the years, with the mutual exchange of online novels between China and Japan, the people in District 11 have also become aware of certain ideas.  I am not a match for the Chinese at all. What I rely on is probably the care and details in the setting, but in terms of world view and conception.  You really can't keep up with the Chinese even if you try to flatter them.  So "Red Dawn" successfully set up a benchmark, and the Japanese film and television industry has begun to try to shoot fictional Taiga dramas.  Europe and the United States have both found their former shadows in "Red Dawn".  "Red Dawn" does not so much establish a real national image as it establishes a typical national image.  At the very least, when various countries discuss their own country's diplomats in the TV series, they feel it is quite real.  In addition to the credit of the novel's author and consultant.  It¡¯s just a question of the director¡¯s skill.  Each episode of "Red Dawn" tells a small class that compares the content beyond real history and the content of real history in the story, which has become a favorite of many people.  The entertaining and educational form has aroused the interest of many young people, and they have joined in this kind of story telling "what if a person traveled to an era".  Take advantage of this time to build an online TV platform.  Tower of Babel also tries to deliver spiritual entertainment products to all parts of the world. They translate and distribute novels with corresponding themes in Chinese online novels to various countries.  It suddenly sparked a trend in some circles.  This seems to be an equally interesting activity as the fandom. Neo-Nazis in Germany really like novels written by Chinese people traveling through the German Empire, although such novels cannot be used at all.?Germany just publishes it publicly.  The leader asked Shen Zhenghui what he would shoot for his next TV series. Against such a background, who could have expected such a situation?  Even the popular "That Rabbit That Year" did not seem to trigger such a social trend. It was not only affected domestically, but also abroad. For a while, Shen Zhenghui was even regarded as Che Guevara.  characters.  Theoretical workers within the party naturally understand Marx's famous saying: "Of course, weapons of criticism cannot replace weapons of criticism. Material power can only be destroyed with material power. But once theory takes hold of the masses, it will also turn into material power. Theory only needs to  By convincing people, you can master the masses; and as long as the theory is thorough, it can convince people. The so-called thoroughness is to grasp the root of things. "That is to say, if everyone widely accepts and recognizes "  The world view in "Red Dawn", then what else is going on in the river crab society?  Those that are widely publicized, much of which is used as a fig leaf, lose its meaning.  Of course, the most corresponding ones are the so-called words of democracy and freedom. Human beings hope that Mi Lijian's false propaganda tradition will lose its effect.  Although in the short term, this movie seems to prove how the TG regime possesses natural justice, and it is also conducive to creating a public opinion environment suitable for the current leader's operations.  but.  Fundamentally speaking, it ultimately chose an evil path.  But in other words, if you are not dissatisfied with history and reality, why would you write a time-travel novel?  Since we have traveled through time, it will obviously change the history of the country, the nation, and the earth.  Or change personal history.  Of course, Shen Zhenghui disdains filming the personal history of building an unreasonable harem. This kind of big historical background is his favorite, which can also be seen from the grand background of "The Magic Apprentice".  Therefore, when the leader asked Shen Zhenghui about the subject of his next TV series, he had the same worries and considerations.  Are you going back to the business side of your grand narrative?  Or are you still obsessed with the current time-travel genre?  Have you finished studying China¡¯s modern history?  You know, when the Internet first emerged, it was a YY work that wiped out the sun and slaughtered the United States.  Seeing that the economy has surpassed Japan and begun to catch up with the United States, who knows whether there will be a nationalist attack?  The leader fully anticipated the uncertainty of people like film directors and asked early: What are you planning to make next?  Discuss with me and choose a theme in modern Chinese history.  Shooting without passing the approval of the radio and television, you can't do this anymore!  In fact, news has already come from Mr. Liu.  Not just for Shen Zhenghui, but for the entire industry.  Video websites must have state-owned shares, and the future content of online self-produced TV series must also be reported and filed. Any works that are censored for being vulgar will be deleted without any discussion.  The publicity department has prepared the manuscript and is waiting for the appropriate time to send it out.  But it¡¯s a bit difficult to get stuck in time. Now I just wait for the wave of ¡°Red Dawn¡± to pass, and I can stop those who follow the trend.  Mr. Liu complained quite a lot.  Of course, I don't know if he is sincere, because the online rate of his online battle platform is enough to make him forget all the unhappiness Shen Zhenghui brought to his father.  So Mr. Liu tried to talk to Shen Zhenghui in a negotiating tone, saying that he hoped to cause less trouble to his father.  "So, can the Pandora format of "Red Dawn" be released? Many old comrades also hope to see the Pandora version!" "Well," Mr. Liu wiped his sweat, "these old comrades are really fashionable! Speaking of which, I have it too.  I¡¯m confused. Why do you want to make a TV series? Are you not selling it to a TV station?¡± Shen Zhenghui asked, ¡°It¡¯s actually quite a lot.¡±  Haven't heard of it in China? " "I'm talking about foreign countries. But even if it is published for free on the Internet, the advertising fee on the website is enough for me to make money back." Mr. Liu's eyes widened.  "Is it easy to make money by making a TV series?" "Isn't it easy for you to do it?" Shen Zhenghui twisted his neck, "But the reason why I chose a TV series is entirely because the story I want to shoot is long enough and a TV series must be made." "  So what¡¯s the next TV series? ¡°It really makes me feel too much pressure to have you all interested in my next TV series at the same time!  Shen Zhenghui couldn't help but complain like this, "I haven't thought of it yet. After all, after "Red Dawn", I hope to take a break." Comrade Secretary's expression at that time was slightly relieved, but he immediately said  , "If you are going to shoot any TV series, please inform me in advance. It is best to tell me what kind of TV series it is." "Of course there is no problem," Shen Zhenghui immediately replied, "I can even send the original work I want to shoot to that time  I'll give it to you. If I had to choose the material, I would probably??I chose it from online novels.  " The secretary looked like I couldn't stand it, "Would you like to choose from online novels?  " "I always choose from online novels.  "This is true. From "The Legend of Wukong" to "The Magic Apprentice" to "Red Dawn" are all online novels, especially "The Magic Apprentice". Shen Zhenghui became a god after reading this novel. No matter how the secretary goes back to the leader,  Reporting, after discussing the launch of Pandora's new game, Mr. Liu also made the same request, "When you are filming a new TV series, can you inform me?" Mr. Liu was a little embarrassed, "My dad  I want to know how scared he has been during this time.  " Shen Zhenghui really wanted to say it, but I didn't believe it! But since we had just negotiated the contract, we can naturally be a little softer at this time. So we agreed. " As the plot of "Red Dawn" gradually enters the climax, the relationship between China and Japan  The battle of hundreds of thousands of troops and the alliance meeting were "hacked", and the discussion became more and more heated. The topic of whether the Forerunners were traitors began to sweep up the Internet forums. Enough topics are a sign of the popularity of the TV series, and new ones appear with every episode of the TV series.  The topic, whether positive or negative, cannot stop "Red Dawn" from expanding its influence. The dark history of the gun gang has been greatly popularized with this TV series, and in Baodao, the KMT spirit in power is confused.  He actually protested through the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, so this topic exploded in Taiwan with the help of interested people. Master Li, who claims to be the best in vernacular writing, immediately went on TV to popularize the dark history of the Party. Even Cai Yuanpei also talked about it.  Hacked. However, after all, the reviewed scripts cannot be too unscrupulous. Although this is not the will of the government, the government has to come together to show its influence. From this perspective, the KMT protest was also justified.  Traveling south to Southeast Asia and occupying Australia, someone broke into a cold sweat after reading the script and deleted the plot. Fortunately, the naval battle with the British in the Indian Ocean was still enough to satisfy military fans. However, it was published abroad and serialized online.  The novel "Red Dawn" did not change the original writing plan, so overseas friends have a deep understanding of the ugly face of the Chinese colonialists. Although in many discussions of military strategy, rational "keyboard strategists"  Everyone thinks this is a good idea, especially when China in the novel has such strength. Of course, this is YY after all, and many rational people can still see it clearly and laugh at such a plot.  People who can't see clearly and are irrational are just like the Chinese experts who didn't like the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". There are also a lot of critical comments abroad. But what is unexpected is the title of a Chinese newspaper "Using the Novel."  oo, it¡¯s a great invention¡± (To be continued).
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