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Volume 1 Chapter 403 The historical craze triggered by time-travel drama

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    Filming "Red Dawn" was a decision that Shen Zhenghui made after considering it for a long time. For him, although it was very well prepared in terms of various arrangements, it was actually somewhat impulsive.  Shen Zhenghui feels that he is under a lot of pressure. If he is not 37 years old now but 73 years old, then of course he can just retire after becoming famous. But the actual situation is that the current situation has given him more pressure, especially the Coronation World (box office) No. 1  After receiving the title of director, although he has been repeatedly ridiculed for shamelessly making eight movies in the "Magic Apprentice" series and borrowing the limelight of the Pandora format, there is no doubt that the audience will appreciate a movie that is only three movies long.  The demands of a successful teenage director are obviously going to get higher and higher.  He himself was not sure he could keep up with the trend of the times.  On the other hand, his daughter Ling and son have gradually grown up. Wang Anping also wants to have a child, which really gives him a headache. There is also Tomoaki Aonuma who has not expressed his position, although it has been spread throughout the entertainment industry that Tomoaki Aonuma  The news is that it's his lover. The longer time passes, the worse it seems to end.  Coupled with some tedious work, Shen Zhenghui finally decided to play big.  Although his behavior was close to seeking death, based on his few precognitive memories, he was certain that there must be someone in the country's leadership who supported him.  His purpose is definitely different from Jingjing¡¯s. It¡¯s just to start a fight, and then become cannon fodder.  Shen Zhenghui has enough confidence in himself, of course, maybe in his own assets.  After an inventory, strictly calculated, his assets have exceeded 10 billion US dollars, of course.  Most of them are shares that cannot be liquidated in a short period of time. However, since we have this data as a base, even if we are wanted, we can probably survive in this world well, not to mention that we will not be wanted at all.  degree.  ¡°But it¡¯s not just Shen Zhenghui.  Even Mitsumi Fukuda and even anyone who knew about Shen Zhenghui's death plan did not expect the craze caused by the "Red Dawn" TV series.  It was originally scheduled to be broadcast one episode a week, but after Shen Zhenghui became interested, the filming progress was like a god. Many shots were shot under a green screen. Shen Zhenghui used computer synthesis of the virtual world for the final composite shots.  If you don't take into account that you can't make something out of nothing.  Shen Zhenghui even thought about being able to directly use the virtual world to generate the entire story, but then he had to explain why the TV series was made without filming at all.  The TV series already existed in Shen Zhenghui's mind before filming, even if the author has not finished writing the novel at this moment.  Shen Zhenghui's actual shooting was just to replay the scenes in his mind. The actors who participated in the shooting were also very surprised by Shen Zhenghui's control ability. Many scenes were shot in one go.  Looking back, the effect is actually very good. Many actors don't know why their acting skills have improved to this level all of a sudden. In fact, this can only be blamed on the director's strong capturing ability. At the same time, he already has a good idea of ??the story itself.  .  So, the first release was not one episode, but three episodes.  The first three episodes can't be said to contain "slow thief" content, although the time traveler Chen Ke didn't say so explicitly.  But people with common sense of history will understand what is going on at a glance.  The whole story is even very soothing at the beginning, and the highlights are basically the background and scenes of Wanqing, as well as various details.  The layout of Shaoxing and Shanghai truly reproduces the style of the late Qing Dynasty.  The details conquered the audience and made everyone sigh that it was indeed Shen Zhenghui. The details and scenery immediately distanced him from all similar TV series and movies.  The protagonist mortgages a mechanical watch to Qiu Jin in exchange for money, writes a time-travel essay such as "Who is China's Enemy?", explains "Das Kapital" to everyone in the Shanghai dyeing workshop, plays with a flashlight, etc.  After these scenes that revealed his identity as a time traveler appeared, the expectant audience received a knowing smile.  Then many viewers who didn't know the story felt a little strange.  Soon, new posts were opened in the discussion area on the official website.  Newcomers who didn't understand the background after watching the video started to register accounts and post, "Already have a mechanical watch on your hand when you are in the evening?" The three episodes of the TV series can be watched online or downloaded for free, and then major video websites also  They all own this film source through user upload. Shen Zhenghui's name made the TV series "Red Dawn" spread quickly through the Internet.  Of course, this is normal in China.  What is unexpected is that "Red Dawn" is also very popular overseas.  Not to mention Japanese websites that are basically synchronized with China, enthusiastic viewers in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia quickly completed the diversion. In addition, local subtitle groups in Southeast Asia also worked quickly to add subtitles.  To everyone's expectation, "Red Dawn" also caused a certain topic on the Internet in the United States and Europe. Perhaps it was because of Shen Zhenghui's fame, perhaps because of the free format, and the time it was spread.??, Shen Zhenghui has already prepared subtitles in mainstream languages ??such as English, French, and German, so the film source can be circulated in Europe and the United States without any pressure. Some small countries have added their own subtitles by their own subtitle groups.  Shen Zhenghui did not expect that audiences in Europe and the United States would also be interested in this subject. At first, he thought that only some niche groups, such as fans of military history and time-travel novels, would be interested in this story. However, soon, Internet feedback  The information that came back forced him to reshape his outlook on things.  "Red Dawn" has aroused widespread interest in Europe and the United States, and is definitely not limited to the military community.  On the surface, it seems that the audience has a special liking for the theme of time travel. Although many people have no idea what China was like in 1905, they are very interested in the details shown in the camera. Of course, there are time travel in Europe and the United States.  There are movies and TV series with similar themes, but they seem to be attracted by the exotic customs of China.  Incidentally, they also became interested in China's history, and some enthusiasts started popularizing science on the Internet, introducing the internal and external situation in China at the beginning of the 20th century.  This is in line with the impression that people in Europe and the United States have about China in anti-TG propaganda. The Chinese all have braids. Then they were very surprised to hear that in 1905, China's ethnic minority rule was at risk of disintegration. The so-called "revolution" was a  Mainstream ideology, because it has lost many wars.  The Chinese government is facing heavy pressure from war reparations. At the same time, their domestic economy is in very bad shape. A large number of small farmers have gone bankrupt. In the face of natural disasters, corpses litter the fields.  Horrible.  In the dyeing workshop, Marx's "Das Kapital" was first understood as a business guide, which made European and American audiences increasingly interested. After 2008, under the pressure of the economic crisis, "Das Kapital"  ¡± became a bestseller again.  But how to understand this book is a difficult thing for people in Europe and the United States who have cut off socialist thinking for decades.  So in this TV series, they heard an easy explanation to understand the operation of capital.  Only in this way can we know how to do business. From this perspective, "Das Kapital" is actually a business secret book.  Shen Zhenghui initially considered overseas distribution as a backup method so that people could continue to watch the TV series if it was banned in China. However, he never expected that such a TV series about the history of the Chinese revolution would also attract foreign audiences.  interest.  Of course, the subject matter of this story may be a bit of a coincidence for people of all countries.  They all seem to be able to find shadows of their current situation in this TV series. The country's foreign debt is under huge pressure, the domestic market is close to collapse, and a large number of people are bankrupt The setting that is extremely consistent with real historical scenes plays the biggest role.  Foreigners wanted to see the backward China from a curious perspective, and then they really saw it and were attracted by the plot.  In Shen Zhenghui¡¯s view, the domestic influence of this TV series is what he values ??most. Of course, it would be great if it could have the same influence abroad.  The situation in the country was exactly what he thought.  The time-travel theme directly caused a huge sensation, and the excitement of young people who are deeply influenced by the time-travel theme can be felt even through the Internet.  The official discussion forum is in full swing. In addition to calling for the next episode, there are also enthusiastic discussions about the plot.  Because the novel has already been published, there is a risk of spoilers in the plot.  As a result, many people turned to discussing the comparison between real history and TV series.  The petty bourgeois nature of the Restoration Society was mentioned in the TV series and in the final comments. This attitude of evaluating history from the perspective of latecomers has inspired more people to be interested in history. Of course,  On some senior online novel discussion sites, this is a heavily discussed topic.  The worldview of online novels has also evolved. Shen Zhenghui remembers it very clearly. In the early days of online novels, they slaughtered Japan and the United States. They felt that Japan's powerful force was a huge obstacle to China's rise. As a result, after the March 11 incident in 2011, everyone lowered their view of Japan.  evaluation, even the United States became less invincible after the financial crisis.  The Chinese people have gradually evolved from being miserable to being awesome, and from being inferior to being self-confident.  As for the category of historical themes, Shen Zhenghui clearly remembers that before 2008, or even earlier, many people believed that the third road in history could work. After 2008, in a  The famous online novel discussion website has made it very clear: without land reform and industrialization, China will never be able to maintain its independent status.  In the past, there were still people who imagined that we could build a new China without land reform or with mild land reform. Later, land reform has become a common sense standard.  Even discussing fictional historical novels is beneficial to deepening ordinary people's understanding of history and politics.  Shen Zhenghui¡¯s TV series also aims to play such a role.  He wants to spark topics and discussions, and then everyone is discussing and learning.It is necessary to discover that the themes and ideas that run through the TV series are correct and necessary, and then they will be able to fully understand the path of the Chinese revolution in real history.  Or, in other words, when discussing time-travel dramas, the basis we are basing on is actually real history. Therefore, fictions and assumptions are actually as helpful to understanding real history as asking questions: Does history go like this?  ?  Both topical and interesting.  Shen Zhenghui is of course happy that his TV series has sparked topics both at home and abroad.  However, it is not without regrets.  After the TV series was released, there were naturally strong opponents on Weibo to engage in public confrontation.  Although you can't tell it from the TV series, you will understand what kind of story, what kind of theme and what kind of political stance this is after reading the novel.  Naturally, there are die-hard people who publicly claim that Shen Zhenghui's filming of a TV series on this subject is a step backwards in history, and that it is wiping out the bloody history. Of course, such die-hards naturally receive most of the ridicule.  But there are also smart people. For example, there is a lawyer who also fights back and confronts on Weibo, but what he does is report to the Internet police, propaganda department, radio and television department, etc., shouting that the extreme leftists must be punished  Perform high-pressure strikes.  This is a smart move. Although he has received enough curses, this kind of curse is probably his reward in his opinion.  If he did it openly like this, it would be hard for the relevant departments to pretend to be deaf and dumb.  Shen Zhenghui's brand was so big that it was difficult to deal with it for a while, but the novel "Red Dawn" did not have a big background, so soon Zongheng was under various pressures and had to choose to block "Red Dawn".  "It's okay, don't be affected, it's better this way." Shen Zhenghui comforted Hongmao, "This way, first of all, our TV series will be spoiler-free, and secondly, it will further arouse everyone's interest. Don't worry about the rest and continue writing with peace of mind.  That¡¯s it. The copyright will not be reduced by a penny, and,¡± he said after a pause, ¡°the popularity of the TV series around the world has aroused everyone¡¯s interest in your original work. Some countries are already translating it voluntarily. In fact,  , we have already begun preparations for publishing in foreign countries?" Hongmao was a little stunned, "Is that possible?" "Yes, but there will be a lot of notes and explanations, and detailed revisions will be required.  Please help. The only requirement for you now is to finish the novel as soon as possible. ""Of course!" Hongmao said he was depressed about the novel being banned. In fact, the copyright fee has already exceeded the income from writing the novel. If it were to be published overseas, Hongmao would  The cat had already seen Azurite waving to him.  (To be continued)
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