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Volume 1 Chapter 383 The Sinking of Japan

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    When the tsunami occurred in Fukushima, everyone initially thought it was an ordinary disaster. Although it looked more tragic, it was just a ruthlessly changing side of nature.  ¡ü, Just like the Indonesian tsunami or the Indian Ocean tsunami, it was just a temporary disaster, but who knew that there was a nuclear power plant in Fukushima? Even if there was a nuclear power plant, who could have known that the operators of the nuclear power plant were so weak?  Even if nuclear power scientists came out immediately and said that it was based on the safety technology of nuclear power plants, this was not a big deal at all, but who knew that the Japanese gave everyone a nuclear power safety lesson as a negative teaching material.  Shen Zhenghui actually saw the tsunami scene on TV and the rescuers who were busy facing the nuclear power plant problem, and he always said that his feelings were a bit complicated.  On the one hand, although he has some kind of national hatred for Japan, but seeing the victims rescue themselves without any rescue resources, such a scene is quite empathetic to people who have also experienced major earthquakes.  feeling, and at the same time have some pity for the other person.  At this time, Shen Zhenghui felt like he was sighing due to the stagnant rescue workers. The second time he felt this way, because he was actually at the scene, it was even stronger than the first time.  Shen Zhenghui knocked on the table, pursed his lips, and looked at Fukuda Mitsumi with a slightly different expression. "Let's think of a way," he said, "How can we help?" Fukuda Mitsumi took a deep breath, "  I have already started," she said. "Artists from Queens Agency and some staff from the company have rushed to the scene," she paused. "I have set up resettlement sites in Tokyo and Nara to move the victims part by part.  Come out and relocate to these places." "Nara?" Shen Zhenghui was a little surprised, "That far away?" "The area near Fukushima will be unsuitable for human habitation in the future." "So this arrangement.  "Huh? How many people do you want to resettle?" Shen Zhenghui was a little confused. Fukushima Prefecture has a population of more than 2 million. It will be a difficult task to relocate them to other places. Japan is not like China.  , being able to play such a big game as the Three Gorges Immigration.  Even in the Three Gorges resettlement project, only about 1.2 million people were resettled.  "I don't expect to be able to move all the people in Fukushima," Mitsumi Fukuda replied. "After all, Fukushima Prefecture covers an area of ??more than 13,000 square kilometers, while Nara Prefecture only has more than 3,000 square kilometers."  "Well, Hong Kong has a population of 7 million in over 1,000 square kilometers, and Shenzhen has a population of 10 million in less than 2,000 square kilometers. Nara has huge potential and is worth exploring." Shen Zhenghui said, "You have already cooperated with the Nara government  Are you talking about it? " "Of course," Mitsumi Fukuda said, "In fact, the most direct situation facing Japan is the aging of the regional population and insufficient labor. If there is no influx of foreign people, the local economy and finance will not be able to survive.  If we can¡¯t open the door for immigration, then it would be a good idea to attract people from other places.¡± ¡°But it¡¯s very troublesome, right?¡± ¡°It¡¯s not particularly troublesome,¡± said Fukuda Mitsumi.  , "I am planning to carry out a large amount of infrastructure development in Nara. It requires a lot of manpower, so the local government is also very supportive. They even hope that I can persuade Nick Anderson to put a Pandora helmet production line in Japan." "Huh?" "Local  Politicians¡¯ demands,¡± Mitsumi Fukuda said, ¡°It¡¯s not easy to be a small local politician like this, and you have to worry about the development of the local economy. In the face of economic crisis and recession, politicians are also under great pressure.  They can help improve the local economy, and they are also very talkative." Shen Zhenghui was speechless, "Maybe it's easier to talk to you." "That's not the case. Mr. Arai, who has just taken office, probably also hopes to use this matter to win national recognition.  "Fukuda Mitsumi smiled at Shen Zhenghui," she said, "a small governor with more than one million people is not as good as a big county in China."  County magistrate or district chief. " "He is a ministerial-level cadre, stop talking nonsense," Shen Zhenghui replied. He glanced at the TV screen again, "If we can really do something practical, it will benefit hundreds of people.  Ten thousand or hundreds of thousands of people are able to help ten or twenty thousand people relocate and settle down. This is already a remarkable achievement. "It cannot be compared with China," Fukuda Mitsumi said, licking her lips.  In comparison, Japan¡¯s bureaucrats are really incompetent!¡± Kasuga¡¯s companies moved quickly, or in other words, the companies that Fukuda Mitsumi could control quickly moved. It cannot but be said that, in a sense, Japan  The operational capabilities of the government and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are far inferior to those of JapanAfter the companies, especially the disaster relief corps composed of loggers and construction workers under Fukuda Mitsumi, assembled in Tokyo, they began to open the road to Fukushima. Only then did Shen Zhenghui realize that as a local tycoon in Nara Prefecture, what kind of role did the Fukuda family belong to?  What kind of monster, and at the same time, the girls from Queens Agency also devoted themselves to the disaster relief work. Although they cannot be a labor force, as a popular singer group and movie star group, in a sense, they play a role in stabilizing  The role of the human heart.  At first glance, everyone sees that idols have come to everyone's side. They can stabilize their emotions and at the same time increase the favorability of the people.  This is a difficult show. To make the show a success, the logistics work is much more difficult than the show.  Fortunately, with the help of China, Mitsumi Fukuda spent a lot of the money she earned in China, converted it into materials, shipped them back to Japan, and then distributed them.  Of course, this is definitely not an act of Fukuda Mitsumi's own Madonna attack to steal the Japanese government's job. Although some of the supplies are distributed free of charge, most of the people who receive assistance will be with Kasuga or under Kasuga's banner.  If you sign a contract with another company, you will become an employee of the company and work in Nara Prefecture. Of course, the salary will not be too low. Kasuga will also provide various conveniences such as renting a house in Nara.  When the whole country in Japan was condemning TEPCO, the reputation gained by Kasuga's series of tricks was simply national, especially since Kasuga was very influential in the entertainment industry.  Even foreign media joined in the fun and said that when Japan suffered this disaster, the performance of TEPCO, the person directly responsible, and the Japanese government that provided disaster relief was simply unacceptable.  But Haruhi's performance simply exceeded people's imagination.  Especially those female Queens stars who are on the front line. In addition to gaining enough favorability across the country, they also made foreigners look at themselves and the Queens company with admiration. Mitsumi Fukuda is a conscientious person.  capitalist, and is on the verge of becoming the next female prime minister.  This seems to be a slap in the face of Japan Co., Ltd., but Kasuga has the confidence to do so.  As the largest collaborator of Pandora, Colombia and the Chinese film and television industry, their profits in the past year have been astronomical figures, even if Mitsumi Fukuda's own property is not entirely placed in her own name. This is the case.  After such publicity, Mitsumi Fukuda gained some kind of world reputation as a Japanese entrepreneur. Boring gossip magazines conducted some in-depth reports on her background, adding a sense of mystery to everyone. Her parents grew up  Both of her parents died. Under the supervision of relatives and guardians, she entered the shrine and became a shrine maiden and heir of the shrine. Then she studied in China.  After returning to China, the Futian family's business direction was directed towards the film and television entertainment industry.  Accompanying her is another name Shen Zhenghui.  Although this well-known Chinese director became famous in Japan, he was her classmate when she was studying in China. The two were so close that they had cross-shareholdings in each other's companies. Although Shen Zhenghui's assets in Japan are not impressive compared to Fukuda Mitsumi,  However, it cannot be denied that when Kasuga rose like a miracle, the role played by this talented director was not small at all.  "So why is it related to me again?" Shen Zhenghui frowned and looked at these boring reports, feeling a little headache.  "If you don't want to watch it, you can go back to China to be with your wife." Fukuda Mitsumi said, "You have nothing to do if you stay here, right?" Fukuda Mitsumi has sent most of the company's unemployed staff to  Went to provide disaster relief.  The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident Emergency Headquarters established in Tokyo is much more pragmatic and effective than Naoto Kan's emergency headquarters. What they do is to continuously deliver supplies to the disaster area, and then evacuate the victims to Tokyo and then to Nara.  On the other hand, materials purchased from China were continuously transported to Osaka and then transferred to Nara.  Nara is now like a large construction site. Although it is still far behind Wuhan, in comparison, we have not seen such a scene in Japan for many years.  Mr. Arai was almost crazy with joy. The GDP boosted by investment growth in the Nara region was entirely his own political achievement, of course.  He himself has been extremely busy during this period, as well as the resettlement and supporting work for the large influx of people, but the old guy is busy with a happy attitude.  "Should I go back to China?" Shen Zhenghui tilted his head. He looked at the newspaper in his hand again. A photo of Tomoaki Aonuma handing out sandwiches and mineral water to the victims was on the headlines of the Asahi Shimbun. As for how the editor criticized and blamed  It goes without saying that the government is incompetent in the disaster relief process, but Tomoaki Aonuma is not just showing off. She really lives with the victims resettled in the Tokyo area. Every day, Kasuga staff delivers relief food, and Tomoaki Aonuma  Worked as a food distributor and worked more than eight hours a day.  Not to mention the Japanese, many Chinese and Americans were deeply moved.  "Compared to the chairman and managers of TEPCO, who came out to kneel down and apologize to the victims one by one, perhaps Aonuma Tomoaki can represent some kind of practical action. At least the cost of the food was donated by herself.    "Chiaki is quite good at life." Mitsumi Fukuda glanced at the newspaper and said, "This probably has something to do with her not being so Japanese in her thoughts." "What?" "I mean her time in China and the United States.  "There are more people, so the way of thinking is closer to people from these two countries." "Just kidding, she has been in Japan longer," Shen Zhenghui said.  "Yes," Mitsumi Fukuda sighed, "So actually she doesn't have to please the Japanese." "Huh?" Then Mitsumi Fukuda changed the topic, "I want to thank Wang Anping more this time, no.  With her help, the export of this batch of materials will not be that easy. "This is nothing. The general environment is like this, and diplomatic issues will not be troublesome." Shen Zhenghui paused, "What's more, we are paying in real money."  "Fukuda Mitsumi smiled, "That's it." "Huh?" "I mean, TEPCO's losses were not heavy at all this time, but they acted like they were pretending to be dead.  Instead of taking responsibility." Mitsumi Fukuda sighed, "Basically all the people in Showa will die, and the rest will be abandoned houses in Heisei." "You expect TEPCO to do its best to provide disaster relief and take responsibility.  , Isn¡¯t this just counting on the conscience of the capitalists?¡± Shen Zhenghui disagreed, ¡°If the capitalists had a conscience, they would not be a limited liability company.¡± Fukuda Mitsumi curled her lips, ¡°Actually,¡± she said, ¡°Tepco.  "I bought insurance," she said with a strange expression, "This kind of nuclear accident caused by earthquakes and tsunamis is also covered by insurance." Shen Zhenghui was a little dazed, and he touched his forehead, "Yes.  Which insurance company is so unafraid of death?" Mitsumi Fukuda pouted, "It's the one that declared bankruptcy." She spread her hands, "It went bankrupt and broke up. There was no plan to reorganize it. Now the Japanese government takes over.  Responsibility." "No," Shen Zhenghui narrowed his eyes, "I remember that insurance companies cannot go bankrupt, right?" "Are you talking about Chinese insurance companies?" Mitsumi Fukuda blinked, "China's life companies cannot, too.  It's bankrupt." "So?" "It's an American company, but the Japanese branch is an independent legal person." She spread her hands and said, "I have already been aware of the consequences.  I expected it, but when it actually happened, I still felt very disappointed. I had the urge to replace all the Japanese bureaucrats and troops with Chinese people.¡± Shen Zhenghui was speechless, ¡°Let¡¯s forget it.¡±  He himself didn't know what to do. Maybe it would be a good idea to go back to China to accompany Liu Xin.  "By the way, before you leave, I hope to make a movie in the Pandora format." Mitsumi Fukuda's eyes widened, "Of course, if you are interested, you can also choose this theme and make it again." "  "The new copyright you bought?" Shen Zhenghui pursed his lips, "When you said that, I remembered that I also signed the contract for "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"! ""The Sinking of Japan"?  " Shen Zhenghui was speechless. Are you adding salt to the wounds of the Japanese people?  (To be continued)
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