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Volume 1 Chapter 380 New Technological Revolution

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    The chairman's prediction was good, and soon the Chinese side welcomed Nick Anderson to visit China again.  šI, This time he was quite well prepared. Not only did he bring technical staff, but he also brought Angela Mason with him. Obviously, he wanted to express his unusual relationship with Kasuga and indirectly show his goodwill to mainland China.  .  Nick Anderson's visit to China this time brought some preferential conditions. First, on the basis of partial technical authorization, he can also set up a joint laboratory with Chinese official institutions, and the experimental results will be shared by both parties. This is a verbal agreement to help the party-state cultivate talents; second,  It is a technology license in the Pandora format. One or two companies can be authorized according to the designation of China, and then the private company Nick Anderson can also authorize one or two companies.  As for the issue of the new generation of helmets that the military is very concerned about, the two sides have tacitly avoided talking about it. It is obvious that Nick Anderson¡¯s so-called joint laboratory is for China to digest helmet technology, and China probably does not feel comfortable handing over its own armaments.  into the hands of third parties, especially foreign companies, so there was a detour. However, in terms of interests, Nick Anderson was quite determined to fight for himself. He had the right to benefit from technology licensing and technology development. Of course, considering that even all  All plas are equipped with Pandora helmets, and the number will not exceed five million, so this benefit is neither small nor large.  If China wants to expand its production capacity to this extent while licensing technology patents, and maintain maintenance and replacement, the capital invested is not a small amount.  Of course, on the surface, Nick Anderson is a well-known American, no, should be said to be a world-famous new technology capitalist. The apparent reason for his public appearance in China this time is naturally for the Chinese market, and the information disclosed on the surface is naturally  Pandora has obtained several licenses and facilities in China.  In fact, the intelligence agencies of various countries are well aware of his true purpose.  Although the United States was very unhappy, they first rejected Nick Anderson's helmet.  But they still seem a little anxious when China may obtain this technology, but to a certain extent, selfishness is selfishness. The U.S. government cannot let a behemoth like Pandora fail to enter the Chinese market, but  Sometimes they worry that it has gone too deep and America will no longer have a hold on it.  Until Nick Anderson privately expressed some kind of exchange conditions, that is, he would ensure the normal operation of the American production line, and the technology obtained by China would also be available to the United States. In fact, he had already explained to the White House his concerns about Google and  Licensing by companies like Apple is already well ahead of technology diffusion into China.  The productivity generated by this kind of authorization is very fast. Google Glass quickly launched a small-scale sales test. The Google Glass is paired with a small supporting host device. Google envisions that this thing can be developed into a mobile phone in the future, but so far  So far, it is still a closed small computer host without a display. Users can communicate with the host through Google Glass Bluetooth.  Then, with the support of the host, they can perform activities such as surfing the Internet, video recording, taking photos, etc. At the same time, they can also use Google Glass to watch movies in general format and Pandora format. However, it is obvious that the first generation of Google Glass still has some instability.  It¡¯s not as good as Pandora¡¯s helmet for watching movies.  But it is bright, simple and classy in appearance. Coupled with the production capacity limit of Pandora helmets, the $1,500 Google Glasses also attracted some fans. You can wear glasses while shopping.  It doesn't bother you to walk while surfing the Internet, especially with the gesture operation function developed by Google.  Although it may seem a little crazy to point and draw while walking, many people think it is a cool thing.  In comparison, Pandora focuses too much on visual effects, so people wearing the helmet often have to stand still to operate.  In order to avoid causing certain safety problems, Pandora will try to remind the operator to take a rest after using the helmet for a period of time. At the same time, the battery of the helmet is not enough to support the user's use without power for more than four hours. Google Glass solves this problem very well.  .  Its portability is a great selling point.  Although the pricing is a bit daunting, rich people will naturally not be short of money to buy both a Pandora and a Google Glass.  Pandora is used exclusively for watching movies, while Google Glass is mainly used to record what you see and see like your own camera.  Then, Apple also entered the competition.  Its technical success is quite similar to Google's, but Apple's glasses are directly connected to Apple's app. They have specially developed an app to control Apple glasses, which integrates multiple applications such as watching movies, listening to music, and surfing the Internet.  It can even be said that these glasses are an extended screen for Apple¡¯s mobile phone. Of course, in terms of the function of watching Pandora-format movies, Apple¡¯s glasses can only be said to be equivalent to Google Glass, and they are not yet on par with Pandora. However,  Even so, Apple fans are still excited.  In this way, the output of Pandora helmets has always existed.?When there was a huge gap, Google and Apple produced a large number of substitutes. As their productivity was tapped, the substitute market became completely hot.  In particular, after being inspired by Apple, Google added the function of binding Google Glass to Android phones. People can directly communicate with Android phones through Google Glass Bluetooth to realize various functions such as answering calls and sending text messages.  In this way, Android and iOS systems took the opportunity to expand their own installed market and mobile phone market, and other systems suffered a huge blow.  Especially Microsoft, so much so that Microsoft urgently negotiated with Pandora and proposed a series of technology licensing agreements with favorable conditions. It hopes to be able to access hardware similar to Pandora helmets under the indos system. In this regard, Microsoft is ambitious and hopes to integrate somatosensory technology.  Combined with Pandora helmet technology, a new generation of wave system has been developed. Nick Anderson is very happy to see this. In addition to developing a special game box, Microsoft also specially communicated with desktop hardware manufacturers, hoping that desktop computers can also add Bluetooth modules.  Or the ii hotspot module, which facilitates Microsoft to connect various systems to each other from the hardware point of view.  Several major Internet hardware and technology manufacturers are working hard and want to use Pandora, a technology hotspot, to develop and expand themselves.  So this is another most direct reason why the US government does not obstruct Nick Anderson's technology diffusion to China. He is very confident in his companies, and these companies also hope that China can cultivate a technology market.  By then, they will use their excellent products to dominate the Chinese market. At least Apple, Google, and Microsoft are full of confidence in the prospects of the Chinese market.  The Chinese government has designated the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as the main body to cooperate with Pandora. The main body of the cooperative laboratory is the Institute of Microelectronics.  The institute has already taken a step ahead in the technology of hardware reverse cracking Pandora and has initially completed the technology accumulation. Therefore, when cooperating with Pandora, it can achieve twice the result with half the effort. At the same time, the central government has formulated a number of military enterprises and the Institute of Microelectronics to connect research industries.  Production issues.  In fact, according to Pandora's modular design, the difficulty does not lie in the main components at all, but in the implementation of the overall design and software. The software is really a huge shortcoming of China, and they are completely unable to use it.  Pandora's existing achievements require independent design of its own software system, and on this basis, a larger-scale supporting system.  China's battlefield information system must be established on this basis.  It can be said that the mission of the Institute of Microelectronics has been extremely heavy from the beginning. Even if it had the intention, it did not have the energy to privatize the licensed Pandora technology.  And Nick Anderson has chosen his private partners, and Huawei has become the main candidate. In order to expand the Android market, Google has made its system framework open source and open source. Huawei is about to use this system framework to show off its talents.  At the same time, his own ability in hardware is also a prerequisite for Pandora to be optimistic about him, because of the reciprocal conditions for technology licensing signed by Android, iOS and Microsoft.  Pandora also announced its own software upgrade in a timely manner. After downloading the software upgrade, the Pandora helmet can realize reverse connection and reverse control of the three major systems, which means that they can use the visual interface of the Pandora helmet to control their own through various operations.  Mobile phones, iPhones, iPads and computers of the three major systems can be used to make calls, chat online, surf the Internet, watch movies, etc. through the built-in microphone and earphones of the helmet.  Pandora has announced its next software development direction, which will realize 3D transformation of visual effects through software optimization and other functions.  Even computer web pages will undergo some optimization to make text and pictures look more comfortable. Even if the online video effect is not as good as Pandora format, it must be able to achieve a 3D effect, of course.  This is just a promotional direction.  But it was enough to shock a lot of people.  The movie "Avatar" has made many people understand that watching movies on a computer is completely different from watching movies in a cinema, thereby improving the movie-watching experience in the cinema and the consumption tendency of watching movies in the cinema. Now, Pandora helmets and so-called  The Pandora format seems to have greatly improved the residual value of the movie. It directly turns the movie into a personal experience-like adventure.  It greatly increases the added value of the movie, making many people feel that watching movies through the Pandora helmet is like experiencing Doraemon's dream experience machine.  Moreover, more than one person has seen the future development direction of Pandora. The best development direction for this immersive experience is games. Through various channels, everyone was surprised to find that Nick Anderson himself seemed to have been involved in the development for a long time.  With this layout, he has shares in several major game companies. Although his partner Kasuga Company is not well-known in the game industry, it has good relations with Japanese game companies and holds the adaptation copyrights of many classic games. At the same time,  A large number of AG people have also been recruited, especially the famous Momogu, Takeuchi and others. Their company is a subsidiary controlled by Kasuga.  Although Xingyue World may sound like a niche, there are also a bunch of idiots.??, coupled with complex cooperative relationships with Sony and other companies, once Pandora enters the gaming industry, there seems to be no resistance at all, and instead enjoys a large amount of resources.  The combination of Pandora technology and waves promoted by Microsoft is, in a sense, nothing more than a gimmick.  Probably Microsoft is also aware of this problem, has accelerated the development of the game, and announced that it will have a mature product before the end of the year.  This behavior of big players from all parties spending money in the hope that they can grab a piece of the pie in this field has also stimulated the development of the world economy in a sense. The US government has begun to announce that the economy is stabilizing and recovering.  At the same time, China has fallen into an inexplicable state of anxiety. Even with all the conveniences in hand, the bureaucrats seem not to be able to focus on work centered on economic construction.  On the one hand, the technology absorption and transformation work of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is progressing slowly. Of course, not only the government, but also the authorized private companies, Huawei and ZTE, are also in a certain dilemma. Their aggressive expansion and business expansion have encountered some natural resistance from the outside world.  and its own internal capital constraints. At the same time, Pandora's production lines in the southwest region continue to slowly supplement the domestic demand for Pandora helmets.  At the same time, Nick Anderson's Pandora Company, Columbia Pictures and China Film Group have reached an agreement to carry out long-term cooperation on the Chinese film Pandora format project, because not only the helmet hardware, but also in terms of film content, the domestic market is also eager to feed  .  Chairman Han is very happy for his achievements in this area. Of course, he is even more happy for Nick Anderson. You must know that so far, it is impossible to crack and copy Pandora-format movies on the market. This means that the world  Every Pandora-format movie sold on the Internet is genuine, and Nick Anderson can take a commission from it. Of course, the benefits that China Film Group can gain are also huge. As a state-owned enterprise, they also suffered heavy losses due to piracy.  .  After signing the contract, Chairman Han even asked Nick Anderson very carefully whether he could guarantee the security of the Pandora format and avoid the leakage of pirated copies.  "Don't worry," Nick Anderson said, "If there are pirated copies leaked out, we will be able to find out who made it. There is no one else who can do this technology except our competitors." He explained  He said, "But even our competitors are now in the same boat as us, and they don't want piracy to exist." Chairman Han was relieved a little.  (To be continued)
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