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Volume 1 Chapter 356 The Sword of Damocles

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    "So you are the one meeting me alone today?" Nick Anderson tilted his head, "This time you will not dissatisfy your husband. ¡ñ¡Ð," "First, he is not my husband," Mitsumi Fukuda pursed her lips.  , "Second, it's not that he didn't come, it's just that he had something to do temporarily, so he came a little late." "Something happened temporarily?" Nick Anderson expressed his disbelief in his tone.  "There is indeed something," Mitsumi Fukuda replied, "You know, compared to China's underdeveloped film market, he seems to be a benchmark of some kind. Naturally, many young directors hope to be supported by him.  "Oh?" Nick Anderson was intrigued, "Did he discover a future Spielberg or Cameron?"  Personally, I like it better. " "What is it?" Nick Anderson didn't seem to care about talking about other things to liven up the atmosphere or collect information before talking about the business.  "It's an animated movie about Sun Wukong." Mitsumi Fukuda also wanted to talk about something unrelated, "Do you know Sun Wukong?" "Monkey King, I know, Chinese mythology, the story of four monks seeking Buddhist scriptures." Nick Anderson clicked  He nodded, "I also know that you have invested in stories with similar themes, and the films there are still on the box office list of Chinese animated films." "Yes," Mitsumi Fukuda nodded, "This director traveled across the ocean to come here  I hope to get Director Shen¡¯s support, whether it¡¯s out of politeness or otherwise, Director Shen has to come over after talking to him, and he will also treat him to a meal.¡± ¡°That¡¯s right,¡± Nick Anderson nodded.  , "Whether it is for image reasons or otherwise, this should be done." Mitsumi Fukuda nodded.  "Yes, I think that's why Mr. Shen is not eager to stay in China." "Understandable." Nick Anderson replied.  Then the two fell into silence again, and Nick Anderson finally couldn't help but tapped the table with his fingers, "Are you going to wait until he comes before starting a formal conversation?" "No, it's okay, you can start at any time." Mitsumi Fukuda  He pursed his lips and replied.  "Okay." Nick Anderson took a deep breath, "Maybe in your eyes, I am a nervous guy, but," he snorted, "I have to say that experience after experience has made me more aware of  The suffering I suffered is unforgettable, and I have long determined that I must respond to the coming suffering, otherwise" He paused.  Then his body began to tremble, and then he covered his face, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure," he choked and said with a ferocious expression, "Things in my memory always make me feel uncomfortable." "I can understand.  "Fukuda Mitsumi replied, "I hope you can face this emotion from a philosophical perspective." "Philosophical perspective?" Nick Anderson stopped shaking and raised his head tiredly.  "An escapist Eastern philosophy?" He said with a certain contempt in his tone, "I used to think that I was in such a situation because I was God's chosen one. Now it seems that it is really a matter of whether I am God's chosen one or the devil's chosen one.  Things that can't be explained clearly. "It's lucky that you have Angela by your side, isn't it?" Mitsumi Fukuda asked.  Nick Anderson had a complicated expression on his face, and he took a deep breath.  "Angela is different from me," he paused, and then admitted, "Yes, I feel better when she is by my side. What about you? It's really hard for me to understand you. John shouldn't be around all the time.  Are you with me? Then why did you give him other women? " "This is difficult to explain to you, just think that I am a willful girl," Fukuda Mitsumi replied with a smile.  "It's so willful." Nick Anderson chuckled twice, "Or did he choose to avoid and forget like you said? Has he forgotten you?" "You think too much, Mr. Anderson." Fukuda  Guangmei smiled, "But from my standpoint, I still have to say that I personally think the probability of the alien invasion of the earth you envision happening is very low." "It's not just this," Nick  Anderson replied, "Of course there is more than one way to destroy the earth in my experience, and there is more than one way of my own death, so you should understand." "After starting a new game and dying in the virtual world  Is there any difference between starting over? " "At least we have a choice in the former one." "I think your idea is very close to Eastern thought." Fukuda Mitsumi coughed, "So simple.Mr. Lun" "Let's not talk about Sauron anymore," Nick Anderson shook his head. "Let's talk about more realistic things. Do you have any ideas about the future of Japan?  " "Japan's future should be said to be in the hands of you Americans.  "Fukuda Mitsumi replied. "You know what I'm talking about!  Nick Anderson pursed his lips, "Why, in your memory, did the Americans occupy Japan?"  " "It is also occupied now.  Mitsumi Fukuda replied, "Of course, if you ask me about the future, my answer is: Japan has no future, so it means nothing if it is destroyed."  " "You have such a negative attitude?  "Nick Anderson had an expression of disbelief. "At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then it was pushed open, and Shen Zhenghui walked in with a dusty look, "Sorry, I'm late."  He apologized, then sat next to Fukuda Mitsumi, "Have you not started ordering something to eat?"  " "We are waiting for you.  "Fukuda Mitsumi said. "I have already eaten with Director Tian and arranged for him to visit Liu Xin tomorrow.  Shen Zhenghui took a breath and said, "The Chinese film industry is still very promising."  " "It makes you feel this way. It seems that Director Tian is very satisfied with you?"  "Fukuda Mitsumi asked. "There are still many people in the circle who have dreams.  Shen Zhenghui said, "Let's order food. I already called the waiter when I came."  "    "Can.  "Nick Anderson spread his hands. So the two sides entered into another round of general greetings. It wasn't until the waiter brought all the dishes and closed the door that everyone seemed interested in continuing the sensitive topic. "The future of China is not  The safest place?  "Nick Anderson looked at Shen Zhenghui and asked. "I'm curious why you have been staying in Japan.  His eyes fell on Fukuda Mitsumi again, "Is it for his girlfriend?"  Or career?  If it is a business, China's future market seems to be larger.  " Shen Zhenghui grinned, "You have to choose a suitable place to stay," Shen Zhenghui said, "Japan is such a good place.  He is a certain distance away from China and Hollywood but not too far at the same time, which is an advantage.  He pursed his lips, "Of course, the closer to China may be in the future, the better, but," he paused, "this requires China to be stable enough."  " "Is China not stable enough?  "Nick Anderson asked back. "It depends on which level," Shen Zhenghui pursed his lips, "For the political power in the process of handover.  It's all bloody behind the scenes.  "He sighed, "I'm already involved, so it's best to keep a low profile during this period.  " "Will the Wang family be the losers?  "Nick Anderson showed his understanding of Chinese politics and Shen Zhenghui's background, "Is this impossible?  " "At least I know they will not be successful in the future.  Of course, speaking of losers, it may not reach that level.  Shen Zhenghui spread his hands and said, "But my status cannot be compared with theirs."  " Nick Anderson shook his head, "You think too much.  "He said, "No matter what, the TG regime will not take action against people like you.  They always have to worry about the international impact.  " Shen Zhenghui smiled a little bitterly, "When they start to worry about my international influence, it means that my good days are over.  " "Are you Chinese people so cautious?  "Nick Anderson asked. "Yes," Shen Zhenghui nodded, "Those who were not careful enough are dead or living in prison.  " "Oh" Nick was a little surprised, "So.  He thought for a moment, "Where's the Jenny Sun family?"  " "Her family is a veteran," Shen Zhenghui replied, "As you can understand, they are the original major shareholders.  So unless they sell all their shares, their position on the board of directors will not be shaken.  " "What a clear explanation.  "Nick Anderson nodded, then he cleared his throat and began to say, "Mr. Shen, then," he said with an emphasis, "What do you think of the future of the world?  When Shen Zhenghui showed a thoughtful expression, he added, "You are still obsessed with shooting the new movie. Do you believe that the sun will rise tomorrow as usual?"  " "I don't want to lie to you, Mr. Anderson," Shen Zhenghui replied, "I don't think there will be any sudden disasters in the future. If there are, they must be caused by humans themselves.  For me, I may be more concerned about China's future environment. Personnel changes within a five-year or ten-year period, personnel changes in the ruling class, and political struggles. The impact of these things is more illusory to me than other things.  The threat is much greater?In our position, maintaining our position is enough for us to think about more things. Forgive me, I don¡¯t have the energy or interest to think about it.  ¡± ¡°What are the personnel changes in China in the future?  "Nick Anderson bit his lip, "Can you tell me more specifically?  I'm also very interested in this.  He blinked, "Currently Google is planning to withdraw from China. Ae Bo OK has been blocked and has lost China, the largest potential market in the future. I need to think carefully about the transfer of my shares. In addition," he paused.  , ¡°Is there any possibility of policy changes in the future?  " Shen Zhenghui and Fukuda Mitsumi looked at each other, their eyes intertwined, and Fukuda Mitsumi rolled her eyes. "Some big people's thinking is so divergent. A moment ago, Mr. Nick Anderson was still thinking about the destruction of the world, but in the blink of an eye, he  Starting to think about China's market issues. Of course, it can also be seen as this. Mr. Nick Anderson knows that the other party does not take what he cares about, so naturally, he needs to change the topic. For Shen Zhenghui, this is like this.  The Western adventurer who has come all the way here, after you told him that I am not interested in Christianity, the next step is to talk about business. "I have heard a little bit about the next TG leader," he continued.  No matter what the rumors say, at least they are much better than American leaders in governing the country.  " "Are you talking about Clinton or Bush?  " Mitsumi Fukuda raised his lips. Nick Anderson smiled, "By the way, who will be the leader of Japan in the future?  " "For Japan," Mitsumi Fukuda replied, "it seems to be the same whether it has a leader or not.  " "In extreme cases, it's obviously not the same.  "Nick Anderson replied, while also avoiding Mitsumi Fukuda's question, "For the United States, who the leader is is the same.  " "So are Clinton and Bush the same?  " "Of course, do you think they are very different?  "It was Nick Anderson's turn to ask, "If I had to choose, I would rather choose the leader of China.  "He spread his hands. "Why?  ¡·Because of U.S. tax policy?  " "I personally feel that when it comes to fighting aliens, our president, whether he is a man or a woman, black or white," he looked at Shen Zhenghui, "even if he is of the yellow race, he will be extremely incompetent.  In comparison, I think China's political system seems to be more powerful in fighting aliens.  " Mitsumi Fukuda looked at Shen Zhenghui, "It seems that China has finally fallen. We should consider sending Ling to China. Anyway, Japan will sink sooner or later.  " Nick Anderson clapped his hands, "It feels like we are sitting here, telling science fiction stories seriously.  " "It's a horror story.  "Shen Zhenghui added. "So," Nick Anderson looked at Shen Zhenghui and said, "Are you ready to seek a position and job next to the Chinese leader?  " "It depends on what I want, yes, if my plan is big.  "He replied. "I have long wanted to sell things that have nothing to do with my survival.  "Nick Anderson pursed his lips, "Google, AEBO OK, Apple and a dozen film and entertainment company stocks," he smiled, "I used to use them for entertainment. Of course, many of them have been sold and invested in me.  Many hospitals and biotechnology companies have gone to the hospital, and many people think that I am afraid of death and say that I am pursuing immortality.  He tilted his head, "They don't know what my real fear is."  "Nick Anderson pursed his lips, "If you want Colombia.  "    "certainly!  " Mitsumi Fukuda answered before Shen Zhenghui. "But this does not guarantee that you will gain control of Colombia.  "Nick Anderson blinked. "That's enough, I will find a way.  " Mitsumi Fukuda said. Shen Zhenghui raised his eyebrows. Nick Anderson licked his lips, "I really hope you are right, but even so I am still a little disappointed," he looked at Shen Zhenghui and asked, "One day you can  Make a movie about my anxiety?  Director Shen?  " "If you don't mind.  "Shen Zhenghui looked at Nick and Fukuda Mitsumi and replied. "There are always unexpected surprises in life.  "Nick Anderson nodded. (To be continued) ps: Procrastination is too serious.
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