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Volume 1 Chapter 337 Divine Film

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    Just as the Chinese people were still immersed in the great victory of the Olympic Games, when China had historically won the first place in the medal list, a financial crisis sweeping the world had begun. Of course, the Chinese people were not very clear about this at the beginning.  What kind of impact will the financial crisis have on China? China's economic development is unique in the world. After 2008, China has been the strongest bastion of capitalism. This situation will not change until China's economy enters the "new normal".  ¡Ü At the same time, another undercurrent also started its own spread using the currently developed network.  The first thing I noticed about this undercurrent was some niche otaku, military, and novel forums. The sb and lk forums were the first to notice these videos circulating on the video website. Of course, they first recommended them through internal posts. Among them, the sb forum  Netizens were the most enthusiastic.  Very early on, the sb forum held an imaginative discussion on the topic of "What kind of effect would it have if a big American Hollywood director shot a revolutionary film with Chinese themes?" In fact, this was also the time when Shen Zhenghui was dreaming  source of data.  Senior military forum netizens have used their imaginations to create comparisons with various Western historical themes. The most discussed content is the content in the Bible - such as Karl's manifestation in Chishui and the separation of Chishui.  The chairman led the army through Chishui, and when the kmt army pursued Chishui, the river suddenly closed and washed away the kmt army; the chairman obviously cosplayed Moses from "Exodus" in the story, and was creating  The author directly copied the contents of the Bible and turned a materialist battle into an epic with religious colors.  For example, on the snow-capped mountains, everyone had nothing to eat. At this time, buns started to rain from the sky, because the seventh day was St. Carl's Day.  So I didn¡¯t order steamed buns and so on.  There is a sense of misplaced joy in reading such a spoof. If you think about the scene carefully, it seems to be quite touching.  What started to circulate were small clips like this, old-fashioned black and white patterns, which looked like old movies, but the content of the movie seemed to be so nonsense.  It happens to be famous as "The Truth of the Long March". In the movie, historical figures such as the chairman, prime minister, boss, Chang Kaishen, etc. appear one after another, but they speak lines that are completely inconsistent with the historical content of China. Those who also have a lot of knowledge about history, military, and religion  People who have dabbled in it will inevitably smile knowingly after watching it, and then have to lament that the entire film production style is so unified, not ordinary editing, parody collage, and dubbing, so that many novices after watching these films  Many people left messages asking, "Is this true?" SB's old post was re-upvoted.  Everyone began to "seriously" discuss the artistic value of this film again, and then the topic fell on the question of who the author of this film was.  If it is not a coincidence, it is obvious that the author must have been inspired by sb's post to make these videos. However, no matter how you look at these videos, they do not look like they were edited based on existing themes. Although they look like they were edited using  It was re-edited and dubbed by old movies. Netizens used their collective strength to find only 2 or 3 scenes that may be from a certain movie.  The problem is that in the black-and-white era, there were almost no films in which leaders appeared.  Except documentaries.  But these films, which look like documentaries but are actually clearly movies, simply don¡¯t add up.  So everyone thought that this was the work of the Dan Pain star.  So these small movies that were uploaded to various video websites gradually spread with the promotion of small circles, and at the same time.  A large number of people with foresight know that it seems that it will only be a matter of time before this type of film disappears, so various p2p downloads have also become popular.  Just like the "Pornographic Photo Scandal" incident at the beginning of the year, the video was also circulated below.  Mainland network management departments were equally dissatisfied. Soon the website where the video was uploaded deleted these small movie videos. Netizens who looked for the video after reading the promotional post soon discovered that the page was 404.  At the same time, the national security department also began to trace the original source of the video. Although this film video involving the first and second generation leadership core of the party and the country does not seem to have any signs of slander, its appearance is a challenge to the country.  Tolerance, in a political sense.  It can be said to eliminate the power of ideology to interpret history.  Originally, the security department did not take this seriously at first, because it looked like a prank video made by a real person. This is not the first time that the first-generation leaders have suffered malicious jokes.  , generally speaking, the processing is nothing more than painless, and the first action of the network management department is to delete it.  As long as the spoof does not exist in China's large local area network, the network management department will not be too troublesome.  But this time, netizens outside mainland China such as Hong Kong and Taiwan played a huge role.  Just when mainland netizens lamented that the video was deleted before they saw it and had to be circulated underground through p2p, netizens in Hong Kong and Taiwan also discovered the interesting aspects of this video.  But theyThey didn't understand the humor in it at all, and many people spread it as a truth-telling video. Under the sour attitude of the Chinese LAN peripherals towards mainland China, the video's influence quickly fermented and escalated, and it was successively posted in Hong Kong and Taiwan.  variety show.  For the Chinese periphery who lack a sense of humor, their understanding of the video is divided into two distinct types: one is that it is a historical truth, and the reason why the first generation of TG is invincible is that the evil god of Marxism-Leninism is protecting them - this kind of  People's IQ is very questionable; the other is that they think this is a satire on TG, but strictly speaking, they themselves don't know where the satire is. People with a little culture will say - you see, the chairman in it looks like  It's like Moses, it's so funny; it's so funny that buns rain from the sky; it's so funny that it parts the water of the river.  If you understand Christianity as a cult and their propaganda as bragging, the satire makes sense.  But at the same time, there are some other strange attitudes here. One is that using the Bible and Moses to compare the Long March and the Chairman is a blasphemy against Christianity. It is also clear who these people are; the other is that  Classes cannot accept this kind of video, and regard it as positive propaganda for TG - such remarks were directly ridiculed by mainland netizens: Come on, the mainland has banned it, do you still think it is positive propaganda?  The craze in Hong Kong and Taiwan followed the historical trend of anti-TG and continued to promote the influence of videos to other parts of the world. Translated versions of videos appeared on websites in Japan, South Korea, Europe, and the United States, and some were subtitled versions spontaneously translated by netizens.  Some audio tracks have also been recompiled.  This batch of videos not only contains the content of the "Bible", but also the cots of various main theme movies in the United States, so European and American netizens can also enjoy the content of "Saving Private Ryan" and "Schindler" from these videos.  "The List", "The Terminator" and other European and American blockbuster shorts scenes.  By comparison, the American people have more sense of humor. They are often made to laugh by the serious nonsense in the video. Many people lack understanding of the history of the Chinese revolution.  As a result, many enthusiasts actively popularized science under the video. The American people really appreciate this trousers style, and they were moved by the imagination of the person who made the video.  Then, people dedicated to Sino-foreign exchanges translated the discussion post on the sb forum, and American netizens also actively joined the discussion.  Because another post on the sb forum has also been translated. That post was about how a Chinese director would shoot an American historical military movie. Several Chinese classic movies such as "Armageddon", "Tunnel War", "  "Landmine War", "Railway Guerrilla", etc. have in turn become the targets of pants so. After the American people saw such spoof dialogues, although they did not know the original work of pants so.  But I also laughed out loud at this obviously misplaced cultural humor.  Therefore, after the influence of the video caused a trend abroad, the network management and security departments belatedly reported it to their superiors.  People from friendly countries cannot control it. What gfw can isolate is only ordinary netizens. Those who know a little bit about technology regard gfw as nothing.  The bitter pill of the video's popularity abroad, TG can only swallow silently, and then pretend not to know what happened this time.  But this is the surface. Internally, they have treated this matter as a big deal and have arrested it.  Especially when it comes to finding the source of these videos.  The sb forum has become prominent on the Internet as a place for writing the scripts of these videos and was caught.  So it was first unplugged, and then from the site's administrator to an active member.  All the IDs who had left comments in that post were searched one by one for tea and chatting.  Of course, the result of the investigation was that nothing could be found, but it was obvious that the producers of these videos must have read this post.  But we need to screen all the IDs that have seen this post, not to mention the possibility that there are unregistered tourists - the technical department can only say: I can't do it!  The reason why SB netizens can feel the powerful and resolute action of our party is because of another point: tracing the IP address where the video was uploaded has no results.  The technical department stated that the person who uploaded the video was a skilled hacker, or a team of skilled hackers.  No matter how you trace it, you can't find the real IP address. On the contrary, the clues he left obviously point to misleading directions: such as the U.S. Pentagon, the headquarters of the FBI, and the headquarters of the CIA.  The US Department of Homeland Security, dhs, etc. Obviously, this guy has been prepared for a long time.  The results of another investigation made the leaders even more stunned. The investigation showed that the original sources of the footage used as material in the video basically did not find, which means that these video footage cannot be edited from previous movie footage.  But it was newly shot or newly produced.  To make this kind of video, if you don¡¯t have a lot of money and have a certain purpose, it would be a real pain in the ass.  Judging from the regular film and television shooting surveys across the country in recent years, the scenes in the video have never been filmed.Of course, it is not ruled out that underground shooting is not reported, but based on investigation and experience, this possibility is very small.  If nothing else, based on interviews with special-type actors, no one has taken up this job.  The person who reported the investigation situation was still a little uneasy, and the senior leaders were speechless. No one knew that what they thought was a very simple matter, after careful investigation, it revealed more and more shadows and doubts.  Background, if it were not for their understanding of the current international situation, the top leadership would almost think that this was a conspiracy of US imperialism and prepare to incite a color revolution.  However, if you watch the videos carefully, you will have some doubts about this conclusion. No matter how you watch these videos, you can reach the same conclusion as the keyboard Politburo on the forum - this is simply the work of some people.  But unlike the keyboard Politburo, which can attribute the matter to Dan Pain Xingren, the formal Politburo is absolutely not able to make such an unserious conclusion.  So a slightly younger committee member suggested: Should we report the situation to the United States and let them check it out for us?  "What to check?" "This video must have been uploaded from abroad. In terms of the Internet, the United States is the strongest, so it should be easier for them to check than for us." "Are you sure?" "Isn't that what Professor Fang said? If so  If it is uploaded in China, gfw must have records. " "Well, I heard that hackers are very powerful. Is it normal if gfw can't find it?" someone asked.  The people sitting in this conference room are experienced politicians and have rich work experience, but when it comes to understanding the Internet, they all need consultants.  However, these consultants did not dare to say anything at this time. Professor Fang dared to say something because he had special interests. Other professors repeatedly said some possible and approximate things. If that didn't work, they would tell technology companies such as Google that had already been made public.  Speaking of technical capabilities, Baidu is really not good in this regard.  The news coming from inside sources is that Americans are also interested in videos. The powerful departments in the United States also view these videos from an ideological point of view. They have a very high evaluation of such videos and believe that they are a way of exercising freedom of expression.  , which is nominally a prank and ridicule, is actually a deepening and indoctrination of an ideology. At the very least, it is a kind of propaganda that is not annoying.  The Americans thought this was the work of China's current ruling party. At first, they were frightened by the rapid development of TG's propaganda department, but then they knew clearly that it was not the case. They even carried out the operation before TG was ready to ask for their help.  Technical pursuit turned out to be a shameful failure for them too.  With the help of large companies such as Google and Microsoft, the U.S. government could not find any clues about the uploader. Instead, it was confused by the fog created by the uploader.  Because of this incident, China and the United States had a candid exchange. Both sides determined that there is still an organization in the world with quite mysterious technology (perhaps an individual, but the possibility is not high). They can do whatever they want on the Internet and also control  With superb video production technology, it is foreseeable that this organization is the enemy of Internet security. It is necessary for China and the United States to cooperate with each other in this regard and share intelligence in tracking down this organization.  And just after this exchange meeting, the United States accused China of having the largest hacker base and threatening U.S. network security.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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