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Volume 1 Chapter 318 Parallel Universe

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    "So who do the four countries in "Magic Apprentice" allude to in the real world?" With the popularity of "Magic Apprentice", discussions about the story and background of "Magic Apprentice" have gradually spread on the Internet.  It's open.  The imaginative netizens began to use their crazy imagination, and the so-called "innuendo" topic gradually began to spread on the Internet.  Chinese readers are the most enthusiastic about this topic and also have the most imagination.  First of all, a senior fan of this work summarized the history of various countries, piled them up, and then analyzed these clues: The conclusion drawn is: Sophie is obviously China, Kaaoqi is the United States,  The United Kingdom of Ledin is obviously the Soviet Union, and Montita is the prototype of the Yellow Peril in Western minds - the Mongols.  His "well-founded" detailed analysis article was translated by professional translators and posted on major English forums and forums in major European countries. It immediately aroused local netizens' interest in discussion. On this basis, netizens  , free association and analysis, and constantly introduce your own imaginative version of the discussion materials.  For example, compared with the global views of netizens from other countries, especially Chinese netizens, European countries generally limit their thinking to the European continent.  They like to use geography, history and culture to accompany magical stories, and the final conclusion is that this is actually a civil war between a group of European countries.  The discussion among Chinese netizens was enthusiastic and unrestrained. In the end, they focused their attention on modern history, and replaced the protagonists of the story with real historical figures one by one. In this way, American netizens who were originally not interested in such topics also participated.  Come in.  The result was that Kaaoch's status reversed and he became the Soviet Union.  This aroused the interest of the Japanese, who simply transformed historical figures into characters in "The Magic Apprentice".  However, Gorbachev cannot correspond to Horkels III in any case, although both of them are reformers.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: Quoting chapters and references from European netizens to apply European historical figures.  The discussions between China, the United States, Japan and South Korea are more like nonsense, but the participants are happy to bring private information into the discussion, so much so that a serious reporter tried to interview the original author and asked him when he was writing.  What exactly is the basis for.  Lan Jing, who was immersed in writing and trying to finish "The Demon Warrior", was a little confused when asked. He had to say that the description of historical military affairs in his story was based on some real historical events.  However, this adaptation itself belongs to the processing of materials and is not a complete reflection.  The reporter seemed a little dissatisfied. It seemed to him that it would be interesting if the story itself really alluded to history.  In such a movement, it must be said that Shen Zhenghui is not active in it. At least the translation work of many interactive discussions was completed under Shen Zhenghui's instructions.  By establishing publishing accounts on major websites in various countries, we can authoritatively publish translated articles of various royal posts.  The website Tower of Babel is gradually expanding its influence to the world, although its behavior itself is probably not profitable.  The Tower of Babel (Japan) website and the Longteng (China) website have been officially established for a long time, and then this opportunity was used to promote themselves. So far, they have no hope of making profits, but their appearance seems to be in various fields.  It has opened up a new path, causing many venture capital companies to subconsciously believe that this is an emerging development direction of the Internet.  Indeed, it does not generate economic benefits in itself.  But as a platform, it seems to be doing some kind of job of communicating with the world.  Keen people subconsciously feel that its development future is very bright.  With the development of the Internet, it will gradually gain some kind of public influence, but how to realize this influence and its expanded scale is another question.  But so far, Shen Zhenghui and Fukuda Mitsumi have no plans to introduce venture capital, but they have indeed begun to prepare for the establishment of local translation websites in major countries to present speeches on foreign Internet hot topics in local languages.  Help local people understand what people around the world think.  This work is, as their website proclaims - a Tower of Babel.  Except for China¡¯s website, which is called Longteng, websites in other countries will be unified under the name Tower of Babel.  Then Hollywood entertainers were the first to discover the site's power to tap into people's curiosity about the minds of people from other lands.  Successfully hyped up and promoted the topic of "Magic Apprentice". Although there are also interesting and hot topic posts on websites from other countries on his website, there is no doubt that the Tower of Babel quickly attracted people who are interested in it.  There are interested Internet users outside the country, and they gradually get used to the Tower of Babel intervening in their lives, cultivating a new Internet lifestyle - going to certain websites will become your habit: such as Google, Facebook, etc.  , Youku, Tower of Babel, etc., more and more people have become accustomed to reading news on portal websites, and then going to Tower of Babel to browse how foreign people evaluate their country.points and their own statements on hot topics.  This is almost beyond Shen Zhenghui's imagination. Although he is a time traveler, he really doesn't know what websites like Longteng and Santaihu rely on to make money, but he roughly regards the Tower of Babel website as a must for him.  tools.  In a serious sense, as a cultural company and a profit-making company that mainly focuses its energy and profit targets abroad, if it does not have an elite translation team, it will not be able to function at all.  Shen Zhenghui's awareness is not to specialize in translators. The cost is too high. It would be good to create a specialized platform that not only serves himself.  The timing of this thing¡¯s appearance, no, or rather, the timing of its emergence into the public eye is too clever.  When Google grew into a giant, and QQ, MSN, and Facebook launched the era of online social networking, platform websites like the Tower of Babel suddenly appeared. Judging from its ambition, it seemed that it was to become a global platform. What it did  As a result, those large websites that were building portals and trying to localize their respective branches suddenly opened up new ideas - so in fact, we don't need to localize the content?  Everyone is also very interested in news and exchanges outside their own country, right?  But did Shen Zhenghui realize his Internet thinking? Tower of Babel was quickly favored by advertising companies. They all requested customized special advertising services to translate their ads into local languages ??and deliver them accurately.  Then Shen Zhenghui and Fukuda Mitsumi discovered that Babel will probably be able to get rid of the dilemma of burning money in the near future and enter the ranks of self-supporting.  And at the same time.  They need more migrant translators.  Even those who travel through time will encounter realities that surprise them.  Of course, movie fans are not only interested in the political and historical background of the story. The emergence of the movie has given everyone more topics to discuss. Especially with the popularity of the movie at the box office, the starring actors of the movie have also attracted everyone's attention.  .  Little-known Mario suddenly became a world star.  As lucky as Daniel Radcliffe.  What is particularly impressive is that he appeared in women's clothing in "The Magic Apprentice", which once made people think that he was neither male nor female, especially since he was born in Thailand, although the media immediately reported that he was of mixed German and Chinese descent.  However, there are still a large number of people who do not know the truth and believe that such androgynous characters do exist in Thailand. They are attracted to both men and women.  Although this view cannot be said to be wrong, if you have enough common sense, you can know that Fenasia is indeed a cute boy.  Her female voice was prepared later, which made her more feminine, so much so that no one felt it was inappropriate in the scene where Haguero fell in love with the cross-dressing Enleko, and when someone suggested that Mario  When the women's clothing was so stunningly beautiful, some people who had only belatedly realized it suddenly woke up and asked what the hell were you talking about just now?  Blinded my dog ??eyes.  This made friends who previously thought that Enleco and Fenasia were two people expressed their shock, so this became a new topic of speculation.  In fact, it is not news in the United States, but in East Asia.  Many people, like American netizens, were surprised.  The massive increase in netizens has gradually divided them into different groups, and one group is very scary, that is, rotten girls.  Of course, the fujoshi community has been cultivated slowly, and "Magic Apprentice" seems to be a good catalyst. Although the actors in it are not famous, when selecting actors, they are almost all based on their appearance.  .  Therefore, "Magic Apprentice" has become a classic material for the expansion of fujoshi groups.  A large number of screenshots of the video began to circulate on the Internet.  When this first movie was released, the results were not particularly high - of course, this is only Shen Zhenghui's personal opinion. The global box office reached 6.9 billion, which seems to be some kind of irony.  "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" are on it, and there are classic series of movies like "Star Wars" on top, and below it is "Forrest Gump."  It must be said that Columbia and Sony have achieved great success, but Kasuga and Shen Zhenghui themselves have benefited even more from this achievement.  Many analytical articles believe that Shen Zhenghui's global casting is the guarantee for the success of this film. His crew is full of Americans, British, French, Italians, Chinese and Thais, so whether it is in the Americas  , Europe or Asia, this film was a hit, especially in China and Japan. Although several Japanese actresses only appeared in the film, of course, Kasuga's investment was also a factor, which made the film popular in  Japan achieved an astonishing result, exceeding 13 billion yen, but still ranked below "Yakushiji Ryoko's Strange Incidents".  However, Japan only contributed 100 million U.S. dollars in box office. China was not to be outdone and contributed 50 million U.S. dollars to support its local director. What surprised people was Thailand. The film took 500 million baht in the box office in Thailand.  , exceeding the 484.5 billion baht of "Queen of Siam", which shows that the Thai people have high expectations for them.?The enthusiasm of the prince - yes, Mario received such a title. This is considered Shen Zhenghui's box office record in Thailand. It also surprised others about Thailand. After all, for such a country with a population of 60 million, he actually contributed  The box office revenue of nearly 15 million US dollars is simply incredible.  The film became a hit at the box office in Asia, which made everyone realize the influence of Shen Zhenghui in Asia. After all, as a Western-themed movie, many people thought that the main box office would be Europe and the Americas. Unexpectedly, the box office in Asia suddenly surged.  The entire Asian region contributed US$200 million to the global box office, almost the same as Europe.  The US$2.9 billion in North America did not exceed US$300 million, which seems to have insufficient stamina, but the global box office results are still enough to make several other major companies jealous, especially since this series of movies can obviously continue to be made based on word-of-mouth, as long as the next one  The box office dropped below 600 million, which does not cause bad reputation. This is a commercial series of attractions.  What makes people vomit blood even more is that the director filmed the film so quickly, and well-informed people already knew that the two subsequent sequels were in the process of special effects production.  This will undoubtedly further stimulate the enthusiasm of movie fans, and the actions of the Tower of Babel website seem to make everyone realize that it is completely possible to maintain the popularity of "The Magic Apprentice" for half a year and wait until the sequel is released, especially in order to cooperate with  The English translation, French translation, Italian, Spanish and other versions of the movie "The Magic Apprentice" have begun to be promoted and released again, which has greatly maintained the enthusiasm of movie fans for discussion. Chinese movie fans seem to feel that  They are the luckiest, they have seen the ending in advance, while audiences in other parts of the world still have to wait.  People in other parts of the world didn¡¯t know this before, but now with the Tower of Babel website, people in other parts of the world soon know that the Chinese have seen the ending of the story before them.  Many people have different reactions. Some hope to see the ending as soon as possible, hoping to see the translation by the wild translator. Some people resolutely refuse spoilers and are waiting for the sequel of the movie. In this sense, the Internet is real  Making the earth smaller.  But just when Shen Zhenghui returned to China and prepared to resume filming, he received a call from Wang Anran. "Big news," he said, "Did you watch the news broadcast last night?" "No, I just said  Back from abroad." Shen Zhenghui was a little confused, "What news?" He was thinking about what news worthy of Wang Anran calling him.  "Li Guan passed away." Wang Anran said.  "Former Standing Committee member," Shen Zhenghui was a little confused, "but what does this have to do with me?" "He is Li Yun's father and Li Rui's grandfather." Wang Anran called on the other end of the phone.  "So?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "There may be changes in the marriage between the Sun family and the Li family." Wang Anran said.  Shen Zhenghui felt a dull pain in his forehead, "You are really a carrot and a careless person. How many times have I told you that there is no way that Sun Jingfang and I can be together? What does it have to do with me?" "There is another thing," Wang Anran changed the subject.  said.  "It's best if it's really worthy of my concern." Shen Zhenghui responded.  "Something happened to Pu Hai's secretary." Wang Anran replied.  This was when the memory was deeply impressed, and Shen Zhenghui's mind started to work, "What does it have to do with me?" "It has something to do with me." Wang Anran replied, "I am considering whether to go to Puhai." "  Why are you so anxious? Just stay in Yuhang and take your time!" Shen Zhenghui replied angrily, but he immediately realized another problem, "What do you mean" "The leader asked me if I wanted to move." Wang Anran.  replied.  You tell me this, are you looking for the wrong person?  Shen Zhenghui thought to himself.  (To be continued) PS: Ouch, perfect attendance award!  
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