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Volume 1 Chapter 316 Box Office Guaranteed Sequel

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    Thanks to the box office, Shen Zhenghui finally regained his reputation in Hollywood.  The midnight show was revised to reach a box office of 17.24 million yuan, then 48 million yuan on the first day, 47.7 million the next day, and broke 100 million in three days to reach 11.3 billion U.S. dollars, which established the box office trend of this movie.  At this time, the experienced Sony and Columbia finally felt at ease at the same time and continued to further increase their publicity efforts based on their own experience. Shen Zhenghui's identity as a Chinese was heavily hyped, and the filming location of this movie was in China, and the stars of the crew  They talk about their life experiences in China on major talk shows. Every time the handsome Mario appears on talk shows, he attracts cheers from the female audience present.  There was even a show where they invited Daniel Wu to show off his six-pack abs to girls in North America. The video was then transferred back to Hong Kong and mainland China, making girls in these two places drool.  The news of "The Magic Apprentice"'s box office success in North America was also posted on CCTV's news network. As a blockbuster filmed in China, China Film Group also participated in the production (they participated in personnel organization, on-site coordination, venue construction and other logistics)  work, it can be said that China Film Group played an important role in the smooth shooting of Shen Zhenghui's crew in China, so they are on the list of co-productions. They are also the main force in the distribution of the film in China), China  Naturally, I would not regard it as a picked-up child. Although it was released a week later than the United States, the film bureau really did not have any difficulties in reviewing the film, even though the plot is very inconsistent with spiritual civilization in the eyes of many old antiques.  construction.  But since Americans have broadcast it, what can¡¯t be broadcasted?  The publicity for this release in China is completely uncut.  This promotion seems to be deliberately deceiving people, because as far as the camera is concerned.  The whole movie is considered very healthy.  Although as far as the plot is concerned, it seems to be very debatable. Shen Zhenghui doesn't know if his luck will always be so good, and his boss will always open back doors for him.  However, it is obvious that the craze of releasing movies in the United States and Japan has made Chinese audiences follow the trend of the times.  The nationwide simultaneous release planned by China Film Group was realized in full swing. It was almost a wonderful coincidence that the screening started at five o'clock that afternoon.  In the evening, the box office statistics coincidentally reached 17 million yuan, and the next day the box office also exceeded 50 million yuan.  The next day, the three-day box office of 48 million yuan exceeded 100 million yuan. The happiest people were not the people from China Film Group, but the theater chain and theater owners¡ª¡ªsuch as Wang Anping.  Poly has also benefited from Shen Zhenghui a long time ago and has arranged the most games in advance.  It fully satisfies the audience's growing demand for movies influenced by news broadcasts.  ¡°In fact, the nationwide simultaneous release plan arranged by China Film Group is far from perfect.  China's cinemas are still very backward. There are too few digital cinemas. Many cinemas still need to play film. However, the copies of digitally converted films are actually far from being able to satisfy the needs of cinemas across the country. Therefore, the so-called simultaneous nationwide release is only in big cities.  After it is realized, the copies will continue to satisfy medium-sized cities, and then small counties.  Therefore, the length of release time in the Chinese market is far longer than that in other places, after the box office surged in the early stage.  Later, it will turn into a steady stream.  The surge in U.S. movie box office continues to stimulate the rest of the world.  Sony and Columbia sat down and looked at the box office numbers with great joy, as if they were on a rocket, and then finally thought of business - how to prepare for the follow-up cooperation of this series of movies?  Sony and Columbia naturally want to take the initiative themselves, but what is almost inexplicable is that the right to adapt the movie is in the hands of Kasuga. On the other hand, in order to share the sharing at the beginning, they signed a contract with Kasuga.  A more unfavorable contract - Of course, when the box office is high, the contract will appear unfavorable. If the box office is low, that is a different matter.  With the box office results of the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other places in Europe and the box office results of Japan and China, Sony and Columbia found that they could no longer sit back and watch. As the data increased, Kasuga was the one who took the initiative.  The right party.  When the second week of release in the United States was completed and the cumulative box office in the United States exceeded US$200 million, Sony finally took advantage of this opportunity to hold a celebration party and warmly invited Mitsumi Fukuda and Shen Zhenghui, who were about to leave the United States.  This is an informal contact, but the executives of Sony and Columbia certainly don't mind discussing formal results in this environment.  This dinner also invited a group of Hollywood stars who were interested in the sequel to "The Magic Apprentice". Nicole and Natalie, whom Shen Zhenghui was quite familiar with, also attended.  After learning the list of female celebrities attending, Mitsumi Fukuda looked at Shen Zhenghui with a rather subtle look.  "What are you looking at? Don't look at me like you're looking at a humanoid self-propelled cannon. You know what kind of person I am." "Because I knowKnow what kind of person you are.  "Futian Mitsumi curled his lips. "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm most afraid of trouble.  "He said. "Trouble?  Fukuda Mitsumi narrowed her eyes slightly, "Is this how you evaluate us?"  " "They are potential troubles, so don't try to turn them into real troubles.  "Shen Zhenghui replied. "Then what are we?  The real trouble?  " "You are reality.  Shen Zhenghui also narrowed his eyes, "I have accepted it."  " "Ha, this is really an interesting definition.  "Fukuda Mitsumi replied. "Besides, I think Natalie was purely invited to make up the numbers. Everyone knows what she wants to do. This amazing actress who holds the "Star Wars" series is working for her.  Working hard for the first Oscar!  " "V for Vendetta", which was released at the end of the year, was her and the Wachowski brothers' work.  Mitsumi Fukuda said, "Maybe she is not eager enough to abandon commercial movies. You can try to seduce her."  She said with a slightly teasing tone, "The newspaper said that your movie's box office will exceed US$300 million in North America, and it will definitely exceed US$600 million worldwide."  This is also a series of movies.  It's longer than "Lord of the Rings", and Thomas sang with joy when he confirmed from your mouth that there will be 6 movies.  " "He should wait until he officially signs the contract to be happy.  " "It doesn't matter," Mitsumi Fukuda replied. "He has already worked hard on the first film.  ¡± ¡°I think it¡¯s because of my hard work that I have gained a lot of merit.¡±  " "So even if it is not unacceptable for Sony and Columbia to put a few very big-name stars in the later movies, it may be their own idea.  Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head, "Look, Will Smith wants to make a cameo on the set of "The Matrix", and Brad Pitt is willing to shoot a movie for Guy Ritchie without paying a penny."  " "If he really doesn't want to be paid.  " "No boss would really refuse to pay actors.  Mitsumi Fukuda raised her hand, "Since we already have Anne Hathaway and Scarlett Johansson, why not just get Natalie and Kate together."  " "Are you a stamp collector?  "Shen Zhenghui complained. "Besides, when did we have Scarlett Johansson?  I just want her to play a guest role as an elf, but she hasn¡¯t agreed yet!  " "Will she agree?  "Fukuda Mitsumi asked back. "Definitely not now.  "Shen Zhenghui raised his eyebrows. "Yes, now you can also invite Natalie and Kate to guest star in your movie.  They will not refuse.  ¡± ¡°Where can I find so many important guest roles?  " "Write just a few," Mitsumi Fukuda replied, "Ning Huan must be very happy to design a scene for them all to appear.  " "Enough, this is not a movie made to satisfy someone's bad taste.  "Shen Zhenghui grabbed his collar. "We'd better think carefully about how to face Sony and Columbia's conditions later!  Sony's dinner seemed quite successful. As soon as Shen Zhenghui entered the venue, he was attracted by a fat man, "Can you tell me if that guy is Peter Jackson?"  "He asked Mitsumi Fukuda next to him. "Yes, that is Mr. Jackson.  "It was Thomas who caught up." The person talking to him was Guy, the Warner executive, and the man next to him was Jeff from New Line.  Thomas said, "There are quite a few people attending the dinner tonight, including quite a few colleagues."  " "So you want to act as a translator beside us?  "    "ha.  I am your follower.  Thomas laughed, "I'm going to follow you closely."  Lest you be seduced by other big companies.  " "What are they doing to seduce me?  "Shen Zhenghui curled his lips and asked. "Oh, they came with a beautiful woman.  "Mitsumi Fukuda whispered. Following the two majestic men came Natalie Portman. When approaching Shen Zhenghui and his party, Natalie walked in front. "Hello, John.  Shen Zhenghui said hello, "This is Larry and Andy. I just escaped from their clutches."  "She shrugged her shoulders, and then greeted Mitsumi Fukuda and Thomas politely. "Natalie," Thomas touched his head, "If you hadn't reminded me, I would have almost forgotten him.  I have an English name. I have been in China for so long that I can speak Chinese.  "He said a few strange Chinese sentences, which made the Wachowski brothers laugh. "Hello, Natalie.  "Shen Zhenghui shook hands with Natalie, "It seems that you have been ravaged by something, they??Lost your hair?  " "Yes, how terrible.  "Natalie said, Shen Zhenghui shook hands with the Wachowski brothers. The brothers smiled shyly at Shen Zhenghui. ""The Magic Apprentice" is amazing.  " Andy said, "This feeling is simply fascinating, a new world, just like "The Lord of the Rings".  " "Yes, I like it too, otherwise I wouldn't have photographed it.  "Shen Zhenghui said, "This feeling is also very wonderful for the director. Seeing the final shape of the film really makes me feel like I am God.  "The corners of Natalie's mouth twitched, and the Wachowski brothers smiled. As the older brother, Larry asked, "Didn't the author and screenwriter come with you?  We'd love to talk to them.  " "What a pity. The original author is a professional writer and is still writing in China. The screenwriter is a college student and is still in school.  Shen Zhenghui responded politely, "But Sony and Columbia staff also contributed a lot in this regard."  "He looked at Thomas. "Yes.  Thomas spread his hands and turned to look at Natalie. "Natalie, are you interested in a guest appearance?"  "Shen Zhenghui on the side couldn't help but slap his forehead. Fukuda Mitsumi actually smiled. "Oh, I'm so sorry.  Natalie looked apologetic. "I have to spend time catching up on my graduate studies, and I won't have time for a long time after this year."  " Mitsumi Fukuda blinked at Shen Zhenghui. "It doesn't matter, our movie is very long," Thomas continued, "Even by this time next year, there is still time.  " Nima, is this also called a long film? " I would like to ask, this is obviously a series of movies.  But how long is this series?  Andy patted his forehead, "I haven't seen the ending yet. According to the plot that has been released."  Are there three or four?  " "There are six in total.  Thomas answered on behalf of Shen Zhenghui. "Six parts?"  "This seems to be really shocking news. Andy looked at Natalie and said, "You can think about it. The filming will take at least five years, right?  " Thomas laughed twice. "No.  It certainly won¡¯t take that long. In fact, John has already filmed the second and third parts and is in the troublesome post-production process. It is estimated that we will be able to release the second part during Christmas.  " This was a big bomb. Even Shen Zhenghui was confused by Thomas's move. He subconsciously looked at Fukuda Mitsumi and wanted to ask her what Columbia wanted to do. Fukuda Mitsumi felt his  His eyes responded with a bright smile, "This is really amazing.  "Larry looked at Shen Zhenghui. His eyes were bright, "Your progress is really rapid!  "    "Thanks.  However, it is not troublesome to shoot this kind of movie on location, but it is the post-production that is troublesome.  "Shen Zhenghui subconsciously pushed away the credit. "No, no, we can't hear such a statement from Peter Jackson's mouth.  " Larry said. Just as he said this, Peter Jackson also came over, "Larry, Andy, Natalie!  "He said hello and squeezed over, speaking to Shen Zhenghui, "Mr. Shen?  I'm Peter Jackson.  He looked amiable when he smiled, "Because of you, Warner Bros. is discussing starting the filming plan for "The Hobbit."  " What he said was half true and half false. Of course, maybe it was just a joke. After "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy", Peter Jackson filmed "King Kong" for Universal, which was released on the Christmas season. Then he was quiet for many years. Although  In the meantime, he also supervised the production of "District 9" and filmed "The Lovely Bones", but it was not until 2011 that he started filming the "Hobbit" trilogy. In the meantime, he also filmed "The Adventures of Tintin" and almost all major movies.  After a director completes a masterpiece, his condition either goes up or down, or he needs to settle down for a period of time. In comparison, there is almost no one like Shen Zhenghui who shoots a good film without taking a break at all. The banquet gradually became lively.  Shen Zhenghui felt that although many insiders gathered at the banquet, there seemed to be few true words between them. From the Wachowski brothers to Natalie and Peter Jackson, they seemed to have no idea about Shen Zhenghui's upcoming filming.  I am very interested in the plan and want to know the progress. This can also be explained as the curiosity of colleagues, but the senior staff of other major companies such as Warner, Universal, and Paramount are almost always trying to test each other.  , but this kind of intrigue may have become their daily work. Other companies are very interested in Columbia's announcement that the second season of "The Apprentice" can be released on Christmas. "King Kong" and "V for Vendetta" are both this  When the film is released, they are considered competitors.p; Warner is also very concerned about Shen Zhenghui's filming progress. If you really bother to inquire, you will definitely be able to find out. Shen Zhenghui completed half of the entire series in just about a year. This is simply shocking.  But everyone seems to attribute this to the fact that they were filming in China - I heard that the Chinese stayed up at night filming the movie to catch up on the schedule.  Of course, this is a one-sided fact, but it is obvious that there seem to be more and more shackles on filming movies in the United States. In this regard, China seems to be increasingly becoming the strongest fortress of the capitalist system.  Other companies are also very interested in filming movies in China. They tried hard to find out information about Colombia and Sony's experiences in China, how to contact local snakes in China, etc. The entire dinner was like an information exchange meeting, and everyone present  They all have different purposes, hoping to get what they want from each other's mouth.  Shen Zhenghui felt a little bored, but he still worked hard to integrate into the Hollywood vanity fair.  After a while, however, relief came to him.  Thomas pulled his sleeve and said to him, "Follow me." Shen Zhenghui looked at Mitsumi Fukuda who was chatting happily with several female stars.  "Ms. Futian knows." Thomas added as if he knew what Shen Zhenghui was worried about.  "I hope you won't scare me." Shen Zhenghui touched his heart.  So when no one was paying attention, Shen Zhenghui followed Thomas to a remote place.  Then, a door opened.  "This is it." Thomas said, pulling Shen Zhenghui inside.  (To be continued)?¡­
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