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Volume 1 Chapter 300 Make a big news

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    Shen Zhenghui was put on a chariot by his woman, but since he was on the chariot, he couldn't just fight half-heartedly. He devoted all his energy to the filming of "The Magic Apprentice".  Such a blockbuster will definitely leave a name in the world of film and television, even if it has a negative reputation - it is said that Sony and Columbia got confused and saw Warner's two magic series, so they followed suit and filmed "The Magic Apprentice" and ended up losing three  The company underwear is gone, that sort of thing.  ¡ËOf course, Shen Zhenghui works hard to prevent such criticism. Although fifty million US dollars is not a big amount for Kasuga, the company itself will still feel hurt if it loses it.  Professionals from Sony and Columbia have come to Japan one after another to talk with Shen Zhenghui, which fully reflects the importance that big companies place on director Shen Zhenghui.  But it still depends on how effective the movie will be in the future. If it feels like "Lord of the Rings", they will have to rely on Shen Zhenghui to continue filming the rest of the plot. If it turns out to be like "Harry Potter"  Well, once things stabilize, we can kick out Shen Zhenghui and replace him with a director.  Shen Zhenghui learned to think about many things like Peter Jackson: First of all, the shooting cannot be done in Japan or the United States. These two places simply cannot shoot this type of blockbusters. The preferred shooting location is a sparsely populated place where freedom can be achieved.  If you want to set up a scene, it would be best if you can get a tax refund.  Secondly, the actors cannot be Hollywood first-line actors, it is better to use second-tier or third-tier actors and actors from outside Hollywood. Shen Zhenghui asked for the decision-making power of the actors, not because he loves power, but because he must be responsible for the investment.  Sony and Columbia have no objections to this.  The third is to establish a screenwriting team for script adaptation. It is best to find the original author to do the adaptation work to consider potential prequels and sequels.  This is very necessary.  Sony and Columbia are fine with that, too.  However, Colombia requires that most of the crew must be staffed by Colombian personnel. They even have to provide two assistant directors. Sony and Columbia each provide a producer. Shen Zhenghui serves as the director as the producer, occupying the spring day.  quota.  certainly.  Mitsumi Fukuda also has the right to speak as a producer, but she and Shen Zhenghui share the same quota, which is quite fair for the three companies.  Even though Shen Zhenghui has the final say on actors, when it comes to recommending actors, Sony and Columbia also have the right to speak. While the three parties cooperate sincerely, they also do not forget to make this small calculation.  Such a major production has already caused a bloody storm in Hollywood when it was just being prepared. Some people naturally want to see Sony's jokes.  MGM, which is in turmoil, is likely to be Sony's next target, so many people hope to see Sony fail in this big project with a curse mentality, even though the leading companies are Colombia and a Japanese company whose names they have heard of.  film company.  Even though the Japanese film company called Kasuga has performed well in the past and even once conquered Hollywood, some arrogant Hollywood companies still wishful thinking that Sony is taking a gamble this time, and the director of this film is a former  A well-known action film director, which made them even less optimistic about this plan.  However, in the vanity fair of Hollywood, A-level productions with an investment of more than 100 million yuan will never be short of support.  After finding out that Sony and Columbia were not planning to invite first-tier stars to star, those second- and third-tier actors launched their own public relations activities.  The banquet with Sony and Columbia companies or company personnel suddenly became a fanatical pursuit. More than one actor called the producer responsible for casting, overtly or covertly promoting themselves, and there was no shortage of people who were willing to volunteer themselves to win a starring opportunity.  .  Sony hired the famous producer Mark Gordon as the producer of the film. Although he may not be optimistic about the film, he still tried his best professionally.  The producer for Columbia is Thomas.  This may be an opportunity he fought for himself, or Amy Pascal kicked him into this position to tie him down so that he would not threaten his position.  Fortunately, Shen Zhenghui is no longer in Hollywood. He called Qidian and contacted the original author through Qidian.  I hope the original author can put down his work and go to Japan to complete the script adaptation.  Ning Huan, who had already started his summer vacation, was immediately arrested. He had already begun cooperating with Miyamoto to adapt an outline of the script. He would start specific work immediately after the original author arrived.  Shen Zhenghui offered another one million US dollars for author Lan Jing to participate in the script adaptation.  In fact, the film and television adaptation rights of Lan Jing's works have long been sold to Shen Zhenghui. The price at that time was about 1 million yuan. However, facing an investment of more than 100 million US dollars, Shen Zhenghui was really embarrassed to spend 1 million yuan on it.  He rejected the other party, so he directly paid for one million US dollars, and said that if the box office performance was good, there would be dividends. If the box office was a hit, Lan Jing could get up to 10 million US dollars.    This was simply an offer that could not be refused. Lan Jing immediately stopped writing the "Magic Warrior" in her hand, regardless of how those readers screamed.  Qidian released the news in a timely manner, announcing: "Lan Jing, the writer contracted by our website, has gone to Hollywood in the United States (actually Japan) to participate in the script adaptation of "The Magic Apprentice" movie. It is said that this time, the movie "The Magic Apprentice"  is promoted by Sony and co-produced by Sony's subsidiary Columbia and the famous Japanese film company Kasuga Pictures. The investment in the film is expected to exceed 100 million US dollars. Lan Jing himself earned more than 10 million yuan from the copyright of "The Magic Apprentice". The film is waiting for  After it is officially released, he will be able to get a share of the box office" When this news was released, not only the online novel industry, but also the film industry in China was turned upside down. received dozens of calls a day, not only  Ordinary readers, there are also big bosses who are not short of money calling to ask about how to invest in Qidian. There are also people who call hoping to build relationships with Hollywood through Qidian. They ask if the "Magic Apprentice" movie needs a heroine. In short  , all the demons and demons were made restless by such a small piece of news.  Of course, there are also people who called to question the authenticity of this news. Combined with the blue crystal update, many readers doubtfully believe that this is a new escape method. If "Magic Apprentice" can sell the copyright for 10 million,  Then someone will definitely acquire the copyright for "Magic Warrior" by then.  It is also very possible that Lan Jing took this opportunity to stop updating the entity on the Internet and switch to fighting.  ??????????????????????When people see Kasuga Film and Television Company, they will naturally think of Shen Zhenghui.  Soon the well-informed press confirmed the news through foreign media. Not only did it confirm the authenticity of the film version of "The Magic Apprentice", but the director's candidate also surfaced, which gave the Chinese people a big shock.  , the famous Asia's number one commercial director, Shen Zhenghui, who is not yet thirty years old, will serve as the director of "The Magic Apprentice".  He is currently preparing the crew and doing preliminary preparations. Spokespersons from Sony, Columbia and Kasuga Pictures have confirmed the accuracy of the news and made it clear that the investment in this film will reach 200 million US dollars.  This seems like nothing more than a gamble to Americans, but the announcement of this news further stimulated the sales of the "Magic Apprentice" novel, so that judging from the number of readers of the novel, this seems to be a reliable choice.  .  Criticism can only go the other way, describing Sony's adventure as a copycat production of "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter" and claiming that a novel written by a Chinese is not as good as Thor's.  The time-tested works of Erl King and the beloved works of J.K. Rowling.  Sony will fight to the end. Not only will they be unable to afford MGM, but they may also have to sell Columbia.  In fact, they have already sold Colombia. The newspaper commented that Kasuga took this opportunity to invest in Colombia. They wanted to bring Colombia down and then buy it at a low price.  This reporter wildly believed that this was a showdown between the Chinese and the Japanese.  But he obviously didn't figure out who owns the controlling stake in Kasuga.  For the Chinese, this is even more complicated.  The investment of 200 million US dollars is almost equivalent to China's box office for a year. The directors who had just shot the so-called domestic blockbusters saw this amount of investment.  My eyes are turning red. The investment amount of hundreds of millions of yuan is not even a fraction compared to others. This is not on the same level at all.  Originally, these few were considered top-notch in the domestic director circle and did not worry about investment issues at all, but now they can't help but feel a certain jealousy.  Also Chinese, Shen Zhenghui's starting point is higher than that of any Chinese director. Now he has a quota of 200 million US dollars, and he is still so young, so compare with him.  Even Director Zhang, who has been confirmed as the director of the Olympic Games, can't help but feel sad - 200 million US dollars, I don't know how to spend this on myself!  Of course, if you have more ideas, you have already started your own research work.  The bosses of several major publishing companies in mainland China, both state-owned and private, have begun to read the book "The Magic Apprentice" seriously. They want to find out how many characters are needed in it and whether it is possible to insert one or two Chinese.  Actors, among other things, can you send someone to work with Shen Zhenghui and learn how to shoot a $200 million movie?  Chairman Han has the most abundant resources here. He himself also feels that there is exchange value in cooperating with Shen Zhenghui. As a Chinese original work, "Magic Apprentice" cannot not be considered for distribution in China, even if it lags behind in European and American releases.  But if you want to distribute it in China, you can't bypass the China Film Group, even if you are Columbia or Sony, then this is considered a possibility.  Although the Wang brothers in private enterprises were considering the same problem, they had fewer cards in their hands. In the end, they had to bite the bullet and try to take a roundabout way and start a relationship with Shen Xingguo instead.  For ordinary people, after feeling the shock of the news, it is natural to eat and drink, and there is nothing wrong with it.Worry about it, but because of such publicity, Qidian's status in the industry suddenly became different. Not to mention that Qidian unscrupulously announced that Shen Zhenghui is the company's major shareholder, but looking at Qidian's performance over the years (even if it is counted on him)  ) is also brilliant enough. Cartoons, movies, and TV series are in full bloom, so many physical authors are also interested in stopping at Qidian. In recent years, young writers who have become famous, such as Guo Si and Han Er, have also deferred.  Your place has opened its own electronic account at Qidian.  Other unknown authors are jumping into the arms of Qidian like crazy, dreaming that they are the next one.  After this round of publicity, Qidian claimed that its contracted authors have reached 5,000, and the number of author accounts uploading works has reached more than 30,000. Qidian promptly promoted the revision and divided the website into three: the main site and the female site.  and literary publishing stations.  The gathering of more authors will naturally attract more readers. Of course, this does not mean that Qidian is the only one. Big websites have their own disadvantages.  Other websites continue to compete with Qidian under the pretext of cultivating new talents. At the same time, more venture capital funds are crowding into the online literature world.  The concept of the upstream entertainment industry proposed by Shen Zhenghui has spread rapidly. Several major Internet giants have begun their own upstream layout of the Internet entertainment industry. Some people have even begun to contact Qidian and ask if they are willing to be acquired.  The purchase price is quite impressive.  Shen Zhenghui, who is far away in Japan, cannot just throw away part of the foundation of his industry. Soon, Kadokawa Bookstore's stake in Kasuga Investment's Nippon Light announced the establishment of a strategic cooperation agreement with Qidian. Qidian's works will be serialized simultaneously in Japan Light after authorization.  This greatly stimulated cultural officials. The cultural output that the propaganda department had been clamoring for was suddenly realized in an unexpected way. By the way, leading figures also had to pay attention to the existence of online articles in Yuhang, which were previously considered to be producing vulgar works.  The company was impressed.  At the same time, Wang Anran, who had originally attracted investment, naturally received attention. He was asked by his leadership to write an opinion letter on industrial planning on the future direction of industrial development.  In particular, share your views on the direction of the Internet economy.  This is the prelude to being promoted.  Then, the influence of this matter reached its climax when the news network mentioned Shen Zhenghui and the Qidian website at the same time. The announcer smiled broadly and first mentioned the development of my country's cultural industry - and listed the data used to deceive - ¡ªThen he mentioned, using Shen Zhenghui¡¯s self-promotional saying that it is a representative company in the upstream of the entertainment industry, and then listed the company¡¯s achievements¡ªall of which were made by Shen Zhenghui and were credited to it¡ªsuch as "Bright Sword" , "The Legend of Wukong" and now "The Magic Apprentice", and even several novels by female authors that ATV is still talking about are included in the list of being adapted and filmed. Then the announcer was surprised to find that Qidian has already cooperated with Japan's Kadokawa Bookstore , Qing, etc. have established strategic cooperative relationships, and a large number (actually not many) of works will meet Japanese readers through translation.  Then the footage of the Japanese version of "The Magic Apprentice" being placed in Japanese bookstores and being purchased by Japanese readers was shown, and finally.  Xinwen Network also specifically pointed out that "The Magic Apprentice" is in the process of intensive preparation and will be shot by the well-known Chinese director Shen Zhenghui. Shen Zhenghui was not shot, but the original author of the book, Lan Jing, was given an interview shot, which showed that he was at the Kasuga Film Festival in Japan.  Adapting the script in the studio, Lan Jing also showed Kasuga preparing character design drawings for the film shooting.  After such publicity.  Qidian became as popular as expected, and Shen Zhenghui became the focus of the industry's attention. Thousands of people cried and shouted that they wanted to be unspoken by him.  After ATV broadcast the news and produced a special program specifically for the news, the people of Hong Kong were also shocked. They have always been.  Hong Kong residents who regarded the West as superior were surprised to find that the mainland actually had things recognized by the West, and so they were also regarded as superior.  As the chairman of ATV, Shen Zhenghui has spent more than 200 million US dollars, but the effect is not as good as the less than 200 million US dollars announced by Sony and Columbia for him.  His own image suddenly grew taller in Hong Kong, and he suddenly surpassed all the big guys in the film and television circles.  ATV's reputation has also increased, and incidentally, ratings and advertising fees have also increased.  Rumors that ATV employees may participate in Shen Zhenghui's film have also spread. Many people have signed up for ATV's artist training classes. At the same time, registrations for Miss Asia and "The Voice of Asia" have also become lively.  This non-advertising fee of less than 200 million US dollars has achieved better results than the advertising fee.  But at the same time, Shen Zhenghui¡¯s work intensity and work pressure are also increasing.  The location selectors sent by Sony, Columbia and Kasuga have already sent back the message that New Zealand is obviously the best filming location, but when it comes to building large enough scenes, the labor force there is really stretched.  The New Zealand government agreed to a series of conditions for Sony and Colombia, but it did not include the introduction of foreign workers. This meant that the construction workers needed by the crew had to be found locally, which resulted inThe cost was high and the shooting cycle was long because there were many indoor scenes in this story.  In addition, Portugal, Spain, and even Germany are all interested in filming, but some of their conditions are favorable and some are unfavorable. In comparison, New Zealand is better.  Just as Shen Zhenghui was hesitating about the scene, he suddenly received a call from Chairman Han.  Of course, Chairman Han was not specifically interested in hiring actresses. He extended an invitation to Shen Zhenghui on behalf of the government, "I heard that you want to make a blockbuster and go to New Zealand to build several cities? Don't go to such trouble! You can think about it when filming.  We are in China!¡± (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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