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Volume 1 Chapter 298 Night and Morning

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    Open the box office rankings of world animated movies and look down the list: "Frozen" and "Toy Story 3". These two movies top the list with a global box office of more than one billion US dollars, followed by  "The Lion King", the pinnacle of the 2D era, ranked third with $987.5 million, followed by series of works: "Despicable Me", "Finding Nemo", "Shrek", "Ice Age", "  Kung Fu Panda" and so on, they fully illustrate the reality that a good start is half the battle. If you have a good start, you may have a profitable series. All you need is to let the screenwriter do a good job.  Continuing their ability to tell stories.  ¡Ì¨N Of course, this box office ranking illustrates another problem, that is, the subject matter of the story must be close enough to children, and themes such as fairy tales, animals, and toys are more relevant to all markets.  It is true that Hayao Miyazaki's works are masterpieces, and Hideaki Anno and Mamoru Oshii are so cool, but their works do not appear at the top of the box office charts at all, which proves that there is a gap between niche themes and popular themes.  How big.  Then, let¡¯s list the domestic animation box office rankings for comparative analysis Wait, the domestic animation movie box office is basically Shen Zhenghui¡¯s top-selling works!  If Shen Zhenghui had looked at the box office charts, he would have concluded that his movie was too niche, right?  Maybe the evaluation will be divided into two parts. Works such as "Urhai Fortress" and "The Legend of Wukong" can be said to be niche works, while works such as "Xi Yangyang and Big Big Wolf" and "Bear Infested" will probably appear too young.  , it seems that if a balance between these two ends can be grasped, it may also be able to create some kind of box office miracle.  "Nonsense." Mitsumi Fukuda immediately criticized, "I personally feel that movies like "Urami Fortress" and "Wukong" failed to achieve better box office results entirely because they are not essentially Hollywood movies.  "Because." She frowned and said, "You are simply far-fetched." She paused.  "You should talk about your plan." "Great works are produced from accumulation." Shen Zhenghui spread his hands and replied, "But in fact it is difficult to explain clearly. You must know that there is no such thing as a story.  Knowing the box office, you have to make a lot of fine-tuning to the script according to the audience's taste." Shen Zhenghui narrowed his eyes, "But don't worry, I have already thought about who should write the script." "Who?  Ning Huan is very good. "Is he too young?" Liu Xin said from the side.  "Don't worry about age. He will be a very good screenwriter in the future. No, if I insist on saying so, maybe I should add the qualifier of greatness, especially since he understands how to combine the ability of screenwriters with the powerful productivity of this era.  " "You must have a plan, tell it quickly." Mitsumi Fukuda immediately urged.  "I can't make it too clear, but let's put it this way. There are several good novels written by good female authors on my website. I think they are very suitable for adaptation into movies, cartoons or TV series." He looked at Liu Xin,  "I think you can make a choice. You must know that in an excellent work, if the director does not understand the theme and ideas, she will not be able to express the intention just by relying on the script." It was Liu Xin's turn to raise her eyebrows.  .  "I think movies such as "The Legend of Wukong" are very good. Can't you find that author to write a few more similar scripts?" "As a second-grade author, the first cry is often the best, and the follow-up  His works are often repetitions of himself. Or they often reveal his secondary nature. He even deceived himself in his first work." Shen Zhenghui spread his hands.  "You don't think highly of this author?" "In fact, he is quite unprofessional," Shen Zhenghui replied, "I know that the latest news about him is that he is trying to create a Chinese fantasy system story." "Really?" "How many did he find?  "A like-minded friend founded a magazine." Shen Zhenghui thought thoughtfully, "As a pioneer of online literature, should I buy all the copyrights of their magazines and novels?" "Maybe it will be profitable?"  "Then buy it!" "I don't think I'm suitable for managing a group of literary youths. If they are allowed to manage themselves, they will soon have a civil war." "So?  It would be cheaper to buy it when the magazine is on the verge of bankruptcy. " "Wait a minute," Liu Xin took out a pen and paper, "What are the names of the female authors you mentioned? " Then the topic returned.  When it comes to Shen Zhenghui's industries, Shen Zhenghui talks with him indifferently.His woman elaborated on his concept of upstream and downstream integration of the entertainment industry.  As he talked, even Aonuma Tomoaki became interested in this.  "So you let people who are interested in literary creation in China write stories for you for free, and then you choose interesting ones that can be adapted into movies and buy them at a low price?" "No, of course I don't let them write them for free.  , In fact, most of those who can persist in writing more than 300,000 words can sell their works at two cents per thousand words to readers who are willing to buy and read them. " "Two cents per thousand words?  "Aonuma Tomaki exclaimed, "What's the difference between this and writing for free?" "Every time he sells to a reader, he can sell it for 2 cents. If he has 10,000 readers, his remuneration is 200 yuan per 1,000 words.  , comparable to writing for magazines, and he can decide the length of his novels at will. If he updates 100,000 words every month, his monthly income will exceed 20,000 yuan, which is more than most Chinese workers  Earn more." "If he can have 10,000 readers," Mitsumi Fukuda has obviously figured out the joint.  "I don't think it's too difficult to get 10,000 readers, right?" Liu Xin asked doubtfully, "It doesn't seem too difficult for us to increase the circulation of the magazine to 10,000." "How can this be compared," said Mitsumi Fukuda  "There are currently more than 2,000 contracted authors on his website. If each of them has 10,000 readers, that means 20 million readers. Have you ever seen that magazine's circulation of 20 million?" "Readers"  Can't do it.  Liu Xin blinked, "There may be overlap among readers!" "So how many books do you think a reader can read per day at most?" "I think ten books is the limit." Tomoaki Aonuma interjected.  "You should see that this market has huge potential." Shen Zhenghui said, "My website has created far more readers than the best-selling magazines. Have you ever seen any magazine that can hire two thousand writers to write for it? And this number  It¡¯s growing.¡± ¡°But they are not professional writers!¡± Aonuma Tomoaki said.  "As long as there are enough people, there is always the possibility of producing high-quality products." This is what Mitsumi Fukuda is saying, "Besides, we have set several benchmarks, and some of them have become professional writers." Mitsumi Fukuda looked at Shen Zhenghui  .  "Have you prepared a new contract for Mr. Lan Jing?" "I don't need to tie him to the Qidian website. I am going to sign a work transfer agreement with him directly through a company in Hong Kong." Shen Zhenghui said, "Give him a  For the check, he can fill in any number. "How many numbers can I fill in?" Mitsumi Fukuda asked.  "Seven." Shen Zhenghui shrugged, "Although I am generous, it does not mean that I will spend money randomly." "This is setting a benchmark." Mitsumi Fukuda said.  "Okay, I'll give him a share depending on the box office." "I think you can give him a little more," Mitsumi Fukuda said. "At that time, you may need him to write a prequel and a sequel for you." "You.  Have you thought this far? " "As a woman, I think this work will be adapted into a movie very successfully," Fukuda Mitsumi said seriously, "Believe me," then she glanced at Shen Zhenghui, "Let's do it now.  Let¡¯s talk about the script of the cartoon and the characters of the movie. ¡°¡­ When Shen Zhenghui got up from the bed, he was shocked to find that no one was around him. He got dressed, walked out of the room, and unexpectedly found Futian.  Ling was sitting at the table eating, and Fukuda Mitsumi, the mother, was dutifully making breakfast in the kitchen.  And Catherine is taking care of Futian Ling at the table to eat.  This scene made Shen Zhenghui instinctively feel embarrassed, "Good morning." He tried to say hello.  "Dad is a big slacker!" Futian Ling said.  "The aunts got up early and went to work, but dad was still sleeping and got up later than me." A smile flashed across Catherine's lips, but she soon coughed and pretended to clear her throat.  Futian Ling is already quite sensible. She does everything by herself, while Catherine can only watch from the sidelines at best.  Shen Zhenghui held an unobstructed meeting last night at the instigation of Fukuda Mitsumi.  But when I woke up in the morning and saw my daughter, I still felt a little ashamed.  Sure enough, after having a child, does he no longer have the shameless aura of the protagonist?  He slipped into the bathroom quite awkwardly, and after hurriedly tidying up with the toiletries prepared last night, he also sat next to Futian Ling.  "Ling, do you want me to take you to school?" Shen Zhenghui tried to please his daughter.  "No need. Catherine willSending me to school.  "Ling Qiao replied, she looked very cute, and Shen Zhenghui couldn't help but worry about what she would look like when she grew up. However, looking at Fukuda Guangmei's appearance, it seems that she shouldn't be ugly when she grows up, but this is not certain, although  Shen Zhenghui doesn't know what her grandmother looks like, but it's not that Shen Zhenghui is disrespectful to her mother, Ling's grandmother Liang Kexiu's appearance is quite ordinary, which is very scary for people of Japanese descent.  The rice was placed in front of Shen Zhenghui, "Eat!  "She said, seeming to be suppressing a smile. Ling was still too young and couldn't control her strength well when eating, and her mouth was full of grease rings. "Mom said you were very tired and hard last night, so you need to get more rest today."  She pretended to be a little adult and patted Shen Zhenghui's hand, "I won't bother you, just send me there Catherine.  " While talking about Futian Ling, she jumped down from her seat. Catherine quickly supported her, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and then said goodbye to her mother. After a series of processes, Futian Ling was dressed and ready to go.  She also made a special goodbye gesture to Shen Zhenghui. Shen Zhenghui looked at the omelette rice in front of him and didn't take it for a long time. "What's wrong?"  " Mitsumi Fukuda took off her apron, walked out of the kitchen, sat down opposite Shen Zhenghui and asked. "This feeling is very bad," Shen Zhenghui squinted his eyes, "Although I know that he still doesn't know anything, but  I always felt like everything she said was an accusation against me.  " "Is this the reason why you don't want to meet your daughter?  " "You know that's not what I meant.  "Shen Zhenghui picked up the spoon, "I feel like I'm living in someone else's house, and someone else's husband may come back at any time. I'm always on tenterhooks.  He waved his hand while eating, "What am I talking about? But I finally understand what it feels like for Ning Huan to climb down the rain pipe from someone else's balcony."  " "He has actually done such a thing?  "Fukuda Mitsumi laughed out loud. Shen Zhenghui raised his head. "He should have never done this in his life.  Then he continued to immerse himself in eating. After a while, he raised his head again and said, "Do you know what this guy's love life is like now?"  " "I know he has a girlfriend in college," Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head, "a pretty cute Japanese girl.  However, he seems to have a closer connection with a former female classmate of his through QQ.  " "You even know this?  " Fukuda Mitsumi smiled and said nothing. "Well, we should find more things for him to do.  "Shen Zhenghui said thoughtfully. "The same is true for you.  "Futian Mitsumi whispered, and Shen Zhenghui pretended not to hear, "I'm full.  " He stood up and said. Watching Fukuda Mitsumi take away the dishes and take them to the kitchen to wash them, Shen Zhenghui felt something in his heart seemed to be touched, "The two of them left early in the morning?  " "Yeah, just like you, they said they felt very uncomfortable when they saw Ling, and both of them had jobs, so they left.  "Fukuda Mitsumi washed the dishes and glanced back at the hanging clock. "They did go a little too early.  " Shen Zhenghui scratched his face, "Do you think we are like this not good?  "He asked a little cautiously. "What does it look like?  Mitsumi Fukuda raised her eyebrows. "I think it's good, but I don't know what other people think."  She touched her chin, "Three people are indeed a bit small. One more person can play mahjong. If Catherine plays mahjong with us, she and they will feel more embarrassed. Then find one more person?"  However, Tomoaki Aonuma is quite busy at work.  It's better to have a substitute, then two more are needed.  " Shen Zhenghui really couldn't stand Mitsumi Fukuda's serious nonsense, "Okay, let's discuss this issue when you want to discuss it seriously.  " "Why are you discussing with me?  Fukuda Mitsumi asked with her eyes widened. She lay on the kitchen table. She looked at Shen Zhenghui with lazy eyes and asked, "Does this mean that I have some kind of priority?"  Do you assume that my status is higher than all of them?  " Shen Zhenghui swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Because of Ling.  "    "oh?  Yeah?  Mitsumi Fukuda raised her neck, "So what if they all have children?"  What should you do?  " Thinking of being hugged by a group of children and calling him daddy, Shen Zhenghui couldn't help but shuddered, "It's better not to say such terrible things yet.  "He covered his mouth, as if he was about to spit it out. "It's really boring," Fukuda Mitsumi stood up straight, "I also expected you to be full of the domineering power of a time traveler. You are all the same no matter what.  My wings such sweet words!  ¡±   "Have you ever seen a guy with three wings?" "Do you want to get two pairs?" "Forget it, I don't think I can handle it myself." "Yeah, pretending to be pitiful is also a way of thinking!" Mitsumi Fukuda  He touched his chin, and then looked at Shen Zhenghui with a thoughtful expression, "So you have always liked strong heroines?" Shen Zhenghui covered his face, "After your daughter left, you became unruly.  "?" he said, and at the same time he looked at the clock in the room, "I'm going to the company today, how about you?" "Of course." Mitsumi Fukuda spread his hands, "Wait for me, I'll change it."  Put on all your clothes. "Tengtang will pick us up later?" Shen Zhenghui followed Fukuda Mitsumi into her bedroom, "Are you talking about Tengtang Xiangcheng?" "What, you said to her?"  Are you interested too? I also think she is nice, stupid and innocent, and there is a scandal between the two of you." She took out the clothes one by one from the closet, touched them on herself, and asked Shen Zhenghui, "Which one do you like?  It looks better." "This one." He pointed at one. Although Fukuda Mitsumi was a little dissatisfied with his attitude, she still changed into a coat according to his choice.  "Can you tell me what you think in a normal way?" Shen Zhenghui's eyes did not fall on Fukuda Mitsumi who was changing clothes at all, "I feel more and more that you really can't understand sometimes.  "Feeling mysterious is an important sign that you fall in love with me." Fukuda Mitsumi stood in front of the mirror and turned around, "Does it look good?" "Not bad," Shen Zhenghui replied, "Wait.  "Wait, don't jump around the topic like this." "I don't," Fukuda Mitsumi tilted her head, "I've always been like this, it's just that you don't understand." "You make it impossible for me to understand.  ." Shen Zhenghui was slightly frustrated.  "Dear," Mitsumi Fukuda suddenly held Shen Zhenghui's face with both hands, "Don't say such things to me. You make me feel that you have no care for me at all. Don't make me feel that you don't want to know me at all." See  Looking at Fukuda Mitsumi's eyes that looked like they were about to shed tears, Shen Zhenghui felt that his heart had been hit hard.  And at this moment, the doorbell rang.  "Yeah, Xiang Cheng must be here." Mitsumi Fukuda let go of her hands and walked towards the door coolly, "Hurry up, follow me." She waved to Shen Zhenghui, her expression just now disappeared.  .  "I got fooled again." Shen Zhenghui shook his head helplessly and muttered to himself as he walked away.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: I drank a bit too much today and am not in good condition. Sorry.
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