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Volume 1 Chapter 292 Proposal

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    Rich people sometimes don¡¯t have a very happy Spring Festival.  ¡·Let¡¯s not talk about Shen Zhenghui, let¡¯s just say that Shen Xingguo is celebrating the Spring Festival in his hometown. The leaders of the county and even the city have to come to your door several times to show that they care about your family very much. Shen Xingguo¡¯s mother,  Shen Zhenghui's grandmother still lives in her hometown, and his younger brothers and sisters have no plans to leave their hometown, so no matter how unhappy he is, Shen Xingguo still has to keep his attitude very low when facing his parents.  Shen Zhenghui is also facing the same troubles, and he is even more troubled than his father because leaders from the province also want to visit him.  Because of his plan to help high school students go abroad, he was closely watched by the relevant departments in the province.  Even the education department is obsessed with improving political performance. The goal is to make big news. The Harvard girl who made a fuss was created by the province. It was big news and a hot topic in society at the time. In the future, she dropped out of school and was as famous as that girl.  The guy is relatively famous.  ¡°However, in an era where information is particularly developed, fame is too valuable. According to the standards of a capitalist society, the guy who dropped out of school is still better because he earns more money.  Shen Zhenghui's plan gave the education department the energy to make a fuss.  Especially since the first session was so successful, the two girls studying in the UK were also well publicized, and they had no concern at all whether they would not get scholarships and come back from the UK to take the college entrance examination again.  Ning Huan's Kyoto University did mention it, but one party was not very cooperative with the publicity, so the publicity department did not know the specific achievements of Ning Huan. These achievements would have to wait until Ning Huan graduated from university and fully entered the entertainment industry.  If we announce it again, otherwise, there will be nothing to do with the two powerful writers born in the 1980s.  "Lao Bai becoming a professional player is also something worth bragging about, but the German Third Division football league is really too low-level.  The propaganda department didn't care at all.  It's not interesting to be in China's A-A or even the Chinese Super League, and the copywriting promoting Lao Bai is just trying to prove that he studies while working.  After several years of studying abroad, the effects can only be seen after being subtle and long-term. The publicity department is very anxious to produce results.  The province has decided to vigorously promote the development of this matter, and the leaders have discussed using Shen Zhenghui's channels several times.  The province must raise its own funds to release more students.  If there were a few college students from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton every year, it would be enough to support the educational achievements of this province.  At this stage, everyone is still generally in the stage of admiring foreign things.  The Education Department put forward a more practical suggestion, designating Chengdu Foreign Language School to establish a study abroad class every year, and sending the entire class to study in foreign universities, so as to train students in this area from the beginning.  Across the country, this experience has been overwhelming.  Shen Zhenghui doesn¡¯t care about this. Anyway, his study abroad plan is only for his high school alma mater.  Apart from that, he doesn't care about anything. He can cooperate with channels. This idea of ??studying abroad, which is both eager for quick success and a bit irritating, is very popular in coastal areas. It seems a bit unconventional to do it in a province like the mainland. Anyway,  The hope of this province is to be the leader of the five southwestern provinces, and the reputation of the southwestern region is what it gains.  Ning Huan also came back to China and took a few days off.  Come here specifically to accompany your parents.  According to him, there is really no point in studying liberal arts at university.  What the professor instilled was not as deep as what he himself could understand by casual reading. His biggest hobby during the holidays was brainwashing his younger brother. He taught his younger brother a few words of postmodern literature. Pretending was definitely enough.  And his younger brother will also follow in his footsteps and study a so-called literature major.  Ning Huan also felt excited when Shen Zhenghui acquired ATV, which meant that he could write Chinese TV drama scripts with a Hong Kong and Taiwan background.  Like Shen Zhenghui, this guy grew up watching Hong Kong movies, and he also has special feelings for Hong Kong movies. Although he eventually defected and switched to watching Korean dramas, Japanese dramas, and Taiwanese dramas, and what he is doing now is transplanting the TV dramas he has watched to Japan.  work.  But just like an artistic person with a jumping mind, he has been doing a certain kind of work for a long time.  I just want to do something different.  Ning Huan suddenly got tired of writing Japanese and Korean soap operas and was ready to work on the theme of Hong Kong dramas. This was also a good thing for Shen Zhenghui. After all, ATV's resources for good screenwriters were almost lost.  The emergency was saved by airing old TV series.  Ning Huan himself also visited Shen Zhenghui during the Chinese New Year, but when he saw Shen Zhenghui racking his brains to write a proposal, he felt a little ridiculous.  "You actually put the effort into writing this?" "I always have to maintain my consistent image," Shen Zhenghui said with a sigh, "I can't be very enthusiastic in the past few years and suddenly lose interest in making proposals, right?"  "I think it's nothing," Ning Huan pouted, "On the contrary, if you always make proposals, others will find you annoying.""So I put forward different proposals every year, and I'm not interested in supervising and seeing how the proposals are being processed." Shen Zhenghui knocked on the table, "If I'm being fooled, I can also propose a proposal to strengthen system construction and oppose corruption.  "Proposal, but it doesn't make any sense to put it forward, so just write it according to your own ideas." "What are you going to propose?" Ning Huan, who was also very concerned about politics in his previous life, asked with interest.  Arriving in front of Shen Zhenghui's computer, he looked at the title, "Proposal on Strengthening RMB Internationalization and Establishing and Improving the RMB Offshore Trading Market." Ning Huan was a little dazed. He read the beginning of the article carefully, thoughtfully.  "Are you trying to help Hong Kong fight for the interests?" "Did I mention a word about Hong Kong?" "I think it said a lot," Ning Huan is no longer an ordinary college student in her previous life.  The news is very sensitive. "Hong Kong was already a pilot site for the RMB offshore trading market last year. Isn't your proposal just to speed up the development of Hong Kong's RMB offshore trading market?" "I just read this article.  It's just a superficial view," Shen Zhenghui replied, "The focus of this article is 'RMB internationalization. '" "Are you preparing for the financial crisis in 2008?" Ning Huan asked in a daze.  "Of course, you can also think that I am speculating for myself and establishing my own expert authority." Shen Zhenghui smiled, "Actually, mainland bosses will understand after reading this article. What I mean by RMB internationalization and  On the surface, the RMB offshore market is shouting for Hong Kong, but in fact it is saying that it should be opened wider. It is definitely not enough to rely on Hong Kong alone. " "Oh?" Ning Huan sat down and pushed Shen Zhenghui away.  I read the full article carefully, indeed.  Although it sounds vague, it is clearly making such a request when telling it.  "While industrial industrialization, we must have the foresight to develop financial industrialization and have a place in the international financial field." Shen Zhenghui spread his hands, "Actually, there are many people with such foresight, but I can't be a magician now.  The government jumped out and said that the government should use the huge amount of foreign exchange in its hands to build its own international financial instruments instead of investing in the United States to pay political protection fees. "Ning Huan snorted, "It's definitely useless to say it," he said.  It would only be possible if a financial tsunami like the one in 2008 happened. "But the financial crisis happened in 2008, and it was not until 2014 that the country came up with the 'One Belt, One Road' and AIIB countermeasures." Shen Zhenghui touched his chin.  ¡°I don¡¯t want to pretend to be a prophet, but if I want to have the right to speak, I have to do this.¡± He paused and then said, ¡°More importantly, I really need such an offshore market to help the development of my career.  "Huh?" Ning Huan blinked.  ¡°The RMB appreciates, the yen depreciates, etc.,¡± Shen Zhenghui rubbed his chin.  "It's a good opportunity." Ning Huan shook his head, "It's too complicated." He said, "By the way, I am writing a script for a Hong Kong TV series. I think if I can predict the future of Hong Kong, maybe  "It's a very interesting thing." "You want to occupy Central?" Shen Zhenghui asked, "What do you think of the mainland's attitude towards filming this kind of TV series?" "We just write them as villains," Ning Huan said enthusiastically.  Wouldn't it be interesting to watch movies or TV series when these people actually do this? " "Whatever, you just wrote it." Shen Zhenghui said, "If ATV is too good, it will lose its weight, and the children will be troubled.  I think it¡¯s better to make trouble sooner rather than later.¡± After reading Shen Zhenghui¡¯s article again, Ning Huan suddenly mentioned, ¡°If you write this kind of proposal, the representatives of Pengcheng will definitely ask you whether you are a representative of Pengcheng.  Actually speaking for Hong Kong, at least on the surface. Don't you mean that Pengcheng and Pu Hai hate Hong Kong? "You can show this view in a TV series with gloating," Shen Zhenghui said.  "Anyway, this proposal is not for ordinary people, nor is it for other National People's Congress deputies to see. It is just a propaganda. I am just showing off." So Ning Huan stopped mentioning this issue, and he turned to talk about the old man.  Bai's life in Germany, "After the end of last season, their team hired Rangnick as the head coach a year in advance." He usually communicates with Bai most often on the Internet, "This season's promotion is very sure, 05-06  Maybe we can see the Chinese Derby in the Bundesliga this season. "This is a good thing." Shen Zhenghui invested in letting Bai Tao play in Germany. On the one hand, it is to help his friends, and on the other hand, it is also a sense.  investment, but the reward is not money. "How is his performance?""I have watched several of their games," Ning Huan shrugged. "I have to say that Lao Bai really has a touch of Vieira's style. At least his long-range shots are better than Vieira's." "You.  Are you talking about Vieira who is still in Cannes?" Shen Zhenghui made a gesture.  "Vieira is also very good in Cannes, okay?" Ning Huan said, "Let's not talk about arranging Mr. Xu's jokes." "Then what are his current characteristics? Is there any improvement?" "Characteristics?"  He's just very good at running." Ning Huan's eyes widened, "This guy is like a wild dog on the court. He doesn't stop, and his technical movements are also decent. His long-range shots are powerful and accurate. It's like an upgrade.  "Li Tie." Shen Zhenghui blinked, "There is still a big difference between Li Tie and Vieira." "I'll give you an example with someone you know well," Ning Huan said, "Besides, I don't know this guy very well.  What is his strength? Anyway, he performed well in Germany's third division. He said that the local fans like him very much. "It's difficult to attract female fans with his appearance!" "You're wrong," Ning Huan said.  With an envious expression, "He said that a local German high school girl confessed to him that she wanted to be his girlfriend. She is really good-looking. I have seen the photos." "German Dragoon," Shen Zhenghui curled his lips, "When she grows up, she will  I don¡¯t know what¡¯s going on, look at Merkel.¡± ¡°But he¡¯s attracted to my sister who is still in junior high school, this beast,¡± Ning Huan scolded.  "I thought it would be better if he went abroad, but the result is still the same." Ning Huan looked disdainful, "The most disgusting thing is that he actually took advantage of the holiday to go to the UK and play tricks with Zhang Yi and Tangni!" "Isn't this the case?  His true nature?" Shen Zhenghui felt a little emotional. In this case, Ning Huan could only resonate with Shen Zhenghui emotionally.  In the last life, after Bai Tao entered college, he fell in love with someone's little girl in junior high school, and even wrote love letters to her, although she became a so-called "sister" in the end.  But as good friends, Shen Zhenghui and Ning Huan still strongly despised Bai Tao's behavior.  He had an unrequited love for Zhang Yi for three years in junior high school, and then announced the end of the fruitless unrequited love in high school, and started to have a romantic relationship in college.  Bai Tao was the first among the three of them to have a girlfriend, but he was the last to get married. After graduating from college, he had no problem finding women, which made both Shen Zhenghui and Ning Huan marvel.  How did this guy evolve to this point from being a very innocent guy in school?  Now it seems that life abroad has not changed the direction of his emotional life.  On the contrary, it catalyzed his maturity in this area.  "I heard that his coach and teammates like him very much." Ning Huan said, "I don't know why he is so good." "I think it is easy for a guy like Lao Bai with a gangster temperament to attract people.  Shen Zhenghui thought thoughtfully, and then he added, "Regardless of whether he is a man or a woman." He looked at Ning Huan, "You have to admit. This guy at least behaves quite maturely. His family background was not good before.  When he was mature, he was pretending to be 13, but now his situation is different. You have to admit that although he often does things with high ambitions and low abilities, if he really puts his energy into it, the results will not be bad. " "This is quite good.  ." Ning Huan was thoughtful.  Shen Zhenghui knocked on the table, "Should we talk about your love life? How about Kyoto?" Ning Huan quickly shook his head, "Japanese girls are too ugly and wear too much makeup. I can't bear it." Ha,  Is this your attitude?  The two sessions were held on time, and Shen Zhenghui's proposal seemed to be uneventful and did not cause any big noise.  Most committee members cannot understand this proposal at all. Those who do understand the proposal will feel that it is written too easily, and the conclusions are also casual and not thoughtful enough.  However, this proposal has triggered some topics.  The leaders also raised this issue during the meeting, and naturally a thick analysis report was produced by professionals.  The results of the analysis report are actually very simple. The problems mentioned in Shen Zhenghui's proposal do exist, but the current situation is so unsolvable. There is no better investment channel than investing in US financial assets. With China's strength, it wants to be in the world.  Starting over in financial markets seems too risky.  After all, China now is not the second-largest China in the world in the future.  ¡°However, in some small places, experts and bureaucrats have also made some small suggestions to reduce various risks.  When mentioning the offshore RMB trading market, intelligence analysts analyzed this. The trade flow between Shen Zhenghui and his partners Fukuda Mitsumi and Wang Anping is a big cycle. Every year, Fukuda Mitsumi releases a large amount of yen.  The U.S. dollars can be converted into RMB through Hong Kong or other channels and invested in the Chinese market, or the Fukuda family¡¯s trade profits in China can be directly invested in China. He called for strengthening the RMBThe suggestions for offshore markets and financial trade centers are also, to a large extent, his own commercial and financial requirements.  In the future, if Shen Zhenghui continues to invest in Hollywood blockbusters, he will also need a platform to provide foreign financing.  This analysis makes many people breathe a sigh of relief. However, China¡¯s leaders have always walked very steadily and generally do not do things vigorously unless there is an emergency.  It is a general requirement to take one step and see three steps. Since Shen Zhenghui made such a request, it is necessary to satisfy him in exchange.  As a result, Shen Zhenghui's investment in Minsheng Bank was quickly promoted. Executives from several major state-owned banks also came to visit Shen Zhenghui. They all said the same thing. If Mr. Shen has needs for financing, he can directly contact the bank in Hong Kong.  office.  Now that Mr. Shen is about to take the title of director of Minsheng Bank, this means that he will have certain conveniences in financing within the industry.  Wang Anping was also keenly aware of the significance of Shen Zhenghui's proposal, but it was only for now. After a few years, when the financial crisis broke out, this proposal would be like a prophecy, and Shen Zhenghui's name would be mentioned by senior officials.  A deep impression, so his other side can make a deep impression on people.  During the two sessions, Shen Zhenghui also had the convenience of dialogue with the leaders of the TV station management agency.  In principle, the leaders readily agreed. The responsible leader even directly assigned Lingnan to Shen Zhenghui and allowed his program to be launched directly.  However, Shen Zhenghui would not be able to rest assured if the specific plan was not worked out.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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