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Volume 1 Chapter 264 The Power of "Hurricane Rescue"

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    "Did I come at the wrong time?" Mason asked Anderson somewhat uneasily.  ¡Í "No," Anderson mused, "I think he probably doesn't want to continue talking to me. Even if you don't come, he will probably find other excuses to leave." Although he knew this was to comfort himself, Mason  Still feeling much better, "What did you talk about?" "He mentioned Sauron's recent crazy behavior." Anderson leaned on the chair, "Although he tried hard to hide it, I don't think he knows much about our world.  "Oh?" Mason was a little surprised, "Didn't his Japanese wife tell him?" "They were not married," Anderson said seriously, "Solon seems to have done something extraordinary to him in England."  "Ah!" Mason covered his mouth, and the expression on his face was really mixed. As far as Anderson could read, it was excitement, joy, and sympathy.  Anderson, who was familiar with her, immediately said, "It's not what you think," he shook his head, "It seems that Sauron wanted to torture something out of his mouth in order to obtain information about Japan." "He is really like this.  Did you do it?" Mason couldn't believe it. "I think he's pretty good." "This is what Sauron does," Anderson tilted his head. "He always believes in technology, war, and iron and blood. Japan is nothing to worry about.  ," Anderson raised his head, "He himself is still too short-sighted and always eager for quick success. " "Forget it," Mason said with some disdain for Anderson's comments, "I think we should adopt a practical attitude in this regard."  She said seriously, "If Sauron's final actions can achieve his goal, your criticism is not objective." "I think that his ability to achieve his goal is the beginning of all trouble." Anderson pouted.  "Then what attitude are you going to adopt towards our Director Shen?" Mason spread his hands, "Since he knows nothing." "This problem must be viewed from two aspects. On the one hand, he knows nothing.  "You know, he himself is not a threat," Anderson said, "I think this is why Sauron let him go in the end and let him go back to Japan; but on the other hand, it shows the terrifying nature of our Japanese friends.  "Especially since she is a woman." "How do you know she is a woman?" Mason asked.  "Isn't it? I heard she gave birth to a child." Anderson asked.  ¡°I mean how can you confirm that she is a woman at heart and soul?¡± Mason continued.  Anderson held his forehead, "I don't think we need to discuss this issue. At least, she is essentially a human being." "How do you know?" Mason continued to ask, "Who knows what is inside her bones? Can you see through her?  ?" "I can't see through anyone," Anderson replied, "Even Mr. Shen, I can't see through him when he's standing in front of me. But" "But?" "I'm very interested in his movies.  Confidence." Anderson smiled.  Anderson¡¯s vision was right.  "Taken", which was released a week later than Europe, triggered a box office frenzy as soon as it was released in North America.  North American audiences were greatly disappointed by "The Matrix 3". The Wachowski brothers couldn't figure out the bottom line, which led to a sharp decline in the box office of the third film, which was less than half of the second film.  The originally exciting martial arts turned into superhuman performances and hot weapons, and the heroine was killed in the end. If an online article was written like this, readers would have scolded it.  Colombia's much-hyped "Escape" fits the market very well at this time, with a secret agent dad, a beautiful daughter, a rescue story, etc.  In addition, Shen Zhenghui, the signature kung fu movie director, is very popular among many people in North America, and many of his films are released in North America.  The box office is also good, and it has created a good reputation.  When "The Rescue" is connected with a series of previously well-received movies, such as "Black Fist", "Fenglin High School", and "The Strange Case of Ryoko Yakushiji", audiences with unique tastes gather together, triggering  A box office explosion.  Of course, high-quality movies attract more viewers.  The cyber trolls accepted the mission and began to publicize it.  The plot of the story can easily become a topic among young children, especially girls.  As an audience, teenagers quickly affected the entire family. In a sense, this movie really has a strong educational and realistic meaning.  Parents don't mind giving their sons or daughters a small warning after watching this adrenaline-burning movie - especially daughters.  You know, "Taken" can be summed up with some nagging: listen to dad and talk to dad on the phone more often.  Don't trust handsome guys, don't associate with bold female classmates, and keep your integrity.??+Lucky Such ridicule on the Internet has promoted the movie to become more popular.  Thanks to the hot promotion in Colombia, it was released on Thursday and the box office revenue of 4,000 theaters reached 59 million US dollars in its first opening. According to this data, the film's box office of over 200 million is just around the corner.  As far as Shen Zhenghui knew, such opening results could only be described as average.  Far lower than the premiere of "The Matrix 2" of nearly 92 million, and lower than the more than 85 million of "X-Men 2". It is also inferior to the more than 70 million of "Lord of the Rings 3" and "Finding Dory" released later.  Compared with the 62 million of "The Incredible Hulk" and nearly 68 million of "The Impostor", it is better than the 44 million of "Terminator 3" and more than 48 million of "The Matrix 3", and also better than the "Pirates of the Caribbean"  46.6 million.  But you must know that Liam Neeson, the star of "Taken", is not a star with huge box office appeal such as Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, and Jim Carrey. He once won an Oscar for "Schindler's List"  Nominated, but this does not mean that he is an actor of the highest level.  When Shen Zhenghui signed a contract with him, his salary was only US$2 million.  Aside from him, the film's supporting cast is truly a supporting cast, and they're both good and cheap outside of Hollywood.  Shooting in Europe is much cheaper than shooting in the United States.  The cost of more than 10 million yuan is in exchange for high-quality movies. Columbia does not hesitate to spend money on publicity. After luring people into the cinema, it must satisfy them with movies that can satisfy them. Obviously, "The Rescue"  ¡·It was successful at this point.  Because of this.  Columbia credits the film's popularity with being the real one - and actually - Sim himself.  With such a film, Shen Zhenghui elevated his importance to the ranks of Hollywood's top actors.  After the first four days of screening, Thanksgiving is here again, and "Taken" has become a money-grabbing tool during the holiday, because the elders find that they don't actually need to remind their juniors about safety issues, they just need to take them to watch a movie.  Enough.  The fierceness shown by Liam Neeson in the movie and the cold-blooded ruthlessness and ferocity he showed for his daughter are very popular among young girls. Teenagers living in fantasy also hope that they can have a relationship after watching the movie.  A dad like Liam Neeson.  So it spread spontaneously with children.  The student group was inspired with unprecedented enthusiasm for watching movies. In the second week, the cumulative box office for the seven days did not fall but rose. The box office data reached 61 million US dollars. This is quite surprising data. If you go by this  Momentum is building, and it seems like the movie could be out for six weeks or more.  Now there is no need to actively attract audiences to go to the cinema. Colombia has started a new round of publicity. The main creative staff, including director Shen Zhenghui, has begun to appear in the recording studios of major programs to tell stories about the filming of the film.  Shen Zhenghui finally appeared on the Oprah talk show he expected.  This black lady is looking forward to communicating with a yellow director. Her program team has carefully collected the results of all Shen Zhenghui's works and concluded that the cumulative box office of the works Shen Zhenghui has participated in and directed has exceeded one billion US dollars.  , and a large part of this billion-dollar box office was achieved outside the United States. When she heard that Shen Zhenghui was not yet thirty years old, Oprah let out her own exclamation.  "You know that even in Hollywood, your results are considered to be among the top in filming." Aunt Oprah said.  "You are very attentive, and this data is very interesting. If I have time, I would also like to calculate my own results." Shen Zhenghui said with some relief.  "Is Taken going to be your best box office hit?" Oprah asked. "You know. Now that the European box office is out, they haven't taken it off the assembly line yet, and so far, the European box office  It has accumulated more than 100 million US dollars. "The United States has also exceeded 100 million US dollars," Shen Zhenghui said calmly.  "Then it's already 200 million, but the movie has only been released in the United States for two weeks." Oprah said, "Experts speculate that it may be more than 200 million. What do you think?" "If "Lord of the Rings 3" is not released at this time  Just release it." Shen Zhenghui sighed.  Oprah laughed, "If converted into RMB, the box office has almost exceeded 2 billion RMB, right? Are you the best Chinese director in history?" "Maybe not as good as John Woo." Shen Zhenghui thought for a while and said  .  "No, no, you've surpassed him." Oprah said.  Shen Zhenghui himself was a little stunned, "Really?" "Even if it hasn't been exceeded, it will definitely be exceeded after "Hurricane Rescue" is over." The other party said confidently.  "Okay." "Aren't you excited?" the black aunt asked, "I thought someone like you would, to be the most powerful Asian, I should be very excited.  " "There should still be a little bit," Shen Zhenghui nodded, "But every time you set a record, you will want some higher goals to achieve.  " "Are you so aggressive?  You know, after many people have achieved such achievements, they" Oprah waved her hand, "It seems that I can live a good life without doing anything else in my life. You have never lacked the motivation to move forward.  ?  "It's hard to describe this feeling," Shen Zhenghui frowned, "My heart has always been at the point where I need constant affirmation from others, which means that I must constantly make new things to gain the approval of others."  In the past, I probably just wanted the movie to be seen by people, but later I hoped for a high box office. It is very likely that in the future, I will feel that if some authoritative awards award me an award, it will make me feel very happy and happy.  " "Wow, it's strange to say that you have won very few awards.  ¡± ¡°Most of them are technical awards.  "Shen Zhenghui smiled. "The box office is high but the awards are few.  " "Isn't this a normal thing?  ¡± Shen Zhenghui frankly showed his thoughts on TV. His age makes him different from ordinary directors. Young people admire directors because of their achievements and works. Shen Zhenghui showed another possibility. He and young people  People are very close. These young people who watched his interview were surprised to find that the spiritual world shown by Shen Zhenghui was very close to them. ¡°He said he needs an award?  "Anderson also watched the show. "So he went to Venice.  Mason snorted and said, "They gave him a consolation prize, and he wanted a real one."  " "Maybe we should help this director more.  " Anderson said. "Why?  Do you see the shadow of your youth in him?  "Mason asked. "Ah, maybe it's your shadow.  Anderson tilted his head, "You have tried countless times and finally discovered that you are not actually suitable for the work of director and actor."  " "I just don't like it.  "Mason defended. "I lack understanding of these jobs, because they should be extremely glamorous jobs, but who knew they were so tiring.  " "But here is a ready example.  Anderson pointed at the TV. This elicited a cold snort from Mason, "Maybe this was his previous job."  " "So he was unknown in the past, but when he got the opportunity, he rose to the sky. Isn't this also worthy of admiration?  " Anderson asked rhetorically. Shen Zhenghui was well explored by Oprah in the program. His narration of his growth experience and thinking attracted fans who fell in love with him because of the movie. This series of programs naturally continued to promote "  The box office data of "The Rescue" showed that the box office remained at 45 million yuan in the third week. In the fourth week, before the release of "Lord of the Rings 3", the box office increased by another 29 million yuan, reaching a total of 194 million yuan. It is worth seeing.  Before, breaking through the 200 million box office has become a certainty, and Colombia is in ecstasy because of this. This box office has been able to rank 7th in the annual box office rankings. In addition to the United States, it was released a week in advance in Europe.  The cumulative box office has reached more than 170 million, and it is also being released in other places, such as Japan and Hong Kong. Kasuga is responsible for the distribution in Asia. Shen Zhenghui has unparalleled appeal in Japan, and the box office has exceeded 170 million in four weeks.  10 billion yen. Hollywood's performance directly contributed to the box office surge in Japan. What is surprising is that in Hong Kong, the declining Hong Kong film industry has no resistance to this movie. "The Rescue" swept Hong Kong and took away eight movies.  The box office of "Infernal Affairs: Infernal Affairs" was over 40 million Hong Kong dollars, which was the number one movie in Hong Kong in 2003. This amazing figure became a joke after watching the plot of "The Rescue".  , and after learning about the movie's box office, Jack Cheng couldn't sit still. The cumulative global box office has exceeded 400 million US dollars before the release. Jack Cheng has only done this at his peak. Now, he obviously knows very well.  As he gets older and his body functions decline, the best he can do is maintain his influence.  In this movie, he turned into a hard-edged agent, and left a deep impression on people - if not profound, it would be unforgettable. The global box office of 400 million US dollars was simply unforgettable, and then he suddenly became an action star.  Apart from anything else, the future series of "Hurricane Rescue" will definitely be shot by him, regardless of whether the director is Shen Zhenghui. By then, his salary will no longer be 2 million US dollars, but will at least increase tenfold.  Yes, after such aAlthough Liam Neeson's net worth will not necessarily become a top actor due to the foreshadowing of the film, in the sequel to "Taken", his net worth will definitely be comparable to that of veteran action stars such as Schwarzenegger.  Just like Disney's biggest surprise this year, "Pirates of the Caribbean."  Captain Jack Sparrow adds to Johnny Depp's stardom, making him one of the most expensive stars with the series, and Liam Neeson is almost as lucky as him.  Mr. Xiang is not in a hurry yet. The news that he wants to cooperate with Jack Cheng and Shen Zhenghui has been released. By this time, he has been able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. On the contrary, other people who are not related are starting to work hard at this time.  Big bosses with resources have already begun to show their kindness to Mr. Xiang, hoping to get some advantage.  When they heard that Mr. Xiang wanted to spend more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars to make a movie, they might have laughed at the gangster behind his back or thought he was laundering money.  Now they no longer think so. The profit-loving Hong Kong people have been stunned by the staggering profit of US$400 million, especially when they learned that the production cost of this movie was only more than US$10 million. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? This 400 million is simply pure profit.  Everybody crowded over hoping to take a bite of this cake.  Jack Cheng's partner, Boss Yang, was the first to take action. He had previously advised Jack Cheng to put aside the cooperation plan and wait and see, or else finish the movie "New Police Story" first, because his young artists needed to be popular with movies.  .  But when the 400 million box office result came out, no, when the 59 million box office debut came out, he could no longer sit still and encouraged Jack Cheng to take the initiative to contact Shen Zhenghui.  If it weren't for Mr. Xiang's words that couldn't be circumvented, Boss Yang himself would even be willing to pay more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars on Mr. Xiang's behalf.  "But, how to choose this salary?" Jack Cheng was very worried.  "Try to account for as much investment as possible," Boss Yang knew very well. "Just look at the box office results. The more investment you account for, the richer the profits will be. What do you need money for?" He said, "Let's do this. Let's  Let¡¯s talk to the Xiang family and we¡¯ll pay for it together.¡± Jack Cheng finally picked up the phone at Boss Yang¡¯s instigation.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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