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Volume 1 Chapter 247 Relaxation

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    Sometimes, when Shen Zhenghui was alone again in the dead of night, he couldn't help but look at his familiar yet unfamiliar face in the mirror.  ¡ĞAt the same time, I also lament that all the other time-travelers seem to have successful careers and live in harmony in the harem. Although I can be considered successful in my career, it seems far behind compared to the novel. To talk about the harmony in the harem,  It seems that it can be said, but the dominance of this harmony does not seem to be in one's own hands.  So when he looked at his face, he always felt that it was not the face of the protagonist.  Now, with what Mitsumi Fukuda said, the depression in his heart erupted like a volcano.  Everything is out of his control, not even the birth of the child is under his control. This makes the man's dignity seem to be seriously challenged, and Mitsumi Fukuda's attitude and the meaning of her words seem to indicate that she knows more.  , concealing more.  So Shen Zhenghui took a deep breath, "I want to go to the United States as soon as possible to start filming a movie." He said, "Let Miyamoto go with me, and before going, I also want to wander around Europe." "Why?" Fukuda Hikaru  Mei asked with interest, "You are suddenly going to Europe?" "Go and see the children I sponsored." "Oh, I remember there were two girls who went there last year," Mitsumi Fukuda nodded.  , "Then two more girls came this year." "I will go to Germany first. If I don't have time, I won't go to the UK." Shen Zhenghui said.  "Oh?" Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head, "Do you have any expectations for the child playing football?" Then she shook her head, "I think if you want to please the future Chinese leader, your efforts will be too small.  With your status, you can send dozens or hundreds of children to Europe to receive professional football training." "Obviously I am not that kind of person." "You don't want to flatter me too obviously?" Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head.  .  "Let me put it bluntly, judging from the many things happening in the world that deviate from the original historical process, do you really think that gentleman can still ascend to the position of leader?" "God bless China." Shen Zhenghui didn't want to  Discussing this topic with Fukuda Mitsumi, he answered succinctly.  "God?" Mitsumi Fukuda asked.  "Actually, this is just a code name. I can also say Taizu bless China." Shen Zhenghui continued.  "It's unexpectedly meaningful!" Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head and said, and she immediately started immersing herself in organizing documents.  "But it doesn't matter, you made the arrangements yourself." "Don't you think you should give me more explanations?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "If you confirm what you want to hear." Mitsumi Fukuda said, but she immediately added, "But you can rest assured that you will not be in any danger in a short time." "Are you so sure?" "Being a gangster  When guys with a chessboard world start a large-scale plan, they won't care about a lustful director, even if the director is from time travel," Mitsumi Fukuda said, "You are so transparent, they just need to check.  You'll know right away. Except for some stocks and film careers, there is no way you can threaten their status." She paused, "I thought you did it intentionally. If you are in the Chinese bureaucracy, you are in danger now.  The degree is much higher." Shen Zhenghui took a deep breath, relieved, and at the same time a little confused.  "What do you think I should do?" "Aren't you going to Europe? Germany, the UK?" Mitsumi Fukuda continued, "If possible, you can use British actors to star in your new movie, because they are cheaper  " "Then what are you going to do?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "Are you sure you want to know?" Mitsumi Fukuda's mouth curled up.  "Sorry, Zhenghui," she said, "if you are willing to propose to me again, I don't think I will hide anything from you anymore." "Proposal?" "Don't worry, I won't agree."  Fukuda Mitsumi showed a sly smile.  "It's just to test your maturity." Shen Zhenghui shook his head vigorously, "I despair of this world full of lies."  Shen Zhenghui, Miyamoto, Ning Huan and three bodyguards got on the flight  On the German plane, Fujido Xiangcheng still followed Shen Zhenghui as a bodyguard. Shen Zhenghui had already labeled her as Fukuda Mitsumi's eyes and ears in his mind.  Ning Huan was a little excited when she took such a long-distance flight for the first time, especially when she looked at the blond and blue-eyed flight attendants.  Miyamoto is relatively busy.  He was reading the script written by Ning Huan, sometimes shocked and sometimes frowning.  Shen Zhenghui was in a very anxious mood, but he concealed it.?Very good.  Wear an eye mask and get ready for a good night's sleep.  Ning Huan was bored, so he had no choice but to take out the book he was carrying from his backpack and read it. As a screenwriter, his creativity and plot were qualified - this was the accumulation of a lot of reading and extensive watching of future movies and TV series.  But in terms of knowledge structure and knowledge mastery, he still has big deficiencies.  So he was forced to learn knowledge whenever he had time.  An encyclopedic mind is very important for screenwriters, especially in eliminating unreasonable scripts. At the very least, you need to know which experts you should consult for certain details and settings.  Ning Huan's greatest advantage is that he is open-minded.  So when Miyamoto read the script, he looked at Ning Huan with disbelief.  When Shen Zhenghui woke up from his dream again, he saw Miyamoto drinking coffee with red eyes. He seemed to have finished reading the script. He was writing and drawing on the script, seemingly adding his own thoughts and comments.  Seeing Shen Zhenghui wake up and return from the toilet, Miyamoto approached Shen Zhenghui, as if he wanted to say something to him.  "What's wrong?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "This script is amazing," Miyamoto said. "The story and structure are perfect, but some details need to be consulted with professionals." "Oh." Shen Zhenghui nodded.  "This guy is really a genius." Miyamoto looked at Ning Huan, who was sleeping with his mouth open and almost drooling, "It's really unbelievable." "There are always such geniuses, like you and me."  Shen Zhenghui replied.  Miyamoto seemed a little pleased that he and Shen Zhenghui were side by side, but also a little uneasy. He moved his body.  "But if it were filmed like this, the French government would be unhappy." He almost wanted to say that the French government would be hacked in the movie.  Yes, in "Taken", gangs are everywhere in Paris, and the organized immigration underworld brazenly abducts girls traveling to Paris and sells them out through various channels.  France's law enforcement agencies are closely collaborating with gangs and are corrupt.  This film is a script written by a group of French people, and is also directed by a French person. There is no problem for them to self-defeat, but if an outsider shoots it like this, they have to take political factors into consideration.  "There's nothing to worry about. Isn't this the truth?" Shen Zhenghui said casually.  Miyamoto was extremely surprised, "Isn't it fiction?" "Of course not." Shen Zhenghui said, and he began to recall the news he had seen on the forum.  The United Nations has a report on the trafficking of women and children around the world. The report shows that a large number of women are trafficked for commercial purposes every year around the world.  In Europe, the most serious areas of trafficking are Eastern Europe controlled by the former Soviet Union, such as Romania and Ukraine. The areas where women are trafficked are obviously economically developed countries, so France is not innocent in any case.  When Shen Zhenghui vowed to use the United Nations report as an endorsement to clarify the origin of the script idea to Miyamoto, Miyamoto was truly frightened.  Although he is also talented.  He can be considered a good Japanese director, but fundamentally speaking.  It is still difficult for him to eradicate the fixed impression that Europe and America are superior.  Of course, Shen Zhenghui had the same idea before, but he was gradually corrected by the development of history.  So on the plane, Miyamoto was influenced by the world view again, and suddenly realized: Ah, maybe the Soviet Union is bad.  But it seems that without the Soviet Union, the countries previously controlled by the Soviet Union were even worse.  Director Miyamoto took the first step to being brainwashed.  The plane finally landed in Hamburg. Although Miyamoto felt that Shen Zhenghui's trip to Germany to visit the high school students sponsored by him was a bit of a fuss, but as a Japanese, he did not say anything against it on the surface.  He even seemed excited.  Because the Japanese player Naotai Takahara plays for Hamburg in Germany.  Miyamoto also hopes to take this opportunity to meet this Japanese compatriot.  In this regard, Shen Zhenghui didn't know what expression to use, because in addition to Bai Tao, Kasuga also sponsored other Japanese children to study in the Hamburg youth team. Maybe Bai Tao and them are still in direct competition, and maybe even fighting.  Over the shelf.  What Ning Huan knew about Bai Tao's current situation was what Bai Tao himself said. Shen Zhenghui contacted the Hamburg Club under the banner of Chunri, but the other party enthusiastically sent a car to pick him up and arranged a series of activities.  However, all extra activities were rejected by Shen Zhenghui, and he did not want to disturb the head coach Kurt Yara.  So the club specially dispatched a deputy manager named Simon to lead Shen Zhenghui to visit the club and take them to the youth team to see the people he wanted to see. At the same time, it also fulfilled Miyamoto's request to meet Naotai Takahara.  ??Obviously the Germans are still very interested in this cooperation plan with Kasuga. Only now did Shen Zhenghui know that Mitsumi Fukuda was involved in the Hamburg youth team.??Four Japanese young people, these four Japanese young people were selected from the reserves of the Japanese J-League team to study abroad. This is obviously a small and medium-sized plan. Bai Tao said that he still took a ride on Mitsumi Fukuda.  This German named Simon also knows a lot about movies. After learning that Shen Zhenghui was the director of "Shanghai Fortress", he obviously became much more enthusiastic.  "This is really a good film," he said. "The Japanese can also achieve the level of Hollywood. It's amazing." He sighed a little, "In comparison, German films are much worse." "That's it.  A movie made in China." Shen Zhenghui had to explain, "I am also Chinese." Simon was quite surprised, but he still maintained his hospitality. "I thought, sorry, because this project is with Japan.  People cooperated with each other, so I thought" He paused, a little confused, "So as a director, what does it have to do with you?" It's really troublesome to explain. As a Chinese working in Japan, Shen Zhenghui  It took me a long time to explain things clearly.  By the time they finished speaking, the group had already walked to the training ground of the youth team.  ¡°The boys are all good,¡± Simon said, ¡°but the coach told me that the kids from Asia don¡¯t seem to be strong enough.¡± Yes, obviously, as Shen Zhenghui sees it.  Several yellow-skinned players obviously deliberately avoided physical confrontation during the game. Their skills were slightly superior, and their passing and receiving skills were also good.  But this does not include Bai Tao. He was known for his physical strength when he was in high school in China. He only wore a long-sleeved T-shirt and a jacket throughout the winter.  Amazing physical fitness.  When I saw him in Germany at this time, he seemed to be stronger than when he was in China, stronger than the German youths around him.  Although he is much shorter in stature, he runs like a wild boar, charging wildly. He often messes up the opponent's formation, but by the way, he also messes up the formation of his team.  Simon waved his hand, called over an assistant coach, and introduced him.  "This is our partner in the Asian youth football training project. Let's introduce them to those young players from East Asia." The bald assistant coach who was called over was called Richard, who was probably in his fifties.  Looking at Shen Zhenghui and his team, his attitude was somewhat cold. "Those kids in Japan are very skilled," he said, "but their physical resistance is too weak. I'm afraid they can't adapt to the intensity of the Bundesliga. We have made great efforts to help them."  They have become stronger, but the effect is not particularly obvious. They are not used to German food." Miyamoto looked a little disappointed and frustrated after hearing what the translator said.  Ning Huan was smiling.  "The young man named 'White' is just the opposite." Richard continued, "His skills are appalling. We spent a year training him and he can barely keep up with the average level. But his physical fitness is amazing."  He said, "I think after training and training, he will be a good mixer midfielder in the future." "Like Makelele?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "We also hope that he can reach that level." Richard laughed, "But it is more likely to be like Gattuso." "That's not bad." Shen Zhenghui said to Ning Huan beside him.  At this moment, Bai Tao stole the opponent's ball in the midfield and ran a few steps with the ball.  He suddenly exerted force, and the ball shot towards the goal like a shell.  Such a powerful and heavy kick made the opponent's goalkeeper seem to just turn around and watch the ball go in.  "Wow!" Ning Huan and Shen Zhenghui clapped. At the same time, many substitute players on the sidelines also began to applaud and started shouting, "White! White!" Richard felt a little embarrassed on his face.  "He likes long shots," he said hurriedly. "He often tries, but the accuracy is not good. Today is really good luck." "Richard," Simon said hurriedly, "He is only seventeen years old, and there is  There is a lot of room for growth." Seeing Simon's look, Richard hesitated and said, "Yes, in fact, if this group of players goes to participate in the low-level league, they will at least be the main force in the rotation." He added.  Added, "If they can overcome the physical confrontation and injuries. Of course, Bai is very good and strong and can compete in low-level games, but he is only seventeen years old after all. I mean, in terms of body,  We can't take our players lightly." "We should ask him how his studies are going later," Shen Zhenghui said to Ning Huan.  The group of people stood on the sidelines and watched the entire training match. Bai Tao's performance was remarkable. His defensive awareness was too good, his physical strength was good, and his defensive range covered the entire court. Many times he was??The formation of his team was in a mess, but the opposing players also felt a headache from his large-scale defense, which also led to the final result that their side defeated the opponent by one goal.  Bai Tao's own goal became the final decisive goal.  After the head coach called the players of the youth team together for a good training, he asked them to rest. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Miyamoto went to talk to the Japanese players. Shen Zhenghui and Ning welcomed Bai Tao.  Bai Tao has the kind of temperament he has in China. He was happy but not surprised to see Ning Huan, and he immediately started to show off his performance on the court.  According to his own statement, he knows that he should play in the deep position of midfield, but their defensive strength is too weak. If his defensive range is too small, his teammates in other places will not be able to defend. His narcissistic attitude is beyond words.  .  "Have you seen the wave of my world?" Bai Tao said enthusiastically, and also posed, "Actually, my scoring rate is very high, although I don't play as a forward." After watching the performance of the Hamburg youth team, Shen Zhenghui  On the contrary, I was complaining in my heart about why the Hamburg team was not relegated.  But on the surface he still pretended to be caring, "How is your studies?" "I don't think I will stop studying after this year." Bai Tao was a little cautious at this time, "There is already a third-level league.  The team is interested in me and wants to sign me." He said, "I can work after I get my high school diploma." Shen Zhenghui and Ning Huan were both surprised, "Are you going to play professional football?" "Of course, I think so.  It¡¯s not that difficult.¡± ¡°Do you have an agent?¡± Shen Zhenghui asked.  "Uh, no." Bai Tao said, "And I don't think I need it." "You'd better get a college diploma." Ning Huan said, "Your parents may not agree with professional football." "A week.  I can get 200 euros!" Bai Tao said, "It's equivalent to more than 2,000 yuan, more than 8,000 yuan a month." He said with wide eyes, "I think Ning Huan is right.  It would be better to get a university diploma, even if it is a correspondence course. "Shen Zhenghui said, "After you graduate, I will help you contact a university. You can study whatever you want." Facing Shen Zhenghui, Bai Tao became much more restrained.  After thinking about it, he nodded.  "Being a player costs a lot of money. Are you still used to everything in Germany?" Shen Zhenghui looked at the Japanese children over there, "I heard that Japanese people are not used to eating?" "I think it's okay." Bai Tao said,  "I can cook myself." He touched his chin, "It's convenient to buy things in Hamburg, but it's a bit expensive." "Which club did you say you liked?" Shen Zhenghui asked again.  "It seems to be called Hoffenheim." Bai Tao replied.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: It has exceeded one million words, which is worth celebrating!
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