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Volume 1 Chapter 223 Big Flag Party

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    Chapter 223 Big Flag Party Shen Zhenghui never imagined that the old revolutionary understood his work from this perspective. Of course, it cannot be said to be wrong from this perspective, but for Shen Zhenghui, it is obviously not us who support the development of the film industry.  For the political purpose of exporting ideology, it cannot be used as a driving force and can only be regarded as a by-product.  + Just like the United States is awesome, American movies are also awesome, and the values ????hidden in its movies are directly instilled into poor countries like brainwashing.  If you think about it carefully, we have been through this before, but we have a relatively strong ideological foundation, a relatively large land area, and uneven local development, so we have not been wiped out all at once.  Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan, which had washed our minds back then, all showed their decline after a few years. In the end, the people in the mainland felt that it was nothing more than this. This made the guys who had their brains washed and did not want to come back feel that the world was shattered, so they continued to work online.  Floor washing activity.  So, this ideological output, in the capitalist world, is to see who has more money, whoever has more money is awesome, and everyone will drool over you and be interested in what you think.  Poor people don't have anyone interested in what you think.  In the future, China will become the second largest country in the world. Of course, some people are blindfolded and say, "I can't see. I can't see." Or some people say that for GDP, the happiness and security of the people are more important.  Of course, some pragmatists have begun to study why China has achieved success. Is it because of democratic centralism?  Government efficiency?  Or is it because they have a National Development and Reform Commission?  Therefore, ideological work is both complex and simple.  Economically, you are at the top of your game, and you can get twice the result with half the effort by exporting ideology. If you are a poor man, no one will listen to you when you preach about the superiority of socialism. If you occasionally tell the truth, you will be habitually accused of lying.  But someone has to do the hard work.  Most directors in the film and television industry experienced the chaotic 1980s, and under the indulgence of some well-intentioned leaders, they developed a masochistic view of history. The direct response to this view of history in the film industry is  The current situation of the film industry - lack of commercialism. The most commercial directors at present are not from directing majors. Now Shen Zhenghui has proved this even more.  When independent directors shout for freedom of expression and artistic freedom, they directly artificially divide movies into two relationships: freedom/system.  So two gangs and one gang filmed the main theme of "Mei Nei".  A bunch of people make a movie that's flattering.  Some people have become famous among gringos with China's ugliness, and they have become domestic film masters.  In the field of commercial films, the mainland is congenitally underdeveloped.  But in fact, commercial movies are more effective in brainwashing and propaganda than main themes and foreign films. Bruce Lee, Jack Cheng, and Jet Lee have directly proved this point.  Now Shen Zhenghui has set a better example.  Prove it to leaders.  Movies expressed in a commercial format are better.  Ideological work is China¡¯s key task, and it is also China¡¯s difficult task.  The Soviet Union has fallen, as the largest nominally socialist country.  How to maintain socialist ideology is a big problem.  What is more realistic is that the party's internal attitude on this issue is very different, and there are many people waiting to change their skin.  So on the one hand, this work is an external struggle, and on the other hand, it is an internal struggle. This is the difficulty.  It is impossible that the older generation has not considered this issue. From 1949 to the present, this kind of thinking has never stopped.  But at a certain stage, this kind of thinking has a certain comical flavor, as if it has become a shameful thing to bring it up in public.  Wang Jiansheng was talking to Shen Zhenghui about this issue at this moment, and it sounded a little funny to Shen Zhenghui.  However, Shen Zhenghui considered this: 1. Although I am a party member, I am not a member of the Central Committee, nor an alternate. Is it appropriate for you to keep raising this question with me?  2. Although I am a director, I am not a director within the system, and my relationship is not with places like Bayi Factory or China Film Group. Is it inappropriate for you to ask me this question based on your status?  From a class perspective, I am still a capitalist. If you ask a capitalist to promote socialist ideology, it is black humor no matter how you look at it.  Or this means that the party's united front strategy has reached the point where there is no bottom line. If this is the case, Shen Zhenghui can understand that the lower limit of the united front department has always been relatively low.  So Shen Zhenghui blinked, "Grandpa Wang, I think you're talking to the wrong person about this matter?" He said carefully, "Actually, I haven't thought about ideology at all.  Movies consider commerciality and sales. "But you didn't make a movie that smeared our country, right?" Wang Jiansheng said.  Why should I discredit myself when I have nothing to do?Everybody, isn¡¯t this a slap in the face?  Shen Zhenghui thought to himself, "Well, I consider the largest market and will not consider letting the film be mixed with too much politics." "Isn't "Assembly" a political film?" "It has a political skin, or in other words,  "It has a historical aspect," Shen Zhenghui said, "But essentially, it is an adventure story. I just truthfully reflected its historical background. I did not intend to make a political film." Shen Zhenghui felt that he was lying.  Clumsy, "Okay, even if it is a theme film, the final evaluation of its success is its box office!" "This is good!" Wang Jiansheng said, "The film you make does not smear China.  There is a main theme and a good box office, so you are the most suitable candidate. "Well," Shen Zhenghui smiled bitterly, "You said it is suitable, what do you want to do with me?" "Make a movie" said Wang Anping.  She looked at her grandfather and then at Shen Zhenghui, "It's been a year since your last film. Don't you consider making another film in China?" "There is no good subject matter." Shen Zhenghui pursed his lips.  He pursed his lips and said, "I really don't have much hope that my movie will be released in mainland China." ""Assembly" is very good." Wang Jiansheng said.  "This is just a special case." Shen Zhenghui replied, "You may not know most of my movies. Sister An Ping knows better. They have some kind of bad taste. I'm worried that they won't pass the censorship at all. "Assembly Number" has never passed the review.  In terms of the intention of filming, I have never made a war movie, I just want to play with guns, bullets and explosives." Shen Zhenghui's self-deprecation obviously could not stop Wang Jiansheng.  "You can do it, you have the talent." Wang Jiansheng said, "Do you really like to spend your talent in places like Japan?" His tone was obviously dissatisfied.  Shen Zhenghui turned his attention to Wang Anping for help.  Wang Anping gave a helpless expression.  "I have read your proposal. I obviously have great ideas about domestic movies, how can you use this excuse to frustrate me?" Wang Jiansheng said unhappily.  "Shen Zhenghui doesn't say anything. Each of my movies has a box office of several billion in Japan. You can just ask me to go back to China to make movies."  It was also specified that the main theme film should be shot.  What should I do if I can¡¯t release it after taking it?  Seeing that Shen Zhenghui was silent, Wang Jiansheng stood up.  He walked away minding his own business.  Shen Zhenghui blinked at Wang Anping, "Did the old man go to the toilet?" Wang Anping curled his lips, "You are so ink when making a movie." "Is this a problem with the movie?" Shen Zhenghui licked his face with sadness and indignation.  Lips.  "Okay. There are a lot of things that my grandpa can't talk about. Shall I take you back?" "Ah, let's go." Shen Zhenghui stood up.  "What, do you still want to have dinner?" "Speaking of which, I really haven't eaten yet!" "Well, I'll treat you to the Sichuan restaurant you often go to." "Just the two of us?"  "Just in time to talk to you." Wang Anping's response gave Shen Zhenghui the illusion of adultery.  ¡°I¡¯m really embarrassed, how about I invite you?¡± ¡­ There was a driver on this trip. A strong young orderly drove for Shen Zhenghui and Wang Anping. The two sat in the back of the car, both of them silent.  Shen Zhenghui was thinking about what Wang Jiansheng said just now. Wang Anping didn't know what he was thinking, but the smile on his face didn't seem to worry about Shen Zhenghui, or perhaps Shen Zhenghui had fallen into her trap.  The Sichuan restaurant was still the same. When Wang Anping arrived, the manager nodded and bowed to greet her. Then he served the dishes as she ordered and removed the waiter so that she could talk to Shen Zhenghui.  Shen Zhenghui looked at the dishes on the table and couldn't help but said, "It's such a waste, just order a few dishes." "Okay, why are you pretending to be pretentious." Wang Anping picked up the chopsticks, "Eat it." Although Shen Zhenghui  His stomach was already hungry, but eating at this time was unavoidable. "Sister Ping, what do you mean by your grandfather?" he asked, "Why do I feel that he doesn't need to worry about these things at all? Why does he still worry so much?"  "You don't need him to worry?" Wang Anping looked at Shen Zhenghui with a smile, "Who said that?" "He is the vice chairman of the Military Commission, don't you think so?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "That's why I'm looking for you!" Wang Anping said lightly, "If you haven't retired, just look for someone from Bayi Film Studio or China Film Group." "Huh?" Shen Zhenghui tilted his head.  "Can old comrades not be able to speak out? Retired veteransCan comrades not interfere in the political situation?  Wang Anping pouted, "You are so selfish!"  No wonder I could only be a director. Fortunately, I didn¡¯t take the civil service exam.  " Shen Zhenghui pressed his temple hard, "You meanthat's not right. Your grandfather asked me to come back to China!  " "How can you pay back the money if you don't ask for high prices?  Wang Anping looked disdainful, "Actually, it's just a movie."  " "Export of ideology!  "Shen Zhenghui complained bitterly, "How can we do it while still conforming to the theme of your grandfather's ideas?  " "Didn't "Assembly Number" do it?  "Wang Anping said. "This is a special case.  "Shen Zhenghui emphasized seriously, "Look at what my previous movies were like. I can't guarantee that every movie will be" "You are really stupid!  Wang Anping sighed, put down her chopsticks, and looked seriously into Shen Zhenghui's eyes, which made Shen Zhenghui a little nervous, "The key is ideology, not output."  "    "Um?  " "If you want to export, if the Americans don't give you a chance, you can only stare.  Wang Anping explained, "So actually this film must be internal."  " "Internally?  " "Why my grandfather keeps saying "Assembly" is to emphasize the contribution of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs to the country.  " "Older generation?  "Shen Zhenghui felt that he had caught something. "The generation that has retired!  "(To be continued) ps: I'm on a business trip today and tomorrow. I drank too much today, and I feel like I'm constipated while typing. I probably won't be able to update tomorrow, so please forgive me.
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