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Volume 1 Chapter 187 The completion of "The Green Hornet" and the coming of 911

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    Shen Zhenghui no longer had time to care about how the Japanese and Chinese governments planned to use him. All his energy was focused on contacting the American crew.  "With the help of a group of talented assistant directors, Zhou Xingxing's "The Green Hornet" is progressing at a rapid pace.  Out of respect for Zhou Xingxing's dominant position, Colombia did not assign him a bigger star. He himself selected Christian Bale as his collaborator from a bunch of applicants.  This choice surprised even Shen Zhenghui. Bell is an Englishman and a child actor. He starred in Spielberg's film "Empire of the Sun" at the age of 13, but his real fame did not come until he starred in Batman.  According to the assistant director's report, it was because Zhou Xingxing was interested in the other party's acting skills. Playing a playboy was not difficult for Bell, as he could show more subtle things.  Miyamoto reported enough things. What this Japanese director lacks most is meticulous observation and acumen, but he is still a bit confused in terms of the overall situation and must accept help from others. This is Shen Zhenghui's view. Of course, it is absolutely  Most Japanese directors are like this, even the top Japanese directors. The top Japanese directors are no longer Japanese spiritually.  Shen Zhenghui also hopes that Miyamoto can undergo such a transformation.  Miyamoto calls Shen Zhenghui every day to report on the crew's situation. Shen Zhenghui himself, as the nominal producer, also faithfully fulfills his obligations. The investment in this film is currently the largest investment that Shen Zhenghui has decided for Haruhi.  To some extent.  It was a decisive investment. Although from Fukuda Mitsumi's point of view, investment failure would only slow down the pace of development, it was somewhat unacceptable to Shen Zhenghui.  Over the years, the huge returns on film investment have been eaten up by the development of various businesses. After a long period of training, Shen Zhenghui himself was finally able to see certain operating conditions from the company's statements. Cash flow is a very important thing.  The development of business continues to eat up cash flow and turn it into capital on the books. Once the funds are not transferred in a timely manner, the assets will face the trouble of bad debts.  Forty million dollars for a behemoth group.  Actually nothing.  In the future, Sony's losses will be measured in hundreds of millions of dollars.  But for Shen Zhenghui, he has not yet developed the mentality to not care about the bank's debts. The previous transfer of equity in the real estate company to the Wang family frightened him to the possibility of the bank pressing for debt.  For a time traveler.  Lack of security can also be regarded as a kind of occupational disease.  Miyamoto¡¯s report includes these contents.  The progress of the filming, Zhou Xingxing's work situation, and the coordination situation with the US side.  Every once in a while, he would write a detailed report and send it to Shen Zhenghui about the actors' situation, the crew's financial situation, etc. This director could still be a good producer even if he couldn't do his own job in the future.  From Miyamoto's report, Shen Zhenghui learned that Zhou Xingxing was very dissatisfied with the working attitude of the American side. His work attitude of excellence also made the American staff of the crew dissatisfied. Fortunately, relying on the coordination of the three assistant directors, he passed from Japan and Hong Kong  The crew is responsible for the main work of the crew, and Zhou Xingxing's own filming progress can be kept on track.  Miyamoto reported that Zhou Xingxing himself was dissatisfied with all aspects of the United States and threatened to never make a movie in the United States again.  Shen Zhenghui could only respond with an understanding smile. Filming in the United States was indeed too expensive. If it weren't for the fact that this was an American story and had to be shot in the United States, Shen Zhenghui would have loved to change the place to shoot. Even if it was shot in Pingjing, it would be better than in the United States.  .  Another interesting thing is that Christian Bale is very dedicated to his work and cooperates very well with the crew. Zhou Xingxing himself is also very polite to him.  Bell himself is very interested in filming kung fu movies. When he has free time on the set, he learns kung fu from Yuan Xiangren. He just got married last year. Every day, his wife comes to visit the set and brings food to the crew, although there is nothing delicious in the United States.  Something, but the crew all appreciated him.  Even Zhou Xingxing himself is considering continuing to cooperate with Bell in the next sequel.  Of course, the premise is that filming in the United States cannot continue.  According to Miyamoto, Zhou Xingxing was under great pressure. It was the first time for him to independently direct a film with such a large investment, and he had to deal with all aspects. In addition, he was filming in the United States, and he had to abide by American working methods.  and work habits, which made him very oppressive.  Miyamoto said Zhou had a hard time falling asleep every night. He stayed up late thinking about the next day's filming, and had to stay awake for several days while continuing to work.  This actually aroused the admiration of the rest of the crew.  Miyamoto didn't mention much about his job, but Shen Zhenghui obviously knew that since the director was under such great pressure, the assistant director would naturally not be relaxed. Zhou Xingxing himself was not good at communication, so someone had to do these things.  Miyamoto, who has worked in the United States, is definitely the most advantageous candidate for this job.  Yuan Xiangren is in charge of action design and his work is already very hard. Lu Yang is not very good at these things either, so?The Japanese Miyamoto had to go.  Thinking of Miyamoto, a Japanese, using Japanese English to negotiate with Americans, Shen Zhenghui felt ridiculous.  However, Miyamoto greatly praised Tomoaki Aonuma in his report. As the second female lead after starring Cameron Diaz, Tomoaki Aonuma's performance on the screen is very limited. Zhou Xingxing himself prefers Tomoaki Aonuma.  Acting like the mute girl in "Kung Fu", she basically has no lines.  Because I think I am Japanese, it might be difficult for me to say my lines.  But Tomoaki Aonuma¡¯s performance surprised not only the director, but also everyone on the crew.  The woman who stared at Shen Zhenghui entered the crew, and was naturally regarded as someone who came in through connections. However, as soon as she started working, Aonuma Tomaki made those who looked down on her look at her with admiration.  Only then did someone become interested in learning that this Japanese female star had received formal acting studies and training in mainland China.  In 2001, Diaz was still young. Compared with the old woman in "The Green Hornet" in 2011, she was still at the peak of her charm. People can't help but think of the meat bomb in "The Masked Man".  However, compared with the youth and innocence shown by Aonuma Tomaaki, she is closer to an American hot girl.  The two people completely displayed two styles in the play.  Asians will obviously prefer Aonuma Tomoaki's performance.  But Americans may be more attracted to Diaz. Of course, their performances will not detract from each other's beauty.  But Miyamoto¡¯s praise was more directed at Tomaki Aonuma¡¯s role outside of filming.  As Miyamoto, who speaks weird English, it was really helpless to do the communication and coordination work. The translators on the crew could not stand the heavy workload.  Tomaki Aonuma took the initiative to undertake part of the translation work, and in many cases, her expressions were much more powerful and effective than Miyamoto's.  This Japanese girl who can speak Chinese, Japanese, Cantonese and English has a language level that far exceeds that of the Japanese. The affinity she showed in the crew effectively communicated with the Japanese and Chinese in the crew (including Hong Kong, China).  people), and Americans.  certainly.  The rumor that she was having an affair with Shen Zhenghui also played a big role.  But of course Miyamoto wouldn't mention it. On the one hand, everyone admires her work level and attitude. On the other hand, many people are jealous of her status and treatment.  In the letter written by Aonuma Tomaaki to Shen Zhenghui, he did not mention how he performed on the set.  If assist help director.  He is like a little woman.  Carefully recording everything and everyone's attitude on the set, she expressed her admiration for Zhou Xingxing's work attitude.  I respect the ability of the assistant director, and I am flattered by the friendly attitude of my American colleagues towards me.  In fact, Thomas also attaches great importance to this cooperation with Kasuga and Shen Zhenghui. Hollywood is not a static place, and the status of the seven major companies is not eternal.  Although Columbia was acquired by Sony, it still maintains a certain degree of independence. In terms of the company's business, if it can open up a new channel, this will naturally be a huge support for the company's operation.  After all, the chances of a movie losing money are very high. What Thomas values ????is that Shen Zhenghui never seems to lose money. Of course, this may be because he has not yet met his destiny and will definitely fail. However, when it comes to opening up new markets, Columbia has always been good at opening up new markets.  They have noticed the emerging market in China very early and established an office in Pingjing, trying to get deeply involved in this country's film market.  Now, they see the greatest possibility in Shen Zhenghui.  The Americans participating in the crew have been taught that their main job is to cooperate with the work of the Japanese and Hong Kong people. However, as arrogant Americans, they do not quite understand the meaning of the word cooperation, and habitually bring their usual attitudes into the work.  Got into work.  Lu Yang¡¯s report was full of self-praise. Although he did not hide the achievements of others, Shen Zhenghui could still read a strong sense of superiority between the lines.  Lu Yang also talked about Zhou Xingxing's seriousness in his work, but he felt that he was too serious and too keen. At the same time, he also talked about Miyamoto's seriousness and keen unconditional execution of Zhou Xingxing himself.  He wrote about Yuan Xiangren's conscientiousness in his work, but also hinted that Yuan was indifferent to things other than his work.  He complained a little about the working environment, but said that he was able to overcome these difficulties and persist until the filming was completed.  The words are airtight, but Shen Zhenghui clearly feels that Lu Yang seems to think that he can get closer to Shen Zhenghui and become a confidant to some extent.  Shen Zhenghui could only laugh at this attitude. At this time, he had no intention of caring about his subordinates competing for favor.  Soon, the filming of the crew came to an end. The crew will shoot the last scene. The character played by Zhou Xingxing bids farewell to the playboy played by Bell and wants to live an ordinary and ordinary life.  Story in New YorkAt the end of the street, according to Zhou Xingxing's arrangement, it should be him who rejected Bell's tempting invitation and resolutely turned around and embarked on the path of his own life.  Then the story ends here, and the theme should be that everyone can become their own Green Hornet instead of relying entirely on others.  But there was a big surprise during the filming that day. Just when Zhou Xingxing shook his head and said "no!" to reject Bell's invitation, a plane lowered its figure and passed over the heads of the crew. For a moment, not only the crew members  , even the two leading actors raised their heads, forgetting to turn off the camera, and then they saw a scene that stunned them, the plane hit the World Trade Center.  The whole audience was stunned for a long time, and the Americans on the crew started to scream, even though there was no more scenes.  Cameron still arrived at the scene to prepare for the celebration after the filming. At this time, she clasped her hands and kept calling Jesus and Mary. Many people couldn't help but run towards the World Trade Center.  I originally chose this place to shoot the ending shot because this place could capture New York's iconic building, the World Trade Center, into the shot. At this time, it seems that this design has become a burden.  Bell turned around and asked as if he was acting, "Can't such a scene make you change your decision?" he asked.  Zhou Xingxing looked at the distance, then at Bell, and nodded silently. ???????????? Then, another plane.  The Americans present all began to exclaim God.  Lu Yang was the first to recover from the shock.  He walked over to the photographer who was completely distracted.  After carefully checking the content taken during this period, the photographer completely forgot to turn off the camera, so all the shots were captured without touching the ground.  Lu Yang walked to Zhou Xingxing and reminded him.  "The crew has to stop work immediately. It is definitely impossible for us to continue shooting around here. Our films need to be put away." Zhou Xingxing also recovered from the shock, but all the Americans were not interested in working, so the Hong Kong people  I packed up my things with the Japanese.  He also started helping the Americans and coordinating the work of the crew.  Miyamoto had just urged the staff to send the film away in cars. Less than an hour later, the entire World Trade Center collapsed.  Then the scene was cordoned off, and the remaining crew members were all detained by the police and gangsters after revealing their identities, especially the large number of yellow people in the crew, which made the police and gangsters increase their vigilance, even if it was done by a Colombian worker  The personnel identified themselves, but their camera equipment was still detained. Even the cameras of the cast and crew were detained, and the contents inside were reviewed by experts. It was not until midnight that the crew, with the help of the vice president of Columbia,  , came out of the police station.  Although it was obvious that they had been treated unfairly, no one on the crew complained.  Zhou Xingxing himself seemed to be in some kind of contemplation. When the accident happened, Tomoaki Aonuma couldn't help but call Shen Zhenghui. She didn't even notice the detail that the ringtone only rang once and Shen Zhenghui answered the call.  On the phone, she cried and told what she had witnessed at the scene, and then gradually regained her mood with Shen Zhenghui's comfort.  But after entering the police station, her phone was confiscated, and the call records to Shen Zhenghui were extracted by experts.  In Japan, Mitsumi Fukuda watched and listened to Shen Zhenghui calmly comforting Tomoaki Aonuma with an almost mocking expression.  "It's unimaginable." She said, "You really are not bad at all!" "It's hard for me to hear such praise from you." Shen Zhenghui replied, hung up the phone, and continued to lean in front of the computer to watch.  Mitsumi Fukuda's operation, "Is there any problem?" he asked.  "Of course, this is a rare opportunity to make money. I have been thinking about this plan for a long time. I will not miss it at all. I can't miss it." Mitsumi Fukuda skillfully operated on the computer, "I have always suspected that this matter is a US **  The industrial complex directed and acted on its own, or put it this way, they could definitely prevent things from happening, but they just didn't do it because it was in their greater interest if this thing happened. " "Yeah, Roosevelt deliberately sat back and watched the pearl.  I have heard a lot of conspiracy theories about the occurrence of the light incident, but it must be supported by evidence." "Well, we are not historians, so we don't need to make inferences with evidence, we just need to know what the results were.  "Fukuda Mitsumi spread his hands, "The actual layout started several days before 911. Now all we have to do is sit back and watch our results." Shen Zhenghui narrowed his eyes, "I don't.  I can believe that you have so much hidden strength," he said. "It seems that there is a reason why you completely ignore Haruhi and let me toss you around. Isn't Haruhi's temptation still too small?" "Ah,  If you came to this world earlierIn a few decades, you will have done a lot of things in advance and gained enough.  "Fukuda Mitsumi pursed his lips, "This is the result of my master. I just stood on his shoulders.  " Shen Zhenghui shrugged and said nothing. "But I think you will be able to surpass his achievements in your lifetime. After all, China's market is larger," Fukuda Mitsumi sighed, "But he has worked hard for decades, and finally  It¡¯s not like I made a wedding dress for someone else¡ªfor example, me.  " "I remember you said last time that you were not the only successor, right?  " "Now," Mitsumi Fukuda replied, "What do you think I am doing by staying in Nara?  Just to help you give birth to a baby?  " Shen Zhenghui rubbed his nose awkwardly. "Do you want to hear it?  "    "In no mood.  " "It's really boring. This is a living textbook.  " "I remember you said that there might be guys like us in the United States. Why didn't this guy prevent 911 from happening?  " "Why did he stop it?  Mitsumi Fukuda asked strangely, "Maybe this guy is just like us, waiting for this to happen!"  " "I am very worried about the situation of the crew.  " "Don't worry, Colombia will get it done.  "Fukuda Mitsumi consoled her. (To be continued)
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