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Volume 1 Chapter 180 Actress

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    After calling Mitsumi Fukuda, Shen Zhenghui felt a little depressed. This feeling was what he disliked the most. It was as if he thought he was the protagonist, but suddenly found out that he was a supporting role in the script.  £à?That¡¯s all, but he is still being manipulated by the protagonist.  This made Shen Zhenghui start to doubt himself, but it was reasonable to think about it carefully. After all, if there were two time travelers in this world, and they didn't know each other before, then in this world there would inevitably be a male and female between them.  The third possibility - at least Shen Zhenghui has not thought of it before.  But now it is obvious that Fukuda Mitsumi has created a third possibility. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female. However, from Shen Zhenghui's feeling, he more often feels that he is that  A poor tigress.  What Mitsumi Fukuda said on the phone was indeed true. Soon, Zhou Xingxing called from Hong Kong and expressed his willingness to accept the directorship entrusted by Shen Zhenghui. However, he was not interested in taking out the money for joint investment and just lowered his expectations.  As the director and starring himself, the salary was reduced to 10 million US dollars, and the box office dividend reached 10%. I believe this is a very sincere price. If Kasuga is willing to negotiate, this contract price can be achieved.  Perhaps it was Mitsumi Fukuda's relationship that played a role. When Shen Zhenghui sent this offer to Colombia with some trepidation, Colombia agreed to the price without hesitation. However, Shen Zhenghui's investment was restricted, and Colombia was willing to increase its investment.  to $90 million.  Among them, Columbia invested US$50 million, and Shen Zhenghui and Kasuga jointly invested US$40 million. Columbia promised to work hard to release it simultaneously around the world, and Kasuga was only responsible for the Japanese market.  Capitalists are very efficient when making money. Zhou Xingxing in Hong Kong quickly received a request to quickly rush to Japan to form a team, and then to the United States to form a larger team. Although the producer  The official name is Shen Zhenghui.  But Columbia will actually send a producer to coordinate the entire movie.  Shen Zhenghui sent all his capable directors to Hollywood with Zhou Xingxing to gain experience. Miyamoto and Zhou Xingxing had worked together for a long time, Yuan Xiangren was an old acquaintance of Zhou Xingxing, and Lu Yang could speak multiple languages.  He can be considered a very good assistant director.  Shen Zhenghui paid the money.  Just let Zhou Xingxing mess with this film.  For actors.  He has always had some doubts. Some actors have very high growth potential, such as Zhou Xingxing.  His level and his nature mean that when he reaches a certain level, he can no longer continue to be an actor. He continues to break through, that is, he wants to be a director, an international director, and a big star. He not only uses roles to interpret himself  , but also needs to use the entire movie to explain himself.  ¡° Some actors may become big stars among actors, but there is always a ceiling suppressing their highest achievements. Even if they change careers and become capitalists or big bosses, it will be difficult for them to make breakthroughs.  Of course, men favored by the goddess of art are always a little special and neurotic.  Therefore, Shen Zhenghui had to give a good account of the three directors he sent. This time, Kasuga and Shen Zhenghui jointly invested 40 million US dollars. In order to prevent the 40 million US dollars from being wasted, Shen Zhenghui repeatedly emphasized the work of the three assistant directors. They  We must assist director Zhou Xingxing to complete the filming work and ensure the shooting quality. We also have to ensure that Zhou Xingxing himself is too serious and picky and does not affect the filming process.  "This is our first step into Hollywood. It is very important to our company and myself, and I think it is also very important to everyone. Of course, I am not saying that if this film is successful, we will have a firm foothold in Hollywood.  This is not realistic at all. At most, it means that we have a good start, but it doesn¡¯t mean anything. You have to see that Hong Kong¡¯s top director, Wu" Shen Zhenghui was about to say that Director Wu invested 100 million taels in one film.  Even half of the final cost of the multi-million blockbuster film was not recovered, but suddenly he realized that Director Wu was still at the height of his power in Hollywood. Although "Mission: Impossible 2" was criticized, it was a hit at the box office.  "Every film Director Wu makes is on thin ice. If he fails with one film, no one will be willing to invest in his next one. You can ask him to confirm this." Shen Zhenghui thought about rounding out his words.  Come here, "So these reminders I am giving you are not to let you remember this time and forget about it. I hope you can always maintain a humble and prudent style and put all your thoughts on the filming of the movie. Of course, there will always be a celebration drink."  I drank it when I had the opportunity." Miyamoto was always Japanese, and his expression was serious at this time, as if he was about to go to war.  He had stayed with Kitano Takeshi in the United States, and he still knew a little about it. He knew that if he failed this time, it would be difficult to get back up. He had just achieved success in the Japanese market, and he would immediately have the opportunity to try his skills in Hollywood.  , although he is not a regular director, but this??A rare opportunity.  Miyamoto himself is not unaware of the shortcomings of his works, but his success in Japan has made him somewhat deliberately avoid this issue.  This time, Columbia was able to accept Stephen Chow as the director of the investment film. In his view, the worldwide recognition of "Shaolin Soccer" is a very important factor. He himself is also eager to break through the limitations of Japan and enter the world film industry.  Yuan Xiangren¡¯s thoughts are much simpler, his work is also much simpler, and he doesn¡¯t think much.  He is very clear about his strengths and his situation. His success is tied to Kasuga's movies. The more successful the kung fu movie is, the easier it will be for the kung fu director to earn a living, so he doesn't worry about gains and losses, and instead thinks about his work.  Do it well.  Lu Yang, like Miyamoto, has great expectations for himself and also has high ambitions.  His previous successes have inspired his ambitions, and the sudden opportunity in Hollywood is like a smooth road. If this film is successful, he might just be able to make a living while lying down.  At least returning home should be no problem at all.  Seeing that his subordinates were all aroused by him, Shen Zhenghui was also happy.  Zhou Xingxing brought his assistant to Japan to briefly meet with Shen Zhenghui.  After talking, he agreed with Shen Zhenghui's director configuration. In addition, he also asked Shen Zhenghui for a more formal script.  Although the script has been written, Shen Zhenghui is also prepared not to use it, because Zhou Xingxing will definitely not strictly follow the script when filming. He will put his own ideas into it bit by bit during the filming process, and then  The entire film was transformed into his own style.  In this regard, Shen Zhenghui could only provide one assistance.  The co-production of a blockbuster film with an investment of 90 million has still caused some turmoil, especially the envious eyes of the Hong Kong film industry.  But after all, Hollywood is too high-end in the eyes of many people.  Too atmospheric.  They feel that they can't reach them, so they just keep their envy on their lips.  The bosses of several companies in Hong Kong, such as Lin Jian, feel extremely entangled among a group of people in Hong Kong.  He was the first to have contact with Shen Zhenghui.  But now it seems.  He actually worked closely with Zhou Xingxing and pushed him aside. The fat boss couldn't help but complain.  Giving himself tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to shoot a Hong Kong movie, and then sponsoring Zhou Xingxing tens of millions of dollars to shoot movies in the United States, Boss Lin's eyes almost turned red.  But he is a smart man and knows that it is more beneficial to him to have a good relationship with Shen Zhenghui than to have a stalemate. He called Shen Zhenghui. The name was that "Infernal Affairs" would be released in September, and he hoped that Shen Zhenghui would be able to attend the premiere.  In fact, he wanted to test whether Shen Zhenghui was interested in Hong Kong movies.  Shen Zhenghu readily agreed. After all, the assistant directors were sent out and he had no plans to start work for a long time. On the other hand, he was very curious about the final results of "Infernal Affairs".  The butterfly effect created by Shen Zhenghui has made the mainland market have a positive attitude towards co-production films. However, "Infernal Affairs 1" is obviously not a co-production film. Its box office share in the mainland will be much lower, but it is still better than losing to piracy due to delayed screening.  , or it may not be released well, but China Film Company has made a lot of money again.  Yong Sheng¡¯s proprietress is naturally much more jealous than Lin Jian, but the results of ¡°Shaolin Soccer¡± are there, and the box office of ¡°Shaolin Soccer¡±, which continues to spread good news from Europe, fully demonstrates the value of Zhou Xingxing.  Naturally, Mrs. Xiang could only predict in a sour tone: Sooner or later, Boss Shen will not be able to stand that money-grubbing white-eyed wolf!  These words passed through several people and finally reached Shen Zhenghui¡¯s ears. Shen Zhenghui could only smile.  Once a person reaches a certain level, making money is not his first priority at all.  Of course, Mrs. Xiang does not want to challenge Shen Zhenghui. On the contrary, she also very much hopes to please Shen Zhenghui. "Shaolin Football" has received more than 3 billion yen at the box office in Japan, which is more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. Then the old movie "Big Talk"  "Journey to the West" can actually earn more than 2 billion yen. This is simply unscientific. Added up, Zhou Xingxing's movie has earned about 400 million Hong Kong dollars in Japan. This fully shows how big Japan, the second largest economy, is.  market.  So Hong Kong people were dazzled by the box office and felt that if the United States could not make it in, Japan was also a good choice.  But the Japanese have very unique tastes. They only recognize a few actors, and none of them are from Hong Kong.  At this time, the importance of channels is reflected.  Of course, it¡¯s not that I didn¡¯t think about bypassing Kasuga to contact other distributors in Japan, but for the Japanese who have always played their own game, they don¡¯t care much about movies from other places. For Hong Kong, which was once tall and has now declined.  The film is even more dismissive. Except for Haruhi, who is focused on gold mining in Hong Kong films day after day, other distribution companies have no interest at all. ? ? What Kasuga plays is two-way input, external and internal.Many people were blinded by Kasuga's external output results, while her internal input results were not so outstanding in comparison.  What's more, Kasuga has a Chinese shareholder who has great power, so he can do this. Other film distribution companies simply follow the rules and have their eyes on Hollywood.  Japanese people who are interested in investing in Chinese films are all focusing on mainland literary films. Hong Kong films are not very popular among Japanese literary youth.  Like the people in Hong Kong, the Japanese are also concerned about Kasuga¡¯s entry into the Hollywood market, but the fact that it is promoted by a Chinese has confused many people and they have questioned whether Kasuga is still a Japanese company.  At this time, news came from the United States that the crew of the film, which had been named "The Green Hornet", needed a yellow actress as the second heroine.  Originally, Zhou Xingxing hoped to choose this supporting actress, or the second heroine, among Chinese or Hong Kong actors.  He even wanted to select the actor from ordinary people through auditions.  But it is impossible for Colombia to accept this approach. When will this happen?  The producer came up with a list of yellow female stars in Hollywood and asked Zhou Xingxing to pick one at will.  But these famous female stars are too old and do not meet Zhou Xingxing's desire for first love and Aquarius.  The two sides continued to argue, and with the mediation of the assistant director, it was finally decided that Kasuga would recommend an actress.  For distribution reasons, the producers wanted it to be a Japanese girl.  Although this news caused a whirlwind in the Japanese entertainment industry, everyone knew that the actress recommended by Kasuga could only be from the Queens because she had a scandal with Shen Zhenghui.  Tomaaki Aonuma¡¯s voice was loud.  "Did Director Zhou say you have any specific requirements?" "Aside from being pure in appearance, it seems that the only requirement is for Aquarius!" Lu Yang on the other end of the phone was a little embarrassed, "If that doesn't work, Aries will do." Shen Zhenghui  He scratched his head and asked, "Is there anything else?" "The work of action director is difficult to carry out. The white and black actors here are really difficult to train. If possible, it is better to recruit a group of action directors and action directors from the company  Actors, come on, Director Yuan is too tired." "Okay." Shen Zhenghui replied concisely.  Of course Yuan Xiangren is not alone, he leads a team.  But as the brains of a team, it¡¯s normal to be too busy doing everything yourself.  Shen Zhenghui felt that he should go to Queens to have a look. He had not appeared there for a long time, and it seemed that he should brush up on his presence.  I made up my mind and asked Natsumi Horiguchi and Ayaka Kuroishi to contact me. When they arrived at Queens, they were a little surprised to find that the staff was unusually neat, and it seemed that all the artists had arrived.  "What's going on?" Shen Zhenghui asked Horiguchi Natsumi. Being stared at by a lot of beauties, Shen Zhenghui felt like he was in a wolf's den.  Horiguchi Natsumi asked Kuroishi Ayaka, "It has been spread that the crew wants to choose an actress to go to Hollywood, so" Kuroishi Ayaka spread her hands.  Shen Zhenghui, who originally wanted to make a good selection, lost interest at all. "Let's do this," he said after thinking for a while, "Give me a list of people with acting experience. Of course, it is best if they understand English and Cantonese." Blackstone  Caixiang showed a troubled expression, "It's already very rare to know English, and if you know Cantonese, you can't pick out people at all. Do you have to have such high language requirements?" "This is why Japanese actors cannot be internationalized!" Shen Zhenghui  He curled his lips and said, "I remember Asakura and Tsurumai are pretty good, please call them over." Kuroishi Ayaka was a little confused, but nodded, "By the way, Oshima Yukari and Goofy, please call them over too."  ." Shen Zhenghui glanced at the crowd and saw someone waving to him. He glanced at it and saw that it was Tengtang Xiangcheng.  "Tengtang also called me over. If the others don't even understand English, forget it." Shen Zhenghui walked towards the office.  Asakura and Tsurumai are very good friends, but they were still a little uneasy when they were called together. Both of them felt a little unsure of how to face each other, but soon they were no longer embarrassed, because Toudou K¨­jo was with them.  I was called over and led to the office.  Kuroishi Ayaka was scolding others, "Spend more time on studying. If your English is so bad, you still want to go to the United States. Why do you want to go to the United States? Is it embarrassing?" Those who were originally feeling a little dissatisfied because they randomly selected people had to keep their heads down at this moment.  The head left in despair.  Asakura and Hewu stood next to Todo Xiangcheng, feeling the same pressure. At this time, the two people had some common enemies.  Because Todo Xiangcheng's performance was a little too calm and calm, the rumors circulating back from Hong Kong were that she and Shen Zhenghui were already having an affair. The staff members who had participated in the "Slaying the Wolf" crew all spread such rumors in private.?Many people believe this is true, especially Shen Zhenghui who took her to China. Although he was said to be a bodyguard, his identity seemed to be confirmed.  As soon as he entered the door, unlike Asakura and Tsurumai who bowed and saluted, Todo Kouchi cleared her throat and called, "Hello, Mr. Shen!" instead of President Sasaki as the other two people called her, especially what she said.  It's Chinese.  Shen Zhenghui rolled his eyes, not knowing what attitude to use towards Todo Xiangcheng, so he said, "It would be better if you can speak Cantonese. How about your English?" "It's not bad" Todo Xiangcheng replied, she  But it was passable. Shen Zhenghui could barely understand it, but Asakura and Hewu's English was barely recognizable as English.  "Seize the time and strengthen it." Shen Zhenghui said, asking the three of them to sit down first.  The little girls are a little uneasy, isn¡¯t it said that there is only one female character?  ¡°Then Yukari Oshima and Gao Fei knocked on the door and walked in. Natsumi Horiguchi followed naturally and stood behind Shen Zhenghui.  Yukari Oshima looked at the other people in the room and asked, "President, what's the matter?" "The crew of "The Green Hornet" is not only short of a heroine, but also a lot of action actors and action directors. You and Mr. Gao  Take these three little girls to the United States and let Director Zhou choose the heroine. The others will stay there to cooperate with Director Yuan's work. "Gao Fei was a little surprised, "Are they all girls? "His wife is white.  He glanced.  Shen Zhenghui curled his lips, "We don't have any male actors either!" (To be continued)
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