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Volume 1 Chapter 171 Confidence and Breeze

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    The box office of "Black Fist" made mainland filmmakers shattered. If there are no accidents, the box office of "Black Fist" in mainland China is well on its way to 50 million. However, the public opinion that is gradually starting to heat up is obviously only  It can continue to increase the box office of "Black Fist", and the thrilling action has become the evaluation label of this movie, gradually attracting the attention of more young people.  If we only calculate the box office in mainland China, the investment of 10 million US dollars cannot be recovered at all, and it can be said to be a terrible loss. But if we add the box office in Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and other places, it is a different calculation.  Converted into U.S. dollars, the box office in the first week was 15 million to 16 million. It is almost certain that the money will be recovered by the second week, and the rest will be earned.  Especially since Kasuga is part-time as an issuer, the issue fee has almost transferred money from his left hand to his right hand.  What is more noteworthy in Greater China is another film, Zhou Xingxing's "Shaolin Football" was also released at this time. This film was released more than half a year earlier than Shen Zhenghui remembered. Although it did not have the enthusiasm of the Chinese team in the World Cup group stage,  However, Xingye's movie suddenly exploded into the box office charts after being released for many years.  Shen Zhenghui had to be thankful that "Black Fist" and "Shaolin Football" were completely different types of movies, and "Shaolin Football" could not be released in mainland China. Audiences who were attracted to movie theaters in Hong Kong and other places often chose two movies to watch, "Shaolin Football"  Next to "Shaolin Football" is "Black Fist". Two films of different types give people different feelings. Suddenly, these two films disappeared from the Hong Kong movie box office rankings.  There is a lot of cannon fodder left, but the box office of "Shaolin Soccer" in Hong Kong is much higher than that of "Dark Fist", and the box office performance in the first week was a full eight million higher than "Dark Fist".  It seems that because the market has been too suppressed in recent years, the release of two excellent works has actually aroused unprecedented enthusiasm for movie watching. Other movies have been forced to give way. Liu Tianwang has to be grateful that "Ahu" has been released in the ten years.  It was released in January and has already achieved. No matter how you calculate it, "Shaolin Soccer" has a box office of over 60 million. In comparison, "Thunderbolt", which collided with these two films, was suppressed.  Got to be dim.  Owns King Guo.  Big-name actors such as Wang Leehong, the new generation of little kings, and Japanese beauty Norika Fujiwara, only had a measly 4 million Hong Kong dollars in box office in the first week, ranking third.  Zhonghuan Co., Ltd., which has a Taiwanese capital background, feels that it has been completely humiliated.  Especially since this film cost eight million dollars.  In the end, they may have to rely on copyright and DVDs to earn back their investment in the long run, which makes Central Company feel extremely angry, and at the same time, it is also annoyed by the scheduling issue of this schedule.  He actually hit the two icebergs Zhou Xingxing and Shen Zhenghui.  Originally, if there was no comparison between "Shaolin Soccer" and "Black Fist", the weekly box office of four million would be considered an achievement. However, on the same list, the top two results of $18 million and 10 million are too much.  It was too conspicuous, and everyone cared about the top two at most, and no one had the heart to watch the third, so we continued on. In the second week, "Shaolin Soccer" continued to maintain a box office of 16 million in Hong Kong, and "Black Fist" even increased a bit.  , the box office actually reached 12 million, and "Thunder Men" continued to remain at around 4 million.  After Shen Zhenghui received the information that "Black Fist" would definitely protect its capital, he really let go of everything and devoted himself to the filming of "Assembly".  In this film, all the actors, even the consultants, are going through the most painful test in their lives. Everyone must learn to express themselves hard, and at the same time try to persuade others to accept their ideas and expressions.  Young actor Zhang Hanyu recalled this time in the future and said, "At that time, we filmed day and night. After filming, the film was immediately sent to Japan to be developed. Before the next filming, we had to hold a special meeting to watch the last film.  What is the effect? ??Everyone has a group meeting to discuss, and they are really working day and night. Although the old soldiers who are consultants are very old, it is only during the meeting that you find that they are full of energy.  It was very good. I pointed out any shortcomings immediately and argued with them. I forgot how I survived that period. Several old soldiers were sick and were still thinking about it when they were hospitalized.  When it came to filming, I insisted on holding a bottle during the meeting. The most shocking thing was to see the real battle scenes filmed. Many people, including me, were stunned. This was so shocking. We had only seen it in American blockbusters.  However, I didn¡¯t expect that we could film it ourselves. Many veteran soldiers cried when they saw it. ¡°Not only Zhang Hanyu, but also Zhang Jiayi, Liao Fan, etc., all complained when talking about this time, but it was this hard time.  Time has become the best asset in their lives.  Three directors from the Bayi Film Studio said, "After a lifetime of making war films, it was only when I was filming "Assembly" that I realized that the things I had shot before were simply too rough, but there was nothing you could do about it. "Assembly"  The number is to burn money and arrange bombs every day?, there were hundreds of people doing the explosion special effects, and there were real engineers on site to provide guidance. The ambulance was right next to it. If you didn't pay attention and ran the wrong route, you would be accidentally injured and needed first aid.  " Shen Zhenghui seems to be the most laid-back. In fact, he is under greater pressure than anyone else. After all, he is the final bearer of all this. The popularity and reputation accumulated through several movies, if it fails all at once,  Although Shen Zhenghui feels that he can bear this loss financially, the impact on his reputation and career is immeasurable. As the director who is ultimately responsible, all the arguments and opinions were thought up by everyone, but in the end.  Shen Zhenghui still needs someone to make the final decision. Although the final film still relies on Director Feng's work in the frame, it is already two completely different things. Shen Zhenghui is sometimes very hesitant. Although his film is said to be in terms of characters and  The concept is still novel, but the theme is completely the main theme, which is completely inconsistent with Director Feng's original petty bourgeois intention of showing human nature. When such a thing is shot, it is different from previous movies. The audience market is mainly mainland China.  Whether it will be accepted by mainland audiences is a big question. Although Shen Zhenghui has tried his best to predict the release time, with the help of consultants, the drama is progressing very quickly.  , this group of young people have been trained enough to develop their acting skills, and with the influence of the veterans' empathy, it is not difficult to grasp the feelings and emotions of the people in the drama. The progress of the war drama is much slower.  After all, this is a systematic and large-scale project, and Shen Zhenghui is unwilling to learn Director Feng¡¯s shaky pseudo-documentary shooting method. However, he had to use Sony equipment for the entire film.  The progress is really beyond Shen Zhenghui's expectations. It is progressing very fast. It is almost the Chinese New Year. The filming is almost half complete and it is almost certain that the filming task will be completed by the end of February and the post-production process will begin.  We have already begun to contact companies in Hong Kong and Japan about these matters. The domestic post-production level is still too weak. Just when Shen Zhenghui was worried about gains and losses, Wang Jiansheng came to the shooting site. This time, he chose to shoot in the Northeast.  In addition to the needs of the story itself, Shen Zhenghui also had some thoughts. There were thousands of extras on site every day, which was a huge expense. The crew's own expenses were even more expensive, because Poly  Due to the relationship, the local garrison also participated in the filming, but at least on the surface they did not charge money. A month after the filming started, the crew suddenly received an order that the commander of the local provincial military region was to come to the crew. Shen Zhenghui felt confused.  Wang Anping passed the news that Wang Jiansheng was coming to inspect the set. Even if he was a retired vice chairman of the Military Commission, he was an important figure. Many governors, deputy governors, and secretary-generals from the province also came with him.  A chief of staff came from the military region, and for a while the crew felt like they were being strictly guarded like pandas. Naturally, Shen Zhenghui was not so narcissistic that he thought he was exuding a domineering spirit. Maybe Wang Jiansheng's arrival was just an old man.  On a whim, maybe it was an indirect statement from him, maybe it was out of consideration for Poly's interests, but no matter what, this old man came to the crew and gave Shen Zhenghui great help, and the news from the crew could be  It will be in the newspapers for a while, and it will probably be easier for the movie to get censored in the future.  Old General Wang himself felt that his purpose was very simple, but those who followed him did not dare to think so.  The old general first met with the veteran soldiers and cadres on the set one by one. This veteran general who also participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea treated these veteran soldiers and cadres very kindly and kindly. He also knew several old soldiers, and he asked them one by one about their recent living conditions.  , and finally asked them how their work on the crew was going.  Working on the crew is also very hard. Although there are dedicated people to take care of their daily lives, these veteran soldiers are all in their 70s and 80s after all. Meetings every day are too much for them. Many of them have to leave the crew and go home to recuperate.  Those who came down were all masters with strong bodies and stubborn minds.  They all said that making movies was very interesting, and it reminded them of their prosperous years. Although the director did not listen to them for everything, the crew listened to their suggestions as much as possible and tried their best to express them in the movie. They felt that it was great  Be very fulfilling.  General Wang followed this topic and started his speech.  He began to recall history, recalling under what circumstances and under what kind of pressure the volunteers fought against the US military, which was far more prepared than he was, and what results they achieved, and what the mood of the army was at that time, and he talked about it by the way.  Of course, General Zhang is mainly talking about the various problems our country is facing right now.The problem is that the army is facing great difficulties. Under the new idea of ????building an army, the army has to suffer for the sake of the overall situation, but it cannot stop fighting because of this army.  Peace is possible but not inevitable. Peace without the protection of the army is meaningless at all. Therefore, the army must be based on being able to fight and win wars at all times.  Shen Zhenghui himself felt confused. He had no idea why General Wang would come to his crew to talk about this. The people present should not be the target of the news at all. They were a group of retired veterans, heads of local governments, and managers.  Regarding the war, the only active-duty military chief of staff didn't seem to listen to the old general's words at all. He treated General Wang as if he were a leader.  So what¡¯s the point of saying this?  General Wang said immediately: Movies are a good thing and can play a very good role in publicity.  Propaganda is a very important factor in the success of our party's previous undertakings.  I asked you at the beginning how you were working on the crew. I was very happy to hear your answer. What you did was down-to-earth. Of course, what the crew did was also down-to-earth. This was great, filming the War of Liberation.  In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, they did not just talk to themselves about filming whatever they wanted, but seriously asked old comrades about what happened back then, and invited old comrades to participate in the filming of this film as consultants.  That's good.  It is a down-to-earth and realistic attitude, and the movies shot in this way are also down-to-earth and realistic.  So down to earth.  Factual works serve as promotional material.  It must be widely accepted because of its quality.  Because there is no fault in it, it is real. What we need to do in publicity is to use the truth to promote it Shen Zhenghui felt.  General Wang's words obviously had a purpose, but he still couldn't see the intention. However, what he said seemed to be beneficial to Shen Zhenghui himself. Of course, Shen Zhenghui did not refuse General Wang's promotion of his movie.  He didn't even mind that General Wang organized the soldiers in the army to watch the movie together. If this thing could really succeed, he would almost wake up laughing.  General Wang quickly mentioned Shen Zhenghui. When he called Shen Zhenghui's name, Shen Zhenghui immediately sat up straight and nodded to the leaders present with a smile.  "Director Shen is young and promising," General Wang said. "The total box office of the movies he has shot and invested should exceed US$500 million." There were cheers of approval from those present, including those who met Shen Zhenghui every day.  The old soldiers all showed incredible expressions.  "Not that much." Shen Zhenghui hurriedly defended. It is possible that the box office of the several movies he has shot will exceed 20 billion yen by then, and 500 million US dollars is an exaggeration.  "You invested in "World Air Combat Story", right?" General Wang asked rhetorically.  "I just invested part of it." Shen Zhenghui swallowed.  "The box office of this movie has reached nearly 300 million U.S. dollars, right?" "A little over 200 million U.S. dollars." Shen Zhenghui replied.  "With the addition of "Tokyo Fortress" and "Urhai Fortress", 500 million is already a small amount." "The problem is that this is not my exclusive investment, I only invested part of it." Shen Zhenghui replied.  Such a casual conversation between him and General Wang made everyone thoughtful. In their opinion, Shen Zhenghui's relationship was exposed to them in a sense, so the purpose of Wang Jiansheng's trip was also thought to be invisible to these self-righteous people.  Cleared.  "With a discount, it should add up. Don't worry, I'm not asking for your money." Wang Jiansheng waved his hand and said, "What I like about Director Shen is not that he can make money by making movies, but that he can make money by making movies."  Those films, such as "Urhai Fortress" and "Tokyo Fortress", including "World Combat Story", all have one big feature," Wang Jiansheng paused, "That is to be ready for war at any time."  Such a theme can be seen in the cartoon. Vice Chairman, you have a lot of imagination, right?  Shen Zhenghui cursed in his heart.  The old men present were not ignorant. One old man asked doubtfully, "These movies you are talking about seem to be cartoons, right? My grandson has seen them. Are they about airplanes and air combat?" Wang Jiansheng nodded, "  It is indeed about air force air combat. It is very meaningful. Several air force units even organized group viewings. It is also used as a teaching film within the air force." The eyes of the old man who had never seen the cartoon were widened. "You said this,  I must go and see it." Several old men thought about it and said, "We have produced a rigorous and realistic film. Can it also be used as a teaching film?" The old soldiers were a little excited.  Wang said nothing when he saw victory, and looked at the chief of staff aside.  The chief of staff was somewhatHe had never seen the movie that the vice chairman mentioned, but he still wanted to say something about the scene at this time. The chief of staff said, "I heard that this is a movie that reflects the growth of ordinary soldiers and cadres of our army. If it really  The filming is rigorous, realistic, and educational. It should indeed be used as a teaching film for military cadres and soldiers to learn from. "This is already a good statement.  The governor burst into laughter. The first thing he said was to thank Shen Zhenghui for choosing this province as the filming location. This has brought great help to the province's economy. The governor was very grateful to Shen Zhenghui for filming here. Of course, this was with  Said in a relaxed tone.  Then the governor talked about the education of cadres. The blood and sweat of the predecessors made today's New China possible. How to build and manage the current New China to live up to the blood of the predecessors. This is a question.  It was a very big question, but at a moment's notice, the provincial governor mentioned the political slogans of the General Secretary and expressed that he must adhere to these slogans and implement them into practice.  Then again, he said that this movie, as a movie itself, should have the same slogan-like propaganda ability to alert the audience and educate them about history Shen Zhenghui was shocked to find that even if it came from a later timeline, he still couldn't  I cannot express my admiration for the eloquence and thinking of these bureaucrats.  Vice Chairman Wang stayed for just one day and then left. The provincial governor and the chief of staff of the military region left their contact information for Shen Zhenghui, asking him to contact them directly if anything happened. Shen Zhenghui had no choice but to express his gratitude.  Shen Zhenghui guessed that Vice Chairman Wang's appearance had some political significance, but he was not familiar with the senior management and did not dare to make random speculations.  In general, Vice Chairman Wang's visit has many benefits. At least the local government is now very cooperative with Shen Zhenghui. They even put a deputy secretary-general of the municipal party committee here to coordinate the relationship between the crew and the local government. Shen Zhenghui deeply appreciates this.  Express thanks.  The only bad thing is that the speeches of Wang Jiansheng and the provincial governor caused the actors to misunderstand, thinking that they were filming a propaganda film with political significance. Regarding this, Shen Zhenghui had to clarify at the meeting, "It's not because we are  That¡¯s why the political propaganda film needs to be filmed well, but because it is filmed well, we will become a political propaganda film.¡± His nonchalant attitude suppressed this worry.  The filming was progressing smoothly. Shen Zhenghui's parents came to the set to spend the New Year with him, but it was already the third day of the Lunar New Year. Shen Xingguo hurriedly arrived after spending a few days with his mother in his hometown.  The crew gave out red envelopes and gifts to every staff member who stayed behind. Liang Kexiu also did the same thing. During the Chinese New Year, things were less busy, but work did not stop. Except for a few actors who flew home for convenience, everyone else stayed behind.  The crew continued to work hard, which made Shen Xingguo criticize Shen Zhenghui.  After the Chinese New Year, I worked hard for more than ten days, and the entire film was finally finished. Immediately, the intense post-production began. All the actors and other actors on the crew were separated. The director's work was still very heavy. The three assistant directors were about to fly with Shen Zhenghui.  Go to Japan and start preparing for post-production and editing.  At the same time, Wang Anping finally came to resolve Shen Zhenghui's doubts about Wang Jiansheng's visit. "The military pressure is too great, and the old leader doesn't want to retreat yet." She said simply.  (To be continued)
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