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Volume 1 Chapter 168 Abyss

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    Nietzsche once said, "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you." Shen Zhenghui also remembered another sentence: Everyone who walks through it will leave traces.  So the moment he got Todo Koucho's reaction, Shen Zhenghui suddenly understood that his attempt to test Fukuda Mitsumi had no results for him. On the contrary, for Fukuda Mitsumi, it became a source of information.  , if this kind of temptation is fed back to Fukuda Mitsumi from Todo Xiangcheng, Fukuda Mitsumi will easily understand that Shen Zhenghui is a straight man, and he was a male before time travel.  Why am I so stupid? Shen Zhenghui blamed himself. After I got the news from Liu Xin, I should have remained calm. It was the best way to continue using Liu Xin to talk about the news. I impulsively expanded new sources of information. As a result,  That's it, falling into someone else's trap - of course, it's not yet certain that this is a trap.  Shen Zhenghui stood up immediately, put his hand on Todo Xiangcheng's shoulder, and said to her seriously, "Don't tell Fukuda Mitsumi what happened tonight." "Huh?" Todo Xiangcheng was confused by Shen Zhenghui's sudden move.  He was a little confused. When he saw Shen Zhenghui standing up and holding his shoulders, he naturally reacted and raised his knees to hit Shen Zhenghui's abdomen.  "Oh" Shen Zhenghui let out a scream, and then hit his nose with a knee. His whole head felt dizzy, and he felt dizzy, and then he fell on the sofa, not knowing anything else.  At this moment, Todo Xiangcheng was apologizing to Shen Zhenghui who had passed out, "I'm sorry. You rushed over suddenly. I was not mentally prepared. In fact, I was mentally prepared for this, but it was too sudden  "This girl didn't hear clearly what Shen Zhenghui said before he was knocked unconscious. She kept talking to herself for a long time. Seeing that Shen Zhenghui had no response, she tentatively felt for the other person's pulse. After feeling it, she breathed a sigh of relief - and  alive.  Seeing the man who had fainted, Todo Xiangcheng couldn't help but send him to the hospital.  By this time, she had calmed down and realized from experience that the other party had just passed out.  Then he breathed a sigh of relief, dragged him to the bed and laid him down, and out of Japanese habit, helped him take off his coat.  After bowing deeply to Shen Zhenghui who was lying down, he expressed his apology.  Todo Xiangcheng put away her anxiety.  Change clothes, take a shower and lie down.  This is a single bed room with only one bed.  So after taking a bath, Todo Xiangcheng unceremoniously slept next to Shen Zhenghui.  In a sense, she has achieved her wish.  The next morning, when Shen Zhenghui woke up from his nightmare, he was shocked to discover the reality. Todo Xiangcheng was sleeping next to him in pajamas and put his arms around her waist. This was probably because of his heart condition.  The reason why he had nightmares due to oppression, with two slender thighs sandwiching him, Todo Koucho's young face was close at hand.  What is going on?  Shen Zhenghui tried hard to remember for a long time, and finally remembered that he had been hit twice last night because of the soreness in his nose.  He reached out and touched his abdomen, and the muscles there were sore.  Then almost subconsciously, Shen Zhenghui touched his pants. Fortunately, they were still intact.  That means he didn't do anything last night, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief.  "Ah, Jun Shen, are you awake?" Tengtang Xiangcheng was also awakened by Shen Zhenghui's deep breathing. She immediately jumped up from the bed and almost knelt on the bedside. "I'm really sorry for last night. Your  The move was too sudden, and I knocked you unconscious out of instinct. Are you feeling better now?" Shen Zhenghui felt that he had nothing to say, "Why do you sleep in the same bed with me?" "There is only one bed in this room?  Ah, the sofa is too big for a nap." Todo Kouchi replied matter-of-factly.  "You can help me book another room." "Sorry, this hotel has no vacant rooms all year round. This time, Mr. Hong helped book a private room." Tengtang Xiangcheng said.  Shen Zhenghui sat up. This move made him a little dizzy. Todo Xiangcheng hurriedly went to help him.  Shen Zhenghui came to his senses and said to her, "Do you remember what I said to you last night?" "What?" "It's Mitsumi Fukuda" At this moment, the doorbell rang.  "Who is it?" Shen Zhenghui was shocked, as if he had been caught and raped in bed.  "Maybe it's a crew member." Todo Xiangcheng said, and got out of bed and went to open the door.  "I" Before Shen Zhenghui could say anything, Tengtang Xiangcheng had already opened the door.  Shen Zhenghui pricked up his ears and heard the local stage manager knocking on the door. Shen Zhenghui heard? He said at the door that the flight ticket has been booked, and Ms. Todo can directly use her passport to go to the airport to take a flight. Todo Xiangcheng said thank you to the other party in awkward Cantonese. Maybe Todo Xiangcheng's attitude was too gentle, and  Or the bathrobe she was wearing was too tempting. The local Hong Kong stage manager probably thought that this was a Japanese actor who was easy to work with, so he asked in a teasing tone, "Miss Todo, can I come in and sit down?" "Ah.  ? "Tengtang Xiangcheng didn't react for a moment. When she started to say "I'm sorry," the other party had already walked in.  Then Shen Zhenghui sat on the bed awkwardly and looked into the eyes of the stage manager who was stunned when he came in.  The Hong Kong people shuddered and said hurriedly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know there was anyone." After saying that, he turned around and ran away. Togdo Xiangcheng also failed to react in time.  When Todo Xiangcheng closed the door and walked in again, Shen Zhenghui looked at her with a bitter look on his face, "Why did you react so quickly when you faced me last night?" Todo Xiangcheng had to stick out his tongue.  ¡°I definitely can¡¯t control it now. Maybe within a few days, no, even a few hours later, the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry will know about it.  Shen Zhenghui thought this depressingly, looking at Todo Xiangcheng a little annoyed: It would be fine if I really ate this orange, but "Mr. Shen?" Todo Xiangcheng asked, "Do you want to go back to Japan?  ?" "No." Shen Zhenghui stood up and started to get dressed. "Yes." "You said it now, remember it!  Walking to the door, "Remember what I said last night." "Which sentence?" "It's about President Fukuda. Don't talk to Fukuda Mitsumi about what I asked." "Ah, those words!" Toudoka  Cheng touched his hair, as if it depends on your performance, "If she can play the heroine in Shen Jun's movie, maybe she will forget what you told me last night." This  Something is completely wrong. I was clearly at the disadvantage last night.  They were all knocked unconscious.  Why was he being blackmailed instead?  Shen Zhenghui forced out a smile and said, "Miss Fujitang, I will remember you." He stretched out his hand and put it on the doorknob.  "Shen Jun, don't you wash your face and brush your teeth?" Tengtang Xiangcheng asked.  "Forget it, I don't want to stay in this room any longer." Shen Zhenghui replied.  Unscrew the door and go out.  Just took a few steps.  He saw director Lu Yang walking towards him. He seemed very embarrassed after seeing him.  By this time, Shen Zhenghui had already looked away, "Director Lu. What's the matter?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  Lu Yang coughed and said awkwardly, "I just came back." Shen Zhenghui glanced at the dark circles under his eyes, nodded, and said, "Understood." Just as he was about to continue walking, Lu Yangque reached out and held Shen Zhenghui's hand.  "President," he shouted, "I want to tell you something." "What is it?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  Lu Yang looked at the corridor, and then Teng Tang Xiang Cheng came out, "Shen Jun, your wallet fell in my room." Shen Zhenghui and Lu Yang felt an inexplicable embarrassment at the same time.  Todo Xiangcheng walked over without realizing it and handed the wallet to Shen Zhenghui, and greeted Lu Yang, "Good morning, Director Lu!" Lu Yang squeezed out a smile and said, "Good morning." Shen Zhenghui stuffed the wallet into himself  Under his clothes, he said to Lu Yang, "Why don't we find a place to have breakfast." "It's right at the hotel" Lu Yang saw Shen Zhenghui's expression and immediately changed his words, "There is a good tea restaurant nearby." He also  I'm embarrassed to say that I just came back from breakfast.  Shen Zhenghui is not used to Hong Kong's morning tea, but now that he is hungry, he still orders a few snacks that he doesn't hate, and listens to what Lu Yang wants to say.  Lu Yang¡¯s expression looked more complicated. He was now regretting his impulsiveness.  Last night, as a director, he was invited to go out by Brother Hong from the Hong Kong film industry. Brother Hong is 51 this year and is already old enough to know his destiny. Two years ago, he went to Hollywood to film the TV series "The Dragon Crossing the River". Hollywood is not easy to mess with.  , unable to gain a firm foothold, and finally had to return to the Hong Kong film industry.  Although he is a big brother-level figure in the Hong Kong film industry, the current Hong Kong film industry is simply a small pond and cannot support big-brother-level figures, otherwise figures like Jack Cheng, Jet Lee, and Pony Ma would not be able to support him.  He devoted himself to Hollywood and saw that Zhou Xingxing's works in Hong Kong were getting less and less, and there would be almost nothing in the future.??If you focus on making movies, you will know what the current environment is like.  "But Brother Hong still has to put on the airs of the elder brother, which is a bit embarrassing.  After all, unlike his junior brother, he has enough international appeal.  So this time, Lu Yang's crew came to film. Brother Hong was keenly aware that this was an opportunity, because the background of this crew was complicated. The bosses were Japanese and mainlanders, and they used a crew from Hong Kong. It was simply a mixed bag.  The bosses in Japan and Mainland China sounded like they were powerful, so Brother Hong realized his advantages and had a strong foundation in Hong Kong.  But obviously he was not the first person to realize this. Whether it was Huanya, Yongsheng, or even Jiahe, these big bosses had already mobilized for the market. So this time, when Lu Yang found Brother Hong through Yuan Xiangren of Yuanjiaban,  During the filming, he not only agreed and accepted a friendly price, but also took the initiative to help a lot. He also cooperated with the director during the filming process. After finally getting closer to the director, he naturally asked for cooperation.  Lu Yang sat in front of Shen Zhenghui and felt a little embarrassed.  In essence, he is still a wage earner and cannot reach the level of decision-making at all. However, because he wanted to save face in front of Brother Hong, he did not agree to his request.  But I also said that we should try our best to shut down the conversation.  Lu Yang has long realized that he is not Japanese, and the main direction of filming movies in the future can only be Hong Kong and mainland China. Therefore, from his perspective as a director, he is not suitable to ignore the requests of a film industry boss like Brother Hong.  Don't ask.  The key now is to see the boss¡¯s attitude.  Lu Yang thought to himself, his eyes focused anxiously on Shen Zhenghui's face.  After listening to Lu Yang¡¯s words, Shen Zhenghui felt that he had become a hot potato. Thinking about it more carefully, it seemed that he had been a hot potato from the beginning. Although Hong Jinbao was also a big shot in the Hong Kong film industry.  But in terms of status, he is still lagging behind several major companies.  But there is no need to deliberately offend him. Although he knows the moral character of many people in the Hong Kong film industry, Shen Zhenghui has no interest in helping the Hong Kong film industry rectify its problems.  "If we can make money, of course it doesn't matter how we cooperate. Specific conditions can be negotiated." Shen Zhenghui replied.  "But Director Lu. I think you should focus mainly on your work. If there is no work, how can we cooperate?" Lu Yang thought this was a knock on himself.  But Shen Zhenghui continued, "There is no problem with cooperation. The question is who takes the lead. We currently have too few cards in Hong Kong, so we must cooperate. But if others have too many cards, others will take the lead," he said.  Glancing at Lu Yang, "Director Lu, your work this time is actually a test of the waters, and it can be regarded as cultivating a team of our own. I hope Director Lu will realize this. Anyway, I will not keep investing money in Hong Kong."  Renhua, and then I helped them with the distribution." These words made Lu Yang, who had not slept all night, suddenly cheer up.  "What do you mean" he asked carefully.  Shen Zhenghui patted Lu Yang on the shoulder, "Director Lu, you have to work hard. Let's take a look at the box office of "Slaying the Wolf" first. Of course we can talk about cooperation, but cooperation should be done step by step and slowly! This time we,  It¡¯s a test of the waters, let¡¯s see the results first. Of course, although I am determined to expand my business in Hong Kong, for now, I still have to rely on you, Director Lu.¡± Lu Yang felt that the sun was shining on him, ¡°Yes, Shen.  Sir, I will work hard. " "Huanya is going to film "Infernal Affairs". You can talk to Lin Jian on my behalf and join the crew as an assistant director. Study hard. I will discuss this matter with Zhu Xinghe.  That's right. He will take you there when the time comes." "Thank you, Mr. Shen." Lu Yang was beaming.  "Infernal Affairs" Kasuga invested 40 million Hong Kong dollars, which is considered a big investor like Uni Asia. Sending an assistant director is nothing at all. Instead of sending a producer, I'm afraid Lin Jian still wants it.  Shen Zhenghui said goodbye to Hong Kong in the afternoon and returned to Pengcheng via Luohu Port.  This time there were more tasks on the trip. First, we held a meeting at Original Dynamics, asking them to set up a Hong Kong comic animation production team, and then made arrangements to continue sending animators to Japan.  But for a while, Ah Heng was still stranded in Japan. He wanted to come back with the painters sent back to China to join the newly formed Hong Kong comic animation production team.  Everyone was frightened by Shen Zhenghui's generosity. Japanese animated films were released along with TV animations, and domestic animation companies also began to expand their outsourcing business.  There has never been a break in animation for younger audiences, and with the comic magazines that are constantly expanding their territory, Shen Zhenghui's animation empire is suddenly laying the foundation.  Only Shen Zhenghui himself knows how vulnerable this momentum is. It does not require CCTV to come forward. It only requires local TV stations to temporarily stop the acquisition of animations, the government to stop preferential policies, and the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Culture, or the Publishing House to send out a few undercover agents.  ?If the same thing happened in "The King of Paintings", Shen Zhenghui would have no power to resist. He would soon have to worry about his men's food.  But there is no such problem at the moment. Everyone can only see that Mr. Shen seems to have a wild relationship and there are people everywhere.  I haven¡¯t seen that today¡¯s painters are paid cabbage-price wages for Shen Zhenghui to exploit, even cartoonists are no exception. Just compare their treatment with that of people in the same position in Japan, so from this perspective  To put it bluntly, it is Shen Zhenghui who needs Fukuda Mitsumi, not the other way around.  After simply handling the affairs in Pengcheng, I didn¡¯t bother to go home. Of course, there was no one at home. Shen Zhenghui¡¯s father and mother were working hard in other places, and they had to watch several invested film crews in person to feel relieved.  Shen Zhenghui first went north to Yuhang, where he arranged the affairs of Yuhang Xinghui Animation Company and refocused on the development of  Buying out the rights to adapt scripts with huge sums of money seems to have suddenly ignited the false fire of online literature. The number of registered authors of Qidian has greatly increased, and the number of eunuch works has maintained the same growth rate.  Many authors have decisively committed suicide when they did not get the adaptation rights and contract commitment from editors. The starting point is also a headache for these temporarily enthusiastic authors.  Shen Zhenghui originally thought about whether he could cultivate a team of screenwriters from writers, but now it seems that the plan will be postponed.  The main reason for meeting Wang Anran again was to maintain the relationship. Shen Zhenghui brought many small things as gifts. Unexpectedly, Wang Anping blocked the door the next day after meeting Wang Anran. The question she asked during the meeting was not about the preparation and filming of the movie.  , but asked, "What happened to the Li family in Hong Kong?" Shen Zhenghui was a little dazed, because he sent a text message to Wang Anping that day, and Wang Anping never responded. Shen Zhenghui thought that this matter was not a big deal for the Wang family.  What?  "The Li family sent us a cooperation test through other channels," Wang Anping said, "But it was the eldest son Li. You said the second son Li was also interested. What exactly is going on? Tell me about it."  (To be continued)
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