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Text Chapter 605 Somalia¡¯s Blitz

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    Hailong also controls the major military districts that Dragon King flies to in Somalia. There are five major military districts in Somalia. Except for the Bosaso Military District, the remaining four military districts correspond to the four countries that were originally conquered by Somalia.  ¡ÓTop point¡ÓShort story, 2+3wx are Kenya, South Sudan, and the two military regions in northern and eastern Sudan. The four major military regions each have 100,000 soldiers, and the Bosaso military region has 300,000 soldiers.  , totaling 700,000 people.  Somalia has never announced this number to the outside world. Countries have no idea how many troops Somalia has or how advanced Somalia¡¯s weapons are.  Countries only speculated that Somalia had a total of 360,000 troops before. Now after unifying countries such as Kenya and Sudan, there are only 500,000 troops at most.  Since they are all newly ruled areas, it should be difficult to recruit too many troops. At the same time, because it has just been occupied, the occupied countries only have hatred for Somalia and cannot have love for Somalia. Somalia should not dare to recruit troops there.  How do they know that Somalia has actually relied on the Dragon God Cult to develop a large number of believers in the occupied areas. With the magical skills of the priests and the appearance of the Dragon King from time to time, the major occupied areas have already believed in the Dragon God Cult.  Somalia¡¯s troops are organized in several major military districts. Only 10,000 Somalis in each military district are Somalis, and the remaining 90,000 are all locals.  With the launch of the Somali war machine, all the weapons in the Longshen Arsenal's inventory were taken out, including nearly 4,000 fighter jets, 30,000 artillery pieces, and 7,000 tanks. With these things, Hailong dared to receive assistance from the United States at the same time.  The reason why the five surrounding countries went to war at the same time.  After the five neighboring countries issued a warning letter to Somalia, the five countries were still a little worried. The leaders of the five countries were on the verge of an outbreak just because they were bullied by Somalia during this year, and they wanted to send a warning letter to tell them.  Somalia, don¡¯t think you are awesome, my brothers don¡¯t want to deal with you.  Now that we have united together, if we really deal with you, you will be finished.  As a result, after the five countries sent this letter, the leaders of the five countries regretted it. Half a million troops were pressing down on the border. According to outside rumors, the total number of Somali troops was only 360,000.  With such a joint intimidation from the five countries, if Somalia really gets scared and cannot fight, how can it explain to the people of Somalia?  You know, the magnesium people have sent all the weapons and ammunition, and it is impossible not to fight.  So, the presidents of the five countries were sitting together and discussing with a gloomy face, how to take the lead in provoking a war if Somalia gets scared.  Egyptian President Shahor said with some worry: "What if Somalia is forced by the pressure of the five countries to declare to the outside world that it will never invade the territories of any country." In the last century, Egypt, as the leader of the Middle East, because  Israel has been competing with the United States for many years.  Although the courage is commendable, the result is tragic.  Over the past few decades, Egypt's national strength has declined to the point where it has almost entered the ranks of poor countries. It has no choice but to do so.  In the last war, Egypt directly announced that it would not participate in the war, so it was forgiven by the people of Magnesium. From then on, Egypt gradually recovered with the help of the people of Magnesia.  Now.  Egypt has become a loyal lackey of the Magnesium. Half of the Suez Canal is owned by Egypt and serves as a major canal blocking China.  It can be said that Egypt is against China in every aspect.  The No. XX aircraft carrier hauled back by China wants to go through the Suez Canal, but Egypt does not agree. It has to spare the entire Africa. At the southernmost tip of Africa, it can only return to China by taking the Cape of Good Hope and passing through South Africa.  This time, in the fight against Somalia, Egypt, which has enjoyed enough benefits from the Chinese over the years, has acted as a vanguard.  After hearing what Shaher said, Chadian President Robbo said indifferently: "Whatever, if Somalia is really scared, we will just frame them. Anyway, the most powerful media in the world are in European and American countries. Since the Magnesium people  If they are willing to help us, they will naturally speak for us in the media. Even if we initiated this incident, the Chinese people will say in the media that it was done by Somalis." Everyone nodded when they heard Robbo's words.  This is indeed the case. Public opinion around the world is in the hands of European and American countries. Three of the five permanent members of the United Nations are aligned with the United States. What the United States says is black, and what it says is white is white.  While the presidents of the five countries were sitting in the Egyptian presidential palace, laughing and discussing how to frame Somalia if Somalia gave in, a secretary walked into the office and said to Shaher: "Your Excellency, this is a letter from Somalia." Five  The president of the country was waiting for the letter. After hearing the secretary's words, Shaher took the letter first and opened it. However, after reading the words above, Shaher was dumbfounded.  The remaining four presidents are curious about the content of this letter.After several urgings but no answer from Shaher, the four of them snatched the letter. When they took a look at it, the four presidents were also dumbfounded.  Because there are only two words on this letter: war!  Shaher asked curiously: "Does this mean that Somalia is the first to go to war with our five countries?" The presidents of the remaining four countries also don't understand what the Somalis are going to do. If there is a real war, why does Somalia have the courage?  From the perspective of the presidents of the five countries, it would be easy to defeat the Somali army of only 360,000 with 500,000 troops equipped with advanced weapons from the United States.  However, how did they know that Hilong decided to strike preemptively this time. Among the five countries, except for Egypt, which is a real military country, the other countries, Chad's army, were temporarily recruited from the militia and had no combat strength at all.  This is especially true for the Central African Republic. These countries do not have strong armies to begin with. It is only because of the support of Magnesium and the fact that they are jealous of Somalia's wealth that they have the idea of ????war.  Fukuda Makiko had already obtained the specific location of the five-person team through spies. Therefore, Hailong decided to take a preemptive strike and personally commanded an army of 300,000 soldiers on the border of Egypt. Fakhla, Tarfa, Li Guohui, and Zhang Rang each led 10 troops.  Ten thousand troops were divided into four groups and sent out troops at the same time to directly destroy these four countries.  The presidents of the five countries had just seen this letter. Except for Shaher, the cell phones of the presidents of the remaining four countries rang at the same time, and the four of them answered the phone in surprise.  However, the phone call was just connected, and the message that came over the phone was: "Your Excellency, something bad is going on. Early this morning, Somalia's 100,000-strong army suddenly attacked our military base, and all 100,000-strong troops were captured." After hearing the news, the four of them  Cold sweat suddenly flowed down the person's forehead, just when the presidents of the four countries wanted to ask what was going on.  Worse news came from the four people's mobile phone microphones: "Your Excellency, after the Somali army destroyed our army, the army is marching straight towards our capital. There is no army in the capital at all. Your Excellency, maybe tomorrow  In the morning, our country will be destroyed." When the voice on the phone stopped, the four people sat on the ground involuntarily. Shaher looked at the four people and knew that something serious must have happened.  Asked anxiously: "What happened?" The four of them looked at Shahor together. The president of Chad first said: "I just received a call from the rear. Just now, our troops on the Somali border were attacked.  Somalia's sudden attack, all 100,000 troops were captured. Now, the Somali army is heading towards the capital of our country. The army will arrive in the capital tomorrow morning at the latest. By that time, won't I become an exile?  President." The other three looked at the President of Chad and said involuntarily, "My country is the same as you." After saying this, the five people looked at each other and their eyes widened in surprise.  This means that if Somalia sends troops to the four countries at the same time, the four countries will be finished.  Seeing this situation, Egyptian President Shahor, who was born in the military, thought excitedly that now is a good time for Egypt to send troops to Somalia.  Somalia will definitely send a large number of troops to attack the four countries at the same time. Then, relatively speaking, Somalia's troops stationed on the Egyptian border will naturally become very few.  Egypt has 450,000 regular troops. Shaher feels that this time, he will not only send 100,000 troops, but 200,000 troops at once. While the Somali army is trapped among the four countries, Egypt must fight against the huge Somali army.  Only by biting off a large piece of meat from the body.  Thinking of this, Shaher excitedly said to the four of them: "My dear brothers, listen to me. Now that you are at a critical moment of life and death, I have a way to help you resolve the crisis." Who wants to be the king of a subjugated country?  After hearing Shaher's words, everyone hurriedly said together: "What can we do?" Shaher said: "Since Somalia has sent troops to the four countries at the same time, then Somalia's own army must not be many. Everyone immediately let the domestic elites organize the army to fight with Somalia.  Street fighting resolutely blocked the Somalis for a period of time, and I personally led 200,000 Egyptian troops straight into the hinterland of Somalia in Sudan, forcing the Somali army to return to aid. In this way, the four countries of your country will not be destroyed.¡±  Knowing that Egypt was using them as a weapon, but this was the best solution at this time, the presidents of the four countries nodded, picked up the phone and called back to the country to contact them about defense matters.  Seeing that the presidents of the four countries agreed to his request, Shaher laughed in his heart, strode out of the presidential palace, and drove to the military area on the outskirts of the capital.  At this time, Egypt¡¯s 200,000 troops have been in a state of readiness. The reason why there are 200,000 soldiers in Egypt is thatEr originally thought that once Somalia was breached, his extra troops would be used to grab territory.  Unexpectedly, it was used here now. Shaher said to the generals who had already prepared: "Generals, our opportunity in Egypt has come. Let us organize our army immediately and send troops to Somalia." 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