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Text Chapter 603 The Horn of War

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    A year ago, such a base of unknown purpose was built on the outskirts of Bosaso. This base is completely controlled by the Dragon God Army. Except for people from the Dragon God Cult, outsiders cannot approach it at all.  In the past few years, spies from all over the world have figured it out. If this place is labeled as not accessible to anyone but the Dragon God Cult, then spies from all over the world will never go there.  Spies from various countries have proved with their blood that the followers of the Dragon God Sect cannot be disguised by agents from various countries at all. No matter how clever the spies from various countries pretend to be and how pious they imitate, as soon as they get close to the followers of the Dragon God Sect, they will be attacked by the dragon.  The cultists discovered that this person was not from the Dragon God Cult at all.  Because of this alone, the agents from all over the world combined have lost at least hundreds of people. This makes the agent organizations in various countries feel distressed. If they want to train a qualified agent, can it be solved by spending money?  ?  After losing a large number of agents, various countries came up with another way, which was to let agents join the Dragon God Cult. When this stupid method was implemented by the agent organizations of various countries, the agent organizations of various countries were completely unlucky.  Every agent who joined the Dragon God Cult became a fanatical believer in the Dragon God Cult. In the end, they not only betrayed their original country but also betrayed their original country's intelligence.  ¡°Just because of this incident, the intelligence systems of various countries in Somalia were completely paralyzed. This is also the main reason why various countries are determined to eliminate Somalia.  Since all the last batch of agents were killed, the newly sent spies have become cautious, especially when it comes to places marked as prohibited for non-Dragon God followers.  Although this agent of the Magnesium Country wanted to go and investigate, if he took one more look, he would find that he was being targeted by the Dragon God Army soldiers on duty.  So, this year, this agent can only do it when he has nothing to do.  Pretending to be doing business, he quietly explored this route. Today, he finally discovered what this base on the outskirts of Bosaso was used for.  I saw a truck full of high-purity titanium metal.  The agent's eyes were dumbfounded. How much money would this cost?  The most important thing is that it is not a matter of price, but that there are only three companies in the world that can produce this kind of high-purity titanium, one in Magnesium and two in Japan. Other companies in the world simply do not have this capability.  ¡°And this agent clearly knew that this kind of titanium was not sold to Somalia at all.  Because, use such thin titanium to make space shuttle wires.  During this year, the agents witnessed hundreds of vehicles traveling between Longshen Arsenal and this base every day. This means that in Somalia, there were a large number of people who should not appear every day during this year.  The metal in Somalia appeared in the Dragon God Arsenal in Somalia.  This is definitely a big deal. The agents instinctively feel that Somalia may have deceived everyone this year.  He quickly dodged into the crowd and reported the incident after returning to the base.  When the intelligence minister received the news and told Obama about it.  Obama smashed the cup in his hand and almost told the intelligence minister to pack up and get out.  It took a year to get this situation. Obama couldn't imagine how much Somalia had done in this year. It was ridiculous that he thought Somalia had been blocked by technology. Somalia had no way to obtain high-tech electronic equipment from various countries.  , precision instruments and expensive metal materials.  Lying on the sofa chair in the office, Obama needs to think carefully about what has happened in the past year, first of all.  He asked other countries to join forces with Magnesium to impose a technological blockade on Somalia, and then.  Somalia is developing its domestic economy with peace of mind and has not made any abnormal moves.  The only abnormality is that the chiefs of Somalia¡¯s surrounding countries see Somalia¡¯s wealth.  I hope to also join Somalia, which involves homeland issues.  Seeing that Somalia wanted to annex these lands, I took advantage of international public opinion to criticize Somalia. As a result, Somalia was criticized by the outside world for a year, and these lands were not obtained by them in the end.  This is his success this year, but now it seems that Obama knows that he has been completely fooled by Somalia. Somalia has used the territorial issue to devote all his energy to it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Somalia  After secretly developing the military industry for a year, Obama could not even imagine how far Somalia's military industry had reached.  When Obama moved his body out of the sofa, he saw the Minister of Intelligence standing tremblingly in front of him, not knowing how to deal with himself. Obama thought helplessly: In fact, there is no way to blame the Minister of Intelligence for this matter.  Obama also has a deep understanding of the strangeness of the Dragon God Cult, especially when he attended the last founding ceremony of Somalia, the Dragon God Cult priestPerforming magical skills and feeling his stomach, Obama knew that this was a truly strange ability.  Obama¡¯s stomach problem was cured by the priest¡¯s magic. After seeing the milky white light with his own eyes, Obama couldn¡¯t understand what it was.  After waving his hand, Obama said to the Minister of Intelligence: "Madam, now you still have a chance to make up for it." Hearing that there was still a chance to make amends, the Minister of Intelligence immediately said: "Your Excellency, please give me your instructions." Obama  He supported his chin with one hand, tilted his head and said to the intelligence minister: "Your only chance is to immediately send someone to find out where Somalia bought the high-end electronic equipment, precision instruments and rare metals. I want that  The country has tasted the consequences of deceiving the United States. "A hard-core country like Somalia cannot be dealt with, but no country other than Somalia is not afraid of the United States.  The Minister of Intelligence ran out quickly and arranged for his men to search for clues. Looking at the Minister of Intelligence who ran out, Obama thought helplessly in his heart. It seems that the day when Somalia will unify Africa is not far away, but he does not have any ability to do it.  Prevent.  Three days later, Obama¡¯s miserable intelligence minister finally found out the truth about the matter. Looking at the information in his hand, Obama felt that the world had gone crazy.  In the conference room, Obama summoned the think tanks and asked the Minister of Intelligence to give the obtained information to his think tanks. The think tanks also looked in disbelief. No one could believe that this was true.  Information obtained from the Minister of Intelligence shows that Somalia relied on the smuggling of Ye Huairen and Petrov to obtain a large number of high-end electronic equipment and precision instruments from Russia, Japan, Italy, including Magnesia and other countries.  With only raw materials, the intelligence agency really has no idea where the other party obtained it. However, seeing the amount of high-end equipment purchased by Somalia, we know that Somalia has also obtained a lot of rare metals.  After the think tanks finished reading the intelligence in their hands, Obama sighed and said: "Okay, gentlemen, let us now think about how to deal with this crisis." A think tank frowned deeply and said to Australia  Bama said: "Your Excellency, has this matter been confirmed to be true?" Bama nodded and said: "Thanks to the professionalism of our intelligence personnel in Somalia, we finally obtained this by chance.  Intelligence, according to this intelligence, we have further verified that this intelligence is true. Therefore, we have reason to believe that Somalia today has a large number of high-tech weapons. This time I invite you to come, just to discuss how to  Solve this problem." Hearing Obama's words, everyone was even more horrified. According to the reports of the agents and the information of the intelligence department, the weapons that Somalia can produce in this year will definitely be better than the current high-end weapons of Magnesia.  More.  The think tank sighed and said: "Your Excellency, if this is the case, there will be no way to stop the rise of Somalia. Unless we directly send troops to attack Somalia, otherwise, we can only watch Somalia annexing the entire Africa.  " Another think tank continued: "According to Somalia's current development situation, annexing Africa is definitely not Somalia's ultimate goal. After Africa is unified, Somalia can directly send its troops north to attack the entire Europe. This is not a joke, it is true. "  Although this thing sounds incredible, if you think about it carefully, Somalia has annexed Ethiopia, Eritrea, two sultanates, and Kenya below. This was only done in two years after the founding of Somalia.  Africa has its own unique national conditions. The country is basically a mess. It is better to say that it is a country than a country composed of tribes.  The rights of tribes are far greater than the rights of countries. This is caused by European and American countries. For the whole of Africa, it is just the back garden of European and American countries. Therefore, African countries, which have never become a unified country, face a centralized power.  , Somalia has strong combat power and clear goals. No African country can compete with it.  The only countries with hope are Egypt and South Africa. Other countries do not have that qualification at all.  After pondering for a long time, a think tank said to Obama: "Your Excellency, maybe we can test the strength of Somalia first." Hearing the words of this think tank, Obama became interested, and Obama signaled,  Said: "Keep talking." The think tank said: "Your Excellency, President, in this year, you have fully instigated the hatred of Somalia in the five countries surrounding Somalia. How about we do something for the surrounding countries?"??The five countries provide weapons and let them go to war against Somalia.  "(To be continued)
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