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Text Chapter 601: Somalia, the Promised Land

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    The First Civilization should be one of the oldest civilizations in the universe. Their ability to use magical stones in the universe to create immortal servants of God proves that they possess all kinds of magical things.  ¡·w. ¡°Hailong¡¯s requirements are not many. As long as all his five wives and mother can get a stone like this, Hailong will be satisfied. In this way, Hailong will never have to worry about his close relatives leaving him.  So, entering space this time is just a small step in exploration. The real purpose is to find the first civilization and make your family immortal.  Seeing the pouty expressions of the five girls, Hailong knocked on each of their small foreheads and said, "You are usually lazy and don't practice. You will suffer a loss now. Go and practice. Who can digest the crystal core before going to space next time?"  Take whoever you want, those who haven't digested it will have to stay at home." The five girls covered their foreheads and said "Oh" together, and went back to their respective palaces to practice. The aggrieved little look made Hailong shake his head.  This time going into space was actually not Dragon King flying up alone, but a business deal between Hilong and China. Hilong entrusted China to help launch a huge metal shell.  Hilong¡¯s requirements are very simple. This empty shell can hold 100,000 tons of things. This matter is difficult for Somalia, but it is very simple for China, which has successful launch experience.  All you need to do is buy an oversized metal shell and apply a layer of anti-friction and anti-high temperature coating on the outside. However, China is completely confused about this launch because Hilong¡¯s requirements are so weird.  This is just a metal shell. It does not contain any electronic equipment and does not require any people to be in it. China has no idea what the purpose of Somalia launching this thing is.  In fact, this cooperation between Somalia and China has attracted worldwide attention. The whole world wants to know what the satellite China helped Somalia launch is.  "It's a pity that Hilong had previously requested that this matter must be kept secret.  Although China wants to tell the world that they don¡¯t know why Somalia launched this metal shell.  However, the more secretive something is, the more attention it attracts. Only a few people in Somalia know about the launch of satellites. Trying to find out from Somalis is tantamount to wishful thinking. Let alone asking, it is very difficult to set foot on Somali soil.  difficulty.  Nowadays, there are very few people in the 5 million square kilometers of land who do not believe in the Dragon God Religion. Therefore, as long as people who set foot on this land do not believe in the Dragon God Religion, they will naturally be excluded from mainstream society, let alone seeking information.  .  Even if you want to work normally, it is very difficult.  For this reason, intelligence agencies from all over the world have set their sights on China, hoping to find out from China what the thing launched by Somalia is for.  Fortunately, Chinese officials are very disciplined and no one told the outside world what Somalia launched. As a result, this satellite launch attracted the attention of the world, especially when the head of the rocket was too big.  something.  It looks like something as big as a space station.  Sitting in the President's Office, Obama's newly improved mood was ruined by Somalia. He just learned that countries around the world have signed many trade contracts with Somalia, but they have abided by the agreement with the country and did not trade high-end things to Somalia.  As for Somalia, Obama is quite happy. This way, Somalia still has a long way to go if it wants to develop.  At the very least, there won't be anything that makes me scratch my head on my job.  But why is it less than a day?  Somalia has caused trouble again. It actually wants to launch a satellite, and it has not told other countries what satellite it is launching.  What is there to hide about satellites, especially if they are launched in cooperation with China? What else can such satellites do besides civilian use? Why are they so unconcerned? Wouldn¡¯t it be over if we just say it out loud? We have to keep it secret. Now,  We need to focus our energy on this.  Obama just doesn¡¯t understand. Our country is the boss, and other countries are the younger brothers. Isn¡¯t this a great world? Why don¡¯t you stop?  How did Obama know that Hailong's ultimate goal is to rule the earth? The people of the Magnesium country hope that all countries in the world will follow the rules and regulations they have arranged. In the end, the Magnesium country will become stronger and stronger, and the countries will become weaker and weaker. This in itself  It's just an impossible thing.  Putting his legs on the table, Obama loosened the ties at his collar and said to the intelligence minister who came in: "Madam, do you have any news for me?" The intelligence minister said helplessly: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency.  , So far we still don¡¯t have any news. Somalia and China are too strict about the confidentiality of this matter. "Since the intelligence minister said this, it really means nothing.Having found a way, he reluctantly hid his body in the sofa chair. Obama said: "Then let's just wait and see the launch of the Somali satellite." The intelligence minister nodded helplessly.  It¡¯s not just Obama who is troubled, but also the countries surrounding Somalia. Nowadays, if Somalia goes further west, it will reach Egypt, and if it goes further south, it will not be far from South Africa.  With Somalia's capabilities today, how can any country in the world not panic? The strength of the Dragon God Army is obvious to all the world. Africa's combat effectiveness is already strong, but there was no strong organization to unify these people before, and there was no clear one.  Goals let them know what their purpose is.  Now, the emergence of Hailong's Dragon God Religion has united Somalia powerfully. The powerful teachings have given the Dragon God Army a clear attack purpose, which makes Somalia so powerful that it is scary.  On the other hand, other countries in Africa are still full of tribes. Except for the vicinity of the capital, the tribes are the leaders in other places. There is no unified thought and no clear purpose. It is simply a mess. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? People of insight in African countries want to unify the nation like Somalia, but the resistance is too strong, which needs to be supported by war. However, at this time, which country in Africa dares to start a civil war.  If the country cannot be unified in substance, it can only watch Somalia becoming stronger day by day, while they are getting weaker day by day.  Recently, a large oil field has appeared in Somalia. Somalia's population is not large, only 200 million, because the emergence of oil fields has made Somalia extremely wealthy.  Spies from all over the world have seen the news in the newspapers in Somalia. The Dragon Temple announced that it would give up control of the large oil fields in Somalia.  Let this oil field completely belong to the country, and all profits from the oil field will be subsidized to the people of Somalia. From this oil field alone, Somalia's annual profits will be hundreds of billions of dollars. Somalis can live like pigs.  .  What¡¯s more, Somalia also has other pillar industries, such as the cattle and sheep sold by Somalia, which rely on excellent pastures, advanced management systems and the advantages of being closest to halal countries.  Somalia almost monopolizes the beef trade in Middle Eastern countries, with annual profits of tens of billions of dollars. The most important thing is that those engaged in farm operations in Somalia are actually white people.  Relying on the prestige of the Dragon Temple, a temple made of gold, Somalia declares to the outside world that the vast land of Somalia welcomes anyone willing to settle here.  ¡° Originally, many white people who were unhappy in their respective countries came to Somalia with the idea of ??making a fortune, excellent education and advanced experience, and used their experience to make a fortune in Somalia.  At first, these people just wanted to give it a try. They had no good impression of Somalia, a country with more sand than land.  However, when they arrived at this land, they realized that there is no desert at all in Somalia today, including the places annexed by Somalia.  All the deserts have been wiped away by Hailong's mindless rainy days like the Dragon King. After a year of continuous rain in the original desert area, the sand is full of nutrients, and Hailong continues to transport it into the desert.  Loess, in this way, the desert has completely lost its living space on Somali land.  The place that was supposed to be a desert is now a picturesque place with green grass and large lakes. People would rather build villas in such places than return to their original countries.  The most important thing is that there are truly kind people here. The teachings of the Dragon God Sect are very gentle. The followers of the Dragon God Sect are the kindest people in the world.  Because the God of the Dragon God Sect really exists, and everyone in Somalia has personally seen the Dragon God appear on the land of Somalia.  The desert turned into an oasis because of the prayers of Dragon God believers and the Dragon God himself spreading rain. Therefore, no one dares to make such a decision while believing in the Dragon God when there is a god three feet above his head.  Things that go against the gods.  This makes living on this land feel like you have truly entered a paradise.  Somalis are happy, but the surrounding countries are uneasy, not because of Somalia's strong military power, but because of Somalia's living standards and religious power, which makes the countries surrounding Somalia very passive.  The surrounding countries do not have such a thing as oil, nor do they have a dominating building like the Dragon Temple, nor do they have a powerful belief like the Dragon God.  This leads to the fact that when Somali religion and culture enter neighboring countries along with trade, people in neighboring countries yearn for Somali life.  Africa¡¯sThe power of the chief is far stronger than the power of the country. This has led many chiefs to contact Somalia privately after believing in the Dragon God, hoping to join the country of Somalia with their tribes and land.  ¡°Just preventing these things will cause headaches for neighboring countries.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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