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Text Chapter 597 The world is about to change

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    Although it was a bit embarrassing, Obama felt a burst of joy when he thought of the touch in his hand just now. He didn't expect that a person in his 40s could still have such good skin and look so beautiful.  ¡î¡úw. As Obama walked back, he smiled as he thought about the smile of the beautiful president just now. He took the handkerchief handed over by the waiter, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said with a smile to the Secretary of Defense who had just coughed.  : "Brother, thank you for reminding me, otherwise I will be embarrassed." The Minister of Defense shrugged and said, "It's just a small matter." Seeing the Minister of Intelligence standing aside and wanting to speak, Obama smiled happily.  Then he said to the Minister of Intelligence: "Oh, beautiful lady, look how anxious you are, do you have anything to tell me?" The Minister of Intelligence really didn't want to ruin Obama's happy mood, but if he didn't say anything about it,  The consequences were too serious, so the Minister of Intelligence said to Obama apologetically: "Your Excellency, although I really don't want to ruin your happy mood, something big has happened, and you need to deal with it immediately.  " Hearing the words of the Minister of Intelligence, Obama knew that his good mood today was completely gone. Generally, if the Minister of Intelligence said something like this, something really big had happened. He said helplessly: "God, I really regret running for this.  Damn the presidency, if this continues, I¡¯m afraid I won¡¯t live to be 60 years old. Tell me, let me hear what¡¯s going on.¡± The intelligence minister said: ¡°The news I just received is that, except for Somalia, major oil fields in the world have been affected.  Being hit by a hurricane exceeding Category 13, other regions except Somalia have no way to provide oil." Hearing the news, Obama said in surprise: "Are you kidding? How could such a thing happen?  "Knowing that Obama didn't believe it, the intelligence minister handed the latest weather forecast and weather map into Obama's hands and said, "Look, the report and the weather map of the weather forecast are all here."  Grabbing the weather map and report from your hands.  After seeing the clouds on the drawing showing that the major oil production bases were indeed covered by clouds, Obama sat helplessly on the sofa, put his hands on his forehead and sighed.  Obama said: "Has the meteorological observatory said how long this storm will last?" The Minister of Intelligence said: "According to the observations of the meteorological observatory, the storms in various places will not end until at least a month." Hearing this news, not only Australia  Bama and even the surrounding think tanks were a little confused. Everyone originally thought that it was just a sudden global storm that would pass in a few days.  However, if this storm lasts for a month, it will be devastating to the whole world.  Everyone couldn't help but ask: "How long?" The Minister of Intelligence replied affirmatively: "At least a month." The crude oil stored in major oil companies can only last for less than 10 days, which means that in  In ten days, the world will enter an era without oil.  Planes can no longer fly, cars can no longer run, tankers can no longer sail out of the sea, petroleum-derived by-products, various lubricants and petroleum solvents.  Crude oil is also needed for refining. If these things are gone, all large equipment will have to stop production and there will be no lubricants.  It only takes an hour for the friction between steel and steel to be completely scrapped.  The most important thing is the military industry, such as the special missile forces of various countries. Do you dare to let them park somewhere for a day?  Don¡¯t dare.  No one dares.  Once it is parked in a certain place for more than a day, it only takes one missile to hit, and the entire unit will be scrapped.  This is a country's deterrent force and must not be stopped.  Looking at the horrified people in front of him, Obama asked: "How many days can our crude oil reserves be used?" His subordinates replied: "The crude oil reserves can last us 163 days." After hearing his subordinates' reply, Obama asked.  Ma nodded. If he could ensure that nothing happened in Magnesium Country, then there was no need to worry.  Seeing Obama's relaxed look, a think tank said helplessly: "Your Excellency, our country does not need to worry. The real problem that needs to be worried about is Somalia. In this way, our previous strategy of blocking Somalia will be completely eliminated."  It has expired. You know, other countries in the world rarely have crude oil reserves for more than one month." After hearing the think tank's words, Obama realized that except for the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, other countries have crude oil reserves.  The country¡¯s reserves of crude oil are very small.  This means that in addition to these four countries, other countries have to go to Somalia to buy oil. In that case, their own strategy will be ineffective again.  Obama is a little bored and can¡¯t understand why every time he is about to successfully contain Somalia, Somalia can get it in his hands.Fortunately, he escaped from his own hands and said to a group of think tanks: "Is there any way to solve this problem?" The think tank continued: "Your Excellency, I am afraid that there is no way to solve this problem this time. Not only that.  , this time Somalia will probably get a huge opportunity." Obama said in surprise: "Why?" The think tank said: "It's very simple, there is no oil in the world, only Somalia has oil, so Somalia can do it.  Putting aside the US dollar, the world is required to only use Somali currency to buy oil. For this reason, the world can only use their own currencies to exchange for Somali currency, and then buy oil. " Another think tank continued: "  In a month, Somalis will sell trillions of Somali currency and receive a large amount of commodities from various countries. And a month later, when oil prices fall, countries may have hundreds of billions of Somali currency in their hands.  " Positioning the U.S. dollar as the only currency linked to petroleum products is a national policy of the United States. If an additional currency is introduced at this time, the direct consequence will be that the status of the U.S. dollar will be greatly reduced.  Obama asked: "Gentlemen, this is not going to work. Think of a way to prevent this from happening." This matter cannot be stopped at all. Unless absolute force is used to conquer the entire Somalia, otherwise, we can only watch.  Countries are buying a large amount of Somali currency, while Somalia uses its own currency to trade their country's goods. It seems like taking off your pants and farting, but in fact, it only takes a month for Somalia to spend hundreds of billions of Somali currency in various countries.  After that, countries will have a large backlog of Somali currency in their hands.  ??And Somalia itself can¡¯t use it all, so the only way is to circulate it with other countries. This leads to the Somali currency naturally becoming an international currency.  But when it comes to using force, the British have learned from the past. Somalia now has a strong army. The 300,000 Dragon Army seems to be a small number, but the Somalis who have been fighting for 20 years can say that the whole country is armed. The British were able to retreat with all their strength because of the Magnesium country.  help.  However, once the Magnesium Country falls into trouble, who can help the Magnesium Country? Thinking of this, everyone shook their heads helplessly.  Only one think tank said: "Your Excellency, there is only one way left now, and that is to contain Somalia from high-end products. Countries can trade with Somalia, but countries are strictly prohibited from transferring high-end electronic equipment, precision instruments and rare  Metals are traded to Somalia. Only by containing Somalia at the source can Somalia return to being an ordinary country in the future. "Hearing what the think tank said, Obama nodded and said: "That's the only way.  ¡± ¡°While Obama was talking to think tanks, the presidents of various countries at the ball also received news from their respective countries. Seeing this news, the presidents of various countries felt that the world was crazy.  Unlike the United States, they have oil reserves for nearly half a year. Most of them have oil reserves of less than ten days. If there is no oil, they simply cannot imagine what their country will look like.  Therefore, after discussing countermeasures with their respective think tanks, the presidents of various countries gathered together inadvertently to discuss the situation.  The President of Chile, who had just finished dancing with Obama, frowned and said to the President of Brazil next to him: "How many days can your country last?" The President of Brazil sighed and said to the President of Chile: "Eleven days, ten days  One day later, there will be no more oil in the country. If something like this happens, I can¡¯t even imagine what will happen in the country.¡± Hearing the words of the Brazilian president, the presidents of various countries nodded and said, ¡°That¡¯s it.  Ah, if this happens, our country will be in chaos. If there is a riot, wouldn't we all have to get out?  He may be impeached and removed from office early by the domestic opposition, and may even be written into the history books, becoming a shame to this country.  Whoever becomes the president does not want to be famous in his country for eternity, but who would want to be infamous for eternity? Even if it is for his own reputation, he can no longer listen to the people of the country.  However, no one would be willing if one of them came forward. When discussing what to do, the Brazilian president said to the beautiful president of Chile: "Beautiful lady, you danced with Obama just now,  It seems that he is very good to you. Why don't you talk about it first and let us support it together? "Although the President of Chile has a big chest, he is not stupid. Only a fool will take the lead in this matter. Yes, bring it up now."  , everyone supports it together, and the Chinese people have no objections.  But when this is overLater, when the Chinese people recalled what happened today, they thought that Chile was the first country to raise objections. If Chile is not dealt with, how can it be the big brother?  The younger brother rebelled against the elder brother. If the elder brother doesn¡¯t deal with it, his authority will be gone. Therefore, even if the president of Chile is killed, he will not agree to take the lead.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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