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Volume 2 Finale

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    Xue Xiangyi, Wang Dantong and his son took it as a breakthrough and finally figured out how to revitalize the great cause of Jianhong.  It turns out that the Third Construction used the "appropriation-to-loan" policy obtained by Jianhong Weiye as a breakthrough to obtain a large amount of funds. With the funds, Jianhong Weiye can ask for policies from the city and develop in many fields. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The reason why investment is willing to come is very simple. Relying on policies and the need to attract investment, Jianhong Weiye requested a large amount of unplanned production materials from the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.  And Jianhong Weiye did not want these production materials in vain, and purchased them all from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission at planned prices.  The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will naturally be happy if Jianhong¡¯s great cause is willing to produce real money. What¡¯s even better is that Jianhong¡¯s great cause can attract foreign investment. With investment, there will be political achievements, and the local government will also be happy.  ??And foreign investors are not stupid. They join hands with Jianhong Weiye to invest in places, and they naturally want to make profits.  The way Jianhong Weiye makes profits for foreign investors is precisely through the huge amounts of production materials purchased at planned prices.  By paying commissions, foreign investors purchase huge quantities of production materials from Jianhong Weiye, and Jianhong Weiye dispatches freighters to transport them overseas and obtain high profits.  In this way, several parties can benefit.  The government has attracted foreign investment conveniently and achieved political achievements.  Foreign capital obtained important production materials such as rare earths, steel, and grain at a meager price, smuggled them out, and made huge profits. ?? And Jianhong Weiye, a middleman, takes everything from left to right, big and small, and it is inevitable that he will grow into the super giant he is today.  After finding out the history of Jianhong Weiye¡¯s fortune, Xue Xiang did not stand up for it.  Instead, it was planned secretly.  When Mu Xuefei and others on the other side were led into a desperate situation, Xue Xiang, who was about to be exposed, finally mobilized Qi Rusheng to dispatch the navy.  Several freighters that solved the puzzle of Jianhong Weiye.  A huge amount of smuggled materials and a large amount of contraband were found.  At this point, the Jianwei Hongye case shocked the world!  Xue Xiang has completed the mission of building a great cause in Jianhong, and he can be said to be full of praise and slander from the Central Committee.  "The case of Jianhong Weiye will undoubtedly be a slap in the face if the appropriation and loan reform policy is implemented."  The reform committee is also lackluster.  Xue Xiang gradually became embarrassed during his days in the reform committee.  Fortunately, Xue Laosan had a world-focused attitude in the reform committee.  He was left out in the cold, but he didn't worry at all.  A few months later, Xue Xiang finally completed his last career in the reform committee and was transferred to the mayor of Wuzhou City, Jianghuai Province.  The big curtain opens again.  It is worth mentioning.  During Xue Xiang's final career as a committee member, Mr. An's life inevitably came to an end.  After a painful funeral, An Zaihai finally faced the first storm in his official career without the protection of Mr. An.  With the push of forces from the other camp, An Zaihai¡¯s control over the Beijing Municipal Committee was weakened. What¡¯s more terrible is that the skyscraper projects he seized were seized upon.  Suffered divestment.  The tallest building in Beijing is about to be unfinished.  An Zaihai¡¯s career also faced the heaviest blow.  The critical moment.  Xue Xiang took action again, and Shengshi Capital fully intervened to turn the tide.  An Zaihai calmly passed the customs.  At this point, the forces of the An family and the forces of the Xue family have completed a seamless connection.  Xue worked in five states for three years and served successively as mayor and secretary of the municipal party committee. During his tenure, he changed from the thunder and lightning in the past, and his governance became more and more gentle and drizzle.  It is precisely under this gentle breeze and drizzle that the five states have achieved a huge economic leap.  Not only has free education been achieved, but all agricultural taxes have been exempted, which has greatly liberated the rural economy of the five states.  At the same time, Xue Xiang successfully seized the opportunity and introduced the German chip software park to create the first technology incubation base in the Republic.  Of course, after three years of administration, Xue Xiang has not forgotten to deal with the big boss of state-owned enterprises. His only two methods for dealing with state-owned enterprises are joint-stock system and asset restructuring!  In the eyes of the majority of academic authorities in the central government, Xue gained a reputation as a sell-out.  After that, the central inspection team went to five states to investigate.  The results of the investigation were surprising to find that there were no unemployed workers or laid-off workers in the five states. At a time when municipal party committees and municipal governments are often besieged by laid-off workers, this scene in the five states is really rare.  The results of the investigation team were reported to the central government, which attracted great attention from the central government. This time, an investigation team led by the deputy chief was dispatched to five states.  At the end of the investigation, an important term appeared on the central internal reference document - the five-state model.  During the three years that Xue Xiang was in Wuzhou, the central personnel also changed to a certain extent.    Among them, the first year after he was transferred to five states, the xx National Congress was held, and almost all the older generation comrades of the central committee took office.  Xue Anyuan became the first deputy of the National Defense Commission, and the two major factions of Jiang and Shi worked hard to recruit Xue Anyuan into the five-member group. There was an uproar within the Xue faction, and there was endless agreement.  And Xue Xiang saw through the layers of fog and saw the essence of the problem, and strongly recommended Xue Anyuan to resign. The reason is very simple.  In 1987, Xue Anyuan, who made his voice in 1919, was 68 years old. If he worked for another five years, he would only be 73 years old. It seemed impossible to stay in the game, but Xue Xiang knew that  After 1992, basically all the old leaders retired.  " Taishan Beidou must be left in the army to deter evil spirits, which means that Xue Anyuan can continue to serve in the army. At the age of seventy-eight, that is, after the return of Hong Kong Island in 1997, he will completely retire.  "If it is 1987 and I join a five-person group, what will be the arrangements for 1992?"  In the context of economic development, it was absolutely impossible for the military to be re-elected as a member of the Standing Committee. It was obvious that by 1992, Xue Anyuan had no choice but to retire.  Since Xue Xiang has seen through the thoughts of the Jiang and Shi families, the plan of the Jiang and Shi families will naturally come to nothing.  Xue Anyuan was successfully re-elected in the political situation without promotion! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  An Zaihai was re-elected as the No. 1 in Beijing.  Feng Jing was re-elected as Liaodong No. 1 as an alternate political bureau chief.  Zhao Guodong is the No. 1 in the Jianghan Provincial Government, and Hu Liming is transferred from the Standing Committee of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor to the Governor of Gansu Province.  Others, such as Li Tianming, director of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security.  Geng Fulin, Secretary-General of Mingzhu Municipal Government, Huang Guan, Secretary of Liaoyang Municipal Party Committee, and Zhou Mingfang, Secretary of Huayuan Prefectural Committee.  Chen Guangming, deputy commissioner of Jingkou District, Tie Jin, director of Mingzhu City Public Security Bureau, etc., have all been promoted accordingly.  The Xue family is so impressive that it can be said that the general trend has been achieved.  In the three years that Xue Xiang has been in charge of Wuzhou, in addition to the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in politics, there are also things that have to be mentioned in terms of economy and personal life.  Economically.  Naturally, it is Shengshi Group.  In the past three years, Shengshi Group has naturally continued to gallop along the fast lane of the economy.  Not to mention other businesses, Shengshi Telecom has made great progress. The wireless paging business has been extended to the whole country, and the 0 mobile phone business has also officially kicked off.  The most noteworthy thing is.  Shengshi successfully developed the Chinese system.  After acquiring a large overseas personal computer manufacturer, it finally started its big march into the personal computer field of the Republic.  In personal life.  When Xue Xiang was in power in Wuzhou, he unexpectedly met Wei Lan, who was living in seclusion in Wuzhou.  After these years of emotional entanglement, the two have already become lovers and concubines. When they meet, the thunder in the sky stirs up the fire in the earth, and it can be said that everything is natural.  Xue Xiang¡¯s journey to martial arts has come to an end.  No longer refining the essence, the essence returned to normal.  The three women became pregnant one after another.  The most amazing thing is that Wei Lan was the first to give birth to Lin'er for Xue Xiang.  Liu Ying'er got a princess, and Sumei also got a Lin'er.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ Due to Xue Xiang¡¯s outstanding political achievements in the five states, after being transferred from the five states, Xue Xiang was transferred to Huanghe City, the capital of Jianghan Province. At the age of thirty years and three months apart, he officially entered the ranks of senior officials of the Republic.  He became a senior official at the deputy ministerial level.  Unexpectedly, it was Shi Jianfei who served as the secretary of the Huanghe Municipal Party Committee.  The reason is that several major factions knew that Xue's faction was in great difficulty and had to stop Xue Xiang, so they deployed their swords to fly into Jianghan, hoping to create a king-versus-king confrontation with Hu.  In order to cooperate with Jiang Chaotian's entry into the Han Dynasty, several major factions not only transferred Zhao Guodong, the provincial government number one who had been entrenched in Jianghan for many years, but also used all their ingenuity in the arrangements of the provincial party committee and provincial government chiefs.  After more than ten years of ups and downs in officialdom, Xue Xiang's vision has become increasingly sharp, and he has accurately seen that the several major factions, apart from suppressing the consistency of Xue's faction, are not monolithic.  ??Especially in the arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the analysis is extremely important.  In other words, Jianghan Province has two new big bosses. Although they don¡¯t deal with Xue, they may not necessarily deal with each other.  Seeing this breakthrough point, Xue Xiang used his strength to successfully survive in the cracks.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  Over the years, Shi Jianfei's struggle experience has also become more and more sophisticated, but he has not changed his habit of making good use of underhand tricks and overestimating success.  Xue Xiang seized on Shi Jianfei's flaw and finally defeated Shi Jianfei. He made a major mistake and left Jianghan sadly.  In the following decades, Shi Jianfei's official career stopped at the main ministry, traveling to several remote provinces without making any progress. At the age of fifty-nine,I was depressed and finally took the No. 1 position in Gansu Province.  After serving as mayor of Huanghe City for two years, Xue Xiang was transferred to the position of director of the Organization Department of Lingnan Province.  In this major reformed province, Xue Xiang successively served as the Organization Minister, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.  And then implemented a series of reforms with extensive and far-reaching significance.  For example, the reform of the household registration system takes the lead in fundamentally dismantling the urban-rural dual system structure.  The reform of commercial real estate has institutionally limited increases, controlled developer profits, and established large-scale development teams at the provincial level to fully absorb laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises.  From a political point of view, this move is extremely wonderful.  In the late 1990s, under the auspices of the iron-fisted leader, the era of commercial housing began.  Xue Xiang is well aware of the huge profits in the commercial housing industry, and he has already seen how much such huge profits benefit the people in later generations.  He does not expect real estate developers to build houses for the people.  Rather than asking real estate developers, where does commercial housing come from? The answer is simple: build it yourself.  Xue Xiang single-handedly pushed Lingnan to establish a large-scale developer team at the provincial level, absorbing more than 100,000 laid-off workers and forming a super development team.  In Xue Xiang¡¯s view, building a house is not high-tech at its core. Once you have basic technical reserves, it is like a large-scale handicraft industry.  He built his own developer team, not seeking profit, but seeking to absorb laid-off workers while stabilizing housing prices in Lingnan through market means.  As soon as this move came out, housing prices in Lingnan have not fluctuated significantly for more than ten years.  While Xue Xiang continued to implement the "sell out" policy in Lingnan, there was no large-scale layoff wave in Lingnan, which attracted the attention of the Western media.  Considered the most powerful contender for power.  Of course, it is impossible to accommodate all the laid-off workers in the province with real estate alone.  To this end, Xue Xiang launched a "major transformation" project plan, relying on the support of Shengshi's huge capital flow to form a super construction team and gather tens of millions of people.  For Lingnan¡¯s transportation, greening, and water conservancy.  An overall coordinated transformation was carried out.  After ten years of hard work, Lingnan has become the southern part of the Yangtze River, a paradise on earth, and a land of China.  The most spectacular sight.  And in Xue Xiang¡¯s last year in Huanghe City.  The Central Committee convened the 14th National Congress, and during this change, the group of five became a group of seven.  Xue Anyuan undoubtedly made the final leap and became the leader of the seven-man team.  Xu Ziqian also digested the remaining influence of Chief Zhenhua, joined the seven-member group, and served as the No. 1 CPPCC member. He was sixty-five years old.  An Zaihai also resigned from his post as No. 1 in Beijing.  Serve as the No. 1 Discipline Inspection Commission and hold the party whip.  Feng Jing also successfully entered the game.  Serve as Tianjin No. 1.  Five years later, the xx National Congress was held, which was also the fifth year that Xue Xiang took office in Lingnan. Because of his unparalleled governance achievements in Lingnan, Xue Xiang successfully entered the party at the age of thirty-seven!  This is also the first time in Xue Xiang¡¯s official career that he has overtaken his old rival Jiang Chaotian.  XX is a 41 -year -old Jiang Chaotian, but he was transferred to the Pearl City Government No. 1 for three years. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? by Xue Xiang's accumulation of experience, and finally the complete comeback.  It is worth mentioning that on the eve of the xx National Congress, the old leader passed away. The only thing that gave Xue Xiang some relief was that the old leader witnessed the return of Hong Kong Island, making up for the huge shortcomings of the previous life.  On the eve of his death, the old leader looked back and was in good spirits. He summoned the remaining three or five elders and talked in secret for several hours. As for what they were talking about, no outsider knew.  After talking, the old chief asked Comrade Nanfang to summon Xue Xiangfang. Xue Xiangfang followed Comrade Nanfang through the door. The old chief raised his finger and stopped breathing.  A great man of a generation passed away peacefully!  Another year, the political team was fine-tuned, and Xue Xiang was transferred from Lingnan No. 1 to Minister of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and concurrently served as Executive Vice President of the Central Party School.  The moment the appointment was broadcast on national television, the major Western media listed the same front page headline at the same time - the next Eastern giant!  During the period when Xue Xiang was in charge of the Organization Department, he carried out drastic reforms to the organization's personnel system. The fatal blow was that the number one government below the municipal level allowed intra-party elections based on the one-person-one-vote system.  As soon as this proposal came out, everyone in the world was shocked, even the powerful Xue family almost fell apart because of this proposal.  However, time has proven that this system has greatly improved the vitality of the organization through the most dangerous moments.  "Four years later, in the year 2002, the XX Congress, which had been brewing for a long time, was held. The moment the nine-member group appeared on national television, the whole world was shocked.  Countless well-known political analysts at home and abroad were shocked. According to their analysis, Xue Xiang, as the most powerful contender for the crown prince, has no doubt.He will stand at the No. 5 position, stay there for ten years and take over in succession.  How did you know that when the nine-member group debuted, Xue Xiang, who was 43 years old at the time, was firmly in third place!  The stormy game among them is beyond the imagination of even the most proficient political commentators in conspiracy theories.  It wasn¡¯t until half a century later, when the social atmosphere opened up again and the Central Archives released a recording, that this unsolved mystery was finally solved.  It turned out that before the old leader passed away, he summoned the remaining three or five elders and left recordings and notes. They agreed that if Xue Xiang had done some remarkable pioneering work during his tenure as the Organization Department, the next party congress would The most interesting thing  What's interesting is that in the recording, the old chief said something like this in a thick and hoarse voice, "The little monkey has been jumping around for so many years and received countless slaps. It's time to give him a candy! What's more, with the little monkey's talents, as a ten-year-old monkey  Sculpting clay and wooden tires is a crime against the people!" At this point, Xue Xiang made the biggest impossible leap!  Having been in charge of government affairs for ten years, Xue Xiang mainly completed two reforms: education and medical care.  In education, we vigorously promote higher technical schools and junior colleges, training hundreds of millions of higher technicians, full-time personnel in medicine and other disciplines for the Republic.  The few but sophisticated comprehensive universities have truly achieved de-administration and pure research. In just ten years, three Nobel Prize winners have appeared in the two highest universities in the Republic.  In terms of medical treatment, Xue Xiang established a large hospital that fully implemented the zoning system and realized a universal medical insurance system.  By choosing education and medical care, Xue Xiang knew that in today's world, the people's goal of a well-off life has basically been achieved. ????????????? What inhibits the nation¡¯s consumption power and happiness is nothing more than the education of the next generation and disease and health. If we work hard to solve these two problems, we will truly realize the simplest Chinese dream!  After ten years in power, Xue Xiang's prestige reached an unparalleled height. Ten years later at the xx Congress, Xue Xiang was unanimously elected as the No. 1 Central Committee.  At that time, Xue Xiang truly transcended factions and became a unique giant in the Republic. In a sense, his prestige had surpassed that of the old chief, and he went straight to the founding leader!  In the ten years of being a head of state, under the leadership of Xue Xiang, the Republic of China has been prospering. Its economy has already surpassed the US imperialism and became the world's largest. Its military strength has even caught up with the US imperialism. Because the modernization process started very early, and Xue Xiang has been in the country for 20 years.  The diligent attention finally bore fruitful results.  Within ten years of Xue Xiang's rule, all barbarians were convinced, Fusang in the East China Sea was even more honest, and the Republic successfully garrisoned Diaoyu Island.  And the treasure island that has been cherished by successive leaders of the Republic finally returned smoothly in the last year of Xue Xiang¡¯s administration.  After ten years in power, Xue Xiang led the country from one victory to another. His achievements will be remembered by people of all ethnic groups across the country!  During the last year of Xue Xiang¡¯s rule, numerous Central Committee members even demanded that the constitution be amended and President Xue be re-elected.  Xue Xiang did not say a word. After presiding over the last plenary session, in front of all the Central Committee members, he handed the three seals to the elected President Sun and drifted away.  Three years later, another giant statue rose on the Tianning Gate Tower of the Republic!  ?????¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ The official story of 1976 has been written!  The red trend is gone!  The Red Throne is finished!  The super-class young master is finished!  But it doesn¡¯t feel right in my heart!  For this book, I prepared too much, spent too much, and of course, got too much!  But, I really can¡¯t bear to end it like this!  But it¡¯s still over!  In the era of great harmony, long live harmony!  I don¡¯t want to talk about my heartache, and I don¡¯t want to write anything. I¡¯m so sad!  I didn¡¯t see the little guy grow up, I didn¡¯t see Xiao Wan get married, I didn¡¯t even see Xue Xiang and a few beauties having a romantic night.  There are many more people who should be confessed but have not had time to do so!  It¡¯s such a pity!  I really want to vomit blood!  But there is no way! ???????????????????????????? That¡¯s it, this story ends like this, but the touching feeling will stay in my heart forever!  See you in the middle of next month for the new book.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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