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Football Captain Chapter 346 Finale

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    Zhao Chen stayed in this luxurious ward for more than half an hour. In addition to answering various questions from the "Yomiuri Shimbun" reporter, he also spent time chatting with Jiao Nan Gong.

    Seeing that Osamu Tezuka still showed no sign of waking up, and because he was too busy with work, Zhao Chen had no choice but to stand up and leave with a burst of politeness.

    Soon after Zhao Chen left, Osamu Tezuka on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, which were cloudy and bloodshot.

    "Ahem, who came to see me just now?" Tezuka Osamu opened his eyes slightly and coughed repeatedly.

    "It's Duan Chen!" Tezuka Osamu's wife quickly replied, while helping Tezuka Osamu up, she reached out and patted his back.

    But who would have expected that as soon as Tezuka Osamu heard Duan Chen's name, his cough not only did not subside, but instead tended to get worse.

    "Quick, call the doctor!" Tezuka Osamu's wife patted his back to calm him down and said quickly to the other two people in the room.

    The two of them didn't care about the issue of address at this time. Jiao Nan went to the phone to make a call, while the reporter left the room and went to the office next to him to find the full-time doctor.

    Before the doctor could come over, Osamu Tezuka coughed up blood from his mouth, which made the scene even more panicked. Osamu Tezuka fainted looking at the blood he coughed up.

    When the doctor came, after checking for a while, they made eye contact with each one, and finally pushed out one person.

    "Madam, please have my condolences! Mr. Tezuka was so short of breath that he attacked his heart, causing his blood pressure to rise, his blood vessels to rupture, and his heart and lungs to be damaged. He doesn't have much time left."

    As soon as the doctor said these words, Osamu Tezuka's wife couldn't help but fainted, while Kao Minami and the reporter had a look of surprise on their faces. However, the reporter's eyes had some excitement, but he was forced to hide it.  That¡¯s all.

    "Madam. Madam!" The doctor hurriedly checked Osamu Tezuka's wife again. To their relief, there was nothing serious. Otherwise, it would be hard to say what would happen.

    I don¡¯t know how long it took before Osamu Tezuka woke up leisurely in the hospital bed.  He felt weak all over and wanted to get off the bed, but his body didn't seem to belong to him and he didn't even move.

    He knows his own physical condition, and Osamu Tezuka also knows it very well. Due to years of hard work and overwork, his body is no longer healthy, which is why he is in this situation today.

    But the older you get.  They tend to become more stubborn. Similarly, Osamu Tezuka never thought that he would lose, and he still lost to a junior who was much younger than him.  This made him feel cold and at the same time, he felt like he was more infuriated than others.

    "I haven't lost, I haven't lost yet!" Tezuka Osamu thought about the hypnosis. Perhaps it was a psychological effect, and his mentality was a little better than before.

    At this time, Osamu Tezuka¡¯s wife also woke up.  As soon as he saw Tezuka Osamu waking up, he quickly reached into the quilt and held Tezuka Osamu's hand.  Tears sparkled in eyes.

    "Mr. Tezuka doesn't have much time, so let's go out first and let him explain the funeral arrangements!"

    After several doctors left, they closed the door and stood guard outside to prevent anyone from disturbing them.  They know very well that Osamu Tezuka is currently on his deathbed.  There isn't much time left.

    Osamu Tezuka held his wife's hand. After the two talked for a while and explained some things, Osamu Tezuka turned his attention to the reporter of "Yomiuri Shimbun" and began the last interview of his life.

    The reporter first asked a few professional questions.  Then he said: "Dear Mr. Osamu Tezuka, I would like to ask if you have any regrets in this life?"

    "Help me get the painting tools, I must defeat that guy!"

    On his deathbed, Tezuka Osamu stretched out his trembling right hand, his face full of unwillingness, and his heart with a sense of powerlessness. The figure in his mind seemed to be a mountain peak, making him look up to it.

    It¡¯s not that he¡¯s not strong enough, it¡¯s that his opponent is incredibly strong!

    After saying these words, Osamu Tezuka, who was on his deathbed, passed away. A generation of comics masters passed away. From the beginning to the end, his will still remained in comics.

    "Alas!" The reporter from "The Yomiuri Shimbun" sighed, feeling a little regretful and desolate. Thinking of Tezuka Osamu's words, it goes without saying that he knew who the guy in his words was. Who else could it be if it wasn't Duan Chen?  .

    The passing away of a generation of cartoon masters naturally caused a period of turmoil. After all, the animation industry is one of the important pillar industries of the island country, and the impact on the readership and audience can be imagined.

    Osamu Tezuka created as many as 150,000 pages of manga in his lifetime. During his peak period, he wrote and serialized 13 mangas at the same time (this?Is it a human being?).  Due to the heavy workload, he carried manuscript paper with him at all times and continued to draw on planes and cars during his travels. He slept less than 4 hours a day and could sometimes draw 50 pages of comics a day, which was an astonishing speed.  He also drew continuously for 3 days and 3 nights without any sleep. Even though he was so busy writing comics and making cartoon animations at the same time, he never stopped.  This also makes Osamu Tezuka the cartoonist with the most publications in the world. Of course, this is only temporary, but Zhao Chen does not know how many years it will take to break this record.

    At the time of his death, Osamu Tezuka still had three unfinished comic series, the most famous of which was "Firebird", and the cartoon movie "The Bible" he collaborated with Italy was also unfinished.

    In his life, 45 years were dedicated to the animation industry.  Just like the immortal spirit of his painting "Firebird", it has left an everlasting influence on future generations.  Newspapers and magazines have devoted extensive space to comment on his contribution to cultural value.

    In addition to these, there are also many memorial articles and novels, including "One Hundred Million People's Osamu Tezuka", "My Osamu Tezuka", "The World of Osamu Tezuka" and more than 50 special books to commemorate the memory.  Remember Osamu Tezuka.

    As Tezuka Osamu's works cover children's life, science fiction, detective, horror, nature, history, myths and legends, literature, medicine, religion, music, philosophy and other fields, many of his works have been adapted into animations, live-action movies, stage  TV series, etc., have been widely disseminated around the world and have had an immeasurable impact on all animation creators and readers.  Therefore, after Osamu Tezuka passed away, certain news media took the lead in wanting to hand over the title of God of Manga to Osamu Tezuka.

    Among these news media, in addition to the pro-Ichitsubashi Publishing Group and the media that follow the trend, there are also many more "patriotic" news media.  The main reason is simple. Osamu Tezuka is from the island country, but Zhao Chen is not from the island country. They naturally hope to award this huge honor to people from their own country.

    Unfortunately, those who agree will inevitably have those who oppose it. In addition to its own news media, Tianxia Society also has a large number of people who are willing to follow and oppose for the sake of interests. Therefore, the fierce confrontation between the two medias is inextricable. Both sides have their own reasons.  .

    However, unlike the media, the thinking of comic fans is much simpler. Only a small number of comic fans agree with whether the title of God of Comics should be given to Tezuka Osamu. Most of the other comic fans are silent except for some.  All are objections.  Because they don¡¯t think so much, they know in their hearts that although Osamu Tezuka¡¯s influence and contribution to comics are great, compared with Zhao Chen, they are undoubtedly still far behind.

    So, under this situation, the controversy began to gradually subside. Except for some comic fans who said that only Zhao Chen could win the title of God of Comics, the rest of the comic fans were silent.  They neither object nor want to speak out. They are undoubtedly a little complicated in their hearts. The island country is the largest market in the comics industry, but the highest honor belongs to outsiders. This makes the island country people who have a sense of belonging feel embarrassed.

    In the office of the president of Tianxia Society, Zhao Chen wrote a few words on a piece of paper, looked at the blue sky and murmured to himself: "What's mine will still be mine. Even if you can't get it now, when the gap closes, it will be mine."  When it gets bigger and bigger, it can completely overwhelm the opponent. Even if you want to object, it is useless. When the time comes, I will take this fig leaf away with my own hands!"

    Thinking of this, Zhao Chen¡¯s eyes fell on the page, and there were only five words on it: The Three Great Comics of Migrant Workers!

    ¡ª¡ªOkay, this book can be considered finished. In fact, with the protagonist¡¯s current status, although it is feasible to write more, it is no longer necessary. It is already No. 1~~

    Thank you all readers for your support, Feng Shuang sincerely thanks you. I promise that future books will pursue quality even more.
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