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Volume 1 Chapter 503: Seizing Power (Part 2)

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    Speaking of Hydra, this organization has two sides to S.H.I.E.L.D., and has been entangled with superheroes such as Captain America for decades.  Their slogan is "If you cut off one head, two will grow back!" The leaders of the Hydra organization also behave like this. There are always various leaders, and sometimes there are internal divisions.  There are Red Skull, Baron Zemo, Baron Sitrik, Madam Hydra, etc. who have only had names in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau. The one who best represents the state of Hydra is the Red Skull. Even though  Even if he is beaten to ashes, he can rise from hell just like his mortal enemy Captain America.  From the information recorded in the Sky Shield Bureau, it appears that the Red Skull does not have any special functions or superpowers.  Born in a village in the German countryside, he often practiced boxing with his wife.  John¡¯s father originally planned to give birth to a new baby. Fortunately, a kind-hearted doctor saved him. The next day, his father Hermann committed suicide.  The orphan John had no one to control him. He escaped from the orphanage at the age of 7 and became a professional thief and beggar. As a result, he was often chased by the police.  When I grew up, I restrained my behavior a little. I worked in a Jewish store and was often beaten by the Jews. During this period, I also pursued the store owner¡¯s daughter.  However, not only was John's courtship rejected, but the girl also insulted John, and John killed the girl in anger.  Normal people will be scared after killing someone for the first time, but on the contrary, they feel particularly refreshed.  Once he met Hitler while working as a waiter in a hotel.  The German head of state was giving lectures to the SS.  Young John saw in the F¨¹hrer the goal he had always pursued.  So he decisively recommended himself.  Hitler saw the power of evil in his eyes and said to the SS: "I can make this waiter better than you guys."  Later it was indeed proved that. ??????????????????????????????????????????????? originally John's nickname "Red Skull" did not come from his corroded appearance, but from Hitler giving him a red skull mask at a Christmas dinner, which made the evil boss Red Skull appear in the world for the first time.  The Red Skull planned many secret military operations during the Nazi period and personally directed them. Another of his tasks was to assemble top Nazi scientists to develop a mass murder weapon based on Hitler's wish "If he cannot conquer the world, then destroy him."  During this process, the Red Skull was no longer satisfied with serving Hitler. He kidnapped and killed many Hitler cronies and officials, becoming the most powerful person in the Third Reich.  He planned to replace Hitler, and when the latter discovered the threat of the Red Skull, no one could stop him.  Once, the Nazi officer Baron Sitric had a quarrel with Hitler, and the Red Skull secretly recruited him and sent him to Japan to form a backup force of his own.  As a result, Baron Sitric broke away from his relationship with the Red Skull and took over the power alone. This is Hydra.  But it is different from the "Captain America" ??movie that Ymir watched in his previous life.  When Berlin was captured in World War II, Captain America first fought against the Red Skull, but fell at a disadvantage.  Fortunately, the Allied air raid on Berlin destroyed the secret laboratory, allowing Captain America to escape smoothly. However, unfortunately, he was ambushed by Baron Zemo on the way back and fell into hibernation after falling into the ice.  The Red Skull was buried underground in the laboratory. After a century, Mephisto released him from hell and returned to the world.  In terms of seniority, Baron Zemo is not lower than the Red Skull. He was originally another important figure in the Hydra organization.  In the Third Reich, he was the first person to develop laser weapons. When he was developing a powerful adhesive, he was attacked by Captain America. The hood he was wearing at the time and his face were stuck together and could no longer be separated.  He himself also possesses the X-compound that can slow down aging. After being arrested by the Allies, he has lived to this day. It was not until the Superhero Civil War that he was taken out of the Sky Shield prison by Commander Hill and established the Thunder Agents.  Looking at the Red Skull standing in front of him, Baron Zemo couldn't help but feel a little angry, and shouted loudly: "Schmidt, it seems that you have also escaped the passage of time. But now, Hydra is mine!  " He looked at the members of the Thunder Agents under his command and ordered loudly: "Get out of the way and let him come over!" The Thunder agents of the Hydra organization had already looked at each other when they heard that, but when Baron Zemo spoke, everyone was afraid.  He leaned to the sides to make way for the Red Skull.  There was a thick document in the hands of the Red Skull. He glanced at the information above and smiled coldly: "What happened after my death caused great harm to Hydra. And Super  After the Hero Registration Act was approved by the United Nations, everything you did wasted the efforts of our members. You wasted a great opportunity, exposed the Hydra organization in advance, and caused irreparable negative consequences.??, someone has to take responsibility.  "The plan to break into the Skyshield Bureau was a plan that the Hydra organization began to draw up after the German Nazi army showed its defeat. And now, it can be said that Hydra's plan has almost been successful.  . Including the proposal of the Superhero Registration Act and the formulation of the "Skynet Plan", they were all completed according to the wishes of the hidden members of Hydra. However, what made the Red Skull dissatisfied was that Baron Zemo actually asked Yi.  Mir and Captain America came into contact with the core of this plan, and even let Natasha publish the information about Hydra on the Internet, which suddenly destroyed the effect they had achieved for decades of hiding. Baron Zemo snorted coldly.  , What does the Red Skull know in his eyes? This is the 21st century, not the World War II era of the last century. He seemed to be indifferent to the Red Skull's accusations. The Red Skull felt Baron Zemo's attitude and immediately spoke.  Dao: ¡°What were you doing when our members pushed for the Superhero Registration Act?  What are you doing when a civil war breaks out among superheroes?  Zemo, can you give me an answer? Why don't you take advantage of these opportunities to deal with those superheroes?  Why don't you take advantage of these opportunities to develop our Hydra?  If you can't carry forward the Hydra organization, then why are you still occupying this throne?  " Baron Zemo was choked and speechless by the Red Skull's series of questions. After a long time, he said coldly: "Schmidt, it's not as simple as you think.  Look at you now, childish at heart and old in body, are you planning to take away the power of Hydra leader from me with these empty words?  I tell you, this is impossible!  "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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