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Volume 1 Chapter 483 The Best Sniper in the World

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    The Steyr Scout sniper rifle is Crossbone's most commonly used sniper rifle. Since the design concept of this gun emerged, it has been shot as a "lightweight, easy-to-carry" personal fire control weapon.  7. w$ww.23w¨Rx.c¦æom The barrel is slender and uses a lot of new materials, so it is very light.  The barrel walls, although thin, are cold forged, making them very strong.  At any distance, as long as the shooter uses his shooting accuracy to find the fatal spot, even a 200 kilogram creature will be killed.  The scout sniper rifle is a highly trained lone ranger's artifact on the battlefield, but now, even holding a sniper rifle cannot bring even a glimmer of comfort to Crossbones' heart.  In the jungle, the use of firearms is greatly restricted, because various trees will greatly reduce the lethality of bullets, and will also produce ricochet that may even injure the shooter.  In this case, the sniper rifle is not as effective as a lightweight folding bow.  Crossbones almost squirmed backwards. He was already defeated in his aura and just wanted to exit the battlefield before being sniped by Hawkeye.  But the sound of a dead leaf breaking exposed his hiding place, and the dry leaf rubbed against the tights on Crossbones, making a faint sound.  This kind of human and almost inaudible sound fell into the ears of Hawkeye Barton, which was enough to determine the hidden location of the crossbones.  The moment Crossbones raised his gun in the desperate situation, a penetrating arrow had already nailed Crossbones to the ground.  Hawkeye aimed at the shoulders of Crossbones almost instantly, and shot two long arrows in no particular order.  If Hawkeye opens his eyes before drawing the bow, even just for a second.  Maybe the crossbones can give a rough idea of ??where the hawk's eye is.  Then launch a desperate counterattack.  But this is impossible after all.  When Hawkeye Barton drew his bow and fired an arrow, Crossbones hadn't even locked onto the direction Hawkeye was hiding.  When he raised the muzzle of his gun, he could only shoot blindly. Without any resistance, two long arrows penetrated the cross-bone shoulder blades.  The wound that had been hit by the Winter Soldier burst open again. Crossbones' hands were unable to hold even the sniper rifle, and he let it fall to the ground.  Only then did Hawkeye emerge from the treetops, as a colleague who had served together in SHIELD.  Crossbones quickly recognized Hawkeye, and he smiled bitterly: "Don't tell me what kind of good thing do you think you are" No matter what, Crossbones will.  Ignoring that Hawkeye, who had been expelled from S.H.I.E.L.D. and was once again listed as a federal wanted criminal, would join the pursuit of him.  Hawkeye, also known as Clint Barton, and his brother Barney are the sons of a butcher shop owner in Waverly, Iowa, and they have a good relationship.  Barton¡¯s father drove with his wife while drunk, and both died in a car accident.  Two children entered an orphanage, but no one took them, so they ran away.  Entered a circus and worked as a busboy.  There is a famous swordsman Jacques Duquesne in the group who is good at swordsmanship and throwing knives, and he is looking for a bold performance assistant.  Patton volunteered, so he learned skills under the swordsman and made great progress; After that, another big man named Jieshe came to the regiment, and his archery skills were so superb that he surpassed the swordsman.  After the two negotiated, the swordsman decided to let Barton serve as an apprentice to Jieshe for a period of time in exchange for his own performance opportunities. So Barton had a better master in archery. But one day, the young Barton discovered the swordsman's crime of stealing.  , the latter pursued him in anger, causing him to fall from a height and get injured; the swordsman ran away before he could kill Barton, and Barney thought that his recklessness would ruin everyone's jobs, so he left him and ran away.  Only Jieshe took care of Barton and continued to teach him archery. When Clint recovered, Jieshe began to take him to rob the homes of wealthy tyrants.  Barton had never been against robbing the rich and giving to the poor, but he could not accept Jetshot's ruthless killing behavior, especially when he found out that the wounded horse boy was Barney, and finally attacked his master.  Jetshot viciously expressed that the relationship between master and apprentice was over, and if Clint became successful in the future, he would come back and knock him down from the peak of his life.  Patton started out as an acrobatic marksman, earning the title "Hawkeye" and the reputation of "the best sniper in the world."  When he was performing in Coney Island, he witnessed the scene of Iron Man saving people, and he had the idea of ????becoming a superhero, so he made a purple costume with a mask and arrows hiding ropes and other mechanisms, and ran around the streets at night.  Find the criminal.  When he snatched the stolen goods from several jewelry thieves, the police arrived and immediately regarded him as a prisoner. In a panic, Clint got into a beautiful woman's car and fled the scene.  This woman was Natasha. At that time, Natasha was still working as a Soviet spy and was about to spy on Tony Stark's technological secrets.  She believed that the stupid Clint was a useful pawn, so she instigated Barton to challenge the man who claimed to be Tony Star.??The Iron Man of Bodyguard.  In the first fight, Barton used acid to melt part of the armor, allowing Iron Man to flee in panic.  But when they met later, Clint was not so lucky and accidentally injured Black Widow during a battle.  When the Black Widow later became involved in the strife within the Soviet intelligence agency, she stayed away from Patton. The latter began to reflect, but found that he had nowhere to go. He had to teach some gangsters on the streets alone and steal some black money from them to maintain expenses.  .  Like the Punisher, dark heroes like them cannot be accepted by orthodox superheroes, let alone recognized by the public society.  When Hawkeye was in the District, he once told the Punisher that he was not the first superhero to choose to join S.H.I.E.L.D. out of necessity.  This is about Patton himself. In the days when he walked in the dark, the blood on Hawkeye Barton's hands was no less than that of the Winter Soldier or Crossbones.  The only difference is that their chosen goals are different.  A heavy punch hit Crossbones in the face, and Hawkeye gritted his teeth and said: "I am indeed not a good person, and I am also wanted by the Sky Shield Bureau, but you should not assassinate Rogers" "You"  Bastard!" Hawkeye Barton dropped his folding bow and punched Crossbones hard every time he said a word, until Crossbones collapsed on the ground.  Grabbing Crossbones, who had no ability to resist at all, Hawkeye Barton shook him vigorously and asked coldly: "Tell me, bastard, who instigated you to do this behind the scenes. Is it Iron Man or Baron Zemo?"  Except for heroes like Ymir who belong to the anti-registration faction like himself, Hawkeye does not trust anyone else.  In his opinion, both Iron Man and Baron Zemo are bastards who might order the harm to Captain America.  These guys, they can't get used to seeing Captain America living like this (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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