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Text Chapter 1050 Waiting for him to come back (final chapter)

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    A golden full moon hung on the treetops.  A grand celebration party is being held at the east gate beach of Fengxiang City.  This party was originally held to celebrate A Niu becoming a Marquis and worshiping the Prefecture Mu.  Later, at Lu Zhi's suggestion, Fengxiang soldiers who performed outstandingly in the Battle of Guandu were added.  Next, Chen Gong suggested that civilian personnel who had made important contributions in recent years could also participate In the end, a planned small-scale gathering was turned into a carnival, with outstanding achievements from all walks of life.  All Fengxiang people participated to show the territory¡¯s recognition of everyone¡¯s hard work.  On the beach, there was a lot of people.  Groups of Fengxiang people gathered around the fires. Above the fires, delicious barbecued meats were being grilled repeatedly. Oil dripped from time to time, making the fires respond happily. Baihua wine also emitted in the air.  The alluring aroma can be seen everywhere. Fengxiang people attending parties carry wine jars and drink with acquaintances, and hearty laughter echoes on the beach.  Chen Gong frowned: "There shouldn't be so many people! I remember clearly that the number of people invited was less than a thousand, and now I visually estimate that the number is more than three thousand No, I have to ask what's going on.  Pang Tong grabbed him and said with a smile: "Gongtai, you are still so serious." "But" "Don't go, I know the reason." Pang Tong let go of Chen Gong's clothes and said fiercely.  .  Literary took a bite from the roasted lamb leg, chewed it quickly, and then continued: "I accompanied my lord here just now. At the city gate, I was blocked by a few brats who shamelessly asked to join in the fun. You know  The lord's temperament would not refuse such a thing. Those little ghosts were very clever and asked if they could bring some friends, and the lord agreed You see. The result is like this. " Chen Gong glanced at them.  The crowd suddenly took a few steps and caught a boy hiding in the crowd. He said with a stern face: "Xiao Quan, why are you here!" The boy's face changed drastically and he was trembling.  Staring at the ground, he timidly said: "Dad" Chen Gong looked around and continued: "I told you, it's best not to go out at night. Even if you need to go out for something, someone must accompany you. Chen Fu is here  "Where?" "Master, I'm here." A young man dressed as a servant came out, feeling embarrassed.  Beside him, there were two men dressed as martial arts masters, who greeted Chen Gong with a forced smile.  When Chen Gong saw it, he was furious. Well, not only his son had sneaked in, but also the servants and the martial arts assigned by the territory to protect the safety. Chen Gong finally understood at this time.  Why are there so many people on this beach?  Chen Gong has always been strict and selfless.  Except for a limited number of people in Fengxiang, few people dared to commit crimes in front of him. Just now, he was unhappy with the intruders, but in the blink of an eye, he saw his boy and a group of servants appearing where they shouldn't be. Chen Gong's face,  It suddenly became dark.  Just when Chen Gong was about to order Chen Quan to go home.  More than a dozen children and teenagers gathered around. Seeing Chen Quan standing there, the children greeted him one after another.  "Xiao Quan, we're leaving!" "It's just you, let's go quickly!" Soon someone noticed Chen Gong's presence.  The children's voices suddenly stopped At this time, two seven or eight-year-old boys with similar eyebrows and identical clothes ran over. One on the left and one on the right, they stood next to Chen Quan. At the same time, they saluted Chen Gong and said to Chen Gong seriously.  : "Hello, Uncle Chen. Mr. Xu, who is in the military strategy class today, taught us the tactics of splitting and combining attacks. We plan to practice in groups in the evening. Can we please allow all my brothers to join us?" Two boys  , both movements and words are done together, neatly as if one person is doing it, in sync.  These two boys were naturally Zheng Di and Zheng Mei. They looked at Chen Gong with two pairs of clear and dark eyes. Their innocent faces were full of smiles, which Chen Gong could not refuse. Moreover, Chen Gong also saw that Chen Quan's face was full of hope.  Yihe felt uneasy and couldn't help but feel weak.  "Young Master, you dare to disobey me!" The children cheered and pulled Chen Quan away like flies, as if they were afraid that if they stayed for a while longer, Chen Gong would regret it.  As soon as the children left, most of the adults who followed them also disappeared, including the domestic servants and martial arts masters responsible for taking care of Chen Quan.  Chen Gong couldn't help but sigh and slowly returned to Pang Tong. At this time, a hand was placed on his shoulder.  "Gongtai, don't be so serious in front of the children. Look at you, the boss is so embarrassed. Smile more." Chen Gong smiled bitterly: "Lord, I will try my best" Pang Tong was still fighting with the leg of mutton at ease, and he was weird from time to time.  After laughing a few times and seeing Chen Gong's grimace, Pang Tong said vaguely: "I'm afraid it's hard to change this habit of Gongtai. My lord, you don't know what everyone calls him in private."?Iron-faced judge, haha" Pang Tong, who was holding his stomach and laughing wildly, accidentally choked on the mutton in his mouth, and then coughed wildly. This time, Chen Gong, who was originally in a very unhappy mood, was also happy.  He patted Pang Tong on the back hard while scolding the ugly man for being unkind. God couldn't stand it. While he was talking, Li Qi, Liu Xing, Zhao Yun, Ju Yi, Yue Xi, Zhou Tai, Li Jin, Mi Zhu and others joined together.  They all came to have a drink with a certain city lord, but they refused to leave even after drinking. Sun Liang, who was responsible for the order of the venue, understood that it was rare for everyone to get together with a certain city lord. How could the considerate Sun Liang be willing to leave after finally getting this opportunity?  Immediately, people were arranged to light two more fires nearby, which were arranged in a triangle with the previous fires to form a large fire. In this way, everyone sat around the big fire, so there would no longer be a crowding problem, even if other people were there.  People from Fengxiang came over to toast, so they could deal with it. In front of the fire, laughter continued. Not far away, more than a dozen children and teenagers were playing war games. The children were not as reserved as the adults, and they were happy to play without anyone else.  He shouted loudly, attracting a lot of attention. According to the time of birth, Zheng Di and Zheng Mei were already seven years old. The oldest of these children was already twelve or thirteen years old, and the youngest was only four or five years old. The two young masters were in the middle range in age.  , but they are obviously the center of the group of children. They are the sons of a certain city lord. They have been the young masters of Fengxiang City since they were born. They have been taught by Cai Yan's words and deeds since they were young, and the territory has also arranged the best elite education for them.  From the beginning, they were trained as A Niu's successors. Although they were only seven years old, they were already quite generous. As for the other children, their parents had repeatedly told them since they were young that Zheng Di and Zheng Mei were not ordinary playmates.  . It¡¯s the people they need to protect throughout their lives. The parents are also happy to let their children grow up together. With the friendship of childhood as the foundation, when Fengxiang¡¯s next generation grows up, cohesion will not be a problem.  It is not surprising that the twin brothers became the kings of the children. On the beach, the children were divided into two groups to fight. Zheng Di and Zheng Mei were respectively the leaders and had a great time. Generally speaking, Zheng Di was the leader.  There were more older children on one side. The two armies lined up very quickly. Apparently, they were very skilled at playing this game. On Zheng Di's side, a fat boy of about ten years old stood at the front, holding his hand.  Holding a bamboo knife in his hand and five grass sticks stuck on his back, the little fat man shouted "Shan Ziying attacks" and charged towards the other side while he was drinking.  The little fat man is his son Luda On the opposite side, Luda's opponent is a little kid who is only about five years old. Although he is not as strong as Luda, the kid's eyesight is somewhat similar to that of Zhao Xue.  Similar to him, he was obviously a weird master. The kid also had five grass sticks stuck on his back and responded in a childish voice, but the content of his shout made everyone laugh. "Shan Zi Camp, meet the enemy!"  Lu Han was happy. Pointing at the little kid, he asked Di Yun, "How come your Xiao Bing can learn from my Xiao Da!"  " "You know nothing!  Di Yun warmed himself up by the fire comfortably and sneered: "Shanzi camp is our regular army in Fengxiang. They fight in groups. No matter which side there is Shanzi camp As soon as you make a sound, I will know that you don't understand the children."  Let me introduce you to the gameplay for free: a straw mark represents a thousand people, and children lead different troops. Well, usually they will give priority to simulating the troops led by their parents" Lu Han was stunned for a while, and said suspiciously: "Then  How does your son lead Shanziying?  Want to steal your job from me?  " Di Yun said depressedly: "I would like him to represent the Thunder, but there can only be one special unit. Brother Li's Xiao Bu is here, and my Xiao Bing is too young to beat him, so I have to make a guest appearance.  By the way, it¡¯s not like I¡¯ve never worked in Shanzi Camp before, so what¡¯s wrong with stealing your job" As he spoke, Li Bu took action. Li Bu was already thirteen years old, and he was the eldest among the children.  Yu Juyi's son Ju Bi, but this kid still had a lot of fun. He held the bamboo knife under his crotch and acted as a war horse. Three grass flags kept swinging as he ran. Li Bu faced the Shanzi camp represented by Di Bing from the flank.  ¡°After the thunder, not a blade of grass will grow!  " "Feiyi, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly!  " Six-year-old Zhao Tong faced off. He ran towards Li Bu. Although he was much younger, Zhao Tong was really not slow in running. It seemed that he was determined not to let the Thunder Cavalry get close to the mountain camp As soon as the army took action,  The navy was not idle either. Zhou Tai's son Zhou Shao and Jiang Qin's eldest son Jiang Yi each led the Canglan navy and fought together. The two little guys were about the same age. When they got close, they each held bamboos.  They cut off each other's hair, shouting "Canglan" while doing so, as if whoever can overpower the other's voice is the winner.The final winner Jiang Yi also has a younger brother, Jiang Qin's second son Jiang Xiu. He is not yet four years old. He stands outside the venue with his eyes wide open and jumps up and down, shouting loudly for his brother.  come on.  On the edge of the battlefield, there are five children doing battle assessments.  Among the five children, A Niu could recognize Chen Quan from the Chen Gong family and Pang Feng from the Pang Tong family, but the other three had no impression.  After asking, I found out that one of them was Mi Zhu's son Mi Wei, and the other two were Hua Xin's sons, namely the second son Hua Bo and the third son Hua Zhou.  By the way, when it comes to who has the most children among the second generation of Fengxiang, Hua Xin currently leads the list with three sons. His eldest son Hua Biao was born before coming to Fengxiang. He became an adult last year and became an official, and was sent to Wadao as the county magistrate.  .  After Hua Xin, there is Jiang Qin, who has two sons, but Zhao Yun will soon catch up. Hou Ying is pregnant again, and the second child will be born in a few months. Hou Ying said that the second child will be  Boy, no one dares to question her statement. She is a descendant of the Immortal family. Whatever she says, she is definitely not wrong.  A Niu knew that Zhao Yun's second child, Zhao Tong's younger brother Zhao Guang, was about to be born.  (I originally wanted to arrange a few girls for the second generation Feng, but all I could find were sons. Not to mention the daughters, they couldn¡¯t be named. They were not even mentioned in the ¡°descendants¡±. In those days, girls had no status. The second generation Feng  They all gave birth to boys. As for whether the brats can get wives when they grow up, I have no control over it. 0) "The Blue Fang Shanzi Camp suffered three rounds of long-range attacks from the Red Fang Feiyi Camp, losing 800 people!" "Blue Fang Thunder  Riding, suffered two rounds of long-range attacks from the Red Wing Battalion, protected by level 9 iron wall armor, immune to 80% bow and arrow damage!" "The Shanzi Battalion lost five hundred people each in the melee!" "Blue Team Thunder Moves!  If the speed exceeds the set speed, take three steps back and confiscate a hundred people! "  Ju Bi jumped up, held the bamboo knife across his chest as a big yellow crossbow, and simulated the "chirp" sound of the big yellow crossbow when he was running. In his busy schedule,  I haven¡¯t forgotten to shout slogans.  However, as soon as Ju Bi's slogan came out.  The group of people laughed immediately, and his father, Ju Yi, wanted to put his face in his crotch.  "Climb the dead first, shoot the small ones first?" "Shoot the small ones first, you're too awesome to climb first, haha" Ju Yi said to everyone in shame: "I didn't teach you that, it really wasn't" Everyone laughed wildly and cheered: "  It¡¯s okay, it¡¯s okay, this is good, just use this after you log in!¡± Aniu also sprayed it.  He said to Ju Yi: "It seems that your heroic deeds are widely spread!" Ju Yi sweated: "This bastard doesn't learn well at a young age. Go back and see if I don't beat him!" Another little guy stood up and said  His face was determined, but he was holding a bamboo knife in one hand and a barbecue plate as a shield in the other hand. He didn't shout any slogans, and the bamboo knife banged against the barbecue plate.  Bravely approach the "first to die".  As a result, as soon as he came out, Ju Bi's forward momentum suddenly stopped. Not only did he stop moving forward, but he walked around to the side, obviously trying to distance himself from the "†H×Ó".  Refuse to get close to him.  The evaluation team: "The red team fell into the camp and suffered five volleys from the blue team's dead soldiers, losing 500 people!" "The cumulative losses in the trapped camp have reached 1,100 people" The boy said nothing.  He pulled the grass marker from his back and moved on.  Now, without any introduction, Aniu guessed whose child the little one was. It was Gao Shun's son Gao Jie, who was younger than Zhao Tong and had just turned five years old.  The commanders of both armies were sitting in the rear and commanding the overall situation. The commander of the red team, Zheng Mei, saw that the blue team was the first to launch a guerrilla attack. It was obvious that he wanted to take advantage of the long-range advantage and his side suffered a lot of losses.  Zheng Mei immediately ordered the Feiyi Battalion to exchange fire with Xian Deng, and gave up the cavalry battle with Lei Ting, approaching Xian Deng at full speed to cover the formation and advance.  Ju Bi was so overwhelmed now that he had no choice but to fight hard.  Flying Wings are light cavalry and are super fast. You can't escape if you get on top of a dead soldier first. Moreover, Flying Wings' long-range lethality is also very powerful. Although Flying Wings can't shoot Thunder, that's because Thunder is protected by heavy armor.  There is no pressure to fly and shoot first.  Of course, the big yellow crossbow that climbed first was also not something that the light cavalry could carry with their flesh and blood, not even the king of light cavalry, Flying Wings.  The Blues were not slow to react either.  The Wings turned to attack first, and the blue team coach Zheng Di knew that after the first attack, the only suspense was how many Winged Cavalry could be defeated.  After giving Xian Deng the order to fight to the death, Zheng Di immediately returned the favor and ordered the Thunder Cavalry to turn and attack the red side!  ??This change of move caused all the heroes in Fengxiang beside the fire to nod in praise.  Chen Gong's comment: "Zhenzhen is sharp and brave. Even if he is in close combat with Feiyi, he may not be defeated. The only one who can put Zhenzhen at a disadvantage in close combat is probably Thunder. Thunder's brutal collision is not something that flesh and blood can withstand.  If you can't avoid it, you'll be in danger!"  Pang Tong sighed: "It's too late to avoid it." Most of the people present were familiar with military affairs, and they also understood that judging from the speed of the two troops, there was really no possibility of avoiding the thunder in the formation, and there was only a bloody battle.  Heavy footwork and heavy cavalry, and it was a special unit like Thunder. The scene was chilling just thinking about it.  However, the situation on the field has changed again.  Zhao Tong, who was rushing towards the enemy who had ascended first, suddenly turned around and turned around to attack Lei Tong again.  Since Thunder also changed its path, Fei Yi's kill this time was right at Thunder Cavalry's ribs!  "Wonderful!" "It turns out to be a trap!" Zhao Yun thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "It's not a trap, it's Tong'er's decision before the battle. He wants to save the trap." "Rescue the trap? Then board first" Zhao Yun smiled: "  Xiedeng was left to the trapped formation to deal with. Feiyi's previous attack had suppressed Xiedeng's movement and squeezed the space for Xiedeng to move. As you can see, the distance between Xiedeng and trapped formation is not far now. Feiyi blocked the thunder and trapped the formation.  He is fully capable of getting close to Xianden, but if this is the case" Li Jin said in a deep voice: "In this case, Feiyi will be in danger." Jiang Qin also saw it: "Abandoning his own strengths and fighting in close combat with Thunder, Feiyi will be in danger.  The loss of Yi will be greater, but the other side will also be disabled. For the sake of the overall situation, Zhao Tong chose to sacrifice. "Could it be a coincidence?"  How is it possible to have such a sense of accomplishment? " "Maybe now it depends on whether we can seize the opportunity." Everyone was silent and began to observe the game with a completely different solemn attitude than before.  After falling into the formation and seizing the opportunity, Gao Jie rushed to Ju Bi's side.  Chopping with a bamboo board!  The evaluator in charge of the battle group reported urgently: "The blue team climbed up first to die, and fought with the red team in close combat. The first team lost 600 people! The first team lost 100 people!" "The first team lost a total of 1,500 people!"  "Hundreds of people!" "The total loss of Xianden is 2,100 people!" At the same time, on the other side, the Feiyi Battalion was also losing its numbers in hand-to-hand combat with Thunder. When Ju Bi had only one straw mark left on his back,  Zhao Tong only had two straw flags left, and one-third of the Feiyi Battalion was lost.  The commanders of both armies obviously do not want to run out of elite troops.  Shanziying moved closer to this side at full speed, and at the same time, each used their trump card.  Sun Bi, the Red Army quartermaster and Sun Liang¡¯s son, reported: The Blue Army¡¯s mountain camp made a sneak attack and burned our army¡¯s rations!  A young man with dark skin and a loyal face was smiling proudly at the red square granary. His facial features were exactly the same as those of Yue Xi. He was Yue Lin, the only son of Wu Chi. ? Follow the rules they set.  The rations were burned and victory could not be achieved within five minutes.  will be judged as a loser.  As soon as Yue Lin succeeded, the Blues immediately changed their strategy and focused on defending. At the same time, the Blues coach became very cautious and looked around.  Two minutes later.  A child dressed in black, who looked to be only about four years old, suddenly appeared from the darkness, covered in sand, and had obviously crawled all the way here.  I saw the boy using the thin soft bamboo sword desperately.  He stabbed the blue coach, but the blue coach was on guard and was very focused. Although he was stabbed in the leg, he somehow avoided the chest and counterattacked.  The boy in black fell on the beach and said in a sweet voice: "Oh, I'm dead!" The judging panel: "The red side failed to behead!" "It's a shame for a warrior to fail to complete the task!" "Although the body is broken  "I will defeat my father, then my second uncle, and finally challenge my uncle. I will prove the truth with my sword" The boy in black who fell to the ground was still reading his lines loudly,  Intoxicated.  The adults almost felt their stomachs hurt from laughing, and they all looked at Liu Xing. Liu Xing was giggling while drinking. The coquettish boy in black was none other than Liu Xing's beloved son Liu Mang.  Liu Xing got married only after Zheng Mei and Zheng Di were born. ???????????????????????????? Somehow, Liu Sanxia, ??who had never been close to girls, unexpectedly caught his eye with a girl, and they quickly got married, and this was how little Liu Mang was born.  As for Li Qi, he has made rapid progress in martial arts in the past few years. He is determined to follow in the footsteps of his eldest brother Wang Yue and explore the extremes of martial arts. He is determined not to be affected by his children's personal affairs and is still alone to this day.  But Li Qi is not alone. At Liu Xing's strong request, the two brothers still live in the same yard.  The battle is still going on.  After the beheading failed, the red team launched a fierce counterattack, trying to kill the blue team coach within five minutes and turn defeat into victory.  The blue team was united in defense and tried to delay the last seconds. At the last moment, the battle losses of both sides skyrocketed.  "The Red Canglan Navy has suffered more than 60% cumulative battle losses and has withdrawn from the battle.""The blue side's Shanzi camp has suffered more than 60% cumulative battle losses and has withdrawn from the battle." "The blue side's Thunder Cavalry was jointly attacked by the red side's Shanzi camp, trap camp and flying wing camp, and the damage calculation was doubled The blue side's Thunder Cavalry's cumulative battle losses exceeded 60%.  80%, withdraw from the battle. " "The Flying Wing Battalion withdraws from the battle" "The accumulated battle losses of the dead soldiers exceed 80%, and they enter a violent state. The attack power and defense power of the first climber increase by 80%."  According to the rules of the "Feng Erdai" battle game, the combat effectiveness of the troops will decrease as the battle losses increase. If the battle losses of the regular troops exceed 60% and the battle losses of the special units exceed 80%, the entire army will be considered collapsed, but there are two exceptions.  , one of which is to ascend first.  The tradition of the legion that ascends first is that it is wild, its morale is always high, and it also has the secret skill of violent counterattack. Once the first ascender goes crazy, the red team's loss rate immediately increases.  "The Shanzi Battalion on the red side has withdrawn from the battle" "The Canglan Navy on the blue side has withdrawn from the battle" Only 800 people are left in the formation, still maintaining a strong combat power, and sending the remaining soldiers of the opponent's navy out.  The trap is another unit that will not collapse due to excessive battle losses, because all Fengxiang people know it.  The enemy can only move forward and not retreat. The enemy is an undefeated army and represents the character of the Fengxiang Iron Army.  After falling into the formation and defeating the blue navy, he turned around and attacked the blue commander regardless of the enemy who was not far away.  A Niu was shocked: "Huh? You made a mistake. How could you take the initiative to distance yourself from Xian Deng?" Zhao Yun smiled and explained: "No. Xian Deng went berserk. It became a pure melee force." A Niu thought about it.  Logically speaking, the first one on the field followed the trapped formation and did not report the battle damage in the assessment.  A Niu praised: "Zilong, you know the rules of children's games very well." Zilong smiled: "Not only am I familiar with it, but Mr. Chen and Mr. Lu are also familiar with it These rules are how we help the children after repeated discussions."  We have decided to fully consider the characteristics of each unit and make it as close to actual combat as possible, so that they can gain benefits from the game since they were young. For example: Mountain Camp and Assassin are unique to each side when grouped.  You can only have one; the two cavalry must also be separated" The five-minute countdown is getting closer and closer. Although the battle is not over yet, everyone knows that the red side's defeat has been determined and there is no chance for a comeback.  At the last moment, he still didn¡¯t give up despite being trapped.  Seeing that there was no hope of killing the opponent's coach, he fell into the formation and used his remaining troops to attack the Blue side's granary.  The blue quartermaster was Guan Ning's son Guan Miao. Although he tried his best to resist, he could not avoid being attacked and destroyed.  After capturing the blue side's granary, the remaining troops of the blue side fought hard. In the mountain camp and the violent siege, the entire army was wiped out The game is over.  A Niu kept laughing.  Most of the Fengxiang talents who have followed them to success are still very young and in their prime, and behind them is the next generation of Fengxiang.  is thriving.  From these children and teenagers, A Niu saw Fengxiang's hope and Fengxiang's future!  In the past few years when the lord has been absent for a long time, Fengxiang City has still maintained a good development trend, with internal unity and stability, and everything is in order.  A few days later.  Zhao Long said dissatisfied: "You just came back soon, and you are leaving again?" A Niu smiled easily and nodded: "Yes." Zong Wuyan looked at a certain city lord with some worry, hesitated for a while, and decided to  The words made it clear: "Brother Niu, what happened with Zhao Wuji was just an accidentit's been so long, can't you let it go?" Everyone looked at A Niu. Zong Wuyan asked what everyone wanted to know.  of.  When A Niu came back this time, his friends were constantly observing him and assessing his mental condition.  Everyone privately believed that he should have got rid of the influence of the Zhao Wuji incident, but they did not expect that shortly after the battle, this guy said he wanted to run away again.  This makes everyone have to wonder whether A Niu still cannot get out of the predicament.  "Don't worry, it's okay!" A Niu replied with a smile.  "Then why are you leaving again?" "In the past two years, Xiaoyu and I have traveled a lot, and we have had a lot of time to think. At first, we wanted to adjust our mentality and get out of trouble. Maybe I was used to staying at home before, but after going out,  Only then did we realize that the outside world is so wonderful. After traveling thousands of miles, traveling to different places, meeting different people, enjoying different scenery, and understanding different cultures and traditions, we gradually became more and more fond of this kind of life and became full of interest in hiking.  Enthusiasm, at least for now Cao Cao's momentum to unify the north is unstoppable. Fengxiang is safer and just needs to focus on development. You have all seen that even if I am not around, Fengxiang City will not fall into chaos and can always continue.  Let's move forward. I'm not interested in internal fighting. Now that I have become the Marquis of Guan Nei and led Fengzhou Mu, it's basically over. There's nothing to fight for In this case, there's no need for me to stay in the game every day.bsp;Besides, with your help taking care of me, I have nothing to worry about. Even if there is any emergency, just say it offline and we will immediately attack you. It is still the same as before" The white light offline has disappeared for a long time.  Everyone still sat there, motionless for a long time, and Feifei broke the silence: "Will Brother Niu come back?  " "Is there any doubt about this?  You didn't listen to what he said just now. If you need anything, just say it offline and I'll be there right away.  " "I mean, play the game like before.  " Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Zhao Long said in unison: "Yes!  " "How do you know?  " Zhao Long chuckled: "He and Xiaoyu have to spend money to run around. Without the support of Fengxiang City, he can't go anywhere.  A Niu is a smart person. No matter how he plays, he will not lose his money The external situation Fengxiang faces now is very good. There are no challenges and there are not enough hostile players. Therefore, he lacks motivation. Sooner or later, some player forces will jump out.  On the day when they compete for world hegemony, by then, the water in the game will be muddy.  " "But Brother Niu doesn't want a civil war!  " Zhao Long said with a smile: "The Fengxiang tree attracts the wind, so A Niu wants to stay out of it, which may not be a bit wishful thinking.  Based on my understanding of A Niu, if Fengxiang City is threatened, that guy will definitely go crazy and have more fighting spirit than anyone else Don't believe it?  Think about how many players he had harmed before he faded out?  Whoever provokes him will end well?  " Feifei said: "That makes sense!  Brother Wu thinks Brother Niu will come back, does he think so too?  Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty shook his head: "What Zhao Long said makes sense, but I didn't think that way just now."  " "Then how do you" "It's very simple.  Traveling around sounds beautiful, but it is actually very hard and there will always be a day when you are tired.  I believe in one thing: when he is tired, he will naturally come back and continue to fight side by side with us!  Wait for him to come back!  " "Well, let's wait for him to come back together!  " (Complete book) (To be continued)
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