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Text Chapter 1008 The Great Confucian is in Action

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    Qingzhou is covered with war clouds, but Aniu's Fengxiang City is still crowded with people as before.  Cai Yong¡¯s residence is a large house located in the old town of Fengxiang. Although it is larger than the houses in Luoyang and Chang¡¯an, it still has three entrances and three exits.  Such a scale is considered a very high-end configuration in Fengxiang City where every inch of land is precious, which fully reflects Fengxiang City's respect for Cai Yong.  The room in Cai Mansion is not small, but there are not many people.  Ever since Cai Yan ran away from home, the Cai Mansion has always seemed a little deserted. Cai Yong said he was very angry about his daughter running away, threatening not to allow Wen Ji to enter, or that he would break her legs when she came back, but in private, he often sighed and sighed.  , worried and eagerly looking forward to Cai Yan's early return.  Cai Yan is back, but the atmosphere in Cai Mansion has not improved significantly.  After returning to Fengxiang, Cai Yan locked himself in his home for several days without leaving the door.  Every day, Cai Yan would play a piece of music on the Jiaowei Qin.  Cai Yong is a master of the piano. He can hear the homesickness in the music, as well as the joy and hesitation of returning home. The emotions are complex and very contradictory. Overall, the tune is euphemistic and sad, which can tear the heart and intestines.  This is Cai Yan's work, titled "Eighteen Beats of Hujia".  Being able to write this piece of music is enough to prove that Cai Yan's understanding and perception of music has reached a new level.  It is also true that Cai Yan has been promoted to a master musician.  But Cai Yong was not happy at all.  Cai Yong originally thought that Cai Yan did this because he was too frightened after being kidnapped by the Huns, and was physically and mentally exhausted from the long journey. He could recover within a few days of rest, but what he didn't expect was.  Seven days have passed, and Cai Yan is still the same.  No intention of changing at all.  Cai Yong made a special trip to Yuefu and asked Yuefu to send someone to invite Cai Yan to play a song.  He was also politely rejected by Cai Yan.  Cai Yong suddenly knew something was wrong.  After several twists and turns, Cai Yong finally knew why Cai Yan had confined himself.  "The same reason why Cai Yan ran away from home was because of the so-called engagement between a certain city lord and Wen Ji.  Cai Yong¡¯s head is as big as a bucket.  When you said that at the beginning, wasn¡¯t it just a matter of urgency?  At that time, several powerful figures in the Liangzhou Army asked for marriage, but he couldn't say clearly, "You warriors are not worthy of my Wenji," so they had no choice but to push A Niu out as a shield. I went to Chang'an that time to help A Niu.  Push it towards A Niu.  It seems reasonable, but who knows that a certain city lord already has someone he likes?  Besides, it was also to prevent Wenji from marrying those rough guys in Liangzhou.  Cai Yong really didn't expect that such a small thing would be difficult to end I thought that time would dilute everything, but I didn't expect that Cai Yan still hadn't turned around after being away from home for so long.  What a persistent girl.  Having been in Fengxiang for so long, Cai Yong has already understood that Xiaoyu¡¯s status in Fengxiang City requires a certain city lord to let Xiaoyu marry Wenji.  It's simply impossible.  In the past few days, Cai Yong has also vaguely proposed that he plans to find a suitable husband for Wen Ji, hoping to untie this knot.  Unexpectedly, Wenji rejected it without thinking.  When he was in a hurry, he replied: "My father needs someone to take care of him, and my daughter would like to remain unmarried for the rest of her life."  Nothing can be done about this.  As a parent, how can you bear to let your child live a lonely life?  Cai Yong was desperate.  I had to find my friend Lu Zhi and ask him to find a way to help.  Lu Zhi has always doted on Wen Ji.  Treating Wenji as his own daughter, Wenji came to Fengxiang with him in the car, so naturally he couldn't just sit back and watch.  Lu Zhi¡¯s mind is much more flexible, and he can clarify the key to the matter in one sentence.  "Is Wenji angry because you made up the marriage contract and feels that she can't live with it? Or is she really interested in A Niu and finds it difficult to get what she wants and is heartbroken? In order to solve the problem, we must first understand Wenji's true thoughts.  ¡± Cai Yong greatly agreed.  So the two great scholars began to take action: they asked someone who could talk to Wenji to come to her house, chat with Wenji to relieve her boredom, and test her feelings at the same time; they asked Cai Yan's personal maid to pay close attention to his every move, hoping to infer some truth from his words and deeds.  What's more, the two of them acted as spies, finding the relevant personnel who participated in the rescue operation across the Loop, and questioning them carefully, not letting go of any details Every detail and clue after clue was presented to the two part-time spies one by one.  .  The scene where Cai Yan threw herself into the arms of a certain city lord and burst into tears after being rescued would naturally not be missed.  Lu Zhi and Cai Yong sighed at the same time, there was no need to check anymore.  Lu Zhi asked Cai Yong: "What should I do?" Cai Yong said directly with a sullen face: "Let A Niu be responsible and marry Wenji as his wife!" Lu Zhi smiled bitterly: "Wenji is my wife, where is Xiaoyu?" "Xiaoyu?"  The fish is also good, I don¡¯t mind it?"The boy wants to take a concubine. He is a prince and has the qualifications" "It's impossible, you know."  " Cai Yong's eyes were straight, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You have to do it even if you don't!  I almost got detained when I went to Chang'an that time and couldn't come back. The engagement was forced by circumstances. I went to Chang'an to help him. It was business!  If I had been detained that time, I would have had no choice but to die to show my resolve, which meant that I almost lost my life. For this reason, he couldn't just wipe it out and deny it!  It is true that he is the Prime Minister of the State of Qi, but if I go to Chang'an now, I can also be one of the three princes. How dare he compete with me for official position?  Besides, my Wenji is both talented and beautiful, and I can be considered a great scholar, but my only daughter is not qualified to marry him?  " Cai Yong would never flaunt himself as a great scholar, nor would he assume that he would die to make his ambition clear and use it as a bargaining chip, let alone mess around He couldn't do such a thing, but now, Cai Yong has done it all,  There is a reason why he is so obsessed with the issue of wives and concubines. In ancient China, the so-called "three wives and four concubines" system was just a joke to describe a man who had many wives and concubines, but it was not really possible to marry three wives. What was actually practiced in ancient times was "  "Monogamy, multiple concubines". A wife can only have one, and if she is included in the clan tablet, her children will be legitimate children, and the legitimate children can inherit the title; concubines cannot be included in the clan tablet, and the children will be concubines. They can divide the family property but cannot inherit the title. The status gap is quite large.  Big. Even Cai Yong inevitably wants to win the status of wife for his beloved daughter. After all, A Niu is not married yet and his wife status is empty. Lu Zhi couldn't bear to look at it, but still persisted.  Said: ¡°It¡¯s impossible.  You know" Cai Yong was like a deflated ball and said dejectedly: "I am just a daughter.  " Lu Zhi hesitated for a long time. In the end, he couldn't bear to let Cai Yong completely lose hope and compromised: "Let's go to A Niu together. You might as well explain the situation first and ask him to marry Wen Ji to see if it is feasible.  , However, if A Niu does not agree, Bo Xi cannot force it.  The little fish is gentle and gentle.  He is fair and generous in dealing with things. You also know what A Niu is like, and you and I are quite thin-faced. Even if Wen Ji is a concubine, she will never be wronged.  " Cai Yong had no better way, so he nodded in agreement. Lu Zhi and Cai Yong did not expect that as soon as they explained their intention, a certain city lord gave them a slap in the face. The problem was not whether A Niu agreed to marry Cai Wenji, but that guy  She didn't even mean to take Wen Ji as a concubine. Although she said it politely, her attitude was very firm! After politely refusing, A Niu found an excuse to escape, and the teleportation was easy to do.  The two great scholars were dumbfounded and could not understand the reaction of a certain city lord. His heart was trembling with fear. As a modern man, A Niu knew very well if he dared to play in the game.  Marrying Cai Yan would lead to endless misery for the rest of her life, despite Xiaoyu's gentle temperament, and it was absolutely impossible for her to agree to A Niu finding a "sister" for her to enjoy the blessings of everyone. This would be self-destruction and would lead to the breakdown of the family.  Yes! Cai Yong was about to cry without tears, and said in a trembling voice: "Hehe actually doesn't want to marry Wen Ji?  This heartless man!  " Lu Zhi thought to himself, he has never done anything at all, and he is not even qualified to betray his heart. But at this time, it is obvious that he can no longer provoke his old friend, and asked: "What should I do?  " "He has to marry even if he doesn't want to!  "Cai Yong said coldly. It's not that Cai Yong wants to save face or is stubborn, but that he has no retreat. Cai Yan's attitude is there, either marry a certain city lord, or live alone, there is no third choice, so even if unexpectedly,  After being rejected by a certain city lord, Cai Yong had no choice but to press forward. Now, Cai Yong no longer dared to expect Wen Ji to be his wife after she got married.  , now even the qualifications to be a concubine have to be fought hard No matter what, they vow to make a certain city lord submit! Lu Zhi and Cai Yong began to find people to support them. In Fengxiang City, they have the ability to take a concubine to a certain city lord (Cai Yong expressed that he was very wronged)  Those who have influence have become the targets of their lobbying. It is related to the reputation of Cai Yong and Cai Yan, so there cannot be too many insiders, and ordinary civil servants and generals are certainly not suitable to comment on the private life of a certain city lord, but Li Qi, Liu Xing,  People like Chen Gong and Zhao Yun can still talk to each other. Lu Zhi even secretly found the unemployed Zhang Laoshi, the elder of Fengxiang Village Lu Zhi and Cai Yong's prestige seems to be very high.  It is also worthy of sympathy, Xiaoxue's tendency is particularly obvious. In addition, these people generally believe that arranging a certain city lord to take Cai Yan as a concubine is related to the unity and harmony of the territory, which is a good thing for the country and the people.  Those who received the commission all agreed verbally, and each tried their best to encourage Aniu to take a concubine. They assured the two great scholars that they would keep the matter secret and no matter what the final result was, they would not disclose anything to the outside world and would not discuss it again.  This is mainly because??Cai Yan.  Cai Yan is soft on the outside but strong on the inside. She had run away from home resolutely after just saying that she would obey the right in matters of urgency.  If it is known that a certain city lord does not even agree to take her as his concubine, forcing the old father Cai Yong to put down his face and talk to someone, what will happen, it makes people shudder to think about it A certain city lord is unprecedentedly stubborn and will not let go.  , and resolutely refused to explain the reason for not taking a concubine.  After all, the concepts are different. Speaking out will only confuse these people and damage the glorious image of a certain city lord Third brother Liu Xing is very puzzled. According to his understanding, a certain city lord is unreasonable and does not consider the overall situation if he does not take a concubine.  There is also an anti-human tendency: "It is natural for a man to have three wives and four concubines. To tell you the truth, Mi Zizhong once mentioned in front of me some time ago that his sister is an adult, beautiful and beautiful, and has not yet been married. I have just come to my senses now.  Mi Zi Zhong Xiang is trying to find out what's going on! I think so, the fourth brother is so outstanding, Mi should be willing to send him over as a concubine! I'll think about who else is suitable, and you'll take them all  , you are so confused, are you worried that your concubine will not get along with Xiaoyu? You think so, Xiaoyu has a gentle temper, and my brother doesn't want her to be wronged. How about we ask Xiaoyu first, and we will definitely not let any woman who doesn't agree with her come in?  What do you think?" A certain city lord burst into tears: "Third brother, you are looking for Xiaoyu because you think I didn't die quickly enough!" Liu Xing's eyes suddenly widened.  Two days later, Lu Zhi and Cai Yong cornered A Niu in a tavern.  Cai Yong's face was filled with frost: "You don't have any good impressions of Wen Ji?" A certain city lord was embarrassed and quickly explained: "I'm serious! Miss Wen Ji is beautiful, smart, gentle and virtuous, and what's more, she is extremely talented" Cai Yong was impatient.  Hearing someone's nonsense, he interrupted: "Then you just have a good impression of Wen Ji?" A Niu was heartbroken and simply pointed out: "I have a good impression, a little bit, but it is far from talking about marriage.  The two gentlemen know that Xiaoyu and I are in love with each other as childhood sweethearts. No matter how hard it is to tolerate others, we don¡¯t want to make Xiaoyu unhappy. Therefore, we really don¡¯t dare to delay Miss Wenji¡¯s lifelong happiness.¡± Lu Zhi frowned.  : "Can it be understood that A Niu still has a good impression of Yan'er, but he is just worried about Xiaoyu's feelings, so he keeps rejecting her?" "Uh that's right." "In other words, unless Xiaoyu nods, otherwise you  Don¡¯t know how to take concubines?¡± ¡°Yes!¡± As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lu Zhi and Cai Yong twirling their beards and laughing.  Xiao Yu walked in and looked at A Niu.  A certain city lord suddenly felt something bad and stammered: "Youyou won't agree, will you?" "Yes, I agreed." (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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