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Text Chapter 976 Canglan

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    ps: I'm in a bad state recently and my writing is not good. I'm going to take two days off to adjust.  "Japanese, no wonder our army's attack was blocked" The most direct reason for Fengxiang's expedition to Qilin City was that he had no intention of colluding with the Japanese. In this era, colluding with foreigners to massacre compatriots would be despised by everyone.  The emperor issued an edict for this, but the Jingzhou government did not dare to openly protect Wu Xin, which shows how serious the matter is.  Jiang Qin did not expect that at the cusp of the storm, Wuxin would still dare to let the Japanese send troops.  But after thinking about it, Jiang Qin also understood Wu Xin¡¯s plan.  Wu Xin¡¯s several plots against A Niu did not mean that he dared to ignore the threat of Feng Xiang City. In fact, Wu Xin sent troops when he believed that Feng Xiang was in danger of escaping, precisely because he knew how terrifying Feng Xiang¡¯s army was.  This time A Niu raised a large army to suppress the situation, and it would be a lie to say that Wu Xin was not nervous. The human sea tactics and large purchases of military supplies were all for self-protection. In order to ensure that he could survive the disaster of destruction, Wu Xin was willing to use any method.  The emperor issued an edict to investigate the responsibility. It is difficult for Yehuo to rely on the power of NPC princes to protect Wuxin. Although he can recruit many lords to help with gold and yuan, the level of the player's army is lower than that of Fengxiang's army, and the combat power is even different.  In order to take care of the balance of the game, the level of the foreign armies is not low, and their combat power is usually the same as that of the Han Dynasty princes' armies. The level of some foreign armies is even higher. It is urgent and necessary to unintentionally invite the Japanese to send troops.  During Fengxiang¡¯s expedition to Qilin, countless people were paying attention to the progress of the war, but Wuxin did not dare to blatantly let the Japanese appear in front of everyone, so Wuxin chose to hide the Japanese in the naval warships.  Water warfare is not as conspicuous as land warfare. Wuxin is well aware of the power of the green-haired old turtle. If Fengxiang Army wants to threaten the main city of Qilin, the siege equipment carried by the navy is essential. Qilin Navy only needs to block the Xiang River and Fengxiang River  If the division wants a quick victory, it can only engage in hand-to-hand combat.  The Japanese were fighting hand-to-hand in the warship without being discovered by outsiders.  In the past, when the Japanese attacked Boilai Town, the Fengxiang militia suffered heavy losses.  Relying on martial arts masters and Dahuang crossbows, the Japanese attack was barely repelled. Later, Liu Xing captured Hayato, forcing the Japanese to defect before the battle.  In fact, the individual melee combat capabilities of the Japanese are not bad. In the game, the Han army and the Japanese soldiers are of the same level. The Han army has the advantage of long-term practice in battle formations, and its team combat power is far stronger than that of the Japanese soldiers (this law also applies to other foreign races).  When the Canglan navy met the Japanese, the warships were obviously unable to take advantage of the Han army's traditional battle formations. In most cases, individual soldiers or small groups fought, so the fight was naturally extremely difficult.  Seeing Jiang Qin¡¯s solemn expression, Ding Li made a suggestion.  "The situation is urgent, why not let the troops that are marching with the Navy attack together?" Canglan Navy went out in full force this time.  There were a large number of warships, and after the navy carried a large amount of baggage, the fleet still had a small amount of space, and A Niu naturally wanted to make good use of it.  Therefore, an infantry force of two thousand people was arranged to go with the ship. This not only prevented one infantry from traveling thousands of miles, but also allowed the enemy to misjudge the number of troops sent by Fengxiang.  and.  Once the rendezvous between the cavalry battalion and the navy is blocked, the navy can dock early, and the siege equipment will have to be taken away by these two thousand infantry to join the large army.  It can be seen that Fengxiang has actually made a lot of preparations for this battle and fully estimated the difficulties.  However, this expedition was far more difficult than imagined.  Some difficulties were never thought of beforehand.  Jiang Qin quickly rejected Ding Li's proposal.  Jiang Qin smiled bitterly: "Let them charge together to kill each other? I'm afraid that most of them can't even stand still. I also heard that one of the generals almost spit out his bile, and everyone started talking nonsense.  . On the opposite side is the navy. There is no reason for Canglan navy to let the infantry brothers fight on our behalf! "A Niu originally hoped that they could reduce the long journey and take a boat to recharge their batteries.  Unexpectedly, the two thousand infantrymen were generally seasick. This was something no one expected at all, and it made people dumbfounded.  It¡¯s not that everyone hasn¡¯t thought about seasickness.  There is a precedent for the Canglan navy to use the waterway to march with infantry and cavalry.  This situation has never happened before. The reason why it is so serious this time is that in the final analysis, there is a big difference between inland waterways and maritime navigation.  Since the arrival of the golden carp, Fengxiang's ships have always sailed smoothly at sea, but the navigation conditions on inland rivers have become more complicated. Rapids, undercurrents, reefs, shoals, unprecedented long-distance voyages, and winding channels have all increased the difficulty of this trip.  Difficulty of sailing.  The navy officers and men were able to adapt relatively quickly. The two thousand infantry accompanying them could not adapt to the situation in a short period of time. They have not yet complained aloud, which is enough to be admired by the navy officers and soldiers.  Jiang Qin¡¯s words also have another meaning: Canglan Navy needs to prove its ability.  Ding Li said decisively: "In that case, I would like to go forward and fight alongside General Zhou Tai!" Jiang Qin did not make a decision immediately.  With his hand stroking the side of the ship, he looked ahead.  His gaze seemed to penetrate the battleship group and see the forefront of the battle, CangGeneral Lan was fighting a bloody battle with dense enemy forces. Their opponents included the Kirin Navy and many Japanese.  Facing the ferocious enemy, they used their swords and their bodies to advance inch by inch. They fought hard without caring about their own safety. They fought one after another just to carve out a bloody path.  Jiang Qin seemed to hear the sound of the sword passing through flesh and blood and finally making contact with bones; he seemed to hear the sound of wind as blood rushed out of his body and sprinkled into the sky; the soldiers who were unable to participate in melee combat on the front line desperately fought against the enemy.  The army shot; a small flame burned silently on the ship's deck, like a heart beating tenaciously; the fallen soldiers were embraced by the river, but many people could not actually feel the gentleness of the river. They had stopped breathing when they fell into the water  The strong man like an iceberg is always active in the most intense places of the battle. He uses the long knife in his hand to chop, chop, chop, stab, stab, and teasepeople keep falling under his knife, and his scarf has long since disappeared.  His long hair was messy and he was covered in blood, but his tall body was always upright, as straight as a pine, and his stern face was full of aloofness, as aloof as a snow-capped mountain.  He was like the strongest wolf king, leading a group of Canglan men to charge on the warship and keep moving forward. Wherever they passed, there were fallen companions, but there would never be any living enemies on the Xiang River.  , the navy man used his blood and life to open up his own territory.  In the name of Canglan!  Jiang Qin has always been a calm person, which is a quality that a good commander must possess.  But at this time, he felt that his blood was boiling.  In an instant, he had made a decision.  "Ding Li!" "Here!" "You stay here, I'll go!" Ding Li was shocked. Jiang Qin is the chief general of the Canglan Navy, a commander, but now, Jiang Qin is going to be the first to attack.  Wire?  "General, you want to command the navy to fight, I will go!" Jiang Qin smiled casually: "There is no need to command this kind of battle." "When you see us opening the channel, you have to carry siege equipment and two thousand infantry  The battleships rushed out, thirty of them, no one less! Remember, no one less, in the name of Canglan!" There was faint liquid seeping from Ding Li's eyes, and his vision became blurry.  He could only solemnly promise: "I promise! In the name of Canglan!" The flagship of the Kirin Navy, the black-bearded general stood tall silently.  He hasn¡¯t issued a new order for a long time. This battle, without complicated and exquisite command, made General Kurosu feel a little boring, but he could only accept it.  This battle is related to the life and death of Qilin City, and no one dares to take more risks.  From the very beginning, Qilin Navy did not give Fengxiang Navy any more options.  The Fengxiang Navy was in the upper reaches, so the Kirin Navy used a large number of warships to set up defenses layer by layer. The defensive formation was tight and flexible, making it impossible for the Fengxiang Navy to break through. Since there was no need to sail, the sails had already been lowered, and the threat of rockets to the warships was minimized.  ; Unable to break through the blockade, Fengxiang Navy will eventually have to choose close combat. This is exactly what Qilin City hopes to see.  There are 10,000 Japanese soldiers and 15,000 Kirin Marines on the 240 battleships, a total of 25,000 people!  Unintentionally, he wanted to swamp Fengxiang people with a sea of ??people.  General Black Beard was moved by the courage and bloodiness of Canglan Navy. He knew that after the expansion of Canglan Navy and the reconstruction of Qilin Navy, it was really enviable to have such combat effectiveness in such a short period of time.  What is even more valuable is their fighting will. Under the leadership of military generals and veterans, the recruits of Canglan Navy gradually lost their youthfulness and fear on the battlefield. They became more and more like real warriors, brave and courageous.  Fearless.  "But the navy I trained is not bad either." The black-bearded general smiled proudly.  In the last battle with Fengxiang Navy, the whole ship of Kirin Navy was forced to jump ship to escape by Liu Yu and others. This scene has always been regarded as a lifelong shame by the black-bearded military commander.  After the reconstruction, the Qilin Navy has greatly improved in terms of fighting will and discipline. Moreover, the Qilin soldiers are fighting to defend the territory this time. In their eyes, Wuxin is also a very good lord, otherwise Qilin City would not be able to grow.  It is the strongest territory in Jingzhou.  Naval discipline and the sense of belonging to the territory give the navy soldiers a strong spiritual strength. As can be seen from today's battle, the Kirin Navy is also brave and tenacious. It can often be seen that the sailors of an entire battleship are wiped out.  , but no one escaped.  "They are all good." After Jiang Qin's joining surprised Canglan Navy, he quickly realized the seriousness of the situation.  Zhou Tai took a few steps back, broke away from the battle, and shouted to Jiang Qin: "What are you doing here? Go back!" Jiang Qin said angrily: "If I don't come, can you kill it alone?" Zhou Tai hesitated, and then immediately  He affirmed: "Okay! Give me some more time." "No time!" Jiang Qin rushed forward.?He chopped down two Japanese soldiers and a Qilin sailor one after another, raised the Moshou Dao above his head, raised his arms and shouted: "Either kill us, or die here! Canglan!" "Canglan!" Zhou Tai said no more and buried his head.  Rush out.  "Canglan!" nearby navy athletes shouted in unison!  "Canglan!" "Canglan!" In the end, all the Canglan soldiers were roaring, like a mountain roaring like a tsunami.  The pressure on the Kirin Navy's defense line increased sharply.  General Kurosu¡¯s eyes were a little complicated: ¡°You¡¯ve tried your best, you¡¯re really strong Let¡¯s fight together!
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