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Text Chapter 523: Questioning

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    If the two cousins ??were sorry for their uncle, if their father knew about it, he would definitely be unhappy, and he would say a few words of justice, and he would stand on his father's side!

    No matter what happens to the cousin, at least they have to be filial to their uncle and treat their own parents well.

    "You two are so hesitant, you don't regard me as your second uncle as a family. What's wrong with you? Is there something you can't tell me? And what's going on with your father?"

    Wang Shun¡¯s words were more severe, and coupled with his serious appearance, his two nephews felt nervous. After looking at each other, they seemed to be asking each other for advice.

    Wang Fan glanced at his two cousins ??and understood in his heart that these two cousins ??must know everything about his uncle, but they refused to tell them. So could it be that the two brothers were sorry for his uncle?

    "Big brother and second brother, their physical distribution is from your parents. The elderly at home may be old and may not be able to help you make money. They may be a drag in your eyes, but your lives come from your parents. There is no reason.  Not filial to them"

    Wang Fan's face was also full of displeasure. Because he couldn't guess what the two cousins ??were trying to hide, his words were a bit harsh. If Wang Ping and Wang Yi didn't tell the truth, Wang Fan wouldn't give up so easily.  .

    Wang Ping turned to look at his elder brother Wang Yi, and then glared at him fiercely, as if blaming him. This made Wang Yi's face, which was originally a little red, suddenly become red as if it was congested.  His face was lowered and he didn't dare to raise it.

    From the looks of it, the uncle¡¯s matter seems to have something to do with his cousin Wang Yi.  Wang Fan glanced over with questioning eyes and looked at Wang Yi suspiciously.

    "Brother, uncle, what's going on? We're back this time. If something happens, we can just discuss it together. If something happens, let's talk it out. It's okay to keep it in your heart!"

    Since it seems that the problem lies with Wang Yi.  Wang Fan just said one more thing, we have to find out the truth of the matter!

    As soon as Wang Fan said this.  Wang Yi couldn't stand anymore. He raised his head, and then slapped his face with his hand. The sound of the slap was loud and crisp, and five things appeared on Wang Yi's face.  The finger prints are red and white and very conspicuous.

    "Brother, what are you doing? Dad had to do that thing himself. I can't blame you. Stop doing this!" When Wang Ping saw his eldest brother beating himself like this, he felt pain in his heart and hurriedly shouted  A sound.

    "I'm useless, I'm worthless. I'm letting my dad suffer like this at such an old age. I'm really useless. I have a guilty conscience. I really deserve to die. Damn it!"

    While Wang Yi was talking, he hit himself with his hand and felt very sad.  His face looked very painful, which shocked Wang Shun's family. What happened to make Wang Yi blame himself so much and hit himself in the face with his hand?

    "If you have something to say, please say it. Don't do this. It makes my second uncle feel bad. What happened? How could you do this?"

    "Brother, don't be like this. There's something you can't say, so why should you blame yourself like this? If you have something to say, let's help you think of something. It's always easier than you doing it alone!"

    "Why is this nephew like this? What obstacles are there that he can't get over? It makes people anxious to see him like this!"

    You can say whatever you want, because Wang Fan's family really doesn't understand what happened. Wang Yi slapped him on his own, and slapped him on the face. Wasn't this a very sorry act for his father?  Wang Yi would never do this.

    But what happened that made Wang Yi do this?  Wang Fan was muttering in his heart because he really couldn't understand what was going on?

    Wang Yi's face turned white and red as he listened to what Wang Fan's family said. Finally, he couldn't hold it in any longer, so he revealed what he had hidden in his heart about Uncle Wang Fan, his father.  .

    "Although I am the eldest son in the family, I have been doing construction work at home for many years, but I don't have any skills. I just build houses for people in the county or town, do some small work, and earn some money for my family and children.  read!

    Second uncle, you also know about the situation at home. Although I don¡¯t make much money, I always want to be able to be together as a family, so I don¡¯t go out to work, but stay at home to work for others.

    Because I have stayed at home for a long time, I have learned to lay exterior wall tiles and interior tiles on houses. Because this is a technical job, the salary is dozens of dollars higher than that of ordinary masons.

    This year, when I was at home, my work was pretty good. I worked for a construction site owner named Jiang for a year. I rushed to do the work of laying exterior wall tiles, just for the extra dozens of dollars.?¡±

    Wang Yi's voice was very low. Wang Fan also knew what he was talking about, the job of laying exterior wall tiles. It was the kind of building with dozens or dozens of floors, a scaffolding built on top, and then the workers wore safety belts, and then  Stand on the scaffolding and lay the exterior bricks on the house piece by piece.

    Some of those exterior wall tiles are very small, and some have some kind of pattern posted on them. In addition, at such a high place, there is no way to touch the ground without touching the ground. People who are timid or have a fear of heights will not be able to stand at such a high place.  It's a place where, let alone doing things, I'm afraid I can't stand on my legs and I'm scared to death!

    Some people say that brick-moving people are hard-working, but compared with the job Wang Yi mentioned, this is already a very good job. Although brick-moving is labor-intensive, it is not life-threatening.

    Although the salary for this job of laying exterior wall tiles is tens of dollars higher, it is a joke with your life. If you are careless, something may happen.

    It¡¯s just that Wang Fan and the others asked about his uncle¡¯s current situation. What does it have to do with his cousin¡¯s affairs?  Not only was Wang Shun puzzled by this, but even Wang Fan couldn't figure it out.

    Fortunately, my cousin Wang Yi quickly went on to talk about the matter.

    "I have been doing work this year, so I have made a lot of money this year, almost more than 60,000 yuan a year. This is a lot of income in our rural areas. I have always been happy and thought  I think I can buy something for my wife and children this year.

    But in the first half of the year, my foreman said that because the boss didn¡¯t pay him the bills, all his money was spent on building materials, so our monthly salary couldn¡¯t be paid in full, and he could only give me one thousand yuan a month.  , all the remaining money will be settled at the end of the year!

    Boss Jiang is from the town next door. He has been doing construction for many years and has earned a lot of money. He has a villa in the county that is very luxuriously decorated. He also has a Mercedes-Benz and an Audi.  I knew him well and was not afraid of him running away, so I agreed at that time.

    Since the first half of the year, I have received a thousand yuan every month, and the remaining about four thousand yuan has been kept with him. I want to wait until the end of the year to get the more than fifty thousand yuan back together, and then hand it over in one go.  Give it to your sister-in-law, take it to the bank and deposit it. In the future, your children will need a lot of money to study, build a house and marry a wife.

    The weather was too cold last month, and some work at the construction site couldn't be done at all. And Boss Jiang also delivered the first phase of the project, and our workers were like him asking for wages.  "

    Wang Yi sighed heavily when he said this, and Wang Fan's brows moved imperceptibly. Seeing what the cousin meant, could it be that the construction site boss was in arrears with wages again?

    Why are wages arrears everywhere at the end of the year? What¡¯s going on with those bosses? Since it¡¯s a profitable business, why are the workers¡¯ hard-earned money always being withheld from them?

    "Do you want your wages? Since the man named Jiang is in the county, and you know where he lives and his car, it shouldn't be difficult to get your wages?"

    Wang Fan thought for a moment and whispered. At the same time, his parents also felt that since it was a county and a town, it shouldn't be difficult for workers to get their hard-earned money. Wang Yi didn't mean that people have villas.  Have two luxury cars?

    "Isn't it difficult? That's no wonder it's not difficult. I've been asking Boss Jiang for wages since last month, but after asking for more than a month, I only got 2,000 yuan, leaving 50,000 yuan that he didn't give me.  He said that he has no money now, and if he gets the money, he will give me a salary regardless of whether he sells pots or sells iron. 1

    But now it seems that there are only ten days left before the Chinese New Year. I only have two thousand yuan in my hand. My whole family is looking at me. If my child is poor for another year, he will have to buy a new set of clothes. I have to buy some pork for the Chinese New Year.  Heyu, things are so expensive now, two thousand yuan is not enough!

    This is nothing, your eldest nephew will sign up to start school after the new year, and the tuition for high school will cost several thousand yuan per semester. Even if we don¡¯t celebrate the new year, the money saved will not be enough for his tuition!

    Your elder sister-in-law nags and quarrels with me at home every day. It¡¯s not her fault. What should we do if we don¡¯t have money?  It would be fine if I was lazy this year, but I am obviously working hard for my life, so why can¡¯t I get any money at the end of the year?  ?

    I was really unwilling to give in. A few days ago, I went to the county town to ask for wages from Boss Jiang, and I blocked him in the room. But no matter what, the boss said that he had no money, and I was very angry as a five-foot-tall man.  , I cried bitterly under the eaves of someone else¡¯s villa, I have no future!

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? As of a grown man, the money he makes in a year is not enough for his wife and children, and he cannot even get back the little money he deserves, I am really useless, and sometimes I feel that I am so aggrieved, so aggrieved!  "

    When Wang Yi said this, Wang Shun on the side felt sore at the corners of his eyes, and his eldest nephew must be feeling miserable.But he had always kept this matter in his heart and refused to say it. If he hadn't asked about Uncle Wang Fan today, Wang Yi would definitely not have said such words.

    "My child, you are really wronged. This Boss Jiang is really outrageous. How can the workers' wages be delayed all the time during the Chinese New Year? Doesn't he have a guilty conscience? I just told my elder brother about this matter.  What does it matter?

    Wang Shun was a little confused at this time. He didn't know what was going on?  (To be continued)
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