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Volume 2: The Beginning of the Divine Skill Chapter 57: The Realm of Ultimate Killing

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    Chapter 57: The Killing Realm This small station is not big, with only a few railway tracks. When the luxury train proposed to stop here, although the person in charge of the station knew that the people on the train were very respected, he still  Put forward his own opinions.  Because this is the only station entering Xijiang, if the luxury train wants to stop, it must enter the reserve track.  Only in this way will the passage of other passing vehicles not be delayed.  Although it is inconvenient to enter the reserve track, because if there is an unexpected problem, the train cannot leave the station immediately.  However, the leaders of the Foreign Affairs Office in the car took into account the request of the Eagle King Prince and agreed to the plan.  So, before the train entered the prepared track, comrades from the 14th Division went to check it.  After confirming that there were no problems, the luxury train was allowed to enter the reserve track and park. At the same time, a large number of accompanying special forces were also dispatched to serve as security guards everywhere.  Luo Song sat quietly in the carriage, neither getting out of the car to see what was going on around him, nor going to the prince's carriage to see the prince and others who were taking oxygen.  He was just brushing up on the formation knowledge while smoking a cigarette and sitting quietly in the carriage.  He thought to himself, is the enemy's plan just that simple this time?  When a prince travels westward, there will definitely be a large number of people accompanying him, and once he encounters danger, he will immediately ask for support from above.  Although this is Western Xinjiang, it is still the land of China, and reinforcements will arrive soon.  Even if they use superpowers, in the face of such dense firearms, superpowers cannot solve the problem immediately.  Not to mention that in this car, besides himself, there were two other superpowers from the Tiger Group.  Speaking of the two superpowers, Luo Song didn¡¯t know about them at the beginning.  But as soon as the train left the capital, Luo Song sensed two superpowers.  Immediately, I contacted the above and verified their identities.  These two superpowers are official members of the Tiger Group.  One is a metal superpower, and the other is a wind superpower.  These two people are apparently superhuman beings responsible for protecting the prince.  It was also specially arranged by the above.  Therefore, Luo Song's task this time is very simple.  As long as it's not the most critical moment, there's no need for him to come forward.  Even if there are certain casualties in danger, as long as the prince's personal safety is not endangered, there is no need for him to come forward.  Only at the most critical moment will he come forward.  This is also the unanimous opinion above. After all, Luo Song, as China's trump card, cannot be exposed casually.  The higher-ups would rather pay some price than let Luo Song's trump card show up.  Make Lozon's presence known to the enemy.  It's good to be prepared.  For this reason, two superpowers from the Tiger Team were dispatched to accompany them. Once an enemy superpower appears, these two members of the Tiger Team can easily deal with it.  One of the two is a metal superpower. He can control metals within ten tons for attack and defense.  Even the ammunition on the enemy's body can be detonated by it as long as it is of metal type.  So this time he is one of the necessary companions.  And another wind power user not only has super hearing.  And it can also use the wind to condense sharp blades to attack enemies.  Although the wind blades he condensed were not many, they were extremely fast.  Within a hundred meters distance.  The speed of the wind blade even exceeds the speed of a sniper rifle bullet.  It is also a good skill for killing.  So he also became one of the people who had to accompany him.  In addition, there are three members of the Tiger Group and fifty members of the 14th Division, forming the second echelon.  Some of them stood in front for the prince and his party, and some were responsible for cleaning up and supporting the rear of the prince and his party.  And the Xijiang Military Region, for this operation, has specially equipped a special forces brigade and a helicopter brigade on standby. Once the prince and his party encounter an enemy attack, the special forces brigade will arrive within half an hour.  You can say.  For this operation, the security work was very carefully arranged.  In general.  Even if you encounter some enemies, you can deal with them instantly.  Just like in the beginning.  The three killers were quietly eliminated before they could take any action.  Even the prince and others in the car were not alarmed.  Under such a thorough siege, Luo Song's mission seemed very easy.  But there was a faint sense of crisis in his heart.  This is also a question that Luo Songzhi has considered.  What is it that can make me feel a hint of danger?  When the luxury train stopped at the small station three hours later, it was beyond Luo Song's expectation.  The other party did not make any move.  Until the train continued to move forward and all the accompanying soldiers got on the train, Luo Song could still feel a sense of danger.  It was getting dark gradually, and the train was still running wildly on the railway. Because it was delayed for more than three hours on the road, he was still five hours away from his destination.  Suddenly, LuoHis brows moved slightly, and a sense of crisis condensed in his heart.  Half a minute later, bursts of roaring sounds came from the distance.  Luo Song raised his eyebrows, and then murmured to himself, "The helicopter really cost enough." The wind power user of the Tiger Group also reacted at this time.  This time, the leader of the team reported, while listening to the movements outside from time to time.  When the team leader learned that the other party actually mobilized an armed helicopter, his face showed a trace of solemnity. Although there were two anti-aircraft machine guns on the train, the train had to move on the rails after all.  Helicopters are relatively more flexible.  The guards on the train immediately began to make corresponding countermeasures based on the situation.  But these have nothing to do with Luo Song.  After all, the order he received was that there was no need for him to take action unless it was absolutely necessary.  The train will pass through a mountain col in a few minutes.  At this time, the spiritual consciousness released by Luo Song had discovered that heavy enemy troops were ambushed on both sides of the mountain col.  And at the exit of the mountain col, huge rocks were used to block the train's path.  Once the train enters the mountain col, it is a desperate situation.  At this time, one kilometer behind the train, three helicopters were hanging far behind.  They neither stepped forward nor stayed away. Their purpose was obvious, which was to cooperate with the enemy in the mountain col ahead and eliminate the group of people on the train in the mountain col.  Except for Luo Song, no one on the entire train realized that there was a trap in front of them.  Once inside, the train will usher in a brutal fight.  And Luo Song did not tell the team leader in advance because he had already detected the situation ahead.  Because even such an intense attack would not make Luo Song feel a sense of danger deep in his heart.  Luo Song wanted to see what kind of situation could make him feel a sense of danger in his heart. After all, the unknown is the most dangerous.  A few minutes later, the luxury train entered the mountain pass. As the train entered, there was a roar from the mountain pass that it had just passed.  A large number of boulders rolled down from the hillsides on both sides of the railway, cutting off the rear of the railway.  When the team leader on the train discovered this situation, he immediately started asking people to contact the rear to apply for support.  But then they discovered that the radio signal on the train had been blocked.  Currently they are unable to contact front and rear support.  Ziga~~~~~~~The train made an emergency braking sound, because the train driver also saw the huge boulder blocking the railway in front of him.  So he decisively took the brakes.  With the emergency stop of the luxury train, all the lights on the train were turned off.  This was an order issued by the team leader on the train to turn off the lights in all the carriages on the train.  The leader opened the curtains on the car window and looked outside.  It was pitch black outside, with swinging black shadows everywhere. These shadows included the shadows of trees, rocks, and of course, the shadows of enemies.  It gives people a feeling of being surrounded by soldiers.  "However, these cannot be hidden from Luo Song's spiritual consciousness.  In his consciousness, all the figures in the place appeared in his consciousness.  But what surprised Luo Song was that the enemy actually used about 300 people this time.  Within the scope of China, it was indeed beyond Luo Song's expectation to be able to mobilize such a large number of people.  What shocked him even more was that there were actually two heavy machine guns and four individual rocket launchers placed on the uphill slope.  Although these things still did not make him feel dangerous, he was also a little shocked that the enemy could deploy such firepower within China.  The most important thing is that the feeling of danger still exists, but he has not been able to detect it.  What other methods does the enemy have?  Luo Song didn't know, so he decided to endure it. He decided not to take action until the last critical moment.  At this time, a voice came from the hillside, "Listen to the people on the train, you have been surrounded. Our target is not you. As long as you hand over the prince of Eagle Kingdom, we will let you go. Give you ten  Minutes to think about it. In ten minutes, we will launch the attack. Even if you want to hand over people, we will not let you go. Think about your situation clearly, and I am telling you, don't think about it.  You still have reinforcements, but you can't ask for help at the moment." Prince Aaron was listening to the translator telling him what the other party was saying, and he showed an angry expression while listening.  Prince Aaron knew very well that the target of these people was himself, but how they got their itinerary was needless to say, he could also analyze it.  It must be the people around him who betrayed him.  In fact, his visit to China this time was originally a trap, a trap to kill him.  Prince Aaron is not stupid. At this moment, heI already know my situation very well.  (To be continued)
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