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Volume 2: The Beginning of the Divine Skill Chapter 153: Liu Qinliang

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    Chapter 153 Liu Qinliang Luo Song asked, "There should be another member of the 14th Division?" Ling pointed to the man in plainclothes, and said, "That's it." Luo Song followed Ling's finger and looked at it.  Go, the man in plain clothes is also looking at Luo Song.  Seeing Luo Song looking over, the plainclothes man knew that Luo Song already knew his identity, so he walked up quickly.  Luo Song smiled at him and said, "Hello." "Hello, I know you, but I didn't expect your skills to be so good. My name is Liu Qinliang, let's meet you formally." After saying that, he extended his hand.  "Lone Wolf" Luo Song also stretched out his hand and shook Liu Qinliang's hand.  "Lone Wolf, this mission is beyond my imagination. Our two comrades are probably in danger, but our mission has not been completed yet. Alas, we have been embarrassed in four ways this time." Liu Qinliang said  .  "Don't say that. The higher-ups already know the special nature of this situation, so they sent me to support you." Luo Song said.  "Yeah, I didn't expect that werewolves are so powerful. It seems that our bullets don't do much damage to them." Liu Qinliang continued.  "Well, this is expected. The superiors have already made some discoveries. We will report the situation here once we reach the other side of the highway." Luo Song said.  At this moment, the soldier in the vanguard issued a warning sign, and everyone slowed down one after another.  Luo Song released his spiritual consciousness at the same time, and after scanning it, he said to the people around him, "There is a search team from the other side in front, let them pass." Suddenly, Luo Song's brows moved again, and then said, "Try not to expose the target.  , after the search team passed, we quickly passed through the highway. Another group of werewolves caught up with us. I will deal with them. Be careful not to expose the target. "Liu Qinliang said to Luo Song, "Shall I go with you?"  "No need, you saw my skills just now. I'll be back soon." After Luo Song finished speaking, he put his backpack on the ground.  Liu Qinliang wanted to reach out and pick up Luo Song's backpack, but Luo Song patted his hand and said, "Put it here. I'll come back to get it later. You pass the highway as soon as possible." After saying that, he quickly ran back.  .  Liu Qinliang wanted to pick up Luo Song's backpack with one hand, but unexpectedly did not move it.  He was shocked, because although he had only one hand, he could pick up something weighing two hundred kilograms casually, but he did not lift Luo Song's backpack, nor could he even move it at all.  Liu Qinliang said to himself, "Based on this, Lone Wolf's backpack weighs at least 600 kilograms. What is this guy doing carrying such a heavy backpack?" But he also knew it.  This was not the time to compete, so he gave up the idea of ??taking Luo Song's backpack.  Watching the search team in front of me slowly walk over, the middle-aged man from the special forces waved his hand, and everyone passed the highway one after another.  Before leaving.  Liu Qinliang reluctantly picked up Luo Song's backpack with both hands. Although he could lift it up, it was impossible to carry it on his back through the highway.  Liu Qinliang cursed secretly, "What a change. A backpack is so heavy." After saying that, he quickly passed the highway.  Luo Song moved his body quickly.  When they were still three hundred meters away from the werewolf, they were already discovered by the werewolves. The werewolf's nose was so sensitive that not even the slightest change in smell could escape their noses, so a close-quarters fight began.  In front of Luo Song, the werewolf, who was regarded by the people of Ohzhou as having super combat power, had no power to fight back. In just three minutes, Luo Song eliminated the twenty-three werewolves behind him.  After putting away the military spurs, Luo Songyou released his spiritual consciousness. After confirming that there were no enemies within three kilometers, Luo Song returned to the previous location, picked up his backpack, quickly passed the highway, and then quickly caught up with him.  Ling them.  Ling and the others had just passed the highway and ran to a place 800 meters away from the highway. They wanted to wait for Luo Song here, but they found that Luo Song had already caught up with them. Ling looked at Luo Song and then asked, "What's the next solution?"  So soon? " "Well, it's settled, let's go, or we'll catch up again soon," Luo Song said.  Ling said softly, "Change." Ling knew very well the strength of these pursuers, otherwise she would not have asked for support again and again. A giant werewolf has several special forces.  Although they kept running, Luo Song not only killed all the pursuers behind them, but also caught up with everyone without wasting time.  With this strength, Luo?Enough to stand out from the crowd.  However, it was precisely because of this that Ling had enough confidence in this escape.  After entering the mountain forest, Luo Song asked everyone to take a rest, and then asked Ling to make a report to the superiors.  Once you enter the mountains and forests, it may be difficult to contact the superiors. After all, the mountains and forests here are too big and it is difficult to guarantee that you can still contact the superiors here. Therefore, you must first report the situation and explain it clearly before entering the mountains and forests.  own current situation.  Just as Ling walked aside to report to her superiors, Luo Song took out his pistol, handed one to Liu Qinliang, and then gave him three magazines.  Liu Qinliang didn't understand what Luo Song meant, so he asked, "I have a gun myself." "Take it, I have silver bullets inside, which will cause special damage to werewolves." Luo Song explained, and then walked over  In front of the special forces captain, he handed him his submachine gun and at the same time gave him the six magazines he carried.  Just as the captain was about to refuse, Luo Song said, "You have all seen my skills. The gun is of little help to me, but it is of great help to you. For everyone's sake, hold it!" The captain took it!  Luo Song's submachine gun, then looked at the magazine in his hand, and finally nodded silently.  Luo Song patted his shoulder, turned and left him, returning to Liu Qinliang's side.  Luo Song said to Liu Qinliang, "Your mission is to ensure Ling's safety. Don't worry about anything else." Liu Qinliang nodded.  At this time, Ling finished her report and walked back to the team.  Luo Song asked, "Comrade Ling, what weapon are you best at?" Ling hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Pistol." Luo Song took out his other special pistol and handed it to Ling.  Then he said, "Will this be useful?" Ling looked at it, then nodded and said, "Yes." "Okay, then we continue to set off. We must get rid of the other party's pursuit as soon as possible. You go first, and I will stop behind." Luo Song said.  As soon as the captain of the special troop stretched out his hand, the two leading soldiers opened the way in front, and everyone followed in turn. Luo Song walked at the back of the team, thirty meters away from everyone.  After Luo Song watched everyone walk away, he took out the storage ring.  After taking out a pack of chili noodles and a pack of pepper noodles, and mixing the two packs of seasonings together, Luo Song controlled them with his spiritual consciousness and sprinkled the seasonings as he walked.  As Luo Song walked away, he sighed, "Hey, for everyone, I have to sacrifice my seasonings." These two packets of seasonings were prepared by Luo Song for himself.  I usually put it in a storage ring and take it out for cooking when it is useful, but I didn't expect it.  It's actually used here.  Although werewolves are not dogs, they still react to irritating items.  Therefore, Luo Songcai used these two packets of seasonings to cover up the whereabouts of his group.  After advancing a few hundred meters.  Although Luo Song used his spiritual consciousness to control the two packages of seasonings, they were all used up, so.  Luo Song quickened his pace and caught up with the large army.  It is precisely because of Luo Song's method that he successfully delayed the opponent's pursuit.  A large number of werewolves, following the scent of Luo Song and others, came to the mountains and forests, but they lost the direction of their pursuit.  These werewolves are just Ohzhou's experimental products, not real finished products. Therefore, although the werewolves have a certain degree of thinking ability, it is very low. Most of the werewolves will only obey orders. This is why among the pursuing troops,  The reason is that someone is always directing.  Having lost the tracked target, the pursuing personnel can only report this situation to their commander.  The commander stood in the office in the base, holding a large pipe in his mouth, while staring at the map on the wall in detail.  After a while, the commander said, "Record my order, call the helicopter brigade for help, and ask them to continuously scout the mountains and forests. At the same time, ask them to send three transport helicopters to our base on standby. Once the opponent is discovered, we will definitely  We must eliminate them at all costs." An adjutant left the office after recording the commander's order.  The commander stared at the mark on the map, and then said silently, "Who is it that leaked the situation of our base?" The werewolf base was moved here only in recent years. With the breakthrough of a technology,  Oh State has made major improvements to the werewolf genes. They inject people with an improved injection. The injected people will be greatly improved in strength in a short period of time, but the only flaw is that these injected injections  A person will also lose his wisdom as his strength increases and become a walking zombie.  It¡¯s also true??So, Oh State is catching some foreigners everywhere for experiments.  That¡¯s why the base was built in such a remote place.  The establishment of this base is very high. In addition to the protection of two special forces brigades, it is also equipped with a helicopter brigade and a special anti-terrorism brigade nearby.  This time the base information was leaked. At the beginning, the commander regarded it as a drill to carry out the pursuit mission. However, as the losses continued to increase, the commander also realized the seriousness of the problem and began to  Report to his leadership.  When his leader received the news, he almost had a heart attack, because once this base was exposed, they would face condemnation from all over the world. It was precisely for this reason that this leader gave direct leadership to the commander.  At the same time as the helicopter brigade and the anti-terrorist brigade issued orders, they also began to prepare to move the base.  But unfortunately, the commander did not realize the seriousness of the problem, so he did not rush to mobilize the anti-terrorism brigade to join the pursuit.  (To be continued)
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