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Volume 2: The Beginning of the Divine Skill Chapter 151: Transferring

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    Chapter 151 Transfer On the same day, Luo Song rushed to the headquarters of the Leopard Group. At the same time, Director Yuan, director of the political department of the branch, came to the Public Security Brigade and announced Luo Song¡¯s appointment to the household registration office.  , and announced that Luo Song would recuperate for a period of time due to physical problems.  .  As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the security brigade. Many police officers said that it was unfair for the branch to treat Luo Song like this. There were even a large number of police officers who collectively wrote petitions and wanted to send them to their superiors.  department situation.  Fortunately, these things were discovered by the political commissar Cao Feng and stopped while doing work. Captain Li Cheng directly sat in the third team and held meetings to do work for everyone. I hope everyone can understand the superior's handling of Luo Song.  That afternoon, Luo Xiaoyong received a call from Yu Yerong, so the excited Luo Xiaoyong held a party to celebrate, let¡¯s not talk about it for now.  Luo Song drove the car, came to the headquarters of the Leopard Group, and went straight to Director Tian Fu's office.  After opening the door, Luo Song asked, "Grandpa Tian, ??I'm here. What's the mission this time?" Tian Fu frowned and said to Luo Song, "Xiao Luo, this mission is extraordinary. You must  Let's leave immediately. We have already contacted a plane that will be sent directly to the area to rescue our intelligence personnel." Luo Song laughed, and then said, "Don't worry, as long as I go, everything will be fine." Tian.  Fu looked at Luo Song, and then said, "Ronald, I know your situation very well, but what I want to tell you is that the opponents you encounter this time are not enemies in the traditional sense, and these people may not be able to  Calling people, because they are werewolves? "Werewolves? How could this be?"  "Well, this time, our intelligence personnel accidentally discovered an experimental base in Ohzhou. This base is very secretive, and our personnel also learned the secret of this base accidentally. They are studying the werewolf system.  After learning this secret, the intelligence personnel contacted their leaders. However, our intelligence personnel had also been discovered by the other party. During the evacuation, they encountered the other party and suffered heavy losses in our personnel. Just now, at the 14th location.  The third batch of support personnel has been dispatched to support the area. "Ah, is it so serious?" Luo Song asked.  "Well, these situations were also learned intermittently during constant phone calls. Therefore, the Fourteenth Division made a request for support, and among all the official members of the Leopard Group, only you are on standby, so we can only arrange it first  You go, and we will continue to arrange backup for you," Tian Fu said.  "Please rest assured, leader, I am confident to complete this escort mission." Luo Song stood up and saluted.  While saying.  Tian Fu waved his hand to Luo Song, and then said, "Luo Song, your opponent this time is not a human, but a werewolf. And it is an improved werewolf. According to the information obtained so far, the combat effectiveness of these werewolves far exceeds that of special forces, and even  The vitality and combat effectiveness of a werewolf are far more than ten times that of a special force. Moreover, you have to evacuate with intelligence personnel to a location three hundred kilometers away. We have arranged helicopters to support you.  "Look." Tian Fu took Luo Song and walked to the big map. After swiping it, Tian Fu pressed the button on the side and a more refined map appeared. Then, Tian Fu pointed out the current intelligence personnel.  The location where Luo Song is located, and the location where Luo Song wants to take the intelligence personnel to evacuate.  Luo Song quickly released his consciousness and imprinted the entire map into his mind, and then began to watch it carefully.  At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Secretary Zhao walked into the office.  "Report to the director, special ammunition for Comrade Luo Song has been prepared." Luo Song also turned his head at this time, and then asked, "Special ammunition?" Tian Fu sighed, and then said, "A werewolf in the traditional sense is  You are afraid of silver items, so I asked someone to prepare some bullets made of silver for you. Okay, Luo Song, you and Secretary Zhao can pick up the weapons and ammunition, and then I will take you to the airport. You have to rush there as soon as possible.  The situation around us is not good, so we need your support." Luo Song gave another military salute, and then said, "Please rest assured, leader, Luo Song promises to complete the mission." Tian Fu also saluted Luo Song slowly this time, and then said.  "I'm waiting to come back to you and ask you for credit." Luo Song smiled, and then followed Secretary Zhao out of the director's office.  Secretary Zhao took Luo Song to the military supplies department. Along the way, Secretary Zhao was also telling Luo Song some of the circumstances of the mission.  When we arrived at the munitions department, things had already been prepared for Luo Song.  Luo Song looked at it. The two pistols were both newly developed special pistols.This kind of firearm can be fired continuously or single-shot. The magazines are all special, and all of them have 100-round magazines.  A submachine gun with 500 rounds of ammunition, all of which are silver bullets.  Ten incendiary grenades and several other supplies.  Secretary Zhao looked at Luo Song worriedly, and then said, "If I weren't afraid that you wouldn't be able to take it, I would really want you to take the ammunition depot with you. The things in front of you already exceed the normal weight. Let's go, the time is very short."  "Tight." The group of people loaded the supplies into a car parked nearby and then started the vehicle.  When the car arrived at the military airport, Secretary Zhao said to Luo Song, "This is a special situation, Luo Song, we can only send you here. After you get on the plane, they will take you to the designated location, and then you must airborne.  , that is to say, you have to parachute to get there." Luo Song was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's no problem." Secretary Zhao watched others put Luo Song's equipment on the plane.  , and then said, "Your equipment will be airdropped separately. You must find your equipment after landing before you can continue the mission." Luo Song nodded. Although he has a storage ring, this thing cannot be exposed.  And with so much material, you cannot carry it with you, otherwise the parachute will not be able to bear the full weight.  After saying goodbye to Secretary Zhao, Luo Song boarded the military plane. As soon as the plane door was closed, it started and the plane soared into the sky.  Secretary Zhao, who was standing on the ground, looked at the direction in which Luo Song disappeared, and then said silently, "Luo Song, you must come back alive." On the plane, Luo Song quietly closed his eyes, and then silently thought about what he had just received from Secretary Zhao.  information.  Within twenty-four hours of receiving the distress call from intelligence personnel, we had dispatched a special tactics team and three waves of official members of the 14th Division.  According to the information obtained so far, these people have suffered heavy losses, and the opponent's combat effectiveness far exceeds expectations. It is precisely because of this that Director Sun of the Fourteenth Division had to request the support of the Leopard Group.  Being able to make all the Directors of the Fourteenth Division ask for support, Luo Song realized how difficult this battle was.  After flying for several hours, Luo Song opened his eyes, and Luo Song reached out and opened the equipment box in front of him.  Another crew member on the plane said, "Report to the leader, these things have been packed and can be airdropped with you at any time." Luo Song looked at the crew member, and then said, "No, thank you, I  You will airdrop with these equipment by yourself. " "What, that won't work. The total weight of these things exceeds the load-bearing capacity of the parachute you are carrying. If you airdrop with these equipment, you will fall to death.  ." The crew member explained immediately.  "It's okay, don't worry, I know Qinggong. Even if I bring all these things, there won't be any problems. Just like that, if something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it myself." Luo Song said as he kept loading the supplies.  in your own backpack.  The crew member immediately said, "Leader, I cannot allow you to behave like this. You are committing suicide." Luo Song said with a smile, "Do you think I am such a stupid person?" The crew member continued to talk, Luo Song  Luo Song said, "Okay, I understand." Then, Luo Song knocked the crew member unconscious with a palm of his hand.  Luo Song threw all the supplies into the storage ring, and only brought a submachine gun and two pistols with him. This was done to make people think that Luo Song had all the supplies with him.  Looking at the time, Luo Song was about to arrive at the designated location, and Luo Song was ready to skydive. ?? Didi~~The red light lights up and the plane arrives at the designated location.  With a crash, the cabin door opened, and Luo Song jumped out of the cabin.  The plane hovered above it for a while, perhaps realizing that the second parachute bag had not been lowered, so the crew went to the back to check.  After discovering the knocked unconscious crew member, the crew member quickly revived the person who had been knocked unconscious by Luo Song.  Then I learned that Luo Song jumped directly with all the equipment.  The crew on the plane was shocked and quickly contacted the base. The personnel at the base were also shocked after hearing the report.  Because everyone knew that such behavior was tantamount to suicide, the crew was instructed to pay attention to Luo Song's parachute.  Strangely, after the crew on the plane opened the observation mirror, they found that nothing unusual happened to Luo Song's parachute, and that it was less than 200 meters from the ground at this time. Under normal circumstances, nothing would happen.  problematic.  After the base learned about this situation, all the members in the base breathed a sigh of relief. A major general said angrily, "What is this? Illegal operation, actuallyIt's a freak that he can still land normally.  "So, the major general ordered the plane to return. Just when the plane received this order, the crew on the plane also discovered from the observation mirror that Luo Song, who had landed on the ground, used a flashlight to issue a "safety signal" to the aircraft in the air.  " signal. The crew quickly reported the situation to the base, and the plane quickly returned. After receiving the situation, the major general in the base also picked up the red confidential phone on the table and dialed  After receiving the information that Luo Song had landed safely, Tian Fu was about to hang up the phone, but the major general at the base reported Luo Song's violation. Tian Fu was helpless after hearing Luo Song's behavior.  He smiled and said in his heart, "This kid is really fooling around.  "(To be continued)
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